Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1218: Trading with Naga Frost!

Yangdingtian eyes fell on the face of Qiu Ruohan.

Her delicate body, a slight tremble, and then squatted.

Yangding Tiandao: "Are you not winning the demon fox? How did you change back to your own face?"

In the war just now, Yangdingtian did not make it clear.

Whether it is the small raft of Sharonbas or the red rain, Yangdingtian is faintly able to see the original appearance.

Now, he can see clearly, Qiu Ruohan is still the appearance of the demon fox.

Whether it is the ear, the eyes, or the stripes on the neck, it is a feature of the demon fox.

However, the face and the original Qiu Ruohan are indeed very similar.

Qiu Ruohan said: "After we won the demon fox strong, we are actually more beautiful than our original appearance. But after a long time, we can't find a sense of belonging, so we have to find a way to return to the original face. !"

Yangding Tiandao: "Evil spirit energy, can you change your face?"

Qiu Ruohan nodded and said: "Yes, I can't do this at first. But after the devil controlled the whole Xiaoxitian, many people tried to change back to their faces."

Yang Dingtian looked at her again and said: "Do you know that Ximen fears and Yang Lan??"

Qiu Ruohan nodded: "Know! They sacrificed themselves for the lord."

Yangding Tiandao: "Although you changed your position at the last minute, the death penalty is exempt, but the crime of living is inescapable. Is your own body still there?"

Qiu Ruohan shook his head and said: "No, it was directly broken."

Yangding Tiandao: "That means. You and Qin Wanqiu, you will never be married."

Now the body of Qiu Ruohan is the body of the demon fox. And Qin Wanqiu can't let the demon foxes estrus. So naturally, we can't be married.

Qiu Ruohan said: "After leaving him, I will do my best to sell the color. So, it doesn't matter if you don't do that."

Yangding Tiandao: "In this way, in the next time, you still take the identity of the Fox people. Help the Enchanted II, Naru Speaker to rectify the small West Heaven. After the Xiaoxitian situation is completely settled down, your repair will be Completely abolished, and then enter the human kingdom, accompanied by Qin Wanqiu City Lord. Of course, by then you may be difficult to maintain the human body. It is likely to become a demon fox."

Qiu Ruohan said first: "I am willing to be a wife without making his wife. This is what I deserve."

Yangding Tiandao: "That's good, just like this!"

Then, Yangdingtian took Lingbi and Qiu Ruohan and left the head hall invisible!


After more than half an hour, Yang Dingtian once again met Nalu, and the Enchanted II met.

"Evil spirits have been solved." Yangding Tiandao: "We will go to Zhoushan together!"

Then, Yang Dingtian led the crowd and flew toward Zhoushan.

at this time. The energy gate of the Snow Mountain Castle, which is not in the mountains, has been destroyed again. Yangdingtian opened the space door and let everyone enter the Snow Mountain Castle.

At this time, the holy priest of the Great Priest Association has reoccupied the Snow Mountain Castle.

"The evil spirits of the demon king have all been destroyed. The door of energy can be restored." Yangding Tiandao.

The virtual dynasty died, now the entire Grand Priest Association. It was dominated by the fire dance and the great priest.

Next, the biggest problem facing us is how to bring Xiaoxitian out of chaos and eliminate the influence of the demon.

This requires the Grand Priest Association, the Joint Parliament, and the nine major tribes to complete together.

This is a long time. Even in a short period of time, the Doomsday Committee cannot be disbanded immediately. It must be step by step.

Especially now, millions of demon foxes are still outside the head hall, waiting to invade the human kingdom.

How to let these millions of troops retreat is a difficult time and the first thing to bear the brunt!

"Yang Zongzhu, I and Nalu Speaker, have lost the absolute control of the demon fox army." Enchanted Second World: "You know, fanatical racism, once it burns, it is really difficult to extinguish. So, we The two are unable to evacuate the millions of foxes."

Of course, the gathering of these millions of monsters and foxes is there, and it has no influence on the human kingdom. On the contrary, it may endanger Xiaoxitian.

Nalu said: "The middle and lower level fox warriors who are simply brainwashed are still easy to handle. They are ignorant and blind. Since they can be brainwashed by the demon king, they can also be brainwashed by us. But the most fanatical backbones may need to be directly removed. Drop it."

Enchanted Second World: "The death of the devil, do you have any images left? If you let everyone see their leader, the deceased is dead, perhaps shocked."

At the time of killing the demon king, the tension was extremely high, naturally it would not leave any images.

Suddenly, the spirit said: "At that time, I used the spiritual power to resurrect the Queen of the Sea Snake, and when the Emperor used the Dark Xuanhuo Soul to tear open the Devil's Sea, I recorded it with a shadow jade. However, after the Devil's gas explosion The returning jade was also destroyed."

