Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1112: Breaking the holy level again? Remove the permanent house?

The five sons of the Prince and the evil demon, just left. ◎,

When I left, Prince Tai Li had become very calm, even letting Yangdingtian feel a little scared and calm.

After the demon road left, it was taboo on the mainland side of the mainland, and the guardian power increased.

In the end, Naru, innocent, demon fox, and demon net all stayed.

Believe that with this power, the demon road is incapable of breaking.

The Yangding Tianchao asked innocently: "What do you think will happen next to the Demon Road? Is it a blessing, waiting for the devil to ask for the return of the day? Or is it ready for the next wave of attack?"

Innocent: "According to reason, after the series of failures of the demon road, you should do nothing, wait for the devil to return to heaven. But most of the time, people can't always do things according to reason, don't they?"

Yang nodded, especially when Yang Dingtian was to be imprisoned, the demon of the entire Demon Road master, and the devil's words, the calmness of the Prince.

Yang Dingtian can feel that Prince Tai Li almost seems to give up all the emotions and humiliation, completely endless.

Therefore, he must not be like this, and he will give up.


After returning to the Dark Empire, everyone was silent.

For half an hour, no one spoke.

Prince Tai Li paid the big price, and he suffered the biggest failure. He even almost fell into a trap.

However, no matter whether it is the devil or the other, there is no blame.

"What to do next, is it so good to stop, waiting for the return of the devil's majesty? Or not to end, continue to fight?" Prince asked.

After the devil died Ji Dao: "If you are smart enough, you should be so good. But I am not willing, are you willing?"

No one will be willing.

Prince Edward said: "If you continue to fight, how can you fight?"

Yeah, how to fight?

All the means have been exhausted, and there is absolutely no way.

The Prince is savvy: "Use the Eastern Ice Ling to exchange the door of the human kingdom. Is it possible?"

It’s impossible to shake the head after the devil’s death.

Yang Dingtian is not the kind of person who has been ruined by the public. Before he exchanged peony with the east, he was rejected by a very decisive means.

Suddenly, the eyes of the demon dying, looking to the emperor's side.

The emperor’s face changed sharply: “Impossible, absolutely impossible.”

This eye of the devil's death is very simple, that is, to use the undead of the empire. Create a new demon sacred power.

This, this thought is crazy.

When the ghosts ask the sky, they will certainly not agree.

First of all, can you create a holy human master with a powerful undead?


This requires two prerequisites.

The first one must refine the Hell of the Undead into an energy essence that can be directly swallowed. The second condition, the human warrior who was transformed. Must have a strong sea of ​​air and Xuanmai, otherwise it has not yet reached the holy level. The whole body was completely blasted.

Coincidentally, these two conditions, the demon road has.

Refining and infernal magic crystal, the ghost **** asked the sky can be done.

The evil spirits, with their own talents, can certainly not break through the holy level. Even the sanctuary is barely. However, they have evil spirits in their bodies that can be transformed to protect the mysterious veins and the sea of ​​air.

It can be, but it costs the **** magic crystal. It is very, very, very amazing.

It seems even impossible! When the ghosts ask the sky, they will not agree.

Because this is not the same as the spiritless, the emperor's release is different. These two people have ghosts in the body, so they can directly swallow the **** magic crystal, and the energy utilization rate is much higher.

And other human warriors, swallowing the **** magic crystal, can break through the holy power.

In this way, the cost of Hell Magic Crystal is completely astronomical.

And these **** magic crystals are completely derived from the powerful undead, Shura.

These undead, Shura is the root of the ghostly emperor's life.

Last time, in order to help the devil to die, the ghost emperor asked the day to lose nearly half of the undead monarch, the lord.

This has already made him almost vomiting blood, and in order to let the innocent and emperor break through the holy level, he has consumed a lot.

If you want to let other demons break through the holy level, the ghosts will ask for a day.

Two hundred years later, he will devour all the undead and Shura, trying to break through the unprecedented realm.

If everything is consumed, then he will ask the heavens, where is the future.

It can be said that whoever dares to ask this day, he will be completely angry and irrational.

