Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1040: Lingbi get out, epiphany! The army attacked!

Of course, the coffin is not willing!

Before the transformation with Shura, she continued to fall, fall, fall, and finally fall directly into the abyss of filth. Lost all dignity and pride.

Today, she has become a Shura Lingbi, a powerful Shura Lingbi.

She regards this as a rebirth as a chance to start again.

Especially at the wedding that night, Yangdingtian satisfied all her glory and vanity.

She feels that she has regained her pride and dignity, so she really does not want to lose again.

Waiting for the devil to ask the sky?

Of course, if Yangding is innocent to become a new demon, then she will not care, she will feel and have won.

Even in her heart, I feel that Yangding is a new devil, and it is the perfect situation.

The demon in front of you is a shadow of horror, like a demon rather than a human being.

Sleeping with him should be a complete fall.

Then she managed to break free and regain her glory, and once again fell into filth.

However, if you refuse, you will undoubtedly anger the devil to ask the sky, perhaps... she will lose everything!

Including such a powerful repair, and this perfect temptation body, you can compete with innocent, magical beauty and **** body and appearance.

-v,ww≦w. Suddenly, the coffin fell into a life-and-death decision.

Either lose your dignity and fall into filth. Either lose the body that is perfected and perfect.

The coffin felt that the air in the entire hall had solidified.

Even my own heartbeat, and the voice of the devil who asked the day to be impatient, can be heard clearly.

At this point, no one can help her.

She suddenly thought of this war. Your weight is very heavy and completely indispensable.

Because only you can resurrect the squadron indefinitely.

So now the demon road is inseparable from oneself. Even, they can't use their evil spirits to suppress their will and soul, because all the talents of the heavenly spirits. Both come from her soul and consciousness.

And more importantly, the faint demon king said that the talent of his own celestial division is not only useful in the war of the world, but even more useful in the future.

So the problem now is that the devil can't leave himself without asking himself, and he can't lack himself.

Therefore, it is okay to reject him. Moreover, it is impossible for the devil to ask for the retreat of Shura’s body and his own cultivation.

Thinking of this, the inner heart of the coffin suddenly became brave. If you bite your teeth, you must refuse.

But looking up to see the demon king asked the huge figure of the sky, as well as the burning eyes of the flames, the inner spirit of the coffin used up infinite fear, the courage just swelled, and disappeared.

She is really afraid of losing everything.

At this time, suddenly no spirits stepped forward, and asked the devil to ask the next day: "Starting under the shack. The old slave has not seen his daughter's coffin for many days, and will open the battle of the world tomorrow. I want to tell my daughter about Tianlun, and ask the demon king to complete."

This is the case.

Suddenly, I was stunned and looked at the innocent. He, he is going to save himself from getting away.

This is my grandfather, the real cheap father. When did you become so brave, so not afraid of death?

If there is another person in the world who is more greedy than the coffin. Vanity, fear of death, there is no doubt that her biological father is innocent. All the shortcomings of the spirit of the spirit are derived from the innocent.

Last time, even the repair of Yangdingtian was not as good as Yangdingtian. The innocent is still being held by him. Betrayed the coffin and watched his daughter being taken away without any action.

The devil is more powerful than the sun, and it is much more evil.

The innocent way to stop the devil's good deeds, no doubt will anger the devil, this is completely looking for death.

He, when did he become so bold?


In the face of this statement of innocence, the devil asked the sky is also very unexpected, the flame of the blind man staring at the innocent.

The body of the innocent is getting lower and lower, and finally squatting on the ground, shaking and saying: "Please demon the king to complete."

After a long silence, the devil asked the sky suddenly and laughed: "Okay, good, good... no spirit..."

Then I asked Tian to slam my head down and look at the innocent child: "You are very good, no spirit! Then you will be your lover, you go!"

"Thank you for your majesty."

"Thank you for your majesty." Shura Ling was walking in a courtesy, and the voice was full of the feeling of the rest of the robbery!

Then there was no spirit and a scorpion, flying into his own room dozens of miles away.

This room is just the cave house that used to be with Yangdingtian. It is here that the coffin becomes a real woman.

The whole room is very magnificent, and the woman of Lingbi has always liked luxury.

The father and the daughter, quietly looking at each other, suddenly did not know how to say what to say.

"Sorry, during the time you were imprisoned, I not only did not see you, but also did not ask you." Shura Ling shouted.

The ignorant shook his head. After a long time, he suddenly said: "I have lived for more than 200 years. I have been arrogant and ignorant for the first 20 years. For the next 20 years, I am proud and temperament, and the next few Ten years, it is vicious and ruthless. Ignorance is good, and poisoning is good. After all, it is a wonderful life."

The Wuzi took a deep breath and said: "But for the next hundred years, there is only one word that can be described as decaying!"

When the coffin heard the word, he suddenly trembled.

Wu Lingzi said: "I have lived more than two hundred years old, but I am more and more afraid of death. Although I am still alive, my heart has already rotted. I should have been in the coffin for a long time. It all reveals a rotten atmosphere. No wonder, Yangdingtian will look down on me and will hate me."

Suddenly, the coffin was in the heart and did not know what to say.

Wuzizi said: "You don't even know how much I am greedy and fearful of death. So, Yangding Tianyi threatened me, I surrendered, and I sold you to him."

