Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1083: Find Naga Frost, practice the Holy Land!

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After the shuttle in the energy tunnel does not know more than ten thousand miles.

Suddenly, the shuttle stopped.

She was suddenly thrown out of the energy tunnel, while the energy tunnel disappeared.

And she is in a completely strange environment.

Then, her high-level semi-sacred cultivation, let her wake up in a very short time.

Open your eyes and look at this strange world, suddenly completely stunned!

That's right, here is the old Naga Empire, the ruins of the Naga Empire.

This is a destroyed Naga empire.

After the Great Nirvana, the Naga Empire was the first to bear the brunt.

The incomparably huge Naga empire was completely torn into countless pieces.

Originally, it should be completely broken into countless fast and become a torn space like the ancient human continent.

But because the Naga Empire is different.

Over 10,000 years after the destruction, the fragments of these old Naga empire began to converge again.

However, this kind of cohesion is completely unregulated.

Therefore, the entire Naga Empire at this time has become an irregular body floating in the void.

Unparalleled ugliness, incomparable embarrassment.

This irregular body is equivalent to a planet, floating in the void.

However, because unlike other planets, which have regular gravitational pull, the rotation is also full of regularity.

The irregular body of the ruins of the Naga Empire, whether it is the whole movement or the internal structure, is completely irregular and full of great changes.

It may move up quickly for a while, down for a while. After a while, I quickly turned, and suddenly I couldn’t move for a few months.

Moreover, just inside the irregular body, there is a change that always occurs.

Therefore, this irregular shape has always changed.

In short, the ruins of this old Naga empire have now completely become an independent and distorted independent individual.

Said to be a separate planet, it is not, it is still in the scope of the chaotic world.

However, it is completely independent and almost has nothing to do with the chaotic world.

If it weren't for the ancient energy tunnel of the Sea Snake Empire, it would still be effective. I am afraid that no one can come here.


The reason why the Queen of Poisons saw this is the ruins of the old Naga Empire. It is because the style of the Naga Empire is too obvious.

The old Naga Empire is completely different from the Sea Snake Empire and the Mermaid Empire.

The Sea Snake Empire and the Mermaid Empire all like gorgeous architecture.

Naga, with the exception of a few buildings, has few traces of civilized architecture.

Naga advocates strength and nature, so the vast majority of Naga, even without a house, only Dongfu.

Even if there is architecture, there is only a pyramid.

Because, in addition to being a residence, the pyramid is still an energy array.

Therefore, within the original Naga Empire, large and small are covered with pyramids.

Moreover, the Naga Empire is a bizarre world.

In this world, in the later period, there are no green trees, green algae, flowers and so on.

Everything in the entire empire has been transformed.

Its eternal main force is energy!

Therefore, even every stone and every piece of soil is transformed into a spar suitable for condensing energy.

So, at the end of the day, every inch of the land in the Naga Empire was transformed into a spar.

Then, with these spar, build a pyramid one after another.

In order to pursue strength, the Nagas have already reached the point where they are enchanted.

At the beginning of the Naga Empire, there were obvious submarine features and sea water.

Later, the Nagas discovered that the sea water greatly affected the spread of energy, and the entire Naga Empire dried up.

Later, the Naga found that the long-term distance from the two days was too far, and it was not good for energy growth and engulfment.

So they got through the land of the entire empire.

Not only can you see the sun, but you can also condense the light of the two-day and two-month alone, and then shine into your own pyramid from a single cave.

In short, in order to chase the power, the nephew of the demigod, has undergone a near-death transformation of the entire Naga empire.

So anyone who sees the Naga Empire will not feel any beauty.

Because, it has completely escaped the beauty that a civilized empire should have.

The whole world was transformed into a spar.

There are no flowers and trees, no other creatures.

Some are only Naga, and their pyramids.

You said that the soil can not be transformed into various spar?

That is a joke, just like the human beings of the earth, you can make a stone into a computer CPU, you can make a stone into a gorilla glass, you can make charcoal into a diamond.

