Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1021: Fairy fight! 1 定乾!

Looking at the fox, this is not a traditional beauty, but the impact of the face, Yang Dingtian's heart really has to be confused. ~Vertex novel,

Crazy, this is a group of academic lunatics.

"Mr. Yang Dingtian, please do something to me, even the most basic touch, so let us know if you can make the demon fox estrus." Yaohu said: "Even the lowest level of touch can."

Yangdingtian took a deep breath and gently held the hand of the fox.

This hand looks like jade, and it feels more like jade.

Of course, Yangdingtian does not only mean her smoothness, but also her coldness.

The demon fox closed his eyes, slightly gripped a little, and then felt the energy of the past.

It’s really hard for her. For academic research, I have to take the initiative to let go of myself. Like this group of high priest associations, Yangdingtian suspects that they have long since disappeared.

Yang Dingtian clearly felt that the temperature in the hands of the fox gradually increased, and then her white skin began to gradually penetrate into the blush.

Even her breathing has become urgent.

Open your eyes, the demon fox loosened the hand of Yang Dingtian, and then said to the great priests: "He really can, not only is it, but it is hard to refuse. I am just my hand, go Feeling his breath, the heart is like a surge of tide, can not be suppressed!"

When the words came out, the look of everyone in the room suddenly became excited.

"Oh, the great cloth breeder, you finally appeared, you may create a new race." A demon fox priest, very excited.

Yang Dingtian is completely speechless. How does it sound so fluent? There are similar words on earth, give me a woman, I can create a nation.

Another great priest said: "This gentleman. You may become the luckiest person in the world, the most jealous person. You can enjoy all the glory and wealth in the world without doing anything. You can enjoy all the beauty of the whole small West. In Xiaoxitian, you can get everything you can't get in the human kingdom."

Then, the Grand Priest Association began to quarrel with each other.

One said that Xiao Xitian gave birth to a descendant of demigod. It is not guilty to report the Great Priest Association.

One said, it is necessary to forcibly bring the two children to the mountains and let the great priest association raise the children themselves.

Another said that it is necessary to divide Yangdingtian into a section and build the most luxurious manor, and then plan to select the demon fox woman and send it to Yangdingtian to create a demigod.

Then, he began to quarrel again to have a few births a year. And if you want to live now.

Wait a minute, etc., at the beginning, in a friendly atmosphere, and then completely messed up into a pot of porridge.

The great priests began to debate each other and convinced each other. They began to engage in verbal attacks and began to dig each other's black history. At this time, the great priests seemed to be less forgotten, even if the other party made a small mistake thousands of years ago. . It has also been magnified a hundred times and turned over and over. It seems as if you have made unforgivable mistakes.

In the end, if you can't fight, you just start to pick up your sleeves and start playing.

In short, at the end of the day, the entire hall has been raging into a ball, and the high priests each fought their fists. What are the tricks, licking hair, licking, etc.

If Yangdingtian is not mistaken, the Great Priest Association has the largest number of holy powers in the world. Half of them seem to have no cultivation, and they have devoted themselves to academic research throughout their lives.

However, the zen scorpion in front of the eyes did not see it. Which one is a holy power, and which one is unrecognizable.

Because all the ways of fighting are very low-level, and there is no difference between playing with children.

Even a sacred power is being slammed on the ground by someone who is completely unrecognized.

Only three people present did not join the group, one seems to be Naru, one is Yangdingtian, and the other is the demon fox.

Even another female priest has joined the group. Her hood was also opened, and a face that was so beautiful that the sun was so amazing.

But on the level of beauty, this female priest is not even as good as Ji Ya, completely arrogant.

Even at the moment when the face was exposed, Yangdingtian’s eyes were stabbed.

Her beauty may not be as mysterious as Nalu, but it is absolutely more direct.

It is the most direct and beautiful, letting people take pictures, and the eyes of the hedgehog are gorgeous.

Of course, compared to her beauty, and her pungency and powerful!

Of course, the degree of her fight is definitely the strongest.

The pointed nails were scratched, and the opponents were completely screaming and screaming, and all the faces were bloody.

Moreover, other high priest because she is a woman, so her body can not find place to start beat, can only Jiu Jiu hair.

But this female priest can have no bottom line, what is the squatting leg, what is the broken grandson's claw, and there is no jealousy at all.

In a twinkling of an eye, this gorgeous female priest, who hit the invincible in the hall, left the defeated man on the ground, lying on the ground and bursting into pain.

Within a quarter of an hour, after she won an overwhelming victory, she announced aloud: "I have the final say about this matter, and I must not let the descendants of the demigods fall into the hands of the Xiaoxitian Parliament. They still cannot grasp this powerful force. ”

The other great priests glared at the face of the captured flower and said: "On this point, everyone agrees that there is no good fight with you. We are totally arguing about another topic."

