Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1065: The despair of the Queen of the Sea!

The Queen of the Seas borrowed tens of millions of defensive legions from the Dark Empire.

Then, with the Drilling Dragon, once again on the north side of the northwestern continent.

But this time, because there are tens of thousands of dark dragons, and hundreds of dark dragons, the air force in the northwest Qincheng did not dare to harass.

Moreover, although the number of defensive legions exceeds 10 million, the speed of running is completely different from that of the previous Snake Empire.

And worried about repeating the same mistakes, the Destroyed Dragons of the Destruction Army directly drilled in the vicinity of the northwest Qincheng as the landing site of the Destruction Army.

Therefore, although the demise of the World Corps, which was led by Queen Haixin, has just landed, it has surrounded the northwest Qincheng regiment.

Face this situation.

Qin Wanqiu’s northwest Qincheng battlefield, without a very strong martial arts regiment, can only fight a battle.

Moreover, the former northwest Qincheng was also attacked by countless dark dragons. Therefore, the city has become more vulnerable.

After the Queen of the Seas, a myriad of exterminations, from the ground from the air, almost drowned the entire northwest Qin city.


Qin Wanqiu on the head of the city has never been desperate before.

But at this moment, he is really desperate.

Numerous extermination regiments swept from the air and the ground.

Victory is simply impossible.

Despite countless gunfires, countless spar is powerful.

However, the extermination army is too much, too strong. Although Qincheng is strong, it is impossible to resist it.

Not to mention the incomparably huge dark dragon, which has reached the sky above Qincheng, and can easily destroy everything in Qincheng.

Therefore, although Qin Wanqiu is fighting hard, there is still a thought in his heart.

in case. I did not choose to follow Yangdingtian, but chose to follow the demon road. So will everything happen today?

This magnificent Qincheng was built entirely in his hands and united all his efforts.

The last air raid of the Dark Dragon has already caused Qincheng to suffer once.

This time. It is really going to be completely destroyed and completely turned into ruins. If at that time, he did not choose to follow Yangdingtian and accepted the second-class evil spirits, then now Qincheng is not only not dangerous, but he has already ruled the entire northwestern continent.

This thought, just a little emerged, disappeared without a trace.

Because Qin Wanqiu knows deeply that if he does not follow Yangdingtian, he is already dead. I simply can't stay now.

Before the war of the world, no one could stop the footsteps of Yang Dingtian's unification of the human kingdom.

Zhu Qing master can't do it, Wu Ning can't do it, let alone his Qin Wanqiu.

Moreover, even Qincheng was destroyed. His heart, as if it is not very regrettable.

Because, in the past few years of fighting with Yangdingtian, the years of struggle. It’s really a burning year.

The fairness and selflessness of Yangdingtian affects almost everyone.

Almost everyone. All for this world, for the human kingdom, throwing blood and blood.

As far as Qin Wanqiu is concerned, after becoming a member of the Guangming Parliament, the territory of Qincheng has not diminished, but has become even bigger.

and. Not only has its power not been reduced, but it has also been greater.

Before, it was just one of the nine gates, just the hegemon of the northwest. In front of the three, I still nodded. Even if the Oriental Ice Ling comes, it must be greeted.

After joining the Bright Parliament, he has no doubt that he has become the third-in-command of the entire Tiandao League.

Yangdingtian first, the second is the second in the East, and he is the third in Qin Wanqiu.

Zhuo Qing ruler is even the master of Xuantian, but in the status of Tiandao League, still after his Qin Wanqiu.

Moreover, Qin Wanqiu’s power, his influence, is no longer just Qincheng and Northwest, but the whole world.

Therefore, in the years of struggle, Qin Wanqiu almost never returned to Qincheng.

He built a magnificent palace that was magnificent and no one lived.

Most of the time, he is in Zhongjing, all in Yunxiao City, running in the world.

Although busy, and busy for the entire Tiandao League, I have to say that this feeling is really good.

Therefore, Qin Wanqiu finally made a final conclusion.

Even if Yangdingtian failed to save the northwest Qincheng, it failed to save the human kingdom.

He Qin Wanqiu, do not regret it!

The husband lives in this world, and he is rather violent and dead, and he is absolutely unscrupulous and steals.

To surrender the demon road, and then shake your head and sway, and live for a lifetime, then even if you live to 200 years old, even if you are in charge of the entire northwestern mainland, what do you mean?

This feeling of justice for justice, for justice, is very good!

Moreover, they have created an unprecedented career.

Suddenly, Qin Wanqiu looked at the surging, and the extinct corps of the world could not help but laughed: "By brethren, even if you and I are dead in this Qin city today, there is no regrets. Because, we are For the human kingdom, to die for justice and light in the world, to die!"

