Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1130: Parliament! Capture the Yongshe!

In the middle of the night. △↗,

The nine tribes, as well as the patriarchs of other small and medium-sized tribes, have all entered the capital.

The eight punishers led by Yang Dingtian also secretly entered the capital.


At this time, there are still three hours from the Joint Council.

The acting speaker, Yongshe, did not sleep. He stood in front of the mirror early and put on a straight robes.

Put on the silver faucet crown that represents the position of the speaker.

Although he was calm on the surface, his heart was already raging, and his hands were slightly trembling.

It is not because of the upcoming joint parliamentary vote, this is already a game that is doomed to win or lose.

He is nervous because there is no final result about the energy gate between Zhoushan and Xiaoxitian.

If you can't close the energy gate, it means that he can't start the silver dragon referee, which means that once the silver dragon referee takes out the arrest investigation order, he will be very passive.

at last……

A black shadow entered the hall.

"His Speaker, our experiment has been successful, and the reverse has been successful, and found the way to close the energy gate."

Yongshe asked the heart to jump suddenly and said: "Is it troublesome?"

The black shadow said: "Energy-related things, as long as they are solved, it is the easiest to do it. In less than two days, we can completely shut down the energy gate that leads to Xiaoxitian."

Yongshe smiled and said: "If that's the case, then do it."

"Good." The black shadow said.

Then in the darkness, more than a dozen black shadows secretly left the capital and flew toward the junction of Zhoushan and Xiaoxitian.

Yongshe’s mouth twitched slightly, and a smile appeared in the mirror.

"We won, aren't we?"


Finally, it is dawn!

Always ask the sky. Finishing the silver faucet crown on the head, gently rubbing the silver dragon scepter in his hand and walking out of his palace.

Boarding the silver carriage outside, with a command, go straight to the main hall of the parliament.

Accompanied by, there are several other gorgeous carriages. One of them belongs to Ji Ya.

Then, thousands of silver palace temple cavalry, arched the team, and swayed toward the parliament hall.


The main hall of the parliament, about thirty miles from the silver palace.

Here, it is the center of the position of Yindu, and it is also the center of power of Xiaoxitian, at least the nominal power center.

After a long time of entry. All members entered the parliament hall.

After Yongshe arrived, he and Ji Ya got off the carriage and walked into the parliament hall.


Very large external door, slowly closed.

On the square of the outer parliament hall, there are tens of thousands of soldiers and horses standing in unison.

Most of them are the troops that guard the main hall of the parliament. There are also the army brought by the chairman of the Yongshe, the leader of the nine tribes.

This is a closed meeting!

For the most part, the general parliament hall seats have been vacated for most of the time. At this point, I sat full.

More than one thousand seats for parliament, none of them absent.

And the nine high-ranking Ginza on behalf of the highest power. It is also extremely rare to be filled with people.

The nine patriarchs gathered in the main hall. The last time this scene appeared, it was still when the new speaker was elected.

Even if the enchanting death, when Yongshe served as the acting speaker, the nine patriarchs would barely come halfway.

At this point, all of them were actually present.

When the original council discussed. They are all whispering and chatting.

At this time, within the main hall of the parliament, there was silence.

The vast majority of Members do not know what happened. but. They have an absolutely sensitive political sense of smell.

When something goes wrong, it must be a big thing.

Moreover, before entering the main hall, every member of the parliament received orders from the heads of various ethnic groups. They must follow the footsteps of the patriarchs without any conditions. When the patriarchs express their attitudes, the members of the parliament will raise their hands. If they disobey, the whole family will be executed!

That's right, that was what was said at the time. It was not euphemistic, it was just a terrible word of death with the whole family.

Therefore, all the members of the parliament are skating and chilling.

"The speaker is driving, all standing up!"


The inner door of the sheet metal was opened, and then the Yongshe, who was present at the meeting, slowly walked out.

The same dress, Ji Ya, followed.

"Brush!" Suddenly, all the members present, including the heads of the nine tribes, stood up.

Yongshe asked the day to come to the position of the central speaker.

He didn't sit down immediately, but his expression of horror, smiled and said: "Hey, have I forgotten what big day is today? How come so many people, the last parliamentary vote, the position has not been half full. ”

Originally, this time should show laughter and respond to the humor of the speaker.

However, silence is silent.

"Please sit." Yongshe waved his hand.

Suddenly, the nine chiefs sat down.

Then, there were more than 1,000 members present and all sat down.

Yongshe asked the sky and sat down.

As her assistant, Ji Ya, sat down in a small seat next to him.

Then, dozens of pieces of jade back, began to record.

Ji Ya spread out the energy notebook and began to prepare for the record.

As an assistant to the chairman of Yongshe, his job is secretarial work and there is no voting power.

"Ji Ya, let's get started." Yong Shedao.

Ji Ya got up and said: "It is still the 893 issue of this era. Regarding whether to enter the human kingdom in a big way and seize the base in advance, please propose the reasons!"

Then, a member of the Yindu Nationality got up and began to elaborate.

His essay is very long.

There are thousands of words in it, and it also matches many images, graphic materials.

In short, it is to prove one thing.

Xiaoxitian is in a very unstable state, and it is constantly being consumed. There will always be a day of extinction, perhaps five thousand years, perhaps eight thousand years.

The reason is that compared to a thousand years ago. The density of the black air of Xiaoxitian has begun to decline.