"Also, regarding the lord Yang Dingtian, I feel that I can't use the glory and wealth to corrupt him and seduce him." The female priest said: "Although he is a cloth breeder, we cannot treat him like a breeding horse. I It is recommended that he be in the High Priest Association, accept our education, and become a noble and powerful person. Only such a person, the half-god descendants who gave birth to it, is outstanding!"

“Is it necessary?” Suddenly, a great priest whispered: “A cloth breeder!”

The female priest was beautiful, and the male priest immediately grabbed his lower body and stepped back three steps, not dare to make it.

"We don't have any power to corrupt a person. Whoever wants to raise a horse like a horse, I will kill him alive." This gorgeous priest is smashing the railroad.

then. This female priest actually suppressed the opinions of the entire Great Priest Association.

Everyone, if they are chilling, nod their heads.

Yangding is really horrified. In the Great Priest Association, is democracy also ineffective? Still whose fist is big. Who will have the final say?

Therefore, Yang Dingtian asked Nalu to ask: "Naluo predecessors, the Great Priest Association, who is a fist, who will say it?"

Nalu Chaoyang Top Heaven: "I am not long in the Great Priest Association, and in a sense, I am still an outsider."

"Yes, usually who fights to win, who's voice will ring."

She has a fox-faced face. But the sound is very indifferent, even natural soft.

"Then, the female predecessor who fights very badly, is it very good?" Yang Dingtian asked.

Demon fox road: "Fire dance? She will not martial arts, it is just very hot!"

Although her voice was very small, she was still heard by the powerful female priest. She went straight to the front: "Fox, what do you mean by this?"

"I am just complimenting you."

The gorgeous female priest snorted. Dao: "Women who are shameless, why should you raise your hand just now. Do you want to fight with me?"

"Yeah, I have to fight with you. What do you do with me, can you beat me?"

The gorgeous fire dancer priest suddenly dismissed: "I never beat a woman."

When this is said, Yangdingtian will never fall. You are a woman yourself. And don't beat women. It’s not a glorious one to play a man.

But unconsciously, Yang Dingtian is still full of good feelings for this hot and beautiful fire dance priest.


After all the great priests were tired, Naru finally spoke up and said, "The great priests, about this lord Yang Dingtian. I have a few words to say."

As a result, the great priests still spoke each other and ignored Naru.

Yang Dingtian saw it. In fact, Nalu’s position here is not high. It is indeed like she said, like an outsider.

And the beauty of her country, it seems that it is not very useful here, especially she successfully tempted a fall of the non-language and led to his death.

Therefore, although the Grand Priest Association accepted her, she was still hostile to her.

The fire dance priest blinked and said: "Nothing, Naru, you continue!"

Naruton looked at her with gratitude, and Yang Dingtian did not expect that this fire dance would still be Nalu’s backing. A few hundred years ago, Naru entered the resolution of the Great Priest Association, and it would not be a fire dance to fight with a pair of fists.

Nalu continued: "First of all, Lord Yang Dingtian is the current authority of the human kingdom, right? Lord Yangdingtian!"

Yang Dingtian immediately added on the side: "I am the supreme leader of the human kingdom."

When the words came out, the great priests just paused a little and continued to talk without any others. They are not even in the eyes of the Speaker of the Small West, let alone the Lord of the Human Kingdom.

Yangdingtian is discovered. The Grand Priest Association is a very small and extremely arrogant small group. They can't look down on any race in the world. They definitely have the first mind of Laozi.

Nalu continued: "Not only that, the lord of Yangdingtian, or the only descendant of the emptiness of the vain!"

When the words came out, the entire Grand Priest Association was quiet, and everyone’s eyes were on Yangdingtian, revealing amazement.

Then, the leader of the non-language priest asked: "I know that there is a vain family in the human kingdom, named as the patriarch, and the status is very high. It is also a succession to the great cause of saving the world by Mr. Nothing. Is it a vain person?"

Yangdingtian nodded: "Okay!"

Suddenly, all eyes were removed from him, and even the great priest was straightforward: "The people of nothingness, whether it is cultivation or wisdom, are extremely unbearable, and they are completely unable to integrate the clothes of Mr. Nothing. They are in the human kingdom. High status, completely no tiger in the mountains, nicknamed the king!"

This is very mean. Yang Dingtian discovered that this group of high priests is absolutely realistic and not hypocritical. What attitude he has to you will be straightforward.

Nalu said: "Lord Yang Dingtian is the true descendant of Mr. Xuan Phanyang. His martial arts, his wisdom, are all taught by Mr. Nothing."

Suddenly, all the great priests were quiet and looked at Yangdingtian.

Yangdingtian nodded: "It is true. I learned the scroll of killing pig swords. It is the teacher who spent hundreds of years writing. The knowledge of Mr. Nothing is in the cheats and teaches himself!"

When this was said, it was almost out of place.

