Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1079: Great understanding! Promote the holy level!

Yangdingtian let himself calm down with the fastest speed. ...oh,

Then, after the devil, he died: "It's better, how do we make a deal? I leave the east to you, and you give me the spirit."

After the devil, Ji Ji suddenly laughed and said: "Yangdingtian, are you kidding? Although the East is a demon king, and he has a first-class evil spirit, can his current value be compared with the coffin? And The sentence is true. Since we have restored his own will, his inner distortion has begun to affect our actions, so... I mean, you understand."

Yangding Tiandao: "But there is a hollow fire in his body that can help you cross the abyss border to the dark areas, even to the new Naga empire, isn't it? Do you need to tell you the specific coordinates of the new Naga Empire? Oh, If there is no emptiness, you will not be able to reach the depths of the third dark field, but I have the same way to let you enter the new Naga empire."

After the devil died Ji Dao: "Then, I am completely trapped inside, I will never come out, is it? Or, when you are strong enough, you can easily enter the New Naga Empire and wipe us out." Net, right?"

Then, after the devil died Ji Dao: "Yangdingtian, I am not a very long-term person. So the future east may be very useful, but now, at least now... he is of no use."

Suddenly, Yangdingtian fell into a speechless voice.

After the demon death Ji is so direct, it is to let Yangdingtian have a feeling of a stepmother.

The East is the righteous son of the Devil, but it is not the righteousness of the Devil.

Prince Tai Li said: "Yangdingtian, no spirits now have two choices. Or, no spirits return to us, everything has not changed. Or, no spirits are with you. And the spirits There are thousands of people riding by the evil spirits. There is no third choice!"

Yang Dingtian’s heart trembled, and suddenly he was close to the Emperor’s soul sword.

Your own close to the Emperor's soul sword, not to mention the Prince is so fierce, even after the devil can not afford.

Prince Edward did not dare to kill the coffin, but wanted to abuse. It can't be done in a moment.

and so……


Yang Ding Tian Er said nothing, the entire Naga Wan nationality swordsman, blasted out.

In an instant, tens of thousands of giant swords, turned into an incomparable bright light, and instantly shot toward the Prince.

At the same time, Nalu and the mermaid Queen Violet, instantly attacked the demon and died.

There is no other purpose, it is to entangle two people. Do not let the two holy powers to save the Prince.

The prince looked at the sword spirit of Yangdingtian, but he laughed and did not move.


The incomparably powerful swordsman has passed by.

Not only went straight through the Prince, but also passed through the Shura Ling.

However, nothing happened.

Because, this is just a shadow of illusion.

Prince Tai Li said: "Yangdingtian, at this time you have the sword spirit of the Naga royal family, it is already extraordinary. I am semi-holy in this district. Where dare to appear in front of you with a coffin, in case you are What if I **** it? I am just a phantom. I am thousands of miles away. Of course, you see what I am doing and I am really doing what."

After all, the coffin, which was made by the body, was pressed down and pressed down, forced to pick up the plump and beautiful buttocks.

"I said. Although I am infatuated with peony, such a beautiful person, especially the beauty you have slept, is still very attractive to me." The Prince sighed slowly and then reached for the coffin's skirt. . Road: "As long as I tear this skirt off, your woman's beautiful buttocks will be mine."

"Ah..." The coffin is like a poisonous snake biting into a general disgusting scream, and screams: "Dog the dog, you don't touch me, one day, I will kill you!"

At this time, after the demon, Ji Ji held the wand and set a vow to destroy the gods. One word and one sentence: "After the soulless man returns to the dark empire, I promise that everything will not be ruined. No revenge for the innocent and the spirit." Action, if you violate this oath, let the devil smashed and smog, and never live forever. Let me demon sorrow, vain and eternal indulge in hell, for generations to be slaves, forever eternal.

This vow is extremely fierce.

Although the demon road is cruel and evil, it is still incomparable for these vows.

Once you have sworn, you will definitely perform.

