Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1171: Little Nirvana? The death of the devil?

Yangdingtian flew to the torn space, and the illusion was long, and the face was dignified and directly put on the mask and robes of the silver dragon referee, and then led the holy punishers, and the enchanting II into the dark world.

At this time, all the priests of the entire Silver Dragon Temple have suspended their meditation and are ready to deal with the most serious situation.

Naru Speaker and the demon patriarch, return to Xiaoxitian with the quickest, to see the tearing collapse of Xiaoxitian.

If things face the worst situation, then the entire Xiaoxitian migration may start early.

Yangdingtian flies away from the torn space, and can only pray that things should not develop in the worst situation.

If the tearing space is ahead of the enemy, Xiaoxitian immigrates into the human state in advance.

That is not only a huge disaster for the demon fox, but perhaps a greater disaster for the human country.

Yangdingtian flashed with the magical fog coat, and with the fastest speed, came to the junction of the torn space and the non-Zhoushan.

At this point, the energy wall at the junction has begun to distort.

Every twist is accompanied by extremely powerful energy.

At this time, it is a very dangerous thing to make time and space jumps here.

However, Yangding suddenly gnawed his teeth.

A dark hole is used to create a black hole isolation space, and then a black fire hits a space door.

Despite the dangers of life, Yangding is awkward and will jump over.

"Wait..." Suddenly, the Mermaid Queen Violet chased him up and said, "Come with me."

Yangding Tianyi said: "Why, it will be very dangerous for me to enter the tearing space. You should stay in the mountains."

"I don't want to." Violet Road, then touched the space ring of Yangdingtian, jerked and jumped directly into her space ring.

Yangding Tiandeng was shocked. There was a child in the belly of this crazy woman.

So, he quickly desperately jumped into the space door.

Just jumped into the space door. Yangdingtian felt a powerful energy distortion.

Fortunately, I managed to jump into the torn space.

Then for the first time, Yangdingtian pulled the violet out of the space ring.

In the space ring, but to enter the state of suspended animation. Yangdingtian is worried about what will be bad for the fetus.

"Nothing, nothing." Violet impatiently said: "I told you long ago, even if I have something, your child will not have anything. This is a descendant of the demigod, understand?"

Yangding Tian gave her a look. Then he took his hand and began to fly into the torn space for observation.

"Booming rumbling..."

If we say that the Zhoushan area is only a violent turmoil, the tearing space is already changing.

The boulder floating here was originally slow and drifting regularly.

At this time, these boulders are completely flying.

The speed of drift has increased by several times.


Then, there are countless boulders that start to collide in the air. A violent explosion occurred.

The boulder here is tens of thousands of meters, even bigger.

Therefore, the power after collision with each other is exactly like the original bomb.

There is a loud noise everywhere in the entire tearing space.

There are explosions everywhere.

Countless gravel, like cannonballs, flew around.

Of course, Yang Dingtian and Violet are very strong, and they have a strong Xuanqi energy cover. These hurricanes flying around can't hurt two people.

However, at this time, the entire tearing space is full of scattered gravel. The view is very poor.

Even the sense of direction before it is lost.

Yangdingtian and Violet quickly flew around to find the reason.

After flying thousands of miles.

No reason was found at all, just like a flies without heads.

Therefore, Yangdingtian forced himself to calm down. Sit down and close your eyes and meditate.

Why does the tearing space cause such a drastic change?

There are two reasons for the drastic changes. One is external and the other is internal.

At present, although the entire tearing space has been expanding, there is no unstable factor inside.

Therefore, it is more likely that the external space is.

So the so-called external space, a total of places.

First, the human state bordering the torn space, including the magic domain and the yin and yang mirror.

Second, it is bordered by the torn space, and the energy balance of Xiaoxitian is not the area of ​​Zhoushan.

First, the dark empire field bordering the torn space.

So, which one is this reason?

First of all, the reasons for Xiaoxitian and Wushan were first ruled out, because it was caused by the dramatic changes in the tearing space, which led to the collapse and tearing of Xiaoxitian.

The drastic change in the tearing space is due to the dramatic change in Xiaoxitian.

In the human state, it seems that there has not been any drastic changes.

Although the energy of the magic domain and the yin and yang mirrors have been greatly overdrawn, there have been several huge collapses.

However, when the magic domain and the yin and yang mirror collapsed, the reaction of the tearing space was not large.

If neither of these reasons is true, is that the reason for the Dark Empire?

However, the Dark Empire has been completely empty and empty, and it should be a relatively stable state.