The demigod Naga, transforming the earth into any spar, is completely easy.

Therefore, the spar civilization advocated by Yang Dingtian has developed to the extreme in the Naga Empire.

However, the Naga Empire is a bit biased.

They don't care about what would explode X-stone, green wave spar that can increase productivity.

They care only the same, drawing more energy.

All spar can only serve this purpose.


Queen of Poison, as the birther of the next generation of Naga, so there is still a little understanding of the most basic features of the Naga Empire.

The world she fell.

At the entrance, there are spar, all kinds of spar.

Twisted, square, round, moving, non-moving, spar of various colors.

The entire ground is spar.

Not far from the front, there is a pyramid.

There, there used to be a Naga.

However, at this time the pyramid is inverted.

The poisonous queen slowly stood up and walked slowly toward the pyramid.

Along the way, I saw countless holes and cracks.

The hollow inside, and some even reach thousands of miles, directly penetrate the irregular body of the ruins.

When the Queen of Poisons passed by, she suddenly slammed upside down, and then the whole body flew directly out.

Oh, I see!

This spar crack is anti-gravity.

The Queen of Poison has used her mysterious spirit to fix her body and continue to move forward.

It passed another huge hole.

This time, she used her sacred body to fix her body and carefully passed.

As a result, there is no antigravity.



A huge bolt of lightning slammed out of the hole and spurred out.

Oh, this huge hole is a huge electric field generated by spar.

Next, Queen of Poisons carefully avoided any cracks and caves.

Because, under the action of gravity, all the spar should be cohesively bonded together.

The reason why there are various kinds of cracks is that several kinds of energy are aggregated together, resulting in strong repulsion, so a variety of energy fields are formed.

Such an energy field is undoubtedly incomparably dangerous.

There are also countless cracks and large holes, making the entire ruin irregular, constantly distorted, changing, and always being irregular.

The destination of Queen of Poison is very simple, the green pyramid in front of the hundred miles.

Of course, the flight is faster.

However, the energy density and air density are different everywhere in here.

Moreover, various energy fields, various positions are distorted.

Therefore, the fast flight here is very dangerous, and it may fall into the abyss at any time, and even be directly torn into pieces.

The only thing that can be done is to walk carefully.

On this way, Queen of Poisons carefully avoided many cracks and holes.

Finally, I came to the front of this inverted pyramid.

This green pyramid, about three hundred meters high, is placed directly in a crack.

Queen of Poison Shark flew up.

Sure enough, this pyramid is an anti-gravity field, and the Queen of Poison should be careful not to fall into the deep space.

Then, she looked for the entrance to the pyramid one by one.

what? Do you say that you directly pull out an entrance?

Don't be kidding. This pyramid is made of powerful energy spar, which used to live in the semi-god Naga.

A half-class sea snake family wants to open a pyramid of Naga, completely dreaming.

The Queen of Poison was trying hard to find it. After a few hours, she finally found the entrance to the pyramid.

Because there are two sea snake sculptures here, they are guarding.

In the ancient times, these sea snake sculptures were dynamic and capable of fighting.

However, after the Great Nirvana, these sea snake sculptures have completely turned into sculptures.

In front, a golden door with a rune on it.

This golden energy gate can barely block any creature in the world.

The above rune is equivalent to the entry password.

Only the owner, and a small number of guests, will know the rune's password and can enter the pyramid.

However, after the Great Nirvana, most of the energy fields failed and failed.

Therefore, the gates of these energy runes are useful, some are distorted, and quite a few rune gates have failed.

The Queen of Poison does not know this, she instinctively pushed the door forward.

This is a very dangerous thing.

Because if the energy rune on the door is valid, she will directly push the door with her repair, which is likely to be directly smouldering and smashing.

However, it is clear that Queen of Poison is very lucky.

This golden energy rune door was easily pushed away, revealing a deep martyrdom.

Queen of Poison took a step and walked in slowly.

