Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1018: The innocent mother, the first beauty!

The snow and ice condensed figure walked very fast in the front, and Yangdingtian also followed quickly. △ dome top novel,

He kept going down, going down, going down...

Full, walked tens of thousands of meters!

Came to the center of the mountain!

A completely unremarkable place, a gust of wind blew.

Suddenly the thick ice and snow continued to blow open, and a few hundred meters thick snow was opened, and finally a dark stone door was revealed.

"Guests push the door in, it is." The figure of the ice and snow condensed, and then the body waved away and turned into ice and snow.

Yang Dingtian looked at the stone door in front of him. He passed many and many doors.

There is a black hole in the third dark field, a door to the space of the head hall, and a dark door to the mermaid empire.

In short, these doors are more mysterious and mysterious.

In front of you, it is another door! This door belongs to the most powerful and powerful force of Xiaoxitian!

Therefore, this door should be very mysterious, so how should we get in?

Is it using mysteriousness or wisdom?

After thinking about it for a while, Yangdingtian did not come up with any plan. I couldn’t help but feel it, and pushed it a little.


The door will open!

This is a very very ordinary stone door, without any mystery!

It’s just a little heavy, about a hundred thousand pounds.

Pushing open the door, Yangdingtian went in.

Inside, it looked very dim, and Yangdingtian had a heart to illuminate with a mysterious fire, but was afraid of impoliteness, so he went in and went in.


Inside is a dark stone cave.

Yangdingtian is constantly deepening, deepening and deepening. Going deep into tens of thousands of meters!

Finally, the cave passage was over and arrived at a relatively large cave hall!

There is only a very, very weak fire that brings a little light to the entire cave hall.

The entire cave hall is about a few hundred square meters. There are the simplest stone stools on it, and nothing is left.

Moreover, there is not even one person inside.

Yangding Tianzhu walked the ceremony: "The kid sees the sages!"

Soon after, there was finally a footstep, and then a figure came out with a candlelight.

Under the dim candlelight, I vaguely see the outline of this person's body, just the figure of ice and snow!

“Why are the guests coming? Is it necessary to consult the information, or to visit a priest. Or is there any other purpose?” said the figure.

At this point, she really talked, and Yangding genius noticed that this was a woman.

It may have been lonely for a long time, and she also forgot her gender, so the voice of the opening is also somewhat neutral.

Moreover, she was covered in a gray loose robes, and she could barely see the curve of her body.

Looking at the sight, Yang Dingtian is incredible: "Here is the Association of Great Sacrifices of Xiaoxitian?"

The woman nodded: "Yes."

Then she stopped talking. Instead, I waited quietly for Yang Dingtian to say his intentions.

Yangdingtian is really shocking!

The Xiaoxitian priest association, in its simple position, may be higher than the Silver Palace.

It is said that no matter what Qionglou Yuyu, the world of wonderland should be.

In fact, it is so bitter. There are only a few stone cushions.

This should be the most rudimentary place that Yangdingtian has ever seen. Suddenly, he couldn’t help but feel awe.

After thinking for a while, Yangdingtian decided to tell the truth: "I need a demon nucleus of the Naga kings. I heard that it is in the Great Sacrifice Association of Xiaoxitian!"

After that, Yang Dingtian could not help but regret that he had some Menglang. Just say it directly. In case the other party colluded with the Xiaoxitian Parliament, Yangdingtian did not know how to die.

But Yang Dingtian is a very emotional person, instinctively willing to believe in others, and willing to believe in good things.

After Yang Dingtian opened his mouth, he could not help but hold his breath and wait for the other party's response.

"Yes, there is a demon nucleus of the Naga kings in our hands." The other party did not hang their appetite, directly recognized the local, and then said: "But, sorry, we don't borrow this thing!"

In this way, the Grand Priest Association refused directly.

All of a sudden, Yangdingtian was a little overwhelmed and didn't know how to continue.

