Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1016: Not Zhoushan, Yangdingtian is successful!

Just in Yangdingtian, go to the endless sea of ​​the grassland with the innocent, and then enter the tearing space from there.

Suddenly, Yang Dingtian remembered, and innocent people could not observe all of this because she could not enter the tearing space.

The space door made by Yang Dingtian cannot pass through a creature that is bigger than its own energy, and its energy level is limited.

The innocent repair is far more powerful than Yangdingtian.

So, Yang Dingtian said this thing.

Suddenly, the face of innocent beauty has become extremely frustrating and disappointing!

For her, it is a moment to witness the miracle, but she can't come in person. It is really regrettable.

Suddenly, she had a strong impulse to let her cultivation fall to the same size as Yangdingtian.

Unfortunately, this is really impossible, otherwise it is innocent to see this wonderful scene, it will really do that.

"Oh..." Nothing sighed and said: "If this is the case, then I will not have to follow you. I am still guarding the door of the human kingdom."

Then she said: "Or else, you will record the whole process with the shadow jade and bring it back for me to see, okay?"

"I'm sorry." Yangding Tiandao.

"Why didn't you repair me more than me?"

"I think so." Yangding Tiandao.

Thus, Yangdingtian and Wuyi once again returned to the door of the human kingdom.

The mermaid queen even ridiculed: "Why don't you go?"

Yang Dingtian explained it again.

At this time, Queen of Poison said: "Since the door of the human kingdom is still guarded by the innocent lord, and the small sky has to go through the snake empire, then I will go to the snake empire together."

Let the Queen of Poisons alone in the Snake Empire, Yang Dingtian is still not assured, suddenly he looked at the mermaid queen.

The Queen of Mermaid said: "Okay. Ok, I owe you, I am with her, can you?"

Then, the mermaid queen is heading towards the poisonous Shadao: "Can you kill in the Snake Empire?"

"Yes. As long as it is an enemy, all can kill." Queen of Poison said: "Of course, it is more important to save people."

This sentence, suddenly let Yang Tiantian a burst of embarrassment.

The Queen of Poison is usually too simple and kind, and she is a charming little woman in front of Yangdingtian. Therefore, instinctively, Yangdingtian is not worried about her going to the Snake Empire.

However, he forgot. The suffering of the Snake Empire did not begin with the Queen of the Sea, but began with the Queen of Poison.

Poison was in the establishment of the Snake Empire. That powerful defense line is built on countless sacred bones of countless people.

She is gentle and charming in front of herself, but don't forget, she is also the murderous Queen of the Snake Empire.


Thus, innocent, demon, and Buruyi remain in the taboo of the mainland. Protect the door of the human kingdom and prevent the Xiaoxitian demon fox from entering.

And Yangdingtian. Poison Sha, and the Queen of Mermaid, travel east to the grasslands, the Snake Empire!

In less than a day, three people flew over the snake empire!

The terrible line of defense of the entire Snake Empire has been built almost.

A huge wall that is hundreds of meters high. Surround the entire Snake Empire. On this line of defense, there are more than tens of millions of semi-human army.

This should be the biggest line of defense in history. At least the human kingdom of Yangdingtian has not built such an amazing line of defense.

Originally in the heart of Queen of Poison, Queen of the Sea Heart. This line of defense should be indestructible.

Especially the Queen of the Sea, I hope that this line of defense will become the capital of the world.

But now in the face of the empire of the Dark Empire, such a line of defense is really like a child's building block castle. The dark dragons of the Destroyed Legion, the dark dragons, can easily break through and destroy!

In the face of the Dark Empire, even the human kingdom was in jeopardy. The so-called war of extinction became unimportant, not to mention the snake empire.

There is only one goal for the devil to ask the heavens, to rule all the planes and defeat the **** of chaos!

I flew over the snake empire, Kyoto, and saw this huge pyramid.

Yangding Tiandao: "Sasha, I will accompany you to go down and help you save the demon, and purple them."

Queen Poison Shakes her head: "No need, just relying on my cultivation is enough, let alone a holy powerhouse around me."

Yangding Tiandao: "I still go together, more assured."

The Queen of Poisons looked at Yangding for a while, then bit her lip and whispered: "Small day, I don't want you to go."

Yangdingtian couldn’t help but say, “Why, why?”

The Queen of Poison has hesitated for a long time and said: "I don't want my sinister side to be seen by you."

It turns out that it is!

This, this is really...

"That, then okay!" Yangding Tiandao: "Then you be careful, I will go to the endless sea east of the Valley."

The Queen of Poisons nodded hard and then floated in the same place to wait for Yangdingtian to leave.

Yangding Tiandun flew to the east and soon disappeared into the vision of the Queen of Poison.

The original Queen of Poison and the Queen of Mermaid looked at each other and saw the cruel flames in their eyes.

"You are so pretentious in front of her, is it interesting?" The Queen of Mermaid said: "You are a sultry person, why do you want to hit a charming little woman?"

Queen of Poison said: "I didn't install it? I was like this!"

After all, she whistling and flew toward the pyramid of the snake man, Jingjing, and turned into a streamer.

Then, the mermaid queen also flew down!

Obviously, the Kyoto of the Snake Empire may face a disaster!


Yangdingtian continues to fly east, fly, fly...

After a few hours, I immediately came to the holy valley in the east of the grassland.

