Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1156: 1 net to play! After the magic crazy!

Desperate emotions only lasted for a while. ◎,

The next time, Prince Edward Lie took back the emptiness.

Avoid the aftermath of the devil and others rushed over.

Of course, in the moment when his body is completely locked, the void fire is interrupted.

Then, a familiar and strange face was printed into the eyes of the Prince.

It is Yangdingtian, but it is a Yangdingtian that is not a language.

Although the Prince Tai Li has not seen it, he has seen very detailed portraits, as well as the pictures recorded by Huiyingyu, so he recognized Yangdingtian in the first time.

Suddenly, his heart really seems to have been thundered.

How can it be? How can it be?

Despite the horror, it is definitely not the time.

So... the body of the Prince was fiercely blasting.

His life directly turned into a mass of energy wrapped by evil spirits, escaping wildly.

This speed is almost at its peak, and it immediately rushes out of the exit of the void.

Then it slammed into a powerful wall of energy.

Every high-level evil spirits will explode and escape, and Yangdingtian has already prepared.

Xiaoxitian spent astronomical figures on the spar and built many layers of energy prisoners. Li Ming could not escape.

"Boom!" Li Ming just slammed into the energy prison, the entrance to the prison, and instantly closed.

He was directly imprisoned.

The three holy powers go forward to maintain the operation of the energy array.

The energy body of the prince's savage, madly impacting inside, but it is impossible to break through.

Yang Dingtian just looked at him and then returned to the temporary abyssal border of the void, and he released a hollow fire. Purify this temporary abyss border.

Soon, the emptiness of the sun in the sky, the entire abyss border, purified into a transparent crystal.

Prince Tai Li quickly understood the attempt of Yang Dingtian.

He wants to attract the emperor and other people, and after seeing the abyss border, he will be re-purified. He will surely think that this is the Prince. It was after Li Ming confirmed the safety of Xiao Xitian. Release the Void Fire to purify the abyss border and pick them up.


On the other side of the abyssal border, the demon dying Ji first saw the vanishing flame disappeared, suddenly suddenly shocked.

Could it be that Li Ming encountered something unexpectedly there?

But after a while, the fissure fire once again appeared on the abyss border, once again purifying the abyss border.

She immediately thought that Li Ming should first determine if it is safe and confirm the safety. Then release the hollow flame and pick them up.

He has always come, it is so careful.

At the same time, the entire void crack began to tremble fiercely.

The short cross between Xiaoxitian and the first dark field is over, so this dark crack will soon disappear.

"Go, we are going, time is too late." After the devil died Ji Dao.

Suddenly, there is no way to say: "The devil is squatting. In fact, the prince of Li Ming alone is enough. Wait until the next crevice, Xiao Xitian master can come over."

After the devil died Ji Dao: "No. Li Ming is not enough to drive Yongshe, still need me to go."

At this time, the emperor suddenly said: "I will not pass, I will stay here."

After the devil died Jidao: "Do you confirm?"

"I confirm."

At this point, the dark cracks trembled even more.

After the demon, Ji Ji nodded and then jumped into the purified temporary abyss border.

And no way, no spirits then jumped.

The emperor sighed gently. Exit the void crack cave and return to the first dark field!


After a quick shuttle, I don’t know how long it took, but it seems to be an instant.

Everything is over.

After the devil died, he rushed out of the abyss border.

And this time. The dark cracks shrink and shrink rapidly.

Then, it suddenly disappeared.

The people inside the dark rips were directly bounced out and appeared in the world of Xiaoxitian.

To be precise, it is in the sea of ​​Xiaoxitian.

Most of the dark cracks in Xiaoxitian appear on the seabed.


After the devil, he saw the imprisoned Prince and Li Ming at first sight.

She slammed her heart.

Then, it was found that there were more than 20 sacred powers, dozens of semi-class sages, and surrounded the four demons.

After the demon, the death of Ji is suddenly changed.

Really counted!

It’s that I’m hurting Li Ming, I am a demon, I became a sinner, I became a sinner.

Li Ming’s intuition is correct!

Then, for the first time, after the devil died, Ji did not escape, but the body violently blew himself into a powerful energy, and rushed toward the energy of the Prince.

Suicide attacks are suicide attacks.

Very angry, incomparably stunned after the devil, desperately want to save Li Ming.

The last time, she saved Li Ming.

But last time, Yangdingtian used the sword soul as an energy prisoner and imprisoned Li Ming.

This time, it is the energy prison built by the whole small West Heaven with countless powerful spar and energy array.

Plus dozens of holy levels, dozens of semi-level power supply.

This energy prison is not a breakthrough after the devil.


After the devil died, screaming frantically, madly screaming.

