Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1108: Choose! East is under the loyalty!

This choice, Yangdingtian is almost impossible to do. £∝Fiction,.

If you choose to preserve the chastity of ice, it will damage the interests of the Bright Council.

On the contrary, the Oriental Ice Ling will completely eliminate the jade from this world.

Yangding Tianmuguang looked at the prince in front of him. At this time, his heart has never been like this, hating a person and hating a person.

It is the person in front of me, and again and again, the despicable thing on the woman's chastity.

The shameless cause is horrifying.

Take a deep breath, Yang Ding Tianchao died after the death of Ji Road: "Nothing is gone, Oriental Ice Ling is your disciple, love the same mother and daughter. You know that once she is tainted, she will choose self-destruction. You Is it that the ice is completely fragrant and ruined?"

After the demon, Ji Meizhen trembled slightly, then slowly said: "The current demon road, Prince Si Li said."

Prince Tai Li smiled and said: "Yangdingtian, I said nothing, I think you still have to hurry and make decisions. Time is running out, there are only a few hours. When the evening arrives, I and the peony will have a candle in the room. It is."

Yang Dingtian’s fist jerked his grip, his nails had been trimmed very short, but he still pierced the palm of his hand.

Then he slowly closed his eyes.

The whole body seems to have become a bomb that is about to explode.

His anger, let his entire body, as if violently blasted, torn the thief in front.

Seeing this scene, there is something unspeakable in the heart of the Prince.

Your Yangdingtian is very powerful, but in terms of means and intelligence, it was still crushed by me. At this time, I was forced to a desperate situation.

For a quarter of an hour, Yangdingtian did not speak.

After a quarter of an hour, he opened his eyes. Dao: "Li Ming, this thing, I said it alone, I have to negotiate with the master."

The master, of course, is the Eastern Nirvana, because the Oriental Ice Ling is also his daughter.

"Of course." Prince Tai Li said: "However. It is best to take some time, according to your time unit, at 8 o'clock this evening, we will have a candle in the room."

Then, the prince's face screamed: "Even if you destroy the entire dark empire, you can't stop our caves."

Yangtou said: "I understand, I will give you an answer before five o'clock in the evening!"

After all, Yangdingtian took Naru and Violet. Flash away and return to Yunxiaocheng.

After the devil, Ji Chao Li Ming asked: "You said, will he promise?"

Prince Tai Li sneered and said: "Reassured, he will. This person's false positive and false meaning has been deeply rooted and can't change."

Then, the Prince looked down at the ground and dripped a lot of blood. Still can see the anger of Yangdingtian.


Yang Dingtian returned to Yunxiao City and told the master of the event to the East.

The master's body trembled. After a while, close your eyes immediately.

Because, his eyes slammed, and the whole head was dizzy.

Even the whole soul seems to be out of this body.

After a long time, the master of the East Nirvana came over. Then the sun rises to the sky: "Children, I know that you have a decision in your heart, and will not be affected by anyone. But I also have my opinion."

"You said." Yangding Tiandao.

Oriental Nirvana: "My opinion is, give up the oriental ice!"

After the end of the Eastern Nirvana. Did not say the reason, he does not need to say the reason.

Moreover, he has already owed a sin to the daughter.

When she was very young, in order to find the truth of the world, the Eastern Nirvana left the Eastern Ice Ling and made her bullied.

Now, after he returns, he has not really seen his daughter, he will give up.

After a long silence, the Eastern Nirvana said: "Children, how did you decide?"

Although the Eastern Nirvana can feel the meaning of annihilation, but he stands on the position of Yang Dingtian, there is no way to make a decision.

Whether it is sacrificing the interests of the Bright Parliament or giving up the Eastern Ice, it is not a choice that Yangdingtian can make.

Yangdingtian looked at the direction of the dark empire in the distance and slowly said: "Master, I will not give up the ice!"

Suddenly, the Eastern Nie destroyed the brow.

Not giving up the oriental ice, it means giving up the East, it means hurting the interests of the Bright Council.

Yang Dingtian went on and said: "But I will never compromise and will not hurt the interests of the Bright Council."

The face of the Eastern Nirvana changed, but did not know how Yangdingtian would do it, so that it would not harm the interests of the Bright Council, and would not harm the Oriental Ice.

There is no such a way at all.

There can only be one choice.

After that, Yangding Tianfei quickly flew in the direction of the Yinyang mirror.


In less than an hour, Yangdingtian flew to the end of the Yinyang mirror.

Then, open a space door and jump into the torn space.

After entering the torn space, Yangdingtian used the fastest speed to fly to the connection between the torn space and the dark matter.