Moreover, compared to a thousand years ago, the area of ​​Xiaoxitian is increasing.

The floating land and land are constantly changing.

For nearly a thousand years, the largest distance between land has expanded by more than 20,000 feet. The smallest is also three hundred feet.

In other words, the small western world is expanding every day, between land and land, every day is far away.

When this distance reaches a certain level, the energy balance of Xiaoxitian will be broken, and the small western world will be destroyed.

Therefore, send some forces into the human kingdom and open up new homes in the future. very necessary.

Even more explicit is that it is necessary for Xiaoxitian to fully colonize the human kingdom and occupy the entire life of the mainland!

After two hours, the member finally explained his reasons.

However, no one has been listening carefully.

The only thing that I listened carefully was the Yangdingtian outside the main hall!

Simply look at the article from this essay. It is a very scientific and rigorous article with full arguments.

Xiaoxitian World. It is indeed constantly expanding, and the mainland is indeed far away.

If this continues, there will always be a day when Xiaoxitian will be destroyed.

However, it is certainly not five thousand years, nor eight thousand years. It will be something after tens of thousands of years.

The patriarchs are also aware of this.

I also know that this is related to the survival of Xiaoxitian.

However, there are still tens of thousands of years, and now it is proposed. It is too early.

Of course, for the invasion of the human kingdom, most of the members do not care. The life and death of the human kingdom, they don't care.

What they care about is the will of their respective patriarchs.

Because the demon has always been resentful to Yongshe, so he will certainly not agree. He feels that there is an ulterior plot in Yongshe.

And Enchanted II, for some reason, did not agree.

These two people disagree, and this proposal will of course not pass.

Ji Yadao: "The Member's elaboration has been completed. I agree with this topic and let Xiao Xitian enter the human kingdom and establish a base. Please raise your hand!"

All the lawmakers, holding their hands tightly, did not dare to move.

And all eyes, all staring at their patriarchs. If they raise their hands, the lawmakers will use their fastest speed and raise their hands.

Therefore, the nerves of all the members at this time are tight.

"Hey!" There are more than one hundred people, all raising their hands.

It is a member of the Yindu camp. More than 90% of the members of the Yindu are raised their hands.

Then, another person raised his hand.

It was the golden patriarch and the enchanting righteous father. He turned out to be the second one.

And with his hands raised, all the members of the Kim A camp all raised their hands.

Then the third camp raised his hand.

It is a tragic family. This is the base camp of the president of Yongshe.

Then the fourth camp raised his hand.

This is the flashy Tissot.

Next, no one raised his hand.

Including the Enchanted II, sitting still, even closed his eyes!

And the demon camp, will not raise their hands to agree.

Of the more than 1,000 members, more than 400 members raised their hands.

There is no doubt that this vote cannot be passed.

For this result, almost everyone can think of it. Because of the previous votes, it is also the result.

Ji Ya got up and said: "For this issue, there are no more than half of the consent, and the issue is not passed!"

Chairman Yong She got up and smiled. "It seems that this is really a long-term battle. If you don't pass, today's meeting is coming to an end. But it's rare for the patriarchs to come and go to the Silver Palace to attend the banquet. Also give me a chance to bribe the patriarchs!"

As soon as this is said, the heads of the nine tribes should smile and cater to them.

However, it is still silent.

Even if you are standing in the Yongshe camp, you will be stunned by this atmosphere and will not dare to leave.

Yongshe asked the day and did not care: "Since the issue is over, then it will be scattered!"

Then, when Ji Ya got up, she had to put up the energy notebook.

Suddenly, the demon slammed up and said: "And slow, Lord Yong, we have another topic!"

President Yongshe smiled and said: "Oh, demon patriarch, what is the issue?"

Demon said: "Lord Yongshe, suspected of being convicted by human beings, and suspected of murdering the enchanting speaker. Yinlong Temple special arrest investigation order, to bring Yongshe back to Zhoushan, to identify the true body. Again before I think that Mr. Yongshe has been unable to serve as the acting speaker of Xiaoxitian. Therefore, my topic is, please ask Mr. Yongshe to leave the job!"

When the words came out, everyone in the audience changed their face.

If you are a devil, if you have a thunder, you will be beaten in everyone's heart.

All the members of the parliament almost slammed the heart and could not bear the news.

The entire venue, as if by a hurricane.

Then at this time, the door of the hall was opened Yangdingtian played the silver dragon referee, led the eight mighty punishers, slowly walked, took out the arrest investigation order!

Then, in front of everyone, one sentence at a time:

Xiaoxitian Speaker, Mr. Yongshe, does not suspect that you have been asked by human beings, and that there is an unavoidable suspicion of the death of the enchanting speaker. We have sufficient reason to suspect that your existence will be fatal to the survival of Xiaoxitian. influences. Specially, you will not come to the Zhoushan Grand Priest Association to explain the doubts of the Great Priest Association.

After the reading, the entire hall is a dead silence.

It’s really going to be a day, it’s really going to fall apart.

Then, Yang Dingtian will hand over the investigation and order to Yongshe to ask the day, slowly saying: "Lord Yongshe, please let us go!"

Suddenly, all eyes are condensed between Yongshe and Yangdingtian.

Almost everyone can't breathe, and they are all watching whether Yongshe will take over Yangdingtian's arrest investigation order! (To be continued..)u

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