The phantom of the Prince is looking at the innocent child: "No spirit, you have sold your daughter at least three times. For the first time, you sold him to Wu Ning. The second time, you sold him to The East is far from this metamorphosis. For the third time, you sold your daughter to Yangdingtian, which made her almost imprisoned for life. Now, are you going to sell your daughter for the fourth time, watching? She was insulted by me, and then was abused by countless evil spirits. There are many people who hate Yangdingtian, Ximen fear, Yang Lan, lonely and happy, Zhu Hongyu, etc. I believe they can’t wait to line up, want Put a green hat on Yangdingtian."

Prince Tai Li said here, his eyes looked at Yangdingtian, and then he looked back at Wulingzi: "No spirit, don't you hate Yangdingtian very much? This is another kind of revenge. You can watch Yang." I was wearing a lot of green hats, but unfortunately, this tool of revenge is your biological daughter."

At this point, the whole body of the innocent is shaking.

The whole soul, the whole decaying heart, is tremble.

As if it were a bomb, it would explode in an instant.

He has always been the ugliest harlequin in the world. He is not even evil, but disgusting.

An old beast that **** his own Sun Yan, a waste that sells women for glory again and again, a waste that has been bullied and trampled again and again.

Selling a daughter, he has not done it, there should be nothing.

But I don't know why, he felt that he almost exploded.

He has always been greedy and afraid of death. But now if death can solve the problem, he may choose to die.

But... he can't die if he wants to die now.

Even if it is self-destructive, it will not die. Evil spirit energy will restore everything to its original state.

He gasped deeply and turned to look at Yangdingtian.

"Yangdingtian, I let you down." Wulingzi back to the devil and died. One word at a time.

However, his voice is from the abdomen. And his mouth shape, but one sentence: "Yangdingtian, I am a disgusting old thief, but this time, I will not let you down."

then. He slowly walked toward the demon and died.

Prince Tai Li smiled and said: "Yangdingtian, in fact, if you don't care about wearing a green hat, now you can stop the innocents from coming. You know, he is the key to our second battle to destroy the world."

Yangdingtian is silent.

Prince Tai Li said: "Yangdingtian, you are still so stupid and hypocritical justice negotiation, this is not okay. A sly woman, I will hold you, really makes people laugh and cry."

Yang Dingtian’s hands spread out: “The second battle of extinction is the so-called evil spirit intrusion? If you think of this as a life-saving straw. Then... then come on. I can win the first. Once again, you can win the second time!"

After the devil, Ji sneered and said: "Is it? If the first World War is not our carelessness, we will play games with you day after day. I am afraid that the human kingdom will perish on the first day. I will let all the exterminations In the beginning, it invaded all the cities of the human kingdom, and now the entire human kingdom has died."

"It's very good, but it doesn't make sense." Yangding Tiandao: "Because of the stupidity that is committed. It is always irreparable."

"Just like you are now soft-hearted, masculine and committed stupid?" After the devil died, Ji smiled coldly. Then take the innocent, and look at it instantly.

The emperor's mouth is still a sneer of the signature style, following the distance.

Then, the phantom of the Prince and the sorcerer disappeared without a trace.

In the presence, only Naru is left. Violet, and Yang Dingtian three people.

Violet looked at Yang Dingtian, and Zhang mouth seemed to want to marry him, but after all, there was no exit.

I can't say that let Yangdingtian no matter what the life of the spirit is. Directly hold the innocent.

Moreover, this time things may be a real metamorphosis for the innocent. The demon road has regained the innocence, but what are the consequences? It’s only God knows!


Go back to the dark empire.

For the first time, the coffin flew directly into the arms of the innocent, crying out loud.

For the first time, the innocent child protected her with her father's identity.

The heartless heart trembled again, the decaying heart, as if it felt sweet again.

Is this the pride of being a father? Is this a sense of honor when a father protects his daughter?

If so, this feeling is really good.

Also, in Lingmu Town, when you are worshipped by many ordinary old men, that feeling is also very good.

