Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1189: Yangding Day breaks the holy level!

Not happy for a long time, Yangdingtian quickly rushed around and looked for a coffin. Oh,

Don't lose the coffin, you can't really find it.

After nervously groping around, Yangdingtian did not find a scorpion, and suddenly he was so scared that he was so stunned.

But then, he felt soft in his arms, and when he looked down, he saw the coffin in his arms, and the whole body was entangled like a snake.

Yangding Tian Changsong breathed a sigh of relief, then gently tapped the face of the coffin.

"Wake up, wake up..." Yangding Tiandao.

The coffin woke up faintly, and the focal length of the beautiful scorpion was first scattered, then sighed: "French, where are we?"

Yangding Tiandao: "If we have not guessed wrong, we have entered the ruins of the Naga Empire."

The coffin supported the delicate body and gently sniffed, and could not help but tremble: "Heaven, good energy, I have never felt it."

Yangdingtian felt a little.

Then, I clearly felt that countless mysterious energy was rushing into the body.

Yes, Yangdingtian did not swallow Xuantian, and countless mysterious spirits came in.

That is because the concentration of Xuanqi here is already too high and too high, and it is higher than the concentration of Xuanqi in the sea of ​​Yangding, so there is a back irrigation.

This is amazing!

Although the human sea is another energy world, its space is also very large. However, the concentration of mysterious gas inside is extremely high. Otherwise, when the sea of ​​sea launches an attack, it will not instantly express such a powerful energy.

However, the mysterious energy here is even higher than the sea of ​​air, which is too amazing, completely beyond the understanding of Yang Dingtian.

Even the old Naga Empire. It is impossible to have such a high mysterious energy.

In particular, this Naga empire has become a pile of ruins.

The coffin is also extremely shocked: "French, the chaotic world can not have such a strong concentration of mysterious energy, which is not in line with common sense."

Yang nodded, this is indeed not in line with common sense. However, he has read books about the Naga Empire. Know the reason for this.

"The reason why the concentration of mysterious gas is so high is because the demigod Naga completely transformed the entire empire and quantified everything inside, soil, mountains, rivers, boulders, etc., all turned into energy. Spar. "Yangding Tiandao: "Then, the entire Naga Empire was transformed into the most powerful energy array in history. The energy of the whole chaotic world is madly swallowed. Even if it is tens of thousands of miles, hundreds of thousands of miles, countless The mysterious energy is absorbed."

Lingbi said: "Like a mysterious atmosphere?"

Yangtou said: "Yes, but they have transformed the entire Naga empire tens of thousands of miles into a huge array of mysterious atmosphere. Therefore, the power exceeds the millions of our bright parliamentary condensed essence. More than double. It can madly engulf the mysterious energy of the whole world."

The coffin was completely stunned and muttered to himself: "This, this is too crazy. It is too greedy. The dark empire is only devouring the yin and yang mirror. The ice and the snow, and the magic land three land of the mysterious. And this Naga The empire has swallowed up the whole world."

Yangding Tiandao: "Yes, so the Naga people have become a disaster of the whole world, which directly led to the last big annihilation. Therefore, the concentration of mysteriousness in our human kingdom will become weaker and lighter. "

The coffin closes the beauty, and once again feels the concentration of Xuanqi here, saying: "Fu Jun, the concentration of Xuanqi here. Even the beauty of the Medusa is even thicker. However, the illusion at the time is fake, and here it is true."

Yangtou said: "I have roughly calculated that the concentration of mysterious gas here is more than ten thousand times that of the human kingdom. That is to say, fortunately, both of us are half-sacred, otherwise under such terrible concentration I am afraid that the sea of ​​air has been squeezed out."

The coffin rose from Yangdingtian and asked: "French, where are we in the ruins of the old Naga Empire?"

Yangdingtian looked up and looked around. This is a completely enclosed space, only about a few tens of square meters wide and tens of meters high.

Surrounded by all, it is enclosed by green energy spar.

"I don't know." Yangding Tiandao: "In the Naga Empire, every Naga has a pyramid. In each pyramid, there is a mysterious array, where they cultivate. Every Naga is based on Reconstruction and rank, get the proportion of the mysterious distribution. So, perhaps we are in one of the pyramids, was involved in the energy storm."

Lingbi said: "Fu Jun, the concentration of Xuanqi here is so high, do you first break through the holy level here, or go out and look for Naga frost?"

Yangding Tiandao: "When cultivation breaks through the holy level, it can be done at any time. It is complicated and changeable. If it is delayed for one minute, it will change the whole ending, so go find someone first."

"Oh, okay." Lingbi said, she can understand what it means to be a minute, because the time unit of the earth, at this time in the Guangming Parliament has become very popular, and even has created a spar clock.

Then, Yangding Tianhe and Lingbi, looking for a way out.

The two looked for one place at a time to see if there were any secret doors, gaps and the like.

However, nothing was found.

The energy spar at each place is complete, without any dark spaces or gaps.

It is impossible to say that any building is built up in pieces, and there will be gaps.

However, I don't know why, the energy spar around it is absolutely complete.

In other words, things like exports are completely absent.

Then, you need to dig an exit.

Yangding Tiandeng had some headaches, because many energy substances were completely invulnerable, such as dark matter, even if it was near the Emperor's soul sword, it could not be divided.

