Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1240: Break through the technique of semi-god!

"Frost, do you belong to the Naga royal family?" Yang Dingtian asked.

Naga Frost shook her head: "Of course not."

Yangding Tiandao: "But, when I saw you become a Naga, it was all golden."

Naga Frost said: "It is not the golden yellow or the Naga royal family. The Naga royal family is looking at the dragon's horns."

"Dragon horn?" Yang Dingtian wondered.

"Our Naga, the more powerful it is like a dragon, the simple appearance from the outside, almost every half **** Naga and the dragon are like the most difficult to resemble the corner." Frost said: "The sea snake Cana, many of them are snake horns, or horns, and many Naga of the mermaid descendants have no horns. Only the Naga kings have almost the same angle as the dragon."

Yangding Tiandao: "Is it the cultivation of the Naga royal family, the most powerful?"

Naga Frost nodded: "Of course."

Yangding Tiandao: "Then you look at my thoughts, is it correct?"

Naga Frost said: "You speak."

Yangding Tiandao: "The so-called half-god body, the most important thing is the density and space of the sea of ​​air, followed by the mysterious vein, right?"

Naga Frost said: "Yes."

Yangding Tiandao: "If you squeeze together ten, twenty, and half-god seas, can you increase the density and space of the sea, and break through to the sea?"

Naga Frost said: "No, because there is nothing to hold, it will burst open."

Yangding Tiandao: "Can the Naga king's demon nucleus be able to accommodate it? I know that you have a lot of seas in Naga, every part of the body, the demon nucleus is only part of it, but the Naga king's demon nucleus , can you hold the bottom of the sea?"

Naga Frost nodded: "Of course, our Naga's demon nucleus is not the sea of ​​gas, it is the last energy reserve, it is a supplement of the sea, and of course it can be accommodated."

Yangding Tiandao: "In the tomb of the ancient sea snake empire, there are many sea soul crystals left by the ancestors of the sea snakes, many of which are nearly half-god, and are the peaks of the sea snakes."

Naga Frost suddenly stunned her eyes.

Yangding Tiandao: "Right, if you swallow these sea soul crystals, can you break through the gods?"

Naga Frost said: "You can, I can't! I want to break through the gods of Naga, the energy needed is astronomical. Hundreds of sea soul crystals are not enough."

Then, Naga Frost said: "Your thinking is very arrogant."

Yang Dingtian took out his own Chaos Emperor Spirit Sword and handed it to Frost: "Do you see that this sword has received half-god-level seas and mysterious veins?"

The Naga frost was taken over and the whole sword was transparent like water.

"If there is no demon nucleus of the Naga kings, then this semi-god-level sea of ​​air does not exist." Naga Frost said: "But with the Naga kings nucleus, they are not afraid of a powerful sea of ​​direct explosion. Out, so there is not much demand for the soul of the soul sword. The rest is the requirement of Xuanmaijing. Once the attack is launched, the semi-god-level Xuanqi energy rushes out, unless the semi-destination Naga’s mysterious veins, otherwise Unbearable, it will directly break the bones, and the smoke will disappear."

Yangding Tiandao: "My mysterious sword is collected from the Yinyang mirror. It connects the land and the center of the earth. It is a thousand miles away and can bear the energy transmission of tens of thousands of miles. I think it should not be weaker than the half god. Let's go to the mysterious veins."

Naga Frost nodded and said: "Of course, this mysterious vein is so powerful that it can withstand the energy attack of the demigod."

Yangdingtian continued: "The body of this sword is 999 million years of blood Wujin and 999 million years of sacred ice cold gold, respectively forged two martial arts soul swords, and then combined into two. From the big Thousands of pounds, turned into a dozen kilograms, one in tens of thousands, more powerful than the human body, do not know how many times, can bear the semi-god attack?"

Naga Frost said: "Even if you take one of tens of thousands, you can't afford half-god energy. However, if you combine yin and yang to become a chaotic emperor, you can withstand half-god energy."

Yangding Tiandao: "So, in theory, it is completely feasible?"

Naga Frost closed her eyes.

The so-called semi-god-level sea of ​​sea, from the simplest explanation, is nothing more than the continuous extrusion of energy, reaching a certain level, directly bursting into another realm. There is no difference in principle from ordinary practice.

However, if there is no demigod talent, the sea can not withstand such tremendous pressure, or it will flow into the abyss of the sea, or it will burst directly.

Yang Dingtian's theory is that many of the nearly half-god's seas are superimposed together and wrapped into the soul of the Naga royal family. It can be seen that a change can occur and break through to the semi-divine level.

No one has tried this in the memory of Naga Frost.

But in theory, it seems to be completely feasible.

Then, Naga Frost said: "If this theory is feasible, then as long as I am with you, then seal me, you swallow these sea soul crystals, you can also break through the demigod in a short time. Yourself Breaking through the gods and breaking through the gods with your soul sword is a complete concept."