When the words came out, countless people suddenly boiled and shouted: "Death is the place!"

"We are not afraid!"

"Long live the Heavenly Alliance!"

All the warriors in the northwest Qincheng, all the soldiers, fiercely arrogant, not afraid of death, madly and infernal corps smothered.

In their hearts, they have no hope for victory.

However, they are absolutely not desperate.

What they are pursuing is only a heroic death, and the survival of the northwest Qincheng!


The bright Parliamentary Legion of a million people, and the tens of thousands of exterminations, are madly strangled together.

As for the Konjac Legion, the Black Skull Corps had already withdrawn two days ago.

With hundreds of thousands of people, I evacuated to the southwestern mainland.

However, this time Qin Zhi, and Yang Shishi refused to withdraw, and chose to survive with the entire Qin City.

Qin Wanqiu asked why Qin Weaving.

She said that she would only play and sing, and even a prostitute could not pull her face. Later, after the destruction of the World Corps destroyed the world, she sang to whom to listen to those who died. They are all livestock in hell, I don’t understand. As for the sale, let alone the corps of the Destroyed Corps look so terrible, who dares to sell.

This answer, suddenly let Qin Wanqiu speechless.


Despite the military and army in the northwest Qincheng. Incomparable heroic.

However, it was still completely unable to withstand the tens of thousands of dying forces. After a while, it was completely submerged with the entire Qincheng.

What they can do is to coexist with Qincheng.

At this time, Qin Zhi actually sat at the top of the Qincheng Hall, lazily watching the outside fight.

Her clothes are very thin and she lie down half. They are all gone, and the gully of the chest is so deep that it is extremely attractive.

However, she did not care.

Looking at the countless **** demon general corps rushed, the corner of the mouth was full of disdain, playing a huge bomb in his hand.

As long as the destroying army rushes into the city, she will detonate. I will be alone with my mother and will die together with the entire city.

I don't know why. It is also unclear what it is to prove.

The Destroyed Legion has already broken the wall, and it is like a flood of plague.

The last moment is coming soon.

"Hey, Yangding, you bastard, don't dare to sleep. It's in vain for this body to be so tempting..."

Then, Qin Zhi directly wants to detonate the bomb.


Suddenly, the east side jerked a golden light, almost brightening her eyes.

Then, countless golden yellow swords. Like countless meteors, flying from the east.

In a twinkling of an eye, I arrived over Qincheng.


Countless golden rays flew, shuttle, destroy, tear.

Countless golden swords, covering the entire city, drowning all the corps.

Every golden light flashed.

Numerous ugly and dark corps of extermination, instantly smouldering, and broken bones.

Brush brush brush...

The eternal extermination army, once again like the snow under the hot sun, smiles instantly.

In the eyes of countless people.

Before, the incomparably powerful dark dragons, the dark dragons, the corps of the world, and the people of the world evaporated.

Looking at this scene, Qin Zhi was short of breath, flushed, and muttered to himself: "This, who is this cow, so I can't help myself, I have to clamp my legs."

She has already clamped her legs.


Queen of the Sea, but once again suffered a thunder attack.

Last time, her army of snakes and empire was wiped out by the light parliament of the light council for a long time.

She gave up her dignity and freedom and borrowed the tens of thousands of exterminations of the Dark Empire.

Seeing it, we must kill the Qincheng in the northwest.

Suddenly, suddenly, a sword of the Naga royal family returned to the sect.

In an instant, all the exterminations will be wiped out.

This tens of thousands of exterminations is so powerful, but the speed of destruction is much faster than the destruction of the Snake Empire.

Therefore, she can hardly bear such an amazing blow.

Feeling, everything in front of me seems to be a dream, oh, it is a nightmare.

The brain almost lost any reaction.

After a long while, she came over.

This, this is the return of Yangdingtian.

She, she returned with the sword of the Naga royal family.

He, he really saved the world again.

This time, Haixin did not vomit blood, nor did it fall from the sky.

However, she felt that her entire body and mind had fallen into deep darkness.

Your own soul, falling and falling.

His entire body was completely cold and lost any temperature.

There is only one thought in her mind.

" Am I finished?"


Still the same as Yunxiaocheng, even faster.

When Yangdingtian flew over the northwest Qincheng, the battle was over.

Near the emperor's soul sword, has been quietly floating there, motionless.

Yang Dingtian, on the way to the road, finally shaved his beard.

Therefore, at first glance, many people in Qincheng recognized it.

Suddenly, whether it is Qin Wanqiu, or Qin Weaving, or Kwai Si and others, all the crazy rushing toward him.

Yang Dingtian, looking for the Queen of the Sea.

This time, I decided to use the sword of the Naga royal family to put her to death! (To be continued.)


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