Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1023: The Naga kings are demon!

Yangdingtian heart beat like a thunder.

He even knows that this is a fire dance deliberately helping, in fact, she proposed this condition to make the entire Xiaoxitian priest association have some accidents, although some are reasonable.

This time, Yangdingtian thought for a quarter of an hour, because this decision was too important for him.

One is for the war of extinction, and the other is for the blood of oneself.

Finally, Yangdingtian still shook his head.

In the face of his shaking his head, fire dance, demon fox, Naru and some people in the venue were very surprised.

Such wonderful conditions must be rejected. Why is this?

Even the fire dance with a faint sarcasm: "This is the gentleman's wind, or is it not like your wife?"

Yang Dingtian shook his head and said: "I am far from being noble to this point. It is as good as the spring breeze of the demon fox. It is also a beautiful thing for me, not to mention the Naga kings, I will not refuse. .but……"

"Please say." Fire dance.

Yangding Tiandao: "Obviously, after I have given birth to the demigods of the demon fox, I will definitely stay in the Great Priest Association, let you raise them right?"

Fire Dance: "Of course."

Yangding Tiandao: "Although I am not always around, I still want my children to grow up beside me."

Fire Dance: "Do you think he is better at your side than the High Priest Association?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Of course, for a child, the best place in the world is not as good as the parents."

Fire Dance: "If you are combined with the demon fox, then the fox is the mother of the child. Do you have anything to worry about when the child follows the mother?"

Yangding Tiandao: "You are all a group of noble and selfless people, but as parents of children, they are selfish. So, Ms. Demon Fox is not a mother. And, fundamentally, I am not I want my child to be a guinea pig."

When this was said, everyone was in silence.

This attitude of Yang Dingtian has already shown that he is not cooperating in the birth of the demigods. He and the demon fox are not able to give birth to the demigods. Not to mention borrowing other people.

Suddenly, a demon fox priest said: "Yangdingtian, you are willing to give birth to a demigod of the young woman of Xiaoxitian, and still two. How did you get to the High Sacrifice Association, and then pushed the three resistances, do you think we are too good to talk?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Yes, I am with the enchanting, Ji Ya gave birth to two children. But they are now my wife, and both children will grow up under my knees, no doubt. ”

At this time, the leader of the non-language group said: "Lord Yang Dingtian, you said that your lifelong career is to save the world, to seek the demon nucleus of the Naga royal family, but also to save the world?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Yes, Lord, I ask for the demon nucleus of the Naga royal family. It is for the coming battle of the human kingdom."

Another demon fox priest: "Isn't that ironic? You are willing to sacrifice anything for salvation, but the conditions at the moment are not even sacrificed. Why you should not, your salvation is such a limitation and falsehood. ?"

Yangding Tiandao: "If you can't protect your family and relatives, then you can talk about salvation. If you want to sacrifice your child and go to salvation, I am sorry that I can't go, I am far less noble and selfless."

This is the case. Everyone is in silence. Although they have some forgotten and incomprehensible feelings about their families, Yang Dingtian’s words still gave them a touch.

After a long time, perhaps he said: "Mr. Yang Dingtian, this may be the door to the negotiations."

Yang Dingtian’s look suddenly became bitter: “Well, what else can I exchange?”

Fire Dance: "The two things we want. You are not willing to agree. In fact, we want to have another thing, but because we know that you will not agree, we have not mentioned it."

The other one, of course, is the big space technique. Yangdingtian nature is even more impossible to give, the High Priest Association did not mention, which makes Yangdingtian very respectful and grateful.

Yangding Tiandao: "Everyone, if I say the demon nucleus of the Naga kings, is it related to the breakthrough in the spiritual field?"

When the words came out, everyone looked shocked. The leader of the non-language priests said: "Lord Yang Dingtian, do you mean that the Naga king's demon nucleus is used in the study of the spiritual field? It is obviously impossible to change. Our idea, because we are not optimistic about your research at all, in fact we are not optimistic about any research other than us."

This sentence is very arrogant.

Yangding Tiandao: "In fact, the spiritual field has already broken through."

"No, it's impossible!" suddenly, everyone exclaimed,

Then, the leader of the non-language priests said: "Lord Yang Dingtian, you may not know what this breakthrough in the spiritual realm means, completely subverting the civilization of the whole world and completely preventing the demise of the chaotic world."

Yangding Tiandao: "The breakthrough I am referring to is the information energy in the spiritual field, and it has turned into an offensive energy that destroys the earth!"

When this is the case, the audience is dead silence!

Yes, there are many aspects of the breakthrough in the spiritual realm. However, the qualitative change of mental energy is undoubtedly the most important one.

"This, this, really impossible." The non-language leader, the priest.

Yangding Tiandao: "I used to have a temporary contact with the Naga king's demon nucleus in the Netherland. Before the innocent retracted it, a Naga royal spiritual energy in the demon nucleus poured into my brain. Temporarily living. At that time, the spiritual energy of the Naga royal family did not have any communication with me. Later, it entered my soul sword. Not long ago, I got a very very powerful mysterious vein, implanted it. In my soul sword, and temporarily use the demon nucleus of the Millennium Nightingale as the sea of ​​soul sword. So, I have cultivated a temporary sword soul!"