After the devil died Ji Dao: "Do you think that Yang Dingtian is still possible, get the holy class?"

No one knows about this matter.

Prince Tai Li said: "If, in a short time, Yangdingtian can no longer get the Holy Power. And we fight in a different way, we no longer compete for the door of the human kingdom, but completely desperate, directly rushed into the skull hall And if Yongshe is well prepared, at the moment we enter, his holy master will surely come out."

After the devil, Ji Ji nodded: "He will certainly do this, because according to the process, the war of the world has already ended, and we should have sent people to Xiaoxitian to meet. But we did not do so, it is easy to guess Out, we have trouble, we have lost the door of the human kingdom. Therefore, he will arrange enough masters in the skull hall, as long as we rush in at all costs, there will be many demon fox masters rushing out and entering humanity. country."

People in the field, remembered today's scene.

When the Prince was severely trapped, the remaining demon masters frantically launched a suicide attack, and again and again smashed the bones of the Naga royal swords in Yangdingtian.

In the end, forcing Yangdingtian had to give up the intention to imprison the Prince.

If this near-suicide attack is placed at the door of the human kingdom, is the power equally great?

Prince Tai Li said: "If there is a total of three holy powers on our side, can there be a successful impact?"

After the devil, Ji shook his head and said: "There are five holy powers on the other side, and Yang Dingtian has a holy spirit sword. Our three holy powers will not succeed. The other mysterious holy level The strong, very powerful, even on the side of me and the emperor."

Then, after the devil died, Ji Dao said: "If we have four holy powers, the probability of success increases greatly. Because there is no spirit and emperor, there can be a split."

The emperor asked and asked: "Li Ming, have you cultivated geometry?"

Prince Tai Li said: "I have been semi-sacred for a long time, long time ago. According to the division of Xiaoxitian, I am now a 18th-order nine-piece. This is still a long time ago, in the taboo of the mainland, the success of cultivation, and then There is no inch."

The emperor closed his eyes and began to estimate. The 18th-order nine-piece of the prince's fierceness breaks through the holy-level powerhouse and needs to consume many undead lords and undead monarchs.

After the calculation, the result is completely let the emperor release a cold breath.

Although there is only one order, the 19th-order undead is about a dozen or so.

And the required holy level of the infernal **** magic crystal, also needs at least seven.

This, the cost is really big enough to vomit blood.

To know. In the last war, quite a few of the holy Shura were wiped out.

At this time, there is a ghost town inside. There are only thirty of the only remaining holy monarchs.

In this case, in order to cultivate a holy class, it takes a quarter of the Holy Undead monarch, and the Ghost Emperor asks Heaven to be mad.

At this time, the demon died and the prince was fierce. His eyes are on the side of the emperor.

The emperor said: "This has nothing to do with me. If you think you can, go to the ghost emperor and talk."

After half an hour.

After the devil died, the emperor released the emperor, and the prince Li Ming flew out of the dark empire. Fly in the direction of the Nether Empire.

There is no doubt that this is a very difficult negotiation for them.

This is no different from cutting the flesh from the ghost god!


At this time, the taboo of the mainland waters, the Yangdingtian still did not leave.

Once again, Yang Dingtian’s brain appeared in the scene of the suicide attack by the demon master.

"If the demon road is no longer the door to the human kingdom, but the forcible impact?" Yang Dingtian suddenly said.

Nalu began to calculate the entrance area of ​​the taboo in the mainland, then closed her eyes and began to calculate, saying: "If the other party is still three holy powers, we can still block. But if there is one more, we will be difficult to stop. Because the other side of the emperor and the innocent, can be a real avatar."

Then, Naru asked: "They, is it possible to have another holy power?"

Yangding Tiandao: "It's hard, but it's not impossible. This way, it means that the ghosts ask the blood of the gods, and the loss is enormous. I think it is very difficult for the ghosts to ask the day."

Nothing to say: "Don't underestimate, ask the sky for the innocence of nothingness. The one on the dark throne has become cold and ruthless, but other questions are still full of personality charm."

