Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1092: Devouring the essence, attacking the Dark Empire!

Prince Edward Li is really just finished. ☆→,

An earth-shattering bang, the incomparably huge pyramid energy array, seems to be violently torn from the middle by a huge force.

Then, countless huge energy spar slammed into the sky.

The entire pyramid energy array was instantly ruined and completely destroyed.

All the evil spirits who were present were completely staying in the air.

And the prince is fierce, this is completely stunned.

There is no more face in this world than this time.

He managed to take over the power of the Dark Empire and was eager to fight with Yangdingtian.

And his strategy will definitely work.

Let the Holy Undead and Shura assassinate the high-level parliamentary high-level parliament at night, there is no solution at all.

As a result, he just said that the pyramid energy array was completely broken.

In order to create these two pyramid energy arrays, the Magic City Shang Palace has already done everything. In order to maximize the power of the energy array, the Demon Road takes all the related spar out, and how much the pyramid energy array can make.

This being blown up completely meant that the undead had entered the path of the human kingdom and was completely cut off.

Almost as soon as the pyramid was blown up, a black shadow rushed out of the ruins.

It is a no-brainer, and it has broken through the innocent of the holy class.

Suddenly, the Prince was very alert in the first time.

However, the first time after the death of the devil, the coffin has been locked tightly.

The prince's gaze was removed from the ignorant body, and then he thought of it for the first time. It must have been Yang Dingtian with a devastating bomb to blow up the pyramid energy array.

Almost instinctively, the Prince will sue all the evil spirits to capture the sneak attackers of the Light Council.

But very soon. He gave up this naive idea.

Yang Dingtian himself has the sword spirit of the Naga royal family, and there are two holy powers at all times. It is completely idiotic to dream of catching him.

He looked at the ruins that had been blown up by the pyramid energy array below, and his heart was sore, and he resisted the urge to vomit blood, and ordered: "Return to the Dark Empire!"

Suddenly. All the evil spirits, all dejected with their wands, entered the dark empire.

The morale of the entire evil spirits army has fallen to the extreme.

Wu Lingzi glanced at his daughter, his brow shivered slightly, but after all, he did nothing and said nothing.


After entering the Dark Empire, the Prince was so ruthless that he was relieved of the innocent, and the Queen died. It is no longer necessary to lock the coffin at all times.

In the Dark Empire, the Emperor of Heaven, the demon singer and the prince Li Ming, almost mastered the life and death of anyone, including the Holy Spirit.

Even the Prince had a strong impulse, and now the innocent has been completely useless, directly imprisoned him into the energy prison, and then took away his second-class evil spirits.

In this way, his qi and Xuanmai. If you can't support the holy level, you will be completely ruined.

But very soon. He gave up the plan because it was not necessary.

Because in the dark empire, even if there is no spirit in the holy level, there will be no threat. Instead, he can take the opportunity to buy people's hearts to show his light and lofty.

The important thing is. What should I do next?

Two ways, the first way, take the initiative.

The second method, the tortoise in the dark empire, everything waits until the devil asks the return of the sky.

Reasonable. It should be the second way. The turtle is in the dark empire and does nothing.

After waiting for the devil to ask the day, all problems will be solved.

However, the prince is not allowed to be so arrogant. He has just got the power of the dark empire. As a result, nothing has gone, he can only shrink into the dark empire, and it is not very incompetent.

At this point, he suddenly understood the death of the devil, why must we launch a second battle of extinction.

Because sometimes the leader's face is more important than anything else.

If the next Prince is not doing anything, then it is a devastating blow to his prestige and the morale of the demon.

Can't move, you must fight back.

So, how should we fight back?

The real big counterattack is to win the door of the human kingdom of the head hall from the hands of Yang Dingtian, and directly open the small West Heaven and the human kingdom.

In this way, Xiao Xitian's sacred master, half-level master, and infinite master can continue to enter the human kingdom.

In this way, the Bright Council has gained the upper hand and it has become precarious.

However, unfortunately, with the current power of the evil demon, there are many bright councils on the martial arts.

Simply relying on force is no longer enough to recapture the human kingdom.

Then you need to use another method, perhaps to smack the West, perhaps with a trick, perhaps with a hostage to force Yang Dingtian to give way to the door of the human kingdom?