Yangdingtian can only pray, these energy spar is not so hard.

Summon the soul sword from the space ring, of course, do not need to use the hand, but use the consciousness to control the soul sword, start to spin and excavate.

"Hey, hey, hehe..."

Near the emperor's soul sword, suddenly began to frantically and quickly rotate, dig into the spar at the top of the head.

There is a good news and a bad news.

The bad news is. The spar here is indeed very hard, even if it is close to the Emperor, it is very difficult to dig.

The good news is that although the spar here is very hard, it is only hard, not like dark matter. It is a pure energy body that cannot be destroyed at all.

Therefore, the energy spar here can still be excavated.

And relatively speaking, it is still more harder than the Emperor's soul sword of Yangdingtian.


Constantly drilling, drilling, drilling...

After almost a quarter of an hour, I finally got a hole in the foot.

Now, Yangdingtian can only hope that the energy spar here should not be too thick.

Just when the sun is constantly drilling.

suddenly. There was a sudden tremor.

Then, in the entire space, suddenly a small energy storm swept through.

Yangding Tianhe Lingbi, completely avoided, was directly hit.

Suddenly, the two men flew straight out and squatted on the wall of the spar.


Both are high-order semi-holy, but still a blood. Squirting out.

The blood is sprayed on the energy spar and instantly absorbed without a trace.

The energy spar here. It’s totally crazy energy phagosome.

"Fu Jun, stop, stop, stop..." Lingbi suddenly shouted.

Yangdingtian stopped the drilling of the soul sword.

Lingbi said: "The husband, the energy field here, is extremely unstable. Moreover, the ruins of the entire Naga Empire are constantly shrinking and collapsing. Any change can destroy the fragile energy balance and cause drastic changes. ”

Yang nodded.

The coffin is right. The small energy storm just happened was caused by the soul sword drilling hole.

The ruins of the Naga Empire are completely an extremely terrible super-energy nuclear bomb. Any little bit of wind and grass can cause an explosion.

A small explosion of energy is enough to destroy several cities.

The big energy explosion, just like the large energy storm that Yang Dingtian encountered before, can directly destroy the entire northwestern continent.

Of course, the huge energy explosion is the annihilation of the ruins of the entire Naga Empire.

Yang Dingtian silenced for a moment: "Lingling, then according to your guess, where are we now in the ruins?"

Lingbi said: "The whole ruin twists the body, the more the center, the more fragile the energy field. We only dig a cave more than one foot, causing an energy storm. So, maybe we are in the center of the ruins."

In fact, Yang Lingtian almost guessed it without using the Lingbi.

The huge energy storm before it was caused by the drastic changes in the ruins of the Naga Empire.

And this drastic change usually comes from the center of the ruins, and the surface is not so powerful.

The internal upheaval has led to the release of enormous energy, into an energy storm, and dissipated in nothingness.

Therefore, Yangdingtian and Lingbi were indeed sucked into the center of the ruins.

Now, the entire ruins of the old Naga Empire have turned into a twisted star shape.

There are many Yangding days in diameter, but at least it is thousands of miles.

That is to say, Yangdingtian is at least a thousand miles of the energy spar body, which is completely the most powerful and luxurious energy prison in history.

No wonder, the concentration of mysterious gas here will be so rich.

Now, if you want to go out, it will be difficult.

Can not dig, can only wait for the ruined planet, the next twist and change, may open a gap.

Of course, Yangdingtian must pray first and will not be torn into pieces during the drastic changes.

Then, before that, let's enjoy the concentration of Xuanqi that is more than 10,000 times more than the human country.

Nearly endless!

It is a spiritual sanctuary that breaks through the holy level!

Suddenly, Yangding Tianchao said: "So, just take advantage of this opportunity, swallow Xuan Tuo!"

Lingbi excitedly nodded.

Then, the two people sat down and ran their mouths and swallowed.

Suddenly, almost endless instinct, rushed into the sea of ​​Yangdingtian.

This concentration of Xuanqi is almost no less than the direct devouring of the essence of energy.

Really, my wife is crazy.


Yangdingtian constantly devours, devours and swallows.

Endless Xuanqi, there is no meaning of any stop, just like the tide, pouring into the sea.

Before, the repair before Yangdingtian was only half a step away from the holy level.

Of course, this half-step is difficult if you want to break through.

Because this is not only a question of the total amount of mysterious gas, but also a problem of mysterious concentration.

However, everything does not exist here.

The concentration of mysterious gas here has reached the limit.

Moreover, the mysteriousness here is the most pure and mysterious gas that Yangdingtian experienced in history.

Naga is so crazy that she has transformed her cultivation into such a direct process.

Half an hour.

An hour.

Two hours.

Suddenly Yangdingtian felt a clear feeling of expansion.

Then, the sea of ​​air is expanding and expanding.

In the end, I have been hitting the extreme.


His sea of ​​air, blasted open.

The whole person, as well as the gods, is completely immersed in nothingness.

He broke through, and the breakthrough of the sea is holy!

This is crazy!

The normal swallowing of Xuan Xuan, did not devour any energy essence, even more than two hours, it directly broke through the holy level.

The ruins of this Naga empire are so crazy.

However, this is just the beginning.

Endless sighs, still madly pouring in! (To be continued..)u

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