Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1213: I have not betrayed! Naga

Naga Frost is desperately wrapped in an energy hood, but still can't stop the crazy overflow of the devil's sea energy.

The energy inside the devil's sea is extremely extreme and extremely amazing.

After the explosion, even if Yang Dingtian blasted back tens of thousands of meters, it was still blown out.

Within a thousand miles, the concentration of Xuanqi is a few thousand times higher.

Naga Frost, like the one of the biggest miser, slammed it down with a 10,000-meter energy cover.

Then he quickly plunged into the energy hood and desperately swallowed the mysterious energy that was dissipated inside.

This picture, let Yang Dingtian think of the drunkard accidentally smashed the jar, the wine flowed to the ground, the drunkard did not care how dirty the ground, immediately smashed down the wine.

In fact, the devil's amazing sea of ​​air, long ago in the moment of the explosion, lost most of the energy.

Naga Frost now devours all the scent of the energy hood, and can't compare with one tenth of his devour in the ruins of the Naga Empire.

Crazy and greedily swallowed, after a good time, Naga discovered that this kind of engulfing was useless, but only increased the ugliness.

She suddenly turned into a human form and rushed to the front of Yang Dingtian. He screamed: "Why are you killing him? Why are you killing him? Didn't you hear me?"

Yang Dingtian stared at her and did not answer her. Instead, she asked the coffin on the side: "What about the Queen of the Sea Snake?"

The coffin looked sad: "It's energy has already dissipated. I am resurrected too late, but still barely able to condense a weak soul energy. But then, the devil's temperament burst. She... completely smouldering ""

The heart was shaking in the sun.

In other words, the Queen of the Sea Snake is dead?

The mother of Poison is so dead.

It’s not long before she just resurrected, just died for the Yangding Heavenly War?

Although the relationship is not very close, Yangdingtian is still a painful heartbreaker.

Such a peerless strong man, did not owe anything to Yangdingtian, so he died so?

Why is she dying?

the first. Of course, because of Yangdingtian, she died to help Yangdingtian.

second. It is because of Naga, if it is not because of Naga's forgiveness, the chaotic empire of the demon king is successfully blasted, and then Yangdingtian directly kills the demon with the dark Xuanhuo soul sword. That won't happen. The Queen of the Sea Snake will not die.

Naga Frost, after getting the other half of the evil spirit from the demon king, when he was swaying, he forgot everything.

I don't know if it is intentional, or I have overdone my head and disappeared without a trace.

Throw the Yangdingtian to the Devil.

It can be said that if it is not because of the Queen of the Sea Snake, Yang Dingtian is already finished, and it has become a walking dead.

in case. It is not that Yangdingtian has a chaotic emperor soul sword. If it is not Yangdingtian, it has a dark Xuanhuo sword soul, and he is already finished.

Queen of the Sea Snake. There is only kindness to Yangdingtian, and there is no owing.

However, she is dead!

Suddenly, Yang Dingtian almost completely vented all the anger and hatred on the head of Naga Frost.

If it wasn't for her greed and devil trading, if not for her at a critical moment. It disappeared without a trace.

How can the Queen of the Sea Snake die?

How does this tell him how to account for poison?

Although the poisonous sand is pretending to be very plain, it can be seen. The appearance of the Queen of the Sea Snake made her very happy.

On behalf of, she has a mother since then.

It is because of the greedy animal of the solitary frost, the Queen of the Sea Snake will die!

Yangdingtian looked at Naga's gaze as if he wanted to choose someone.

At this time, Naga also rushed over with anger and questioned Yangding Tiandao: "Why, why should you kill the devil?"

Yangdingtian cold and cold road: "I don't kill him, waiting for him to take my soul away, let me become a walking dead? Great Naga, a solitary frost?"

Yang Dingtian never used this tone to speak with the solitary frost, never.

Naga's greed for energy, as well as anger, calmed down at once.

"What do you mean?" Naga Frost, slowly.