In the face of such a painful association of high priests, opening up threatening this kind of thing, Yangdingtian is impossible to do.

Suddenly, Yang Dingtian deeply worshipped: "This elder, the demon nucleus of the Naga royal family, is very important to me for the entire human kingdom. Can you raise your hand?"

The woman said: "This gentleman, in fact, our association does not accept guests at all, has completely closed the passage of Xiaoxitian into the mountains. But you actually came from the opposite, so it is fate! So if you have Any question you want to ask for, or what books you want to borrow, we are willing. Even if you want to visit which master, as long as he is not meditating, you can! But you want to take things, please forgive us! ”

Yangding Tiandao: "I know that this demon nuclear is very precious, and my request is really rude!"

The woman said: "Mr. Human, in fact, this is not related to preciousness. Our association has decided not to interfere or participate in anything in the outside world. And what flows out of us is bound to have an impact on the outside world. , set the rules, nothing is outside!"

Yangding Tianbitu said: "Is there any way?"

The woman silenced for a moment: "Unless, everyone from the Great Priest Association came to vote, more than 80% agreed, you can change this rule decision! But sir, our last vote has been a matter of hundreds of years ago. Moreover, most of our members are meditating. You are also a wise man, being disturbed and meditating, is a very, very serious thing!"

Time, Yangding innocence is completely useless!

If the other party's attitude is arrogant and harsh, then Yangdingtian is somewhat forced. Now the other side is so clear-hearted and the attitude is so kind. Yangding does not know what to do.

Therefore, the whole scene suddenly cooled down.

Yang Dingtian did not know how to continue the request, and the other party did not mean to speak.

Is it a white glimpse, still looking for the traces of Naga Frost!

Yang Dingtian finally said in a difficult way: "This elder, if I say this demon nuclear. It involves the survival of the human kingdom, can you impress the elders."

The woman was silent for a long time and said: "This gentleman, I really want to say that I want pity. But in fact, we don't eat or drink, we don't talk, we are meditating all the time. So, whether it is pity or Love is a luxury for us. I am very sorry..."

Yangding Tiandao: "If. The whole small West Heaven may also be involved in this huge destruction! The current president of Xiaoxitian, has been condemned by the evil king of the human kingdom, which can touch you." Anyone?"

The woman was silent for a long time, then she said: "Sir, in fact, we have interfered with some things in the past, but the results have become worse. Perhaps, what we want to do. More than interfering with the outside world. Important, more full of meaning! So... very, very sorry!"

Yangdingtian’s words. Already said the limit! All of them have already touched on the survival of Xiaoxitian, the heart of the other side, or the ancient well.

Yangding innocence is completely unpredictable.

Use martial arts? Don't be kidding, here is the place where the world's holy powers are the most!

It can be said that if it is a thing without the Lord, it is entirely by force. That Yang Dingtian will not be polite.

And if these things are in the enemy, Yangdingtian will not be polite.

But now, this is something that has the Lord. Moreover, the owner of this thing. It is a group of people who are very pure, bitter, and noble.

The other party is not willing to lend, then... What else can Yang Dingtian have?

Whether it is forcing or seeking, it seems very disgraceful!

Moreover, even if you get the Naga kings, you may not be able to change the situation. There is still no connection with the soul of the Naga royal family, just a little more possibilities.

So, maybe, really only looking for a road to Naga Frost?

Yang Ding Tian is bitter, but still deeply worships, said: "Thank you for the reception of the elderly!"

The woman nodded: "I am very sorry, I can't let you do it! Do you have a way to go back? Need me to send you back to the human kingdom through Xiao Xitian?"

"Thank you for the elders, I have a way to go back." Yangding Tianzhu was in his body, then turned and walked out!

Yang Dingtian came to this world, among the most precious qualities, persistence and will, is one of them.

It’s always his creed to insist that Qingshan does not relax. No matter what he does, he will stick to it!