In front, it is a dark material pierced by a pointed tip.

Yang Dingtian took the east away from the space ring and then did not ring at him.

When I was sobered up again, I saw the serious face that Yang Dingtian had never had before. I couldn’t help but feel my heart. "You, what are you doing? You want to force me to ask me? I said, you can’t miss me. The Temple of Destroy!"

Yang Ding Tian was not able to speak for a while, then the face became gentle, and the voice became milder. "East, you... what do you have in the end, what should you explain?"

When the words came out, the East changed from the face and said: "You, what do you mean? You can't think of me, I won't say anything."

Yangding Tiandao: "Despite the fact that you and I were enemies, at this time, hatred of hostility is meaningless. If you have any wishes, I can do it, I will do it for you."

Suddenly, there was no blood, and said: "You, you can't stop and hold me. What do you have?"

At this time, the east is completely out of the momentum of the demon and the lord, and it is completely scattered.

"If there is no last wish, then forget it." Yangding Tiandao.

Then, take out the gemstone essence of the eye and melt the dark matter out of a huge hole. Then escorted the east to the inside.

"Ah...ah..." East suddenly screamed and screamed, "Stop, stop, stop, what do you want to ask? I said, I said, stop..."

Yangding Tiandao: "Dong Yi, I really have nothing to ask. Prince Tai Li, forced me to return you to the demon road. Exchange with the princess peony. If I do not agree, he will tarnish the innocence of the oriental ice, so ... I can only destroy you!"

When the words came out, the east was trembled and did not dare to set the channel: "Li Ming, Li Ming for me, willing to surrender the Oriental ice?"

He was suddenly taken seriously, and there was a feeling of incredulity.

Yangding Tiandao: "You think more. The reason why he wants to exchange you is because you want the evil spirits in your body. Now the innocent has broken through the holy power. But it is not controlled by the evil demon. Therefore, they will use your first-class evil spirits to suppress the will of the innocent, so that they will have a holy power, you have been completely abandoned."

As soon as this was said, the face of the East was instantly distorted.

"Don't think. I can't think about it..." East said: "Anyone wants to take away my first-class evil spirits, why don't you let the princess peony hand over? I am the lord of the annihilation temple, and I am on the same level as the prince. I am also the son of the devil, by what? Why?"

Time. The East has completely entered the state of madness, as if it is going crazy.

To be taken away from the evil spirits, this blow to the East is undoubtedly the biggest and the most complete humiliation.

Yangding Tiandao: "Well, now things are clear to you, what are you going to explain, let's talk?"

The East could not help but wake up from the madness, and then gradually calm down.

Because the situation at the moment is even more terrible, Yangdingtian wants his life.

For a while, the east is slow: "Yangdingtian, I have to say that I am dying now, and there is nothing. Because, I am alive now, and it doesn't make much sense. Except for the emptiness of the body, I have already There is no value."

Yes, it’s already very uncomfortable for the East to be in the position of the Demon Road. Not to mention, he became a captive of Yangdingtian.

East continued to continue: "If you haven't told me about this before, I will die if I die. But now... I am not willing, I am really reluctant."

Looking east from the gaze, I looked at the top of the torn space. "Why is Li Ming doing this to me? I am also a young master. My first-class evil spirits are justified. Why should I let them out? Land? He is trampling on my dignity!"

Taking a deep breath, the East left the road: "Yangdingtian, I just made a suggestion, promised not to promise, power is in you."

Yangding Tiandao: "You said."

East Road: "If you want, I, I want to be loyal to you! First-class evil spirits, I let go, I want a second-class evil spirit One day, they will need me The emptiness of the flames, when it is time, is my fatal blow, when I retaliate, that is when I am with these people!"

Yangdingtian eyes jerked.

East Road: "Yangdingtian, you have no way to kill Li Ming, there is no way to kill the magic. Because the evil spirits energy is too strong, but stronger, and can not escape the abyss border. One day, they will cross the abyss border. At that time, it is their death. You can't kill them, I will help you kill!"

During the Yangding, the heart was mad, and then slowly said: "You are not saying that you will not betray the evil demon?"

East shook his head and said: "I am in the demon road, worthless, what is betrayal and not betrayal. Oh, yes, because the demon road is my own, the first evil spirit is my own, certainly not betrayed. But now, they want to take away my only first-class evil spirits, then what is the value of my loyalty?"

After all, the east is slowly squatting, kneeling in front of Yang Dingtian, saying: "Either let me loyal to you, or kill me!"

Then, the east is squatting, motionless, waiting for the choice of Yangdingtian. (To be continued.) R527

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