Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1166: Surround the Devil! The decisive battle will win!

After capturing all the snake people led by Queen Haixin, Yangdingtian disregarded the horrified eyes of the Queen of the Sea, directly pulling the demon and the purple, and once again entered the invisible space. 》,

Seeing Yangdingtian again, the demon and the purple are very happy, said: "Yangdingtian, the queen is not dead?"

To a large extent, they were also brought to the Queen of Poison, so the first time they asked the Queen of Poison.

They also learned from the mouths of other snakes that the Queen of Reeds was resurrected.

Yangding Tiandao: "Your queen, she went to chase Naga Frost, and I am looking for her."

蝰 蝰 蝰 purple road: "Naga alone frost, should be in the ruins of the old Naga Empire, the palace of the Sea Snake Empire, there is an energy passage to the ruins of the old Naga Empire."

Upon hearing this news, Yang Dingtian was happy to look out the road: "Really."

The demon nodded and said: "It is true, but it is a pity that it is impossible to open this passage, so it is impossible to go to the ruins of the old Naga Empire."

Yangding Tiandao: "The devil asks Heaven, have you seen him?"

Yan Zidao: "I have seen it, in the palace of the Sea Snake Empire, he is always there. Because he can't go to the ruins of the old Naga Empire, he is waiting for the return of Naga."

It’s really hard to get rid of the iron shoes. I didn’t think of finding the devil to ask the sky, so simple.

Yangding Tiandao: "How far is that place, from here?"

Yan Zidao: "Probably, about a hundred or so."

Yangding Tiandao: "Will he leave the palace hall?"

"Impossible." Yan Zidao: "He fears that Naga suddenly appears, so he always stays in the hall."

That's good, then that's good.

Next, **** him.

蝰魔道: "Yangdingtian, are you going to kill the devil to ask the sky?"


Yan Zidao: "I always feel that he is not very good to kill. It is completely invisible."

For this, Yang Dingtian has long been mentally prepared.

The demon suddenly said: "Yangdingtian, how are you going to deal with our snakes?"

Yangding Tiandao: "We will conduct trials, if it is the death loyalty of the Queen of the Sea, and commit blood bonds to the human kingdom. We will be executed or imprisoned. It is relatively innocent. Especially the followers of the Queen of Poison, The future will continue to follow the poisonous sand."

Yan Zidao: "So, what about the Queen of the Sea?"

Yangding Tiandao: "She has too many sins and must be executed."

The demon was silent, then nodded and said, "Well, I know."

Yangding Tianyi said: "Don't you want her to die? She also committed unforgivable sins to you."

Speaking of this, the demon and the purple tears suddenly fell, saying: "She let us lose the opportunity to be a mother forever. Forever lost the opportunity to become a woman. But ... she is indeed a good leader of the snake people, despite the snake The Terran has brought a huge evil. But without her words, our snakes will probably die."

This question is no longer a question that Yang Dingtian can answer. Of course, there is an answer in his mind, but he is not willing to say it.

Yes, the demise of the snakes who tried to develop as Naga has become a foregone conclusion.

Not even a snake race. The same is true of the mermaid family.

In the future, no matter if it is a mermaid. Or the snakes, returning to mediocrity, going to the original state of the mermaid and the sea snake, and completely eliminating the semi-god race.

Even for the safety of the human kingdom, it must be.

Think of it here, Yangding Tiandao: "Relax. In the war of extinction, we captured thousands of younger snakes, and there are male females who have not yet transformed into higher human figures. They can combine to breed new snakes. So this race is not going to die."

This answer, although not the best answer, is better than the Snakes.


Next, the Holy Expeditionary Force did not move on.

First of all, they have to deal with the captives of these snakes, and it is impossible to take them to kill the devil to ask the heavens.

Therefore, at the entrance of the Mojing City, they temporarily built an energy prison, and then locked all the snakes' genitals, temporarily imprisoned, and then took them back after killing the devil.

Yang Dingtian did not meet alone with Queen Haixin, because the news that he thought of knowing had already been known from the 蝰魔蝰紫. There is nothing to talk to between him and the Queen of the Sea.

After resetting the captives of these snakes, then we began to discuss how to destroy the devil to ask the sky!

At this point, the president of the illusion is the highest, so he has the greatest say.

"The most important key to destroying the devil is to avoid his own casualties." Definitely said: "There is no doubt that the demon king's cultivation has reached the peak of the holy level, plus the chaotic armor on his body, even if I am not his opponent either."

Violet said: "He is very strong and not fake, but it is not that we are 90 strong people, and they are not able to compete with him."

The deficiencies will be long: "Since the military force is repaired, our holy expeditionary army will destroy him. It is definitely more than enough. The key is the chaotic empire on his body, how much damage he can bear. This chaotic empire is thousands of high. Caused by the devil. If it is the energy defense of thousands of higher spirits, then... is definitely a nightmare."