Moreover, the border between the entire dark empire and the torn space is very small, a spiral of dark matter that extends into the torn space, which is the only energy bridge between the two!

Yes, let's go to see this bordering point and see if there is any change.

Then, Yangdingtian identified the direction in the brain, found the junction of the dark empire and the torn space, and then flew with the fastest speed.


Here, about a thousand miles from the junction of the torn space and the dark empire.

Yangdingtian took the violet to fly at full speed, and it took a lot of time.

At this point, the collapse of the tearing space continues.

Really like the end of the world, countless boulder flying, fiercely hit.

The entire tearing space is completely dark.

Passing through countless rocks, it has flown tens of thousands of miles.

Yangdingtian finally reached the junction of the torn space and the dark empire.

Then he saw an amazing scene.

Originally, the dark world had a spiral of dark matter that stretched into the torn space and connected the two separate planes, the torn space and the dark empire.

And now. This prominent dark matter is actually spinning and then retracting!

That's right, this spiral of dark matter. Gradually returning to the dark empire.

At this point, the dark matter that protrudes the tearing space is only less than a foot away.

The Mermaid Queen Violet said: "This is the reason, the dark empire is shrinking."

The contraction of the Dark Empire, Yangdingtian is known.

At the time. When Yang Dingtian separated the Heavenly Emperor and caused the energy of the entire Dark Empire to break, the dark matter spread toward the Dark Empire, leading to the contraction of the Dark Empire.

However, now that the Emperor of Heaven is still spinning normally, how is the Dark Empire still shrinking?

Is this related to the destruction of the demon road? Shouldn't it be?

Is it that the dark empire stopped production, resulting in a significant reduction in energy consumption, which led to the contraction of the Dark Empire?

Of course, no matter what the reason at this time. The contraction of the Dark Empire has become a reality.

The contraction of the Dark Empire also led to a dramatic change in the energy field of the torn space.

Therefore, there is a scene of a catastrophe.

At this point, the dark matter that deepens the tearing space continues to shrink.

Once it has completely left the tearing space, the tearing space will completely sever the energy connection with the dark empire.

At that time, what will happen?

Yangding is really innocent.

Perhaps, is the early destruction of the entire tearing space?

In that case, Xiao Xitian will also be destroyed in advance.

The entire human state. Where it borders the torn space, it will also be devastated.

Will Yunxiao City be affected?

Yes, it should not be, because Yuncheng City is a straight line away from the torn space. It is more than 25,000 miles.

Yunxiao City, there may be ground cracks and other shocks, but there will be no major disasters.

However, the early arrival of the small Nirvana, the Xiaoxitian demon fox family, is absolutely a disaster.

To know. Xiaoxitian World also has the wife and children of Yangdingtian.

Yangding Tiandao: "Violet, you go to Yunxiao City, inform everyone to withdraw south, ready to meet the large earthquake. I went to Xiaoxitian, pick up Jiya and Yaoyang."

Violet looked at the spiraling dark matter that was shrinking, saying: "Are you sure that it will lead to the early arrival of the small Nirvana?"

Yangding Tiandao: "I don't know, but I am prepared."

Violet Road: "It's too late, according to this speed, within half an hour, this dark material spiral will completely shrink leave the tearing space. The energy bridge of the two planes will be completely cut off. In half an hour, we can't even get out of the torn space, let alone go back to Yunxiao City and Yindu. It's better to wait here. If you look at Xiaoni, you will come early."

Yangdingtian thought about it, and Violet made sense.

Xiao Nie, will not come, at most half an hour, you can see the difference.


At this time, he personally served as the chairman of the Yinlong referee, with more than a dozen sacred punishers and the vengeance of the Enchanting II. After entering the dark world, he also arrived through several hours of trekking. In front of the abyss border.

The drastic changes in the tearing space will certainly not affect the dark world.

The abyss border, still beautiful, mysterious!

"Is it true?" The devil asked the sky suddenly: "When you go back, you should see a completely devastated Xiaoxitian. I will tell you that this dramatic change is due to the dark empire. Only Only then can I control the dark empire. Therefore, only I can stop this catastrophe and stop the outbreak of the small Nirvana."

Small nigga?

Enchanted II heard the word and his face changed.

The president of the virtual sneer sneered: "Bluff! You don't want to be delusional, you can't live."

Then, regardless of the intimidation of the devil, he directly ordered: "Throw him down and kill him!"

"Yes!" Suddenly, a dozen sacred punishers directly sent the devil to the heavens and threw them into the abyssal border.

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