Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1178: Naga Sword and Spirit Warlord! why?

Almost instantaneous. ←,

The new devil devotees to the dark energy of the heavens, and instantly rises to the sky.

Of course, it’s not just his dark energy, his anger, and horror!

Yang Dingtian saw this scene and saw the words composed of blood in the distance, as well as the jealousy of Yang Lan.

The illusion turned into a demon king? !

He was short of sluggishness first, then his body was violently cocked!

He didn't even have time to fear because it was far beyond the scope of fear.

This has meant destruction.

The demon king confessed to the sky, looking at the most vicious glance at Yang Lan, and then his big hand jerked.

In an instant, Yang Lan was directly absorbed by him in the air and lived in his hands.

Then, the figure of the new devil is exactly like lightning, and the sun is shining from the top of the sun.

His position is a few hundred miles from Yangdingtian.

However, this distance is not necessary for him for two or three seconds.

At this point, the space door is also printed on the energy wall of the torn space, but it fades quickly.

In fact, it is just a residual image and it has been invalidated.

Yang Dingtian re-creates a space door, which takes at least three seconds.

However, he has not been three seconds, and in less than two seconds, the new devil will rush to the front.


When the machine is upright, Yangdingtian uses the fastest speed to release the sword of the Naga king!

Wan Jian returned to the sect!

In an instant, countless huge golden swordsmanship, crazy shooting.

Every soul of the sword is hundreds of meters, full of powerful energy, like a real sword.


Countless soul swords, like lightning. Crazy attacking the new devil to ask the sky.

Although the Naga kings on the soul sword have not had much energy, the Yangdingtian at this time is almost madly released.

"Booming and banging..."

Countless sword spirits hit the body of the new devil.

There is no doubt that he can't make any harm to him completely!

Of course, at the pure energy level, this Naga king sword spirit is extremely high. Even surpassed the peak of the holy level.

But the new devil in front of you is almost half-god.

Moreover, he is a terrible chaotic armor, and it takes thousands of holy powers to exhaust all the mystery, and it is possible to break the defense. Even this is only theoretical.

Therefore, the use of the sun.

The only use is energy. Offset his speed.

It doesn't take long, it can only be enough to slow him down for a second or two.

While Yang Dingtian releases the sword spirit, he does not fly quickly to create a dark vortex with dark black fire, creating an isolation space.

Fast, fast, fast, fast...


The sword of the Naga royal family, almost madly attacked.

but. The movement speed of the new devil is very limited, very limited.

He is still like lightning. It’s an instant.

Getting closer.

Five hundred miles.

Four hundred miles.

Three hundred miles.

Finally, the dark vortex of Yangdingtian was completed.

But then, it is more than a second of waiting time, black holes engulf the space, it takes time.

Time is too late, until the isolation space is manufactured. The new devil will rush to the front.

Even, tens of thousands of meters away, he can control Yangdingtian.

At this time, the cultivation of Yangding Tianshen Shengfeng is completely like an ant.

That's too late. It’s definitely too late.

Before and after, it is a fraction of five seconds, or even two seconds.

As long as he gives Yang time, his space door is created and he can jump into the torn space.

However, it is too late.

Everything is about to end, it’s over.

Yangdingtian still did not give up, the condensed Xuanhuo, ready to hit.

When the isolation space is manufactured, it will take a second to strike immediately, and the formation of the isolation space takes one second.

The sword of the Naga royal family, still madly attacking, blocking the new devil.

The new devil is less than two hundred miles away from Yangdingtian.

Immediately, it will fall into his claws.

However, it is at this time.


Suddenly hot, an explosion of earth-shattering.

Like a small nuclear bomb, it blasts open.

Incomparably powerful energy, roaring out.

A few hundred miles away from the mountains and snow, crazy flying.

The body of the new devil was directly blown out of the tens of thousands of meters, offset the direction.

It was Yang Lan, who directly blew himself up.

Of course, it is the sea of ​​the devil, the high seas of the holy class.

It is a sea of ​​thousands of years, which is equivalent to a hundred times of high-level holy power.

Power is endless.

Even the repair of the new demon king near the demigod was blown away far away.

The new devil is suddenly shocked!

How can it be? Those who have second-class evil spirits cannot arrogate themselves.

The so-called self-destructive sea is to burn the sea with a heart, cracks, can not lock the world of gas, leading to an explosion.

However, when the gas sea is burned and cracks appear, the evil spirit energy will automatically repair the gas sea. Therefore, the second-class evil spirits are unable to blew themselves.

Yang Lan, how did he do it?

Yang Hao’s self-destruction has undoubtedly allowed Yang Dingtian to fight for enough time.

The isolation space has been manufactured.