Violet Road: "Is it true that ninety of the Holy Powers can't break the defense of his chaotic emperor?"

The director of the deficiencies directly shook his head and said: "According to the information provided by the Oriental Ice Ling, the magic spirit of the Chaos Emperor is made, the 20th or more, the more than 200, the rest of the 15th or more, the whole The demon that was bred in the dark field for hundreds of thousands of years has been wiped out."

Yangding Tiandao: "Yes, most of the magical spirits at that time were only cut off from the limbs and blindfolded back to the dark empire. Because, with the power of the dark empire at that time, even these devils feared evil. The spirit stood still and allowed to slaughter, and they could not kill."

The illusionist said: "So, these devils are alive, thrown into the refining and squad, and become the chaos of the chaos. According to the sum of the defenses of a thousand devils, let alone our nine holy levels. Strong. About a few hundred can also not wear its energy armor."

When this was said, everyone was suddenly stunned.

Doesn't that mean that the people on the ship's chaotic armor are completely invincible?

Definitely said: "So, we want to kill him here, it is impossible. Only capture."

According to this analysis, it is indeed impossible to kill the devil and only capture it.

"The imaginary president, what energy is it to restrain the magic spirit?" Yangding Tiandao.

"It is the evil spirit energy." Definitely said: "But evil spirits can only fear the magic spirit, but can not penetrate its energy defense. At present, it can penetrate the energy of the magic spirit defense, I still don't know, no Know your dark mysterious fire. Of course. Even if your level of repair is too low, you can't break through the magical black armor."

Yangding Tiandao: "Electrical energy, regardless of any defense, can it penetrate?"

Definitely said: "When you wear dry wood and leather, you can defend against electricity. The Chaos Emperor is even more so."

Yangding Tiandao: "That means that you have to wait until the devil asks Tian Xuanqi to run out of it before he can be captured?"

The illusion nodded: "Yes. It's official. And, his chaotic empire. You can move a hundred miles in an instant. If he wants to escape when he still has a sneak peek, we can't stop it."

The teleport is a hundred miles, and this is amazing.

The president of the illusion said: "So. Before the war, you must fight the battle, let more than 90 sacred powers become an energy prisoner to trap him, unable to flash and escape."


An array of ninety-class powers. It is indeed powerful enough to be added, even if it is a holy peak, it cannot escape.

The president of the illusionist went on to say: "The next step is to avoid the casualties of our Holy Expeditionary Force. We must have zero casualties."

Demon Li said at this time: "In fact, we are not afraid of death."

The deficiencies will be long: "The demon patriarch, I know that you are brave and fearless. But we are either zero casualties, or they may be almost annihilated. Once there is casualties, it means that our energy array is broken, so that You and I have a few people who are extremely high, and the rest can't escape the poisonous hands of the devil."

The president of the illusion is looking to the crowd: "The majority of the sages in the field, when faced alone, are hard to escape the killing of the devil. So, in order not to have a casualty, we must Energy, the collection becomes one. The energy array we make is not only the prison for the devil, but also the energy cover for everyone. This energy cover, the energy of each place is average, is the same for all of us. Xuanqi superimposed."

As a result, everyone in the place understands.

The deficiencies will say: "Before we set off, we have already drilled multiple energy arrays. Now that we know the specific circumstances of the demon king, I decided to use the world together!"

Demon thinks for a while: "The ancestors, is this array too conservative? There is no lethality, and it is impossible to make any harm to the devil."

That's right, this world is alive.

Have very clear advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage is that all the people's mysterious energy is superimposed to form a powerful energy cover. It can be said that this energy cover will not be broken until most of the holy powers have not exhausted.

This energy cover is not broken, and everyone on the battlefield is absolutely safe.

The shortcoming is also very obvious, that is, the energy it outputs, not the superposition of all the mysterious gas, but the average value of the output energy of all members.

In other words, these ninety-level sages, plus Yangdingtian and Lingbi two and a half. Therefore, the final output of the attack is only a medium-level powerhouse. The demon king is very far away from the sky, and it can be said that he does not pose any threat to him.

In both respects, we can only take care of one side.

Either offensive or defensive.

This world is a typical defensive array.

It was a typical offensive array that was composed of the Destroyed Legion. Despite its incompetence, all of the masters of the Bright Parliament and the Mermaid Empire were defeated at once, but the defense was weak.

Nalu said: "The core of this tactic is the consumption. It will exhaust all the mysterious power of the devil, and then capture him."

The deficiencies will say: "Yes, the core is the consumption! So this battle may be a day. Two days, three days, or even five days, ten days and a half months. Until the devil's enlightenment is clean and clean." Net, become weak."

This tactic is very domineering, and it does not meet the appetite of the devil.

However, Yangdingtian is very respectful.

Because of this tactic. It is the highest success rate and the best plan to avoid casualties.

Yang Dingtian raised his hand: "I support and obey the tactics of the president."

Speaker Naru also raised his hand.