Yang Dingtian remembered the question of the New Naga Empire, and it was indeed full of personality charm. Yang Dingtian also hanged his back and drunk, as if he was a friend.

Nothing to say: "So, from the Great Priest Association, can you please come to the Holy Master?"

Naru couldn't help but look at the fox priest because she had a very low status in the Great Priest Association.

The fox priest said: "The reason why I came is because I have nothing to do, because I have just completed a study, and Yangdingtian has been living in the illusion for hundreds of years, and it has been like a relative. It is purely because of mine. The reason. Unfortunately, I don't have such a crazy crush in Zhoushan."

As soon as this was said, the burly demon emptiness seemed to be somewhat proud and somewhat self-confident.

If you want to get a holy power from the Little West Heaven Association, unless you pass the fire dance priest.

However, the fire dance is still based on the interests of the Great Priest Association. Everyone in the Great Priest Association thinks that their own research is as life-like. It is obviously very difficult for them to let go of their research to help Yang Dingtian.

Moreover, although the fire dance is very important for Yangdingtian, it is definitely not like the demon fox.

After all, Yangdingtian and the demon fox have been together for hundreds of years, which is longer than the husband and wife.

As a result, the fox priest in front of Yang Dingtian, most of the time is not wearing clothes, but the two sides have no meaning to have some relationship.

Therefore, unless it involves the survival of Xiaoxitian, or the survival of the Great Priest Association.

Otherwise, it seems unlikely that you want to get the help of the Holy Power from the Great Priest Association.

In this way, if the demon road has a more holy power and then launches a suicide shock, the door of the human kingdom is likely to fall.

At that time, countless demon fox masters in the head hall surged out.

The whole situation will be reversed in an instant.

This situation, at the moment, seems to have a feeling of no solution.

However, the Demon Road wants to have another sacred powerhouse. It may be difficult in a short time. The ghost lord may not be able to agree so easily.

So, for this situation, Yang time.

Nalu suddenly said: "The key to Xiaoxitian is to ask the sky forever. As long as he is solved, it will be done once and for all. The whole small West Heaven is no longer an enemy, but an ally!"

Yes, the key is to ask the sky.

No matter how many people he has in the small West Alliance, how many masters are in control, as long as he dies, all of them will be wiped out.

Naru is one of the most outstanding speakers in the history of Xiao Xitian. Whether it is repairing or qualifications, it is more than Yongshe.

Moreover, there is a high priest association behind her.

If, as long as the eradication of the sky, Naru can control the situation of Xiaoxitian.

And his own cheap father-in-law, the Shadow Gezu enchanted the second generation, one mind is to let his daughter Ji Ya become the next speaker, and then his grandson has enough time to grow to the demigod, and then unified the entire small West, the generations.

If you can give it to the sky, Naru can give it.

As long as there is enough interest, this cheap father-in-law can sell anything.

Therefore, as long as we remove the eternal question, the problem of Xiaoxitian will be completely solved, and there is no need to worry that the door of the human kingdom will fall.

However, whether it is to get rid of the eternal days or control the small West, it takes time.

At least, in a short period of time, you can't let the demon road have more than one holy power, and you can't let the demon road hit the head hall successfully.

Is there any way to delay the time? Delay the rhythm of the demon road?

Of course, there are some Yangdingtian will raise a transaction request.

As long as Yang Dingtian proposes this transaction, the Demon Road will temporarily give up the huge cost and let Li Ming break through the plan of the Holy Power.

However, Yangdingtian wants to enter Xiaoxitian, to get rid of Yongshe to ask the sky, then his cultivation is going to get the biggest improvement.

Therefore, the massive Hell Magic Crystal that was acquired in the last Undead Wars must find ways to refine and become the essence of energy.

I don’t know how much the Yangdingtian can break through after the enrichment of these energy essences.


Note: The second and fourth thousand words are sent, the feeling of the code on the train, really!

In the last book, my wife gave birth to a child. I am screaming at the hospital every day. Later, the code word was used in the Internet cafe. Now I am on the train again. In order to keep improving, I have exhausted all kinds of postures. (To be continued..)u

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