Yang Ding Tian has already prepared the yin and yang fire, and it is madly hitting in the isolated space.

Suddenly, the space door appeared.

After Yang Hao blew himself, his body disappeared instantly without a trace, Xuanmai, heart, everything was destroyed.

The evil spirits protect his soul and fly out.

The face of Yang Ying (Yang Yunchong) is exposed.

After the space door was manufactured, Yangdingtian did not jump in immediately.

Instead, he desperately yelled at Yang: "Come on, fast, fast..."

Yang Lan’s face jerked.

It’s all this time, it’s all about life and death.

Yangdingtian did not run, but also wanted to save himself and take away himself. Really "stupid"...

Yang Lan’s light and shadow are then. Then he smiled at Yangdingtian and waved his hand.

Then, it instantly solidified and was directly locked by the new devil.

Yangding gnawed his teeth fiercely, and roared, staring fiercely at the new demon for half a second. Staring at him and rushing.

After the new devil grasped the soul of Yang Lan, he continued to rush at the top of the sun.

When there is still a hundred miles from Yangdingtian, he can catch Yangdingtian directly from the sky.

However, Yangding suddenly jumped.

Jumping into the space door, it disappeared without a trace.

The new devil's claws only caught an air.

He rushed to the space door with almost crazy speed.

At this point, the space door is still there and has not completely disappeared.

He jerked into the space door.

The space door is indeed still valid. But it is a pity.

His repairs are too high and too high, far exceeding the energy carrying of the space door and cannot jump in.

He could only watch as he watched, and Yang Dingtian jumped into the torn space.

Then, the space door is gradually distorted and faded.

And Yangdingtian stood on the other side of the energy wall, less than five inches from him, separated by a transparent energy wall. It is completely visible.

However, it is a world of choice.

"No no no no……"

The new devil is madly screaming, crazy roaring.


Incomparably powerful energy, madly hit the entire area of ​​the mountains.

Tens of meters of snow, the snow is falling wildly.

Not the energy wall around the Zhoushan area. Crazy earthquake.

The entire area of ​​the Zhoushan area shivered.

The new devil rushed to the front of the energy wall of the torn space.

Raise your fist and slam the position where the space door disappears.


Fury arrogance!

The indestructible energy wall is twisted by his powerful energy.

Then his body turned into a cannonball. Crazy impact on the energy wall.


Crazy to strike, as if to break through the energy wall and rush into the torn space.

The energy wall of the entire tearing space was hit by a violent earthquake and twisted!

However, although he is extremely powerful, it is impossible to break through the energy wall.

This is equivalent to the enchantment of the entire plane.

After countless crazy attacks, the new devil finally quieted down.

Then, look across the energy wall and the sun.

The heavy and rapid wheezing calmed down, and then he smiled at the top of the sun. "You, can't you escape? You are completely helpless in the torn space. But your wife, child, his subordinates, They are all in the human kingdom, like the lambs to be slaughtered. I can easily capture them all. My army of evil spirits can easily eliminate the entire bright parliament and enslave the entire human kingdom."

Yang Dingtian's face has no expression.

Although you can see it, you can't hear the words of the devil, but he can guess what the devil is saying.

The new devil slowly said: "You must be crazy now to want to close the door of the human kingdom, but I am very sorry, it is too late. Before yesterday, I have sent the devil to death, the emperor, and four holy The evil spirit punishers went to the head hall and seized the door of the human kingdom."

Yangdingtian is still expressionless.

The new devil continued: "Snow Mountain Castle and Silver Dragon Temple ~ has completely fallen into my claws. Nalu and Enchanted II, have also pleaded with me, demon is already dead. Very Fast, I will turn dozens of silver palace martial arts strong into evil spirits. I have a hollow fire, so soon the dark wanderers will be fully loyal to me. By then, my hands will master Hundreds of holy powers, countless semi-sacred strong. I will lead hundreds of thousands, millions of monsters and foxes into the human kingdom. I will completely occupy the entire human kingdom, I will take your wife, your child I will threaten you with one million, ten million, and one hundred million human lives. I will use your wife, your child, to threaten you."

Take a deep breath, the new devil said: "Of course, you can sit back and ignore, the turtle is in the tearing space, then I am completely helpless to you. But, will you ignore the tragic experience of your wife and children? I believe you No, so you will still cast your own net, and you will enter my claws, aren't you?"

Yangdingtian eyes hang down, ignoring what the new devil is saying, but his eyes on the shadow of Yang Lan’s soul.

The demon king faltered and asked the sky to look down. The shadow of Yang Lan’s soul falling in the palm of his hand slowly asked: "Yang Hao, you owe me an explanation, why?"

Why did Yang Hao do this? This is also what Yangdingtian wants to know! (To be continued..)u

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