The hostage forced the compromise of Yangdingtian, which is almost the only thought in the mind of Prince Edward.

And the best hostage is the family of Yangdingtian.

So, is it possible to rob and hijack the family of Yangdingtian? May I?


Yang Dingtian three people returned to Yunxiao City, the entire Yunxiao City, once again a small banquet.

At this time, the victory of the second World War has spread to all directions.

Two times, two battles of the world, all are brilliant victories. All the demon roads are completely annihilated in an instant, which should be enough for the entire human kingdom to eliminate the fear of the evil demon.

After a small celebration party, they entered an emergency meeting.

The theme of the conference is, what should be done in the next step of the light?

"The second World War, the evil devil is defeated, what will they do next? How will they retaliate?" Yang Dingtian asked.

The mermaid Queen Violet said: "When the undead army was completely annihilated, the demon slayed the blood directly. So, she is likely to have a disappointment with herself, and perhaps she will surrender the demon."

When the words came out, Yang Dingtian could not help but nod.

In the presence, I know more about the death of the devil, except the mermaid queen is Yangdingtian.

Violet said that the magic will give way, this is very likely.

Suddenly. Yangding Tiandao: "If the queen gives up the power, it will give the peony, or the emperor, or the prince."

"It can only be a prince and a singer." The East Nirvana said: "The emperor's interpretation of the side and the ice, are suppressed by the evil spirits, can not be the first leader."

Suddenly. The heart was shaking in the sun.

If the Prince is in trouble, he will be in trouble. This person is extremely deceitful and vicious.

After the devil's death, even though the heart is hot, the eyes of the massacre are not blinking. However, she is very direct, the first time she wants to kill the city, the second time she still wants to kill the city, that is, to eliminate the human kingdom by hundreds of billions. To win the battle of destruction.

In short, the post-magic death Ji is very very particular about face.

But the Prince is not the same, and this person does things at all.

Qin Wanqiu said: "If I am a prince, I will do the first thing, then revenge, the most vicious revenge. Let the Yangding Tianzong feel the pain of the bones."

The Eastern Nirvana: "He may send a holy power to the family of the lord. The Nether Sea. Is it safe enough? The ancient behemoth should not be able to withstand two holy powers."

After the devil's death, Ji Ji still has a bottom line, basically not going to move the family. And this time. Prince Edward Li will not have this bottom line.

Yangding Tiandao: "The Netherland should still be safe enough. The flames, the places where the teachers and the children live, are innocent palaces, and they are equipped with a very powerful energy array. The holy powers cannot enter."

then. Yang Dingtian said again: "Of course, if necessary, I can send my family to the mountains."

Qin Wanqiu said: "If you can't find a chance to start with the family of the lord. Then he may start working on the top of the Guangming Parliament. Although these hostages are not as good as the family of the lord, the lord is good. And pity the people. Therefore, even if the middle and high-level members of the Guangming Parliament are desecrated or killed, the attack on the sovereign will be great."

The most fearful thing about Yangdingtian is this.

Before, the demon road did not move the high-level members of the parliament, and Yang Dingtian did not desecrate evil spirits. It was a tacit understanding between the two sides.

But it is clear that this tacit understanding has now been completely shattered.

And if it is really the Prince’s power, his means are completely useless.

If you want to avoid this completely, of course, you can condense all the high-level parliamentary high-level councils into Yunxiaocheng.

Under the protection of two holy levels, a large number of semi-classes, and a huge lightning energy hood, it seems absolutely safe enough.

However, the Bright Council has a lot of things to do every day.

The army of the Bright Parliament, the secret base of Xudu, and the manufacturing factory are all inseparable from the management of the high-level parliament.

Most of the demon roads can be confined within the safe dark empire, only sent to the holy level, and the semi-class powers come out to harm the human kingdom.

Because the demon road does not need to govern any place, nor does it need to control any army.

But the Bright Parliament has a huge responsibility to manage the entire human kingdom.

Moreover, it is now after the war, whether it is reconstruction work or military work, it is completely busy to the extreme.

Because of fear of death, let all the top leaders of the Guangming Parliament shrink.

This can't be done, Yang Dingtian can't do it, and the Bright Parliament can't do it.

If this is greedy and fearful of death, then what power does the Bright Council have to rule the world!