If it is other time, I heard that Yangdingtian said in this big section that all the great priests will be impatient. Because for the great priest, if the three sentences are not focused, they will be angry and lose all patience.

Yang Dingtian continued: "Not long ago, I was imprisoned by the Demon Temple of the Demon Road. The Devil asked Heaven to take my body. At a critical time, a Naga alone cream in my space ring rushed out. Destroyed the sacredness of the heavens, swallowed up the evil spirits of his body. Completed the transformation, and then killed countless dark dragons, dark dragons, to escape the dark empire shrouded in darkness. But the entire dark empire All around it was dark matter, she couldn’t get out of it. The Dark Empire sent tens of thousands of dark dragons, dark dragons, and suicide attacks against her, to arrest her. Seeing. Naga Frost I can't escape, the energy is exhausted, and I scream. And the spirit of the Naga royal family in my soul sword instantly resonates, and then controls the soul sword to fly to the side of Naga Frost, and directly pulls out a terrifying sword soul. Destroyed tens of thousands of dark dragons and rescued Naga Frost."

I heard that Yang Dingtian finished. Everyone is in silence.

In the presence, they are absolute wise men. There is no need for Yangdingtian to make any explanation at all.

Everyone immediately thought that no matter whether it was the brain of Yangdingtian or his soul, it would be difficult to put such a powerful force.

There is only one explanation, and the Naga kings use spiritual energy to transform into attack energy.

That's right. This Naga kings studied for tens of thousands of years and finally broke through in the spiritual realm and completed the qualitative change of spiritual energy.

Yangding Tiandao: "Now, I have no connection with the spiritual energy of this Naga royal family. So I want the Naga king's demon nucleus to see if it can provide energy and awaken his connection."

Suddenly everyone fell silent.

Yangdingtian gave them a huge problem!

Yes, this is indeed a breakthrough in the spiritual realm, and it is a huge breakthrough.

Therefore, at present, the Naga kings of the Great Priest Association are completely okay, but don't give it!

The agreement of the Great Priest Association was written very clearly.

The association must not allow anything to flow into the outside world unless it can be exchanged to the critical material that is critical to the three major challenges.

Either this thing can provide substantial help to other forces in the study of the three major issues.

Therefore, Yangdingtian just benefits in this vague phase.

Let Yang Dingtian get the demon nucleus of this Naga king, which really helps the breakthrough in the spiritual field. But there is no doubt that Yangdingtian seeks the demon nucleus of the Naga royal family, not for the study of the spiritual field, but for the battle to defeat the world!

The non-language leader has been silent for a long time, saying: "Lord Yang Dingtian, we may need a vote."

Yangding Tiandao: "Thank you Master, do you need my avoidance?"

The leader of the non-language leader: "No need."

The fire dance looked at everyone in the room, and some met her gaze, and some people avoided her gaze.

In fact, this is equivalent to a statement.

However, the people who evade her eyes are the majority.

Therefore, if a vote is made, Yang Dingtian will not be able to get the demon of the Naga royal family.

Just when the vote was about to start, the fire dance suddenly said: "Lord Yangdingtian, please come with me!"

After that, she went straight to a stone room.

Yangdingtian followed up.

After walking a few hundred meters of passage, Yangdingtian entered a stone room.

This should be a fire dance room, completely different from other simple stone rooms, it is comfortable, pink, and even a little extravagant.

Fire dance does not seem to completely reject the enjoyment of the world.

"Yang Dingtian, you should know that if you vote, you will definitely not pass." Fire dance.

Yangdingtian nodded: "I know, and I am very grateful to Ms. Huo Dance for taking care of me."

"I like you very much." Fire dance said: "But you can't be too biased, you know?"

Yangding Tianzhu said: "Yes!"

Fire Dance: "So, you need to make a sacrifice, in exchange for the Naga King's demon!"

After all, she untied the rough robe, revealing the seductive celestial body.

The whole room was suddenly covered with a fragrance!

After a short contact, in the heart of Yangding, this fire dance has an extraordinary charm, she is definitely a woman that men like. Not only her beauty and body make men crazy, but her character and character make men love from the heart.

Yangding Tiandeng felt that his throat was blocked, his heart beat like thunder, and he quickly gasped: "Ms. Fire Dance, you are very tempting to me, but I am very sorry, if I agree, it will really be unsuccessful. responsibility!"

The fire dance turned to Jiaojiao and smiled at Yangdingtian: "You thought that I forced you to meet bred a demigod of the gods? Have you already rejected it? Do you want to be overlord? Is it on the bow?"

Is it not? Yangding Tianxin Zhongdao.

The fire dance took out a gorgeous robe from the box and wore it up: "Where do you want to go, I just want to change the robe of the big referee."

Sure enough, this robe is black and red, full of majesty, worn on the body of fire dancing, yes, her glare is more like a burning flame.

Fire Dance: "You want to get a vote, you need to make some sacrifices, you need to sign a contract. After the end of your salvation, you need to send your soul sword to the Grand Priest Association for us to study. In the spiritual field, do you agree?"

Yangding Tianyi, suddenly blushing over the ear, very grateful: "I am willing, of course I am willing!"

He knows that with the persistence and help of the fire dance, the demon of the Naga royal family has arrived. (To be continued.)



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