But that was when he was justified. But when he loses, it is very difficult to hold this will to the end.

Just like in the real world, you can work hard to tide over the difficulties, and you can borrow money to tide over the difficulties. However, once the borrowed money is rejected, it is difficult to stare at one person to stick to the end, not to borrow it!

In this way, Yangdingtian bid farewell to the woman and then went out.

In the whole process, the other party did not ask him how he came from tearing the space. This kind of unrequited mentality is really at its peak.

And the woman, standing still, looked at Yangdingtian to leave.

In this way, a little bit frustrated, Yang Dingtian left the Great Priest Association, once again came to the huge stone gate at the entrance, pushed it out slightly, and went out.

A cold wind came in outside, so that Yang Dingtian remembered that one thing had not been completed.

So he quickly hurried back.

When he entered the cave hall again, the woman was about to leave with a candle. When she saw Yang Dingtian returning, she was not angry. She just asked: "Sir, is there anything else?"

"I just lost my soul and I have forgotten to ask a question." Yangding Tiandao: "A friend asked me to ask, is Naru really dead?"

As soon as this was said, the woman’s body, which had been waveless in the old well, trembled fiercely.

Naru! Innocent mother, once the female speaker of Xiaoxitian, the first beauty of Xiaoxitian!

She succeeded in tempting a non-language, and gave birth to a mixed-race offspring of the non-language and the demon fox, that is, innocent.

Because the language is broken, I feel that I have fallen, so I committed suicide!

Soon after, the female speaker also died, leaving an innocent person.

When Naru died, the age of innocence was not great. But she has always expressed doubts about her mother's death. Because the life of the demon fox is very long, and her mother is not like someone who will commit suicide. Moreover, the combination of non-language and the rest of the descendants will not lead to the death of the demon foxes?

Therefore, innocent people have been deeply suspicious of this!

But before that, she has been reluctant to ask. A few years ago, when the people of the Great Priest Association went to the capital to ask for the Naga kings, they did not ask the people of the Great Priest Association.

Nowadays, innocent has become a complete woman, and the mentality has changed a little. Therefore, when Yangdingtian left the taboo of the mainland, he entrusted Yangdingtian to enter the Great Sacrifice Association and asked for help.

After a long time, the woman opened her mouth and her voice changed a little. She asked, "Yes, who asked you?"

Yangding Tiandao: "One of my friends, the innocent of Xiaoxitian, now the owner of the Netherland!"

Suddenly, the woman’s breathing on the opposite side became a little quicker and she fell silent again.

After a long time, she said: "Innocent, how is she now?"

When this words came out, Yang Dingtian immediately understood! This woman is the first beauty in the legend of Xiao Xitian, an innocent mother!

She did not die, but entered the Great Priest Association!

Even Yang Dingtian can immediately figure out the causal relationship inside.

First of all, she must have really fallen in love with the non-language. Otherwise, she will not be tempted by the speaker.

However, after the suicide of the non-language, she was incomparably painful, and she certainly felt that she was guilty of sin and lured a fallen noble language.

This non-speaking family, formerly a member of the Great Priest Association his life's ideals, almost exclusively dedicated to wisdom.

Now he is dead! Then this kind of dedication was interrupted, so she felt that it was necessary to inherit the career of her lover and to make up for her sin.

So, after her daughter's innocence was a little bigger, she chose to die, and then entered the Great Priest Association, and lived this life of no desire, no hardship!

However, her eyes were covered with gray muslin robes on her face and body. Not only did she not see her face, but her body curves were completely obscured. I could not see that this was the first beauty of Xiao Xitian!

Suddenly, Yangdingtian deeply worshipped: "Yangdingtian, see Naru predecessors!"

"Naru, the great priest association, meets Mr. Yang Dingtian!" The woman opened her cloak.

Exposed a beautiful face, and a smooth jade head!

She managed to get all the hair! (To be continued.)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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