So in this way, the problem is almost unsolvable.

The demon road sent the holy level, the semi-class level strong, arrested and hunted the high-level parliamentary high-level, simply can not resist!

For a time, the entire high-level parliamentary high-level, has fallen into silence!


At this time, the Dark Empire passed through the Emperor Jingjing, and the Devil died in the face of all the evil spirits, and officially handed over the temporary supreme power of the Temple of Destruction to the Prince.

Before the return of the devil to the heavens, the whole demon road was all judged by the prince.

Prince Tai Li did not have any gossip. When he came up, he said directly: "From now on, our battle with the Guangming Parliament Yangdingtian will enter another stage."

Everyone is down.

Prince Edward Li continued: "Next, we have two goals. The first one is to retaliate against the Bright Parliament and cause a fatal blow to Yangdingtian. The second goal is to open the door to the human kingdom and let Xiaoxitian Masters, constantly entering the human kingdom, so that our martial forces will instantly crush the bright parliament."

Everyone is still low. It seems that the power of the evil spirits has fallen far behind the martial arts forces that Yang Dingtian has mastered. It is impossible to rely on force to seize the door of the human kingdom.

Prince Edward sighed: "In order to achieve these two goals, I declare viper action, it seems to start!"

Viper Action? Suddenly, everyone’s eyes looked at the Prince.

The Prince said: "The snake has two meanings. One is concealed and the other is a sneak attack. Next, most of the evil spirits will stay in the dark empire to ensure sufficient security. Only send semi-class above Those who left the dark empire and made a pervasive attack on the Bright Parliament."

The prince squinted and shot everyone, saying: "What is a pervasive sneak attack? It is not to let go of any Wu Zun-level warrior in the Guangming Parliament. Just see it. Kill half, smash half! Yang Dingtian is even worse. It is impossible to protect all the strongmen above the Wuzun level. If he does this, the Guangming Parliament will be instantly disintegrated, and the human kingdom will collapse instantly."

Kill or arrest any of the strong martial artists above!

This strategy is simple, but it is extremely toxic and completely impossible to defend.

even. Yangdingtian can not do even revenge. Because, most of the evil spirits. They are all in the Dark Empire.

Of course, some evil spirits have fallen into the hands of Yangdingtian. However, the Prince is not concerned about the lives and deaths of these people. Yang Dingtian cares about the life and death of the Guangming Parliament.

Despicable is the passer of the despicable.

Justice, sometimes the kidnapping stone of the righteous.

Prince Tai Li said: "Just kill hundreds of people and arrest hundreds of high-level parliamentary high-level officials. That Yangdingtian does not compromise, and only collapses. I declare. All evil spirits above the holy level, all participate in the snake action , including the queen of the devil."

"Good." After the devil died Ji Dao.

In the presence of evil spirits, the instinct felt a bit chilly behind.

The strategy of Prince Edward is very unsightly. But it is poisonous and it will be completely successful.

For the words of the demon road, it is a nightmare for the Bright Parliament and Yangdingtian.

After the pyramid energy array was destroyed, Prince Edward Li was hit hard, but it quickly recovered.

This is the first real confrontation between him and Yang Dingtian. He can only win and cannot lose.

Although the pyramid energy array was destroyed, many of the holy and semi-class undead Shura could not enter the human kingdom.

However, the struggle is still going on.

Moreover, the Prince discovered that there is no undead Shura in the Holy and Half-level, although it will make his plan greatly reduced, but it can still be implemented, and it can still bring pain to Yang Dingtian.

Prince Tai Li’s brain appeared in Yang Dingtian’s figure.

The failure of these two wars of destruction has not only caused a fatal blow to the deceased, but also struck a great deal against the prince.

Before you know, in front of the Prince, Li Dingtian is just a cockroach, and he is trampled to death.

Even then, Yang Dingtian broke through the semi-sanctification and unified the human kingdom. Prince Tai Li did not put him in his eyes.

When he went to Yunxiao City to send invitations, he still seemed to be full of contempt.

However, these two battles have been destroyed.

For the first time, the return of the Emperor of the Yangding, the sword of the Naga kings was shocked, and the whole army of the Destroyed Army was wiped out.

The second time, Yangdingtian thoroughly mastered the energy of the electric system and destroyed the undead army.