Inside, the gravity field is normal again.

Moreover, as the Queen of Poisons stepped on the spar of the martyrdom, the surroundings immediately lit up.

This is the light of the spar itself.

Although there is no decoration, the whole pyramid is crystal clear and still full of beautiful beauty.

The Queen of Poisons passed through the deep martyrdom and came to the deepest part of the pyramid.

At the center of the pyramid, there is a beam of light.

At this point, it is already a little weak.

This light column is the mysterious condensed light column of the pyramid energy array.

Naga is under this beam of light, constantly consuming the energy between heaven and earth.

Such a condensed light column, the energy concentration is not a human arrogance, nor is it comparable to the mysterious martial arts of the ancient martial arts civilization.

Even the Sea Snake Empire, the sacred empire of the Mermaid Empire, is less than one percent, one in a thousand, one in ten thousand.

Because, in order to break through the gods, Naga has transformed her entire world, and has lost all the flowers and trees, animal algae and so on.

Transform all the stones, dirt, etc. into energy spar.

Therefore, the energy density and energy pressure of the Naga Empire are extremely amazing.

Probably, it is a thousand times the ancient humanity of the ancient martial arts. It is more than ten thousand times the human kingdom.

Only under this energy density and pressure can we reach the semi-realistic realm through cultivation.

But unfortunately, the Naga Empire has now been destroyed, and this amazing energy density naturally no longer exists.

However, even the ruins of the old Naga Empire, the energy density is still completely incomparable to the human kingdom.

Therefore, the light column in this pyramid is a powerful energy, and it is not comparable to the mysterious array of human kingdoms.

Queen of Poisons carefully walked under the light beam.


Suddenly, endless energy, frantically poured into her mysterious veins, poured into her sea of ​​air.

Even the repair of the Queen of Poison and the mysterious veins can not bear it.

The energy density here is at least a hundred times more than the human sinister array.

Then practice in this place, with the zenith of Yangdingtian, you can break through the holy level in a short time.

Of course, with the repair of the Queen of Poison and the mysterious veins, it is also possible to break through the holy level.


Queen of Poison, like a snake, immediately avoids it.

Then, a blue blood spurted out.

Then, she sat next to the ground, immediately took out the medicinal herbs and swallowed them, and then used all the repairs to expel all the energy that had just poured into the body.

The energy of this beam is amazing!

But... it has been distorted.

Because, the ancient Nehism, the Naga Empire was destroyed.

At this point, the entire ruin becomes an irregular body, and numerous energy fields merge and repel each other.

Therefore, any energy beam has been twisted and changed.

If you devour it directly, you will be guaranteed to die.

Of course, Yangdingtian is exceptional.

Because, he has the yin and yang of the sky, and can refine any mysterious gas into a pure scent that can enter the sea of ​​air.

Thinking of this, the Queen of Poisons was extremely ecstatic.

She found a treasure.

Yangdingtian is practicing here, and within a short period of time, it can break through the holy level.

Suddenly, the Queen of Poisons couldn’t help it. I wanted to go back immediately and call Yang Dingtian.

But soon, she remembered one thing.

Do you still have to go back? The energy tunnel, after sending himself to the ruins of the old Naga Empire, seems to have disappeared. Moreover, it should be one-way driving.

In other words, I can't go back, can't I return to the human kingdom?

Or also has an energy tunnel, from the old Naga Empire to the Sea Snake Empire, if there is, then you can go back.

However, the Naga Empire is now twisted like this. That energy tunnel is still not there?

If so, is this energy tunnel not in the hands of the Queen of the Naga Empire?

However, the Queen of the Naga Empire should have died in the ancient times, and together it is gone!

At this moment, suddenly a fierce and cold voice came from the dark corner.

"No matter who you are, leave here immediately, otherwise I will kill you."

Upon hearing this voice, Queen Tussa's petite body trembled fiercely. She knew this voice, it was Naga's solitary frost, and she really came here.


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