All the great priests suddenly fried their hair. They felt that they really seemed to be the true believers of the sinister sinister. Now there is a real descendant of the so-called vain and sorrowful. This is still true. Isn’t this riding on your neck?

Then these great priests looked at each other. I finally recommended a wicked person to come out, with a mean tone: "Young man, the sage of Mr. Fantasy, is not to be able to do it. I ask you, why do you say that you are a descendant of Mr. Nothing? What have you learned?"

"Yeah, yeah, it must be the cheat of the emptiness. God. It is the thing that has been castrated many times. Mr. Piao Yan worried that these people could not understand. It should be to drop the incomparable wisdom." There are a few grades, so those idiots can't fully learn to comprehend. I am really worthless for Mr. Piao Yan. The wisdom that this group of people inherited from Mr. Piao Yan, in less than one voice, said that he seems to be a descendant of Mr. Piao Yan. It’s ridiculous.”

"Yes. That's right!"

Hearing that these great priests were full of jealousy and disdain to attack themselves, Yang Dingtian did not have any unhappiness, but was full of a kind of intimacy.

This group of people is indeed quite cute and will not be disguised. Nor will it be hypocritical. The attitude on the face is the attitude of the heart. It is largely similar to the primary school students on the earth. If any student has a good academic record and has a good relationship with the teacher, most of them will crowd out him.

"Come here, tell me, what have you learned from Mr. Vanity?" A great priest came forward: "I see, are those simplified martial arts that have been castrated countless times?"

Yangding Tianzhu said: "I have only learned a set of cheats in Mr. Nothing, which is to kill the sword."

"You, you, will you kill the sword?" Suddenly, the great priest screamed: "Impossible, no one has ever learned the killing of the sword. All of us have tried and can't enter the scroll." ""

In this case, Yang Dingtian was very surprised. The Grand Priest Association also tried to learn **** the sword. Where did they come from?

The gorgeous fire dance priest said: "In the record of Mr. Piao Yan, we learned that his lifelong wisdom is killing the pig sword. So, immediately go to the human kingdom and search for the pig-sword scroll."

Yang Dingtian immediately said: "Are you getting your hand?"

The fire dance priest said: "A total of five volumes were obtained."

When the words came out, Yangding was so innocent that he had learned five volumes in total. He did not expect the Grand Priest Association to get five volumes.

The fire dance priest said: "Later, all of us have tried, no one can learn. We have found a lot of experimenters, and all have no way to practice. Later, the association began to discuss, it is necessary to kill these five volumes. The pig sword scroll was left in the association, but it was returned to the original place. The result was very arguing. Of course, I will definitely return to the original place, so those who have stolen the scrolls do not know from beginning to end. This is the case!"

Yangding Tiandao: "What do you call a certain number of people, is it a direct group to win everyone?"

“Yes.” The fire priest nodded and said, “I still cried some people!”

Suddenly, one of the fox priests immediately bowed his head and did not hear anything.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian awe-inspiringly, and bowed down and said: "Thank you for the fire dance predecessors. If it wasn't for your measures of the year, maybe there would be no me now, and I wouldn't learn to kill the pig swordsmanship scroll."

Fire Dance: "Now, I will test you once. If you pass, prove that you are a descendant of Mr. Nothing, then you are our own association, you understand?"

Yang Tian was excited and suddenly nodded.

Suddenly the other priests seemed to have objections, but they were slammed by the fire and dance, and immediately shrank back.

Then Yang Dingtian discovered a very ridiculous and lovely fact. The speaker of the High Priest Association is the gorgeous fire dance priest in front of him.

Of course, the real leader does not seem to be a language group, but he is too hopeless and unsuccessful, and he cannot suppress this absolutely democratic organization.

As a result, the strong, pungent fire dance stood out, relying on the group, cuddling legs, breaking the child's claws, became the party of this group.

At first, everyone was forced to accept it, and then they completely succumbed to her arrogance.

Of course, there is actually the deepest reason, that is, the heart of justice in the heart of fire dancing.

It can be seen from the reeling of the Sword of the Pig Sword, to know that this scroll is not worth mentioning for many people in the human However, in the Association of High Priests, it is a rare treasure. Fire dance can be returned to the human kingdom, with a view to future generations. This sentiment is absolutely noble.

Fire Dance: "You said that you have learned to kill the sword, how many times have you learned?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Five Steps!"

"Impossible!" Suddenly, a great priest screamed.

"You shut up my mouth, you are interjecting, I promise that your mother won't know you." Fire dance is awesome.

Suddenly, the great priest’s head shrank and did not dare to speak. The heart said: “My mom didn’t know me!”

The fire priest continued: "That please tell me the name of the fifth-order killing sword! As long as you are right, you are our own."

Yangding Tianyi, so simple? (To be continued.)

Ps: Five thousand words big chapter, begging for double monthly tickets.

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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