In an instant, Yangdingtian is not only equal to him. Even, it is already necessary to start looking down at his prince.

This is completely unacceptable to Li Ming, a former ants who began to look down on themselves.

"Yangdingtian, I am going to make a move soon. How do you pick it up? I know, you must guess what I want to do, but you can't stop it!" The Prince was so cold and cold: "As long as I shot, You are still the poor worm in the yin and yang mirror a few years ago, and there is absolutely nothing to do."


After a long period of indulging, the high-level members of the Parliament did not discuss any means to stop the revenge of the Demon Road.

Of course, many people know that a large number of evil spirits have become prisoners of the Bright Parliament.

But if the Prince is really a sinister of the demon, then these prisoners are of no use. The Prince’s life and death are not in the doldrums. Do you care about these cats and dogs?

Qin Wanqiu suddenly said: "As a member of the bright parliament, we must prepare for all encounters. Any struggle will have sacrifices, and sacrifice is normal."

His meaning is very clear. If he can't stop it, he won't stop it. He will make such losses.

If there is someone in the Bright Council who will die, there is no way.

The mermaid Queen Violet said: "Use the East as a hostage, threaten the demon road, do not act rashly, or throw things into the dark matter, and succumb to it. In this way, the emptiness of his body is completely destroyed."

Undoubtedly, the emptiness of the fire from the east is the unbearable loss of the demon.

Therefore, it is valuable and important to leave this hostage.

Yangdingtian shook his head and said: "The east is close to this hostage, which is the coffin. If we completely destroy the east, then there will be terrible encounters on the coffin."

That's right, it's like this.

The mermaid queen suddenly lowered his head, and before the coffin was rescued, the east could not move.

If you move east, Li Ming will definitely move. He won't kill her, but the coffin is a woman, there are many encounters, perhaps more painful than death.

This is not the case, it will not work. Is there any way to look at the ferocious revenge of the demon?

Yang Dingtian closed his eyes for a long time, then opened his way: "There is only one way, but I don't know if I can do it. If I can do it, the revenge of the Demon Road will disappear instantly."

"What way?" Violet Road.

"The offensive of the dark empire, the base camp of the evil demon." Yangding Tiandao: "In this way, the demon road can only desperately protect the dark empire, and there is no more effort to do other things!"

Yes, this is extremely correct in terms of strategy.

Whether it is on the battlefield or in the struggle, it is best not to follow the baton of others.

Passive defense is the most failed strategy. And sometimes, you can't defend at all.

So there is a saying in strategy that you hit you, I beat me.

In short, do not passively follow the footsteps of others, to seize the initiative.

But what is the difficulty of attacking the dark empire?

The mermaid Queen Violet said: "You have not entered the dark empire, even Naga can only escape in life, let alone us. The Holy Power enters, and only the smoke is gone. The dark empire itself is extremely incomparably huge. The energy array, attacking the dark empire, is completely back and forth."

The mermaid Queen Violet directly denied this plan.

Yangding Tiandao: "I said that the attacking dark empire is not to enter the dark empire. All the energy of the dark empire comes from a few continents. Whether it is the Heavenly Emperor or the Dark Castle, it is connected by countless energy channels. These energy channels are directly connected to the yin and yang mirrors, the magic domain, the ice and the snow, etc. Since the energy channels are cut off, the dark empire completely loses energy, and then we can straighten the Huanglong and attack the dark empire!"

The sound of Yang Dingtian fell, and he suddenly gained a lot of admiration.

This is Yangdingtian. In normal times, it is not a calculation. However, at a critical moment, his strategy and vision will be higher than everyone else.

If this plan can succeed it is not just to stop the revenge of the demon road.

But on the basis of two huge wins, I won a more brilliant victory.

Since there is no other idea, Yang Dingtian immediately arbitrarily decided to attack the Dark Empire.


In the evening, Yangdingtian seized the time, devours the essence of energy, and tries to make a big breakthrough in his cultivation.


Note: Nearly six thousand words are sent. I didn’t sleep yesterday night, and I went home today to move out of my account.

The most depressing thing is that there is a power outage at home. Therefore, this chapter I still use the laptop's battery to write it out, and upload it using the mobile phone network. Today, it should be even more.

How to write tomorrow, how to upload, I will find a way, will not break even more. (To be continued.)

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