Yangding Tiandao: "It is literally meaning that if I don't kill the demon king, I have already become a walking dead. Of course, this is a good result for you, the devil can take me, and then fly with you. ”

As soon as this was said, the lower body of Naga Frost was suddenly turned into a snake tail, fiercely slamming the ground, and leaping up, screaming: "Yangdingtian, what do you mean by this?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Is it not? The devil has made a deal, are you not willing to do it?"

Naga Frost whispered: "Nonsense, you are nonsense! I am just swindling him, let him hand over the evil spirits of the Yuan."

Yangding Tiandao: "And then? After you swallowed the evil spirits, you can fly without a trace. Isn't it to give me to the devil, let him destroy the soul and become a walking dead?"

Naga Frost pointed out: "I just lost my reason. The two elements are combined with one another. The energy is too big, and it temporarily destroys my reason!"

Yangding Tiandao: "When you get back the evil spirits of the Yuan Dynasty, you can immediately turn your face and play the Chaos Emperor of the Demon King. Then I will kill him again. You not only did not do this, but disappeared without a trace. When I kill him, you ask me instead? From that point of view, you are standing with him!"

Naga Frost angered: "I am here for you!"

"For me?" Yangding Tiandao: "I didn't see it at all?"

Naga Frost said: "Of course I am for you, he keeps saying that you are going to win you. Why can't you take away all his cultivation? We can strip the second king of the demon and completely destroy his soul. Let him become a walking dead. Then, in the dark empire, use the refining large array and the fusion big array to combine you and the devil's body into one. So, you get the chaotic armor, you get the demon king Repair!"

Speaking of it. Naga Frost was trembling with excitement: "At that time, you will be completely no less than me. We will go to the ruins of the old Naga Empire and become the heavens and the earth. The eternal team. We swallow the old Naga Empire together. The energy, we break through the realm of demigod together, when we two people, the Naga Empire, we will inherit the semi-god civilization forever and become the master of the entire chaotic world."

Yangding Tian suddenly stunned.

The plan of Naga Frost is purely theoretically feasible.

Thus. After depriving the demon of the second-class evil spirit, he destroyed his soul. But he did not blow up his chaotic empire, so that Yang Dingtian had all his repairs.

Yangdingtian’s mind was dizzy, which was the repair of the near-half god. From the level of cultivation to the level of Naga frost, anyone will be heart-warming.

Even the coffin is incomparable. His husband breaks through the gods, she can always rise.

The faintness of Yangdingtian was only maintained for a short time, and he quickly calmed down.

Then Yang Dingtian slowly said: "The devil is even leveled over you, how do you destroy his soul? Moreover, his second evil spirit is from the east, but the east is dead, his The first-class evil spirits also dissipated within the abyss border. How do you get rid of the second-class evil spirits from the demon king?"

Naga Frost's face twitched and reluctantly said: "Time. Just give me time, I can always do it."

Yangding Tiandao: "Well, let's just say the situation. After swallowing the Yuanshi evil spirit, you didn't disappear without a trace. When the devil proposed to destroy my soul and make a choice, how do you do it?"

Naga Frost said: "Of course I will stop?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Then, turn the face with the devil, continue to fight?"

Naga Frost shook her head. Road: "No, I will take you away."

Yangding Tiandao: "That is to say. Just let the demon king not kill. Then, let him ravage the human kingdom, let him open the door of the human kingdom, let the demon fox army completely submerged and destroy the human kingdom. Let the devil take all my possessions." Wife and children?"

Naga frost is silent, indicating the default.

Yang Dingtian said one word: "That, but my wife, my children."

Naga Frost is still silent, just looking at Yang Dingtian.

Yang Dingtian once again said one word: "At that time, I was taken away and tortured, and even killed. There may be the big treasure you have ever loved, Yangshuo!"

Naga Frost, still silent.

"You talk." Yangding Tian cold road: "Even so, you have to let go of the devil?"

The beautiful face of Naga Frost was soaked, and the beauty flashed the anger that meant the majesty and not offended. "What about that? What are these people, what are you doing with me?"

