Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1046: Destroy the blow! The spar nuclear bomb!

For the Snake Empire, the Bright Parliament is not without defense.

But now, from the east to the grasslands to the northwestern mainland, there are 2,000 mermaid empire ancient monsters and hundreds of thousands of mermaid empire.

Ships of the Snake Empire can never come, and of course they can fly from heaven.

However, the Snake Empire has sent hundreds of thousands of flying mounts, and millions of hawks are still possible. It is impossible to air all tens of millions of troops.

Moreover, even if a million hawks are coming, the Bright Council is not worried.

Because of the northwest Qincheng, there are a thousand konjac regiments, and there are nearly 100,000 black scorpions. There are also astronomical figures of small-scale missiles, as well as astronomical small spar.

It can be said that how many eagle people come to the Snake Empire and how much they die.

But what I did not expect was that the army of the Snake Empire would have cracked directly from the ground.

There is no doubt that this is the Dark Empire & No & Wrong & Handwritten.

First, send the Dark Dragon to the bottom of the Snake Empire. Then use the magical Yuan Shi Naga eyes gem magic wand to melt the dark matter, and tens of millions of snake empire army, all hit the dark dragon.

Then, these dark dragons flew directly below the northwestern continent.

The wand melts the dark matter here, and then drills the dragon to fill the ground hundreds of miles.

Suddenly, there were dozens of 100-meter giant holes in the northwestern continent.

Then tens of millions of snake-man empire forces emerged from the tides of these huge holes.

Of course, things did not become the worst result. At least tens of millions of snakes and empire forces did not emerge directly from the city of Qin.

They landed in the northernmost part of the northwestern continent, a place called Beimingjiao.

It is almost the most devastating land of the entire northwestern continent. There is no life at all, and the mainland is almost a thousand miles away. It is full of scars, all of which are blood-red land.

Obviously, below this area is also the territory of the Dark Empire.

This is the North Horn. From the northwest Qincheng, there are nearly three thousand miles!

Of course, the Dark Empire's Drilling Dragons may be able to drill directly into the underground passages, directly creating an underground passage, reaching the interior of the Qincheng, and then letting the tens of millions of snake-empire empire emerge from the Qincheng.

But I don't know why, the Dark Empire did not do that. Instead, the army of the Snake Empire was landed at Beimingjiao.

The landing of the Snake Empire was about last night.

The first to discover that the Snake Empire invaded the northwestern continent was a konjac warrior who was patrolling normally.

Suddenly, I found that the sky was cracked, and then the earth beneath the sky was full of hundreds of huge holes.

Then there were countless troops. Like an ant, it is like a tidal wave. Crazy from the underground.

The konjac warrior was horrified, and then the first time, he took out a spar flare and launched it directly.

It is a five-red signal flare that directly shines in the air.

This is the highest level war signal flare!

He had just finished the signal bomb, and hundreds of hawks rushed toward him.

then. The first battle between the Qincheng and the Snake Empire in the northwest occurred.

This patrol warrior was not too high. After killing only three hawks, the body sacrificed dozens of arrows.

This konjac. Although it has not been cultivated in the taboo of the mainland, it is still extremely powerful.

A konjac, fighting hundreds of hawks.

Lively shredded more than a dozen, and killed more than a dozen.

In the end, he was directly decapitated by a snake master.

This man, a konjac, died violently in the high altitude of the northwestern mainland, using life to protect the human domain.

Even at the time of dying, this konjac warrior has no regrets, because the signal flare has already been sent out.


This signal bullet can be seen clearly even after a few hundred miles.

Five blood signal bombs, within a few hundred miles, at least a few hundred patrol flying horses saw it, and there were dozens of sentries to see it.

Thus, the five blood signal bombs in three directions were continuously passed down.

Every 100 miles, a signal flare.

In one direction, it was passed to the northwest Qincheng, three thousand miles away.

One direction, passed to the big cloud city of seven thousand miles away.