The three evil spirits, madly hit the energy prison of the Prince, but nothing helps.

Just seeing the three evil spirits, blasting again and again, broken bones again and again.

It seems that it is extremely strong.


Li Ming’s energy prison is open with an energy wall.

After the devil three, directly into the energy prison.


The energy prison was closed again, and the evil spirits of the four demons were all imprisoned.

Before the top of the sun, I recognized the devil and others.

One less, the emperor was not imprisoned. Strictly speaking, the emperor's interpretation is not a demon person. As long as the devil died, Ji and the Prince were arrested. Even if it is a net, it’s done.

And if the emperor is in the dark realm, then she can't do evil in the human kingdom.

"Is the emperor released?" Yang Dingtian asked.

After the devil died Ji, double sputum congestion, sighing: "Sure enough, you really, you, Yang Dingtian, I will definitely smash you corpse. Broken corpse, I will definitely kill your family, kill them... ”

At this time, the demon singer Ji has lost all his temperament and all temperament, like a madman.

It was she who personally sent the demon road owner to the road.

Yang Dingtian did not care about her poisonous words.

Looking at the prince and squinting: "Li Ming, the emperor released the side?"

at this time. The Prince was so quiet that he was quiet, and even quiet, too much, the whole eyelids have no vitality.

When I heard the question of Yang Dingtian, Li Ming stayed for a while, then said: "Yongshe, Yongshe?"

"It’s always asking the sky." Yangding Tiandao: "He, has been executed."

After the demon, Ji Ji’s body trembled fiercely and heard this. As if it was struck by lightning.

"Execution? Impossible, he has a second-class evil spirit. Xiaoxitian has no dark matter, how do you kill him?"

Yangding Tiandao: "We, thrown him into the abyss border. The evil spirits are stronger, and they can't resist the abyss border, and they are dying out."

Suddenly, the face of the devil died. There is no blood color in the white.

Yongshe asked the day to die, and Yongshe asked that the day was dead!

Of course, it is not how deep the feelings of the Queen after the Queen’s question.

It is because, forever, asking for the sky is also part of the devil.

just now. Yangding Tianlian Devil can kill the sky!

This, for the evil demon, is equivalent to the collapse of faith.

At this time, the Prince sternly said: "Yongshe, mastering a mysterious energy of the Holy Power, and the Silver Palace, there are also twenty holy powerhouses. The holy power in his hands exceeds How can you beat him in half of Xiaoxitian? How could you possibly kill him?"

As soon as this was said, the sorrow of the sorcerer could not help but reveal hope.

Yang Dingtian did not answer, but directly took out a piece of Huiyu, and entered Xuanqi.

Suddenly, an energy picture projection appeared.

In the picture, Yongshe asked the heavens, and was directly thrown into the abyssal border of the dark world, and instantly vanished and died thoroughly.

This picture is out, the devil is dead, the prince is fierce and so on, completely desperate!

Yongshe asked the sky, really dead!

How can it be? How can Yangdingtian do this?

How can it be?

Four demons, in a dead silence!

After the demon, Ji was finally quiet, and slowly asked: "Yangdingtian, you won us, you are very proud."

Yang Dingtian shook his head and said: "Just, a little relieved, nothing to say."

The eyes of the demon dying, became cold and poisonous, and said one word: "But don't forget, we still have the devil to ask the sky! He is ten times more powerful than us, and he is only ten times stronger. Before, he just kept Take the **** of Chaos as an opponent. Now, you have defeated us, then you have to face him. He also has to face you, this for you, do you know what it means? ”

Yangdingtian shook his head and said: "I don't know!"

After the devil died Jidao: "This means a nightmare for you, meaning hell!"

Then, after the devil, he looked at the people of Xiaoxitian and slowly said: "You idiots of this group of demon foxes are standing together with Yangdingtian. When the devil asks the heavens to return, the end of your little west, Come here too!"

Demon Li 2 dismissed a smile, said: "Sit in the sky, arrogant, a human being, also known as the devil, no heroes, erected!"

Naked racism also included Yangdingtian.

The demon fox is always disdainful to human beings.

When I knew that Yongshe was asked to win the day, the first reaction of the demon was not afraid, but anger.

The weak human beings have won the noble demon foxes.

Moreover, he even ruled Xiaoxitian in an imposing manner. It is a shame and shame for human beings to rule the demon fox family.

"Wait, wait, your last days, you are coming." After the devil, the curse of the singer, in a word.

No way to open the door, suddenly said: "Yangdingtian, how are you going to dispose of us?"

Yang Dingtian looked at the imprisoned demons and said: "Soon, you will know."


Note: Brothers, please ask for a monthly pass! (To be continued.)

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