Perhaps, you should not be a big man. It is a mistake to get the so-called ghosts of the Nether.

Oneself is an ordinary person who has been sheltered under the light of his brother.

If you don't get all the ghosts of the Nether, you are an ordinary elder of the Lingbi Palace, and you may be happier.

"I am just an ordinary person, the so-called Nether WISP, just a mistake." At this moment, Wu Lingzi finally had a deep understanding.

He is an ordinary person, not a fair and selfless leader of Yang Dingtian. Nor is it the demon king who asks the heavens for the wicked, conspiring and deep evil.

The Nether Ghosts fueled this ordinary person, so he became the biggest clown in history.


No spirit, once again came to the demon after death, Prince Tai Li, the princess in front of the peonies.

After the devil said: "Reassured, I said that I will not retaliate, I will not retaliate. The East is leaving this end, just take it."

Then, after the devil, Ji looked to the Prince and said: "Even, let the sonless son go to kill Yang Tiantian's daughter, it is just a matter of one fell swoop. If it is not this ambiguous idea, it will not fall on this embarrassing result."

Prince Tai Li's eyelids were slightly pumped, and then he said: "It's my fault, please forgive the sins."

After the devil died Jidao: "No spirit, in fact, this time you did not start killing Yang Diantian's daughter. However, you did not betray us. Because you chose to escape to the dark field, instead of standing in the sun. The enemy and the Temple of Destruction are enemies. Let us see your true position in your heart. This is also a fortune in misfortune."

"Yes, the queen is squatting."

Prince Tai Li said: "Through this time, let us understand that you are very powerful, but the heart is only hiding the soul of an ordinary person. After this incident, if you want to be an ordinary person, We will fulfill yours. After this incident, you can play chess with Du Guzhen every day in the Emperor of Heaven, but at the same time, your position in the Dark Empire will be very noble, no one will ever be there. I dare to despise you."

"Thank you, Your Royal Highness." There is no way.

After the devil died Ji Dao: "Well, we will fulfill our promise now and take you to break through the holy power."

Then, after the devil died and the emperor released the emperor, he left the dark empire with the innocent.

The dark throne, the great energy power of the Heavenly Emperor, was temporarily given to the Prince.

"I really hope that Yangdingtian can faint in the mind and rush into the Dark Empire to save the spirits. If that is the case, it will be perfect."

Prince Tai Li did not speak, but the heart was scornful.

For the terrible energy of Tongtian Emperor Jing, Yang Dingtian is no longer clear. Even Naga’s solitary frost is almost trapped inside. If Yangdingtian arrives, don’t say that there are two or three holy powers, even one hundred. A sacred class, there is no return.

Through the energy prison of the Emperor of Heaven, it is easy to imprison all the holy powers.

After all, when the energy was in prison, it was almost even that Naga alone was imprisoned.


After a day!

After the devil, Ji, the emperor and the innocent, once again landed in the ghostly land of tens of thousands of miles away.

This place, no spirit has not been here for a long time.

The reason why he is so powerful, a large part of the energy, comes from the undead of the ghostly land.

However, since the encounter with the two undead lords, he never dared to come to the ghostly land.

Almost all the energy of the innocent comes from here.

His twisted and ugly life comes from here.

Now He is here again and here to break through the holy level.

Before, he dreamed of breaking through the holy level. Oh, no, it’s because he dreams that he can break through the holy level.

At this point, this huge pie, even directly on his head.

This kind of unearned thing is originally his favorite.

But at this time, his heart is almost no joy, only endless irony.

Came to the Tongtian Tower of the Nether Ghost Town.

The huge flame once again condensed the face of the ghost god.

"Floating, are you sure you want to let this traitor in front of you become an unsettled holy power?" asked Heavenly Ghost.

"Yes, my devil is kneeling down." After the devil, Ji died firmly and slowly: "The second world war must be erupted. I must let the human kingdom destroy my hand!" (To be continued.) .)

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