One direction, passed to Xijing, eight thousand miles away.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the Northwest Qincheng immediately received a five-blood signal flare.

At the same time, all the flying horses around Beimingjiao did not escape, but instead flew toward Beiming.

Because these patrol flying horses, after encountering the battle situation, can not escape, but to the enemy to investigate clearly, and then sent to the base camp.

Suddenly, hundreds of flying horses flew over the sky above Beiming.

Among them, a konjac that has been cultivated in the taboo of the mainland has been flying directly at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters to observe the ground!

Ordinary hundreds of patrol flying horses, just flew over the Beimingjiao, immediately besieged by tens of thousands of hawks.

In a short while, all of them were sacrificed.

Only the konjac that had been practiced flew at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, and these hawks were completely out of reach.

The following snakesman masters fly directly with the mysterious skills to kill the konjac.

However, the speed of this konjac is too fast and too fast.

Even the infinite masters can't catch up.

The master of the snake empire, there is no magic fog.

The konjac warrior, after a few minutes of observation, sent the signal flare completely.

A dozen or more signal flares recorded the enemy's information in detail.


This konjac warrior, and this konjac that has been practiced in the taboo of the mainland.

Surrounded by dozens of snakes, masters, kill!

Another warrior, withered in the sky above the northwestern continent.

He and the konjac can escape completely, but in order to record detailed enemy information, delay too much time, leading to being surrounded and killed!


After receiving the first signal bomb, the millions of troops in the northwest Qincheng, tens of thousands of artillery pieces, tens of thousands of giant spar. Thousands of missiles are all ready.

Of course, as the expected third battlefield, there are not as many martial arts masters here as there are Beiping City, but there are also hundreds of strong martial arts elites.

The first commander of the battlefield, Qin Wanqiu, deputy commander Duan Wei.

These martial arts masters. All boarded the city to the north.

At the same time, immediately dispatched the konjac messenger to the west of the sea to inform the commander of the Snake Empire in the northwestern waters.

Then, millions of troops, all ready to go.

Less than half an hour later, the northwest Qincheng received a second signal bullet, a very detailed signal flare.

Enemy attribute: Snake Empire.

The number of enemy troops: more than 10 million.

The enemy air force: about a million.

There is no unknown power: yes. From the Dark Empire, the number is small, but powerful!

Where did the enemy come from: dig out.

Qin Wanqiu clearly knows that for this simple and invaluable intelligence, I don’t know how many patrols fly and lose my life!

He now wants to know the unknown power in intelligence. What is the rare but powerful black imperial power?


The invasion of the Great Army of the Snake Empire. This information, in just half an hour, was also transmitted from the ground and the sea to the General Command of the theater, Da Yunyu City.

Then. Dozens of black crickets, with the fastest speed, transmitted information to Iron Furnace City and Zhongjing.

The first battlefield, Beiping City, also received the intelligence of the konjac messenger.

Therefore, the Snake Empire empire less than one and a half hours on the northwestern mainland. Beiping City, which is more than 10,000 miles away, already knows.

The Northland World will dominate the war zone, and it will be further installed.

At the same time, thousands of Demon Dragon Legion, more than a thousand konjac corps, will transport the strategic material just produced to the northwest Qincheng Theater.

Hundreds of martial arts masters in Dayunyucheng, wrapped in three infinite masters, ten masters, and hundred masters, all taking the konjac to the northwest Qincheng battlefield!

The Bright Parliament is going to launch a second large battlefield.

That is to say, the demise of the dark empire, or with the power of the current bright parliament, even if it is a war of the size of the world war, the bright parliament can completely fight on the third line and the fourth line, and there are no problems in opening up four battlefields.

Just a simple artillery, a giant spar, and an army.

At present, the three major battlefields use only one-third of the power of the Bright Parliament.

In the southwestern mainland, Zhongjing, and even Nanbanzhou, the southern part of the country, the Bright Council has amazing military power.


