Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1197: The Queen of the Sea Snake loyalty! The devil will die!

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At this time, the Queen of the Sea Snake is repairing as it is no less than Naga Frost.

After all, Naga Frost has not yet reached the demigod.

However, her attitude is absolutely respectful, the body is bent to the end, the ceremony is very gracious, and the face of Yangdingtian is completely different.

In fact, it is said that Naga Frost should be regarded as the granddaughter of the Queen of the Sea Snake.

But in the submarine civilization, there is no such statement at all. Any demigod Naga has no parents. They only borrow the uterus of a female sea snake or a female mermaid. As for the human beings who have been planted, there is no more partial status.

The Naga people have always claimed that they are descendants of the fallen black dragon, and there is no blood relationship between human beings, the sea snakes, and the mermaid.

In the face of the ancient sea snake queen, Naga frost frowned, just a little glance, nodded.

Then there is no more expression.

Suddenly, Naga Frost fell on the face of the Sea Snake Queen and said, "How is your repair?"

"Close to the half god, but never reach the half god." Sea snake Queen.

In other words, whether it is the Sea Snake or the mermaid, the blood talent is very similar to the non-language, and infinitely close to the half **** is their limit.

The original mermaid empire can also reach this level.

However, it is a pity that most of the people of the mermaid emperor were born after the Great Nirvana, and the engulfment of dark matter made the energy environment and energy density of the mermaid empire greatly reduced, thus making the entire mermaid empire a holy There are very few people.

Therefore, the cultivation of the ancient mermaid empire and the strong of the sea snake empire are generally the same.

And after the violet mermaid empire, because it is surrounded by dark matter, it is greatly reduced. Even the Xiaoxitian demon fox family is not as good.

Although Xiaotiantian's mysterious concentration can't support the demon foxes to break through the holy level, they can go to the dark field to practice and break through the holy level.

The Queen of the Sea Snake is infinitely close to the cultivation of the demigod, and is now the strongest in the world, and juxtaposed with the devil.

Naga Frost said: "If this is the case, then you will go with us to the human kingdom. Destroy the devil!"

Yang Dingtian simply did not dare to mention this matter, because the other party would refuse 100%, and almost never put Yangdingtian in his eyes.

However, after Naga Frost made this request.

The ancient sea snake queen suddenly lowered her body and said: "The request of the master, the courtier should have fully obeyed. But once my soul leaves the ruins of the magic, it will be wiped out. Unless there is a strong enough body. Can hold my soul."

Strong enough body?

That is unless it is a complete Shura. Or is it not a language?

Shura, Yangdingtian can not find. Not a language family, Yang Dingtian has a few hands.

However, those non-language groups are almost entirely cultivated as weak, knowledgeable, and completely lacking in martial arts talent.

Yang Dingtian suddenly remembered that he did control an extremely powerful body. And it is a completely empty body.

Even this body is not a real human being. It's just an energy body.

Yangding Tiandao: "Her Majesty, do you know the heaven and earth Xuanhuo?"

When the ancient sea snake empress faced Yang Dingtian, the attitude was relatively cold, and suddenly nodded: "Know, how?"

Yangding Tiandao: "The devil spirits fire, the world ranks fourth. A heaven and earth level Xuanhuo. Once no one has swallowed for a long time, it will produce consciousness, will be condensed into an energy body, this body is called fire spirit. In my hand, there is a body of fire that is nearly two or two thousand years old. How much is her cultivation?"

The Queen of the Sea Snake is beautiful!

In the world, I want to carry the body that she cultivated, and she can hardly find it.

Either the top non-language or the ancient Shura.

As for the ancient mermaid, it has already died. The ancient sea snakes have long been fossils.

In addition to this limited number of races, there is also a pure energy body, and the fire spirits of the heavens and the earth are not the top.

The longer the time, the stronger it will be.

The third-ranked Nether WISP has not been adopted for more than 10,000 years, so the creature of the Nether Ghost Emperor was born. (Of course, it is luck, when the black fire blooms, when it is the weakest, it is asked to steal the body)

The body of the fire spirit of more than a thousand years has completely reached the peak of the holy level, and although it is repaired, it is better than the Queen of Shanghai Snake. But her energy body can almost carry the amazing cultivation of the Queen of the Sea Snake.

Now that her fossil body has been destroyed, she can get a fire body, which is the best result.

Suddenly, the ancient sea snake queen said: "If you are willing to give me the spirit of this demon spirit, I am willing to help you deal with the demon king!"

"Mother, with you and the Naga, can you destroy the demon?" The Queen of Poison suddenly began.

This mother, suddenly let the Queen of the Sea Snake tremble slightly, and her eyes suddenly become a bit complicated.

Does she have a feeling for mother and daughter in poison sand?