Nalu said: "Long pain is better than short pain. It is really impossible. Let Naga come out and kill him. Let all the demon kings follow me and kill them all!"

Naga can kill a few, can kill a few?

Hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands are not a problem.

However, this demon fox army is full of millions.

Moreover, Yangdingtian does not want to use the power of Naga again.

Yangdingtian thought for a while, then said: "Devil, under the magic, who is the highest leader?"

Nalu said: "The emperor's side, no spirit, me, demon lord, is one of the leaders!"

Yangding Tiandao: "Well, I will go back to restore the innocence and the spirit of the emperor. Then, once again, Xiaoxitian, declare that the Lord of the Silver Dragon Temple (Devil) is dead, invading the human kingdom." By your four leaders, you declare that you will continue to lead a million troops and invade the human kingdom. However, you have to explain that the human kingdom has been protected by Naga, and the invasion may be a dead end. All the repenters can go home. The demon fox family in the human kingdom must be a fanatic. All these foxes are exiled to the dark world, letting themselves die."

This is the case. The scene fell into silence.

This is completely achievable.

In the head hall, Yangdingtian used the hollow flame to open the door of darkness. The demon fox said that this is the door to the human kingdom. They will not doubt it.

In this way, how many fanatical demon foxes can be completely exiled.

only. This exile is not tens of thousands. It may be hundreds of thousands or even more.

However, this group of people has been brainwashed by the devil and has become a tumor of Xiaoxitian. It may be more beneficial to cut it all at once.

"That's how it is done." Naru Speaker was the first statement, saying: "How many fans are exiled. Even if there are millions, they will not hesitate."

Then, the fire priest also raised his hand and said: "The Silver Dragon Temple also agreed to exile all these fanatical demon foxes."

Enchanted II then raised his hand.

All four parties agreed. Use fraudulent means to exile all fanatics!


After the decision of the Quartet is completed.

Yangdingtian carries a coffin. There are also hundreds of evil spirits who return to the human kingdom by tearing the space!

Come together, there is also a fall.

She will be stationed in Xiaoxitian to help Enchanted II and Naru Speaker, this time. Just see Qin Wanqiu.

After returning to Yunxiao City, all the high-level members of the Bright Parliament are there. Including Qin Wanqiu.

Seeing the first side of Qiu Ruohan, Qin Wanqiu couldn't help but see a bitter smile.

However, after all, it is still a long sigh of relief.

For Qiu Ruohan, he is always disdainful and merciful.

Although she repeatedly betrayed herself, she even wore a green hat.

However, in the eyes of Qin Wanqiu, Qiu Ruohan has always been a poor person.

In the face of Qin Wanqiu, Qiu Ruohan was not so embarrassed. He stared at his face and looked at it for a while. He said: "My body is now a demon fox, so nothing can happen between us."

Qin Wanqiu said, "It is a pity. But according to the law of the Guangming Parliament, you will spend the life in prison. But rest assured, I will go to see you often."

Qiu Ruohan shook his head and said: "I don't have to go to jail. I will be guilty of sinning now. When the situation is relatively stable, I will be abandoned and become a fox to return to the human kingdom. By then, you will I have a pet more."


"Master, what is the movement of Naga Frost?" Yang Dingtian asked.

The Eastern Nirvana: "Not at all. In the original cave, there was no communication with anyone, no one was seen."

Then, the Eastern Nirvana said: "Small heaven, is there any change in Naga?"

Yangding nodded.

The East Nirvana said: "That, try not to have conflicts, let her leave, the farther away from the human kingdom, the better, it is best not to come back. Naga, is invincible."

Yangding Tiandao: "I know!"

Then, Yangding Tian flies to the mountains in the west and enters the familiar cave!

When Naga Frost was just invisible, like a child, she was incomparably obsessed with incomparable dependence on Yangdingtian, and even couldn’t stand it for a minute.

At that time, she spent most of her time in this cave.

Every time Yang Dingtian left, she told her that he would come back after several tens of thousands of times.

So, when the first day of Yang Dingtian’s departure, Naga Frost began to count.

Counting to tens of thousands of times, Yangdingtian really came back.

At that time, the Naga frost is how entangled, how simple and lovely.

Walk into the depths of the cave.

On the stone bed, Naga Frost was lying on the side.

The devil's delicate curves are like mountains and rivers, beautiful faces, standing at the tip of the pyramid of the whole world.

When Yangdingtian came in, her beauty was also lost, as if in a memory.

When she saw Yangdingtian coming in, her eyes instantly recovered and she said, "Is things over? Can you go?"

Yangdingtian nodded: "Frosters, before we leave, we make a deal."

Frost Road: "What trade?"

Use powerful energy in exchange for the soul of the emperor's emperor and the innocent. (To be continued)

Ps: Thank you for the tens of thousands of starting points to read the book, thank you.

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