Beiping City Head.

The Eastern Nirvana and Qin Huaiyu also fully learned about the tens of millions of army invasions of the Snake Empire.

"You don't have to worry." Oriental Niemi comforted: "As long as the dark empire does not force the military, the tens of millions of troops of the simple snake empire, although the direct landing of the cracked earth is amazing, but the tens of millions of people, We haven't looked at it yet."

In the dark empire army, the demon singer still sits lazily on the golden throne.

Suddenly, the ground below, directly cracked a hole.

Then, her wand flew directly from below.

Yes, her wand is actually a modified version of her soul sword. It can be used in a brain to control thousands of miles away, flying fast like lightning.

"The Snake Man Empire landed on the northwestern continent and went out of the nest."

The dream goddess in the east is the Queen of the Sea Heart. He is naturally very concerned: "So, will our dark empire support it?"

After the devil died Ji Dao: "Your Queen of the Sea, do not want to be under the fence, do not want to be part of our annihilation. So, we transported her army to the northwestern continent, and she did everything right. She and our covenant wrote Clearly, the territory of the human kingdom will be returned to her as long as it is her army. Want our corps to help the war, let her snake empire become a part of us, let her become the devil's nephew. ""

Suddenly, the East was convulsed from the face. Because, he is dreaming of the Queen of the Sea.


Although the heart is very concerned about the battlefield in the northwest Qincheng, the city under their feet is the most dangerous place!

On the ground, millions of annihilated squadrons, ten times as many as the war behemoths of yesterday, twice as many as yesterday’s annihilation, madly charged.

The most terrible thing is the air.

The dark dragons of the Destroyed Legion, flying at exactly the same speed as lightning, flew directly toward Beiping City.

Dark dragons are slower though. But there are dozens of miles per minute.

Hundreds of dark dragons and ten dark dragons, like black clouds, are coming!

Can the city see the sun of tomorrow?

Millions of troops in the city can see the sun of tomorrow. It is hard to say.

The East Nirvana is facing Qin Huaiyu: "Then, the army on the ground will rely entirely on destroying the level missiles and artillery. The spar is strong. Our martial arts regiment must completely deal with the destroying army in the air."

Qin Huaiyu pulled out the sword and nodded: "Know, the Eastern Sovereign!"

Looking at the flash of the general rushing in front of the lightning, full of 500,000, overwhelming.

Qin Huaiyu screamed: "Destroy class missiles. The first unit, the second unit, the third unit, ready!"

Each unit is ten destructive-class missiles, and the super-mega missiles of the forty-five-ton class are more than ten meters high.

Under the pull of the dragon, under the command and command of the warlock. These devastating missiles have adjusted their direction. Then reported to Qin Huaiyu.


Qin Huaiyu gave an order.


Suddenly, the spar in the 30 destroying missiles slammed into the fire.

Then, dozens of tons of giants roared into the air and turned into an arc. Going to the slain cavalry, whistling away.

After a few hundred miles, the demon singer Ji, seeing such a huge missile flying from Peking City, also suddenly glimpsed.

Then, suddenly there was a thought in her heart. If you let Yang Dingtian's spar civilization grow like this.

Perhaps, it really does not take a few years, Yang Dingtian really can rely on artillery and missiles to completely eliminate the World Corps.

At present, this giant missile does not kill the dark dragon. But if, the power of this giant missile is increasing tenfold, a hundredfold, or even a thousand times.

Thirty destroyer-level missiles, roaring, from a few hundred meters in the air, slammed toward the tide on the ground.

"Booming and banging..."

It is a truly earth-shattering explosion!

The terrible blue flames tore the tears.

How many equivalents of tnt are the 40-ton-class destruction-class missiles? This unauthorised calculation, because Yangdingtian's contribution to the missile, only provides a concept, and a primitive formula. It's like opening a Pandora's box.

Nowadays, the warlocks of the Bright Parliament are far more knowledgeable than him.