Although Yang Dingtian was psychologically prepared, he was still shivering by this sentence.

Then, I dare not set the channel: "They are my family, my children?"

"Yeah, what are you doing with me?" Naga Frost said: "I just have a relationship with you. Do you want to bring the cats and dogs together? And, I want to help you break through the semi-san, become the world. Dominant, these dusty branches, what can't be abandoned?"

Suddenly, Yangdingtian lived in the mouth.

He has nothing to say.

Because the world views of both sides are completely different.

Take a deep breath, Yangding Tiandao: "Don's frost, so to put it, your plan is to swindle the evil spirits in the hands of the demon. Then, let him go, wait until you can strip his second evil spirits. When, when you can repair it, you can deal with him? Destroy his soul, let me possess his near-middle **** to correct it?"

"Yes." Naga Frost said: "All I do is for you!"

Yangding Tiandao: "If that, you have been unable to strip his second-class evil spirits?"

Naga Frost said: "Impossible, waiting for me to break through the gods, everything can be done."

Yangding Tiandao: "From the time you break through the gods, there are still decades. You are the Naga of force, you will be estrus, if you can't get it. You will have great damage, you will get the **** of the demigod." One day?"

Naga Frost coldly said: "What do you want to say?"

Yangding Tiandao: "You can now say that the voice is for me, only let the devil! But, from your estrus is getting closer and closer, getting closer and closer. When you can't bear the huge damage, you still can't find how to peel off. Second-class evil spirits, how to destroy the devil's soul. By then, you will follow the devil's plan. Pick the easy to do, destroy my soul, let me become a walking dead, then the devil will take me and meet you. , double-seat and so on. This is the best of both worlds."

Then, Yang Dingtian said one word: "So, your plan is not for me at all. It is to delay the time so that you can feel at ease and be confident! Wait for the balance of energy in your heart, more than the balance of feelings."

"I didn't..." Naga jerked for a while, and the beautiful face suddenly changed. The face of Naga was directly highlighted, and then turned back to the beautiful face of human beings.

Then, Naga calmed herself down and said, "French, I really don't think so. I stop attacking the devil, really for you!"

Yang Dingtian shook his head and said: "No, maybe your thoughts, the thoughts at the time, the current thoughts don't think so. But in the depths of your soul, you have already made such preparations. So, after devouring the Yuanshi evil spirits, You lose your senses and fly without a trace. It is a kind of seeking liberation, letting reality determine everything. On the surface, it is the loss of all reason. In fact, it is to create the established facts and let the devil destroy. My soul, and win me, then you have no choice but to accept!"

"I didn't, I didn't, I didn't..." Naga screamed and screamed: "You are bloody, you are bloody..."

The Naga under the wrath, suddenly turned into a huge Naga of a few hundred meters, and then suddenly opened his mouth, it was necessary to bite Yang Tiantian.

Of course, she didn't bite down, and then gradually returned to the appearance of human beings.

She closed her beauty and calmed herself down.

When I opened it Her beautiful face has become a cold, one word and one sentence: "French, I still call you this way. First of all, you should not cover the unwarranted crimes. On my head. Secondly, between you and me, you don't have any moral advantage. Don't forget, you can't destroy the devil and can't stop the invasion of the devil. So let me help you, I don't owe you. I Being able to come is based on your emotions. I love you, so I will help you, but I don't owe you. So, no matter what decision I make, it is my own business!"

At this point, Naga Frost said these words, as if they had matured many years.

Naga Frost said: "I love you, it is true. But you are not qualified to blame me and order me because of this. You have your position, I also have my pursuit. Second, I know you. I blame the death of the Queen of the Sea Snake on my head. I can only say one thing, don’t blame me for my incompetence! She died for you, not for me! You have the responsibility to save She, I don't!"

One word and one sentence, clear and cold, the logic is concise to the extreme!


Note: I have to conceive the next closing story. Today is even more, sorry! (To be continued)

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