Lingbi said: "She will not kill me after all."

Wuzizi said: "Because I once betrayed, my fear of the devil. It is completely unbeatable. This fear, until the moment when I saw the devil's majesty, broke out instantly! I really can't wait, will The whole soul is kneeling on the ground, indicating submission."

After listening to this sentence, the heart of the coffin suddenly became more blocked.

Wuzizi said: "It’s all the way. I was imprisoned in the high-powered Heavenly Emperor’s energy array, calling the sky not to be called the ground. It’s dark. Looking around, there is no life, no life. You Do you know what I thought of?"

The coffin shook his head.

Wuzizi said: "I thought of hell, **** after death! Here, everything is dark, there is no vitality, what is the difference with hell? When I was imprisoned, I thought, I actually have long been It’s decaying, and I smell a coffin on my body. What is the difference between me and death? If this is the taste of death, what am I afraid of? Why should I be so scared?”

Suddenly, the coffin felt a little worried about the eyes and a feeling of tears.

Wulingzi said: "Yangdingtian has been satirizing me for being greedy and afraid of death. I will ask him. Are you not afraid of death? He said that he is also afraid, I said that since you are also afraid of death. Then there is any power to laugh at me. He said that he was afraid of death because his affairs have not been completed. There are still many people who need his protection, and many people need his salvation. And I am not afraid of death, just just fear of death!"

The spirit trembled: "I, I don't want you to die. I hope you are alive."

The innocent smiles hard, then turns to the spirit: "Taro, protect yourself! Really protect yourself!"

Then, no one turned and flew outside!


The next day. Early in the morning!

The devil asked the sky to sit on the throne of the darkness, looking at the bottom, densely numb more than two thousand people.

Except for a very small number of people, all of them are first-class evil spirits, second-class evil spirits, third-class evil spirits, fourth-class evil spirits, and fifth-class evil spirits.

These three thousand people are the middle power of the demon road, the direct commander of the defensive army.

As for the power class, it is even more clear.

The fifth-class evil spirits are the lowest-level commanders, and the average per-person commander destroys the army 10,000!

The fourth-class evil spirits are the second-level commanders, and the average person directs five five-level evil spirits, and the 50,000-strong army!

The third-class evil spirits, each commanding 250,000 destroying the army.

Second-class evil spirits, each commanding one hundred and three hundred thousand exterminations.

That is to say, the current cold arrogance, no way, lonely and no joy, Yang Lan, Qiu Ruohan, Ximen fear and so on, are the highest commanders of more than one million dying army.

The first-class evil spirits originally had five people, but Nether had already gone with the first-class evil spirits, so this one completely disappeared. Now, with only the owners of the first-class evil spirits, there are only four people left.

East away, Peony, Li Ming! There is also a mystery!

The mysterious man, squatting on his body, wrapped in white armor, even with a silver mask on his face.

This person, for the first time, appeared in front of everyone. He is the master of the Magic City Shang Palace and is given a second-class evil spirit!

Every first-class evil spirit owner dominates more than five million troops.

Above the four first-class evil spirits, it is Shura Lingling. She is the first commander in the battlefield and directly controls the four first-class evil spirits.


The spirit of the coffin is clear, and no one can command it. The four first-class evil spirit owners will only obey the orders of the queen and the devil!

Above the Shura Lingbi, it is the supreme commander of this World War.

She is the master of the entire war and can command any evil spirit.

Moreover, the trump card of the Great World War, the dark dragon, the dark dragon, the destruction of the dragon, respectively, by the East, Li Ming, Peony directly in charge.

After the devil, he died and said: "Your Majesty, may I ask this first battle, where do I stop?"

"Zhongjing!" The devil asked Tiandao: "Occupy Zhongjing, kill 500 million people, then suspend the war, and negotiate with Yangdingtian!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"So, let's go." The devil asked Tiandao: "For half a month, I will only give you half a month to kill 500 million people, destroy all the sea army, and occupy the whole of Beijing!"

"Yes, Your Majesty." After the devil died, Ji Yan said: "Chen Chen, willing to set a military order!"

The devil asked Tian Xiaoxiao: "The military order is no longer necessary. This task is completely effortless. This is not a war at all, but just a killing game! After half a month, I will see the Zhongjing Square. Jingguan, which is built with hundreds of millions of people, is beyond the height of the Zhongjing Hall."

"According to the purpose!" Everyone, swearing.

"So, go!" The devil asked the world.


Suddenly, thousands of evil spirits, like meteors, flew out of the heavenly emperor and entered their own army.


At this time, within the entire dark void, tens of millions of troops, thousands of miles in a row, arranged neatly.

The head of the demon dying, sitting on the golden throne of the golden crown the entire throne, a hundred meters high, dragged by nine dark dragons.

Shura Lingbi, sitting on the smaller silver throne, dragged by three dark dragons.

Her silver throne is behind the queen.

Behind the Shura Lingbi, the Prince is fierce, the Lord is away, the princess, the mysterious, riding a dark dragon.

Behind the four people, there are tens of millions of dying forces.

Including three hundred dark dragons, one thousand destroying dragons, and three thousand dark dragons.

Tongtian Emperor Jing, suddenly rang the horn of destruction!

"Depart! Destroy the human kingdom!"

Tens of millions of people who have died in the world, like the tide of hell, mad!


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