According to their calculations, the power of the spar formula in the destruction of the current class of missiles is at least tens of times more than the first.

Moreover, after a complete abandonment, the power will increase a lot.

Therefore, the power of this devastating missile should be equivalent to a few hundred tons of tnt. That is equivalent to a fraction of the Earth's World War II Hiroshima atomic bomb.

The explosion of thirty destroyer-level missiles.

The light that bursts out in an instant, people who are dozens of miles away, dare not look straight.

The terrible shock wave rushed directly to the walls of dozens of miles away.

The whole earth is shaking violently.

Then, within every kilometer of the explosion of each destruction-level missile, everything was instantly broken.

Even if the knife and the gun are inaccessible, it will be torn into powder.

On the entire ground, it seems to have been swept.

In this area, it is instantly empty.

Not only the enemy, but even the Eastern Nirvana and others, they are completely shocked.

The so-called devastating missiles use only a new spar formula, which is only ten times larger.

But the power...

This power is more than ten times that of the phoenix missiles yesterday.

This is the power of true destruction.

Yesterday, two hundred phoenix-class missiles only killed three or four thousand dead horses.

And this wave, destroying the level of missiles, only thirty.

However, the 500,000 annihilation of the army, it seems that it is completely half.

This destruction-level missile and phoenix-class missile are completely qualitative changes.

The Eastern Nirvana and Qin Huaiyu, suddenly ecstasy, and Song Chunhua also stunned, said: "The main designer of the destruction of the classmate spar crystal formula said that the power may be amazing, but ... but did not expect it to be so amazing!"

The East Nirvana: "Hurry up and let the secret factory build immediately, make a thousand pieces, and make 10,000 pieces."

Song Chunhua shook his head: "We have x spar, not so much."

The East Nirvana said: "Are we not getting countless x spar?".

Song Chunhua shook his head and said: "It is still not enough. However, the Sovereign has provided a new plan for the Warlock Research Society. Directly let the spar carry out an internal impact reaction. Thus, the power of the x-crystal can be a hundredfold increase, but the amount of use, Can be reduced by dozens of times."

The Eastern Nirvana did not dare to set the channel: "If this succeeds, then... then we can kill all the corps of the corps directly."

Song Chunhua shook his head: "Unfortunately, this is completely theoretical. In the team of warlocks, they can't solve it at all, let the inside of the spar react instantaneously without destroying the spar itself. Because, after reaching a certain level of reaction, the whole spar will be It will burst open automatically. It is too late to enter the deepest internal impact reaction."

The Eastern Nirvana: "That, how long it takes to complete the internal impact reaction."

Song Chunhua said: "The warlock leader said that they organized a hundred warlocks to conduct research. It takes about 50 years to make a certain breakthrough. If you want to make a finished product, it may not be enough for a hundred years."

When the East was destroyed, it was extremely disappointing. In a hundred years, the war of the world was already finished.

Yangding Tiandian opened the spar technology tree of the chaotic world.

Then, how to develop next, in fact, he can not master.

In order to resist the destruction of the world, Yang Dingtian also proposed the concept of internal impact of spar.

As a result, the warlock's leader regarded it as a treasure, and immediately conducted a crazy study!

If the research is successful, then... that is the spar nuclear bomb!

That's right, it's a spar nuclear bomb!

Yang Dingtian, perhaps really released a demon. In order to eliminate the other demons, he had to release another demon not too long to ecstasy.

Countless dark dragons, as well as dark dragons, have already flown not far ahead.

It is about to make a devastating attack on Peiping City.

Qin Huaiyu asked: "Is this flying class missile used in the new spar formula?".

Song Chunhua nodded.

Qin Huaiyu was overjoyed and said: "Flying class missiles, aiming at the dark dragon, launching..."


Suddenly, the flying-level missiles on the wall rushed toward the dark dragon. (To be continued...)

One hundred and forty-six: Destroy the blow! The spar nuclear bomb! :


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