It is impossible to say no at all. But it is impossible to say how deep it is.

Because, poison sand is just an egg she gave birth. The Queen of the Sea Snake has been petrified before it has been hatched.

I have never taken care of it for a day, so this kind of feeling is hard to establish.

But, after all, poison sand is her blood and heir in this world. If the sea snake empire is not destroyed, the poisonous sand will become the new queen.

A moment later, the Queen of the Sea Snake said: "With the master of Naga and me, it is not a problem to defeat the devil to ask the sky. But it is almost impossible to destroy him."

Queen of Poison said: "Why? We are not trying to defeat him, but killing him completely!"

Naga Frost said: "I joined forces with the Lord of the Sea Snake to smash the Devil's Chaos Emperor! But it can't stop him from escaping. Moreover, he has evil spirits and can't die."

Yang Dingtian suddenly said: "With the energy of evil spirits, it is not completely impossible to kill."

Naga Frost said: "How do you say?"

Yangding Tiandao: "There is a kind of dark matter, which is the product of the pollution of evil spirits. Therefore, although its energy level is not as good as evil spirits, it has produced a certain degree of grammar! And the dark mysterious fire is the ultimate of dark matter. ”

After that, Yangdingtian paused for a moment and let Naga Frost and Sea Snake Queen understand the digestion.

In fact, this principle is very simple.

It seems as if pesticides are used to kill insects. Over time, the genes of these pests are contaminated by pesticides, but they are resistant. As a result, they are not killed.

Yangdingtian continued: "We know that Qihai is an independent energy world, and it is complete and rigorous. Dark Xuanhuo can instantly make a crack in the sea of ​​air. Once there is a crack in the sea, it can no longer be wrapped. The incomparably powerful energy inside, the whole sea world will instantly collapse and produce a self-destruction! And because of the sinister nature of the dark mysterious fire and the evil spirits, the evil spirits want to repair this crack, it will become difficult. Therefore, it cannot be stopped. The self-explosion of the sea of ​​air. Once the sea of ​​self-explosion, the body and repair of the devil will be wiped out, leaving only a soul wrapped in evil spirits, no help."

After listening to the explanation of Yang Dingtian, Naga Frost said: "The husband, the dark mysterious fire and the evil spirits, can this theory be confirmed? After the experiment?"

Yangdingtian nodded: "It can be confirmed, after the experiment."

Indeed, after the experiment, Yang Lan at that time confirmed this with his own life, tearing open his own sea with dark matter and causing an explosion.

Yang Dingtian said this.

The Queen of the Sea Snake shook his head and said: "It's still not good. Only one of us has a dark fire." Your level of cultivation is too low. Your darkness can be a sacred atmosphere A certain amount of damage is caused, but it is not enough for the sea to explode. The Yang Lan, you said, tears his sea with dark matter, because he tears from the inside of the sea. And you need to do it from the outside of the sea. Attack, you need to tear open the thick sea wall defense."

Yang Dingtian nodded and fully recognized the words of the Queen of the Sea Snake.

It is very simple for Yang Lan to use his dark matter to tear his own sea from the inside.

Just like opening the city gate from the city and breaking the city, only one traitor can be.

And Yangdingtian attacks the devil's sea with the dark mysterious fire, which is equivalent to attacking the city wall from the outside, and the difficulty is tens of thousands of times.

Want to completely tear open the sea of ​​the devil? Very simple, almost the same level of dark Xuanhuo, he can!

But in this regard, it is completely impossible!

The twenty-fourth stage of Yangdingtian is repaired, and the demon king is far away!

His dark mysterious fire is very strong and strong, and has become a line! But I believe that the level of the devil is far and far.

So come!

The decisive battle with the devil has not happened, but the result is already doomed!

Can you defeat the devil and ask the sky, but can't kill him?

No, this is absolutely unacceptable!

Not to mention that the ancient sea snake queen and Naga frost are not controlled by Yang Dingtian, especially Naga Frost, always thinking about returning to the ruins of the old Naga Empire.

Killing the undead king Wang Yanyan asks the day is equal to failure!

Yang Dingtian does not want to guard against a semi-godly peerless powerhouse all day long. He can't stop the devil from stealing his wife and children. Nor can he stop him from opening the door to the human kingdom, nor can he prevent the demon fox army from completely invading the human kingdom.

In general, this battle must kill the devil, once and for all.

Otherwise, for Yang Dingtian, it is still a shameful failure!

How to kill the devil? How to kill the devil?

Suddenly, Yang Dingtian’s brain has drawn an amazing idea!

If this genius idea can be successful, then the devil will die!

Moreover, it is Yangdingtian who personally killed the devil!

Kill your devil by your own ability! (To be continued...) I1292

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