Within the original Sacred Valley, there are hundreds of thousands of people in the Rebels. Today's Sacred Valley has long been full of sorrow, and all the houses, farmland, and woods inside have been destroyed by the Snake Empire.

Even the entire valley. They are all three feet in the ground.

With a slight sigh, Yangdingtian continued to fly forward and entered the endless sea.

This endless sea is still so illusory beauty.

It looks completely boundless, more than 100,000 miles. Who knows that the real area is only less than half a mile. All that's left is to repeat the overlap constantly.

Yangdingtian flew a few hundred meters away, then dive to the seawater for a few hundred meters.

The depth of this seawater is also fake, completely infinite overlap! In fact, where Yangdingtian is located is already the absolute edge of the world.

In the water, Yangdingtian creates a dark vortex with dark black fire, creating a black hole and isolating a space.

Then in the isolated space, use the special frequency of the black fire. Special energy properties and energy levels, hitting with extreme speed!

Suddenly, the isolation space was violently torn, and a beautiful space door was born inside.

Yangdingtian jumped directly into the space door.

With a slight cool, he once again entered the familiar tearing space!


Yang Dingtian discovered the scene that entered at this time. It has not been the same as the scene that entered a few months ago, and the megalith that the Yangdingtian entered when it entered. Already gone.

This proves even more of Yang Dingtian's point of view, tearing space, and constantly spinning.

This is still so desolate!

The tens of thousands of miles of tearing space, floating boulders everywhere, are always moving.

In addition to the boulder. Nothing else!

Tens of thousands of miles in the vertical and horizontal, tens of thousands of miles up and down, this is a three-dimensional space.

Yang Dingtian is in his mind, and he carries out incomparable calculations again.

Then, fly to the south.

The entry point of Yangdingtian. In fact, it is the end of the tearing space in the west, and the east is one of the borders of the grassland.

But the tearing space is a shape similar to a sphere, so it is difficult to describe in the direction.

Yangdingtian constantly flies toward the south, and then calculates the distance between Xiaoxitian and the east from the grassland.

Of course, in fact, Yang Dingtian does not know that this is not a big deal! Although the entrance of Xiaoxitian is in the taboo hall of the mainland, it does not mean that the location of Xiaoxitian is there.

Of course, in a strict sense, the position of the head hall may also be the location of Xiaoxitian! After all, the entrance to this plane is in the head hall!

The distance from the endless sea of ​​the grassland to the head hall of the skull should be around 38,000 miles.

Yangdingtian whizzed and flew, and there were countless floating boulders along the way.

After a few hours, the Yangding genius flew over 38,000 miles and reached the position calculated in the brain!

Here, it is indeed the edge of the tearing space.

Yangdingtian flies forward again, there is no floating boulders, only a void!

However, it seems completely unremarkable here, not like the connection of two planes!

Yang Dingtian tried to create a space door and then slammed through. ,

However, it is still in the tearing space.

This proves that there is no border with another plane!

"Don't you think wrong?" Yang Dingtian closed his eyes and thought for a while.

Soon, he wanted to understand that his guess was not necessarily wrong. The reason why the border is not here is because the reference object is the head hall.

The gate of Xiaoxitian in the head hall is the entrance to the small western world. However, it does not mean that Zhoushan will be here.

Yes, in the constant rotation of Xiaoxitian, the Zhoushan may be on a vertical line with the door of Xiaoxitian, but not on a horizontal line, one at a height and one at a low place.

Moreover, if Yang Dingtian's guess is correct, if the Zhoushan connection tears space and Xiaoxitian, then the energy fluctuations will be very intense.

Of course, this guess of Yangdingtian is correct.

The tearing space also has a place bordering the Dark Empire, where the energy fluctuations are extremely fierce.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian released countless billions of spirits and blasphemy.

Then, at the end of this place, he continued to fly thousands of miles up and down.

Fly a few thousand miles to the left, and then to the right, flying thousands of miles, facing the west and facing the east.

Always flying, always looking for!

After flying for a dozen or so hours, I didn’t know how to fly tens of thousands of miles before and after.

However, countless grievances do not have the slightest fluctuation!

Yangding innocence is beginning to doubt Is your guess wrong?

No, Yang Dingtian feels that his theory is not wrong. In particular, the theory that the tearing space is constantly rotating has been confirmed.

However, the doubts of Yangdingtian did not last long!

Because, in the first few hundred miles, he saw a twist of light!

He immediately ran at full speed and flew toward the twisted light of this group!


Soon, it’s where the light shines!

Yes, Yang Dingtian’s theory is correct.

Because this group of distorted light and shadow, violently shot a huge energy channel, directly rushed out of the tearing space, connecting somewhere outside!

This distorted light and shadow is actually the starting point of the energy channel.

Yang Dingtian roughly estimated that this energy channel is about a cylinder with a diameter of more than four hundred miles!

This energy channel is connected to Xiaoxitian!

Therefore, according to the theory, it is possible to directly enter this small energy channel along the energy channel and enter the mountain.

However, Yangdingtian will not do that, and everyone will not do that.

The energy of this channel is extremely incomparably huge, and any life enters, and I am afraid of breaking the bones in an instant.

Yangdingtian chooses the edge closest to the energy channel and then releases a space door here.

Make a jump!


Suddenly, the body showed a mysterious reaction.

It’s bright!

Around, it is a void, and in the distance, it is a huge snow mountain!

Yang Dingtian succeeded, not Zhoushan was there, Xiaoxitian’s Grand Priest Association was there. (To be continued...)

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