At this point, it is useless to oppose it. Moreover, as long as the imaginary president speaks, he has no room for opposition.

The qualifications of the president of the virtual derivation are probably equivalent to the Confucius in the ancient Chinese plane. It is one of the founders of the Xiaoxitian civilization.

"That's good, so it's decided. Use the heavens and the earth to form a continuum." The deficiencies will say: "Lord Yang Dingtian, you are prepared to be mentally prepared to meet a boring and even ugly battle."

Yangding Tiandun remembered some football matches in the Earth's plane, or basketball games.

Some teams, despite winning, were smashed into ugly matches. Because the whole game is a turtle tactic.

In particular, the kind of game that wins evenly, hard and full defense, never attack. Lively lost the game from the first minute to the last minute.

It is this ugly game that is going to be carried out with the devil’s big battle.

It is to exhaust the devil to ask every sigh of the sky. The entire battle from start to finish, there may not be any casualties.

The deficiencies will say: "Okay, the tactics have already been set. The world has been symbiotic, we have already exercised three times, we don't need to practice again, everyone can remember their position. Now. Everyone Sitting on the squat and regaining my mystery, the concentration of mysterious gas here is still good. After this sacred gas filling, I will face a few days of hard work."

So everyone sat down. Start to swallow Xuan.


After a few hours, the mysteriousness of everyone has been restored.

The deficiencies will say: "So, let's go, prepare for a big battle."

At this time, the demon said: "Wu Yan, the devil king asked us to see our first sight, did not wait until we stopped, immediately escape, what will happen?"

The deficiencies will say: "He managed to escape, we can't stop."

Nothing said: "But he will never escape, because he only wants two things, one is Naga alone cream, the other is Yangdingtian. Basically counted here, so he will not escape of."

Definitely said: "Yes, that's it."

At this point, the coffin suddenly said: "That, what should I do?"

Because, this practice of heaven and earth symbiosis, the coffin has never participated. Therefore, this time she did not assign her position and combat mission.

Definitely said: "Mrs. Yang, can you feel the elemental atmosphere here?"

Lingbi said: "Yes, but basically all come from the ruins of the building, the energy elements of these spar itself, the power is not great."

The lady who was squandered was screaming and screaming, and the spirit said: "Unfortunately, I don't feel the power of the dead here. Otherwise, the ancient sea snake empire has countless holy powers, and I can easily summon their souls to fight. In that case, it is easy to eliminate the problem."

Falsely nodded and said: "It is true. Unfortunately, these sea snake masters are petrified by Medusa spirit, but they are not dead. Therefore, you can't summon their power to fight. Then, please keep it outside the hall. Stop all forces from interfering with our decisive battle, how?"

"Yes." Lingbi excited.

From here, you can see that the coffin has no brains, and the snakes have been imprisoned. It is impossible for any unexpected force to interfere with the decisive battle, so her task is simply nothing.

"That's work." The virtual slogan will be long, then waved: "Going forward!"

Suddenly, all members of the Holy Expeditionary Army entered the invisible area of ​​Yangdingtian and flew toward the palace hall.


Just half an hour later.

The Holy Expeditionary Force came to the outside of the Great Hall.

It's a breeze, and you feel a powerful energy.

This energy, like the peak of Mount Tai, shrouded the entire huge Sea Snake Empire Palace.

Even the strongest of the primary and semi-cultivation can't breathe under this energy.

The cultivation of the coffin is already very high in the semi-sanctification, but when it is close to this force, the petite body is slightly trembling, and there is no blood.

Her fear of the devil's day is entirely from the heart.

Even Yangdingtian feels cold in the limbs.

Still in the invisible area of ​​Yangdingtian, the Holy Expeditionary Force entered the palace hall.

At first glance, I saw the demon king who was covered in the Chaos Emperor.

And when they came in, the devil asked the gods to open the flames of the two eyes.

In an instant, like a sword, it seems as if the human soul is torn apart and wins people's hearts.

The invisibility of Yangdingtian, only the undead can detect, but did not expect the devil to ask the heavens.

However, he did not do anything, and even closed his eyes.

He has grown to the point of arrogance, and feels that there is no such thing as a threat to himself in this world.

Even if it is Naga's solitude, although it is tyrannical, it has just completed a complete transformation, and there is no real adulthood.

Therefore, he can escape at this time, but he will never escape.

The president of the virtual leader waved his hand.


It is completely instantaneous less than zero and one second.

More than 90 sacred sages directly formed into a symbiotic world, completely encircling the devil, without any gaps.

At the same time, the ninety-level expeditionary forces all showed their stature.

Including Yangdingtian.

Seeing the first act of Yang Dingtian, the devil asked the sky to be bright.

Yang Dingtian actually came here, and actually brought 90 strong people.

The devil asked Tiantian when he was shocked!


Note: The 5,000-word chapter is only sitting at the computer at 9:30 this evening, so it is still a lot.

Thank you! (To be continued.)

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