Yang Dingtian stared at her and said, "Will you let me seal it? I still do it, you guess I will kill me."

"Stabbing..." Naga Frost couldn't help but smile. "It's obviously you can't bear to seal me, don't pull anything else."

Ever since she has completely changed, she has never laughed so much, and has never said anything like a spoiled word.

Do it all at once, Yang Dingtian does not know how to reply.

After Naga Frost laughed, he said, "But how do you introduce these sea soul crystals into the nuclear sea of ​​the Naga kings? Have you thought about it?"

Yeah, this is hard.

Before the Yangdingtian was done, it was just to collect the Xuanmaijing, put it into the soul sword, and then import the Xuanmaijing. There is no need to do more at all, and Xuanmaijing and Haishenjing are naturally connected.

But now, the soul sword of Yangdingtian already has its own qihai, and it is impossible to put the sea soul crystal directly, which is completely useless.

Need to let the soul of the sword of the sea, take the initiative to swallow the sea soul crystal.

It is difficult and difficult to say this. It is not difficult or difficult to say.

If it is Yangdingtian, it is very simple, it is directly used as the essence of energy to swallow it.

But the soul sword itself, will not actively swallow. It can swallow, but it does not engulf the shaped energy body.

Therefore, to be in the state of spiritual meditation, use the realm of God to write a scroll. Let your own consciousness, control the soul sword, and swallow the sea soul crystal.

For the scroll of the soul sword, Yang Dingtian has already written two.

The first one is to control the soul sword with consciousness and release the sword to the ancestors.

The second one is to inject the dark mysterious fire into the soul sword, and release the dark sword of the dark sword.

Then this third reel is much simpler than the previous two, and there is a large section of code in the Yangdingtian brain.

This swallowing scroll is very well written and doesn't even take a few days.

The only suspense now is to devour so many sea soul crystals, can you make the spirit of the emperor soul sword, break through the semi-god level.

Although theoretically feasible, there is no practice and no one knows.

When the plane was upright, Yangdingtian immediately got up and left the ruins of the old Naga Empire to go to the ruins of the ancient Sea Snake Empire.

And Naga Frost, also followed.

Yangding Tiandao: "You, don't stay here to devour energy?"

Naga Frost shook his head and said: "It is useless to swallow again. Anyway, the opportunity to break through the demigod is already very embarrassing. I will go with you."

Yangding Tiandao: "Look at it, but you are not allowed to have a greedy heart for the sea soul crystal. This sea soul crystal is now completely pure, at least slightly infused with consciousness, will recognize the Lord. Once you recognize you, my soul The sword can't be used."

Yang Dingtian’s words were very rude. Since he knew that Naga Frost would read his mind, he spoke straight.

Naga Frost seems to be not angry at all, saying: "My greed is to break through the gods, and I can't break through the gods. What is the use of energy for me?"

Then two people left the ruins of the old Naga Empire.


After a few days and a few nights, Yangdingtian once again returned to the ancient sea snake empire.

Then, go to the sea burial ground behind the ruins of the Mojing.

Under the huge mountains, there is a crack thousands of miles deep.

In the spar geology below the crack, all the sea snake strongmen in history are buried.

Every top sea snake strongman will return his energy to the sea before he dies, so that his descendants can enjoy it.

After the sea burial, their mysterious veins were opened and turned into a spar tunnel. Their sea of ​​sea is solidified and turned into a sea soul crystal.

Yangdingtian and Naga Frost, along the deep cracks, keep going down and down.

After three thousand miles, the abyss came to an end.

Here is the hard spar ground, everything around it is a pure energy spar, crystal clear, like a crystal palace.

Yangdingtian began to look for whirlpools below, because each whirlpool represents a sea represents a sea soul crystal.

The vortex is really a lot.

The abyss of the underground of this sea burial is also very large, and it is not enough for thousands of miles.

Yangdingtian and Naga Frost, looking for the past.

Several, a dozen, dozens, hundreds of...

"You don't have to look any more." Naga Frost said: "There are hundreds of sea soul crystals, which is definitely enough, as long as your theory is correct."

Then, Yangdingtian used the Emperor Spirit sword to dig one of the vortexes and collect the sea soul crystal inside.

The collection is very simple, enter the mysterious and consciousness, you can.

Then, like this jellyfish, there is a sea of ​​souls with incomparably powerful energy, and it has been flying, following the sun-top sky, and it is inseparable.

Moreover, every sea burial person is the top-level cultivation of the sea snakes, nearly half-god.

Yang Dingtian collected three sea gods near the gods, and then left the ruins of the ancient sea snake empire to travel to the human kingdom.

Next, together with the fox priest, enter the world of meditation and write the engulfing scroll of the soul sword.

These three sea soul crystals are used for experiments.

If successful, he did not break through the gods, but his soul sword, breaking through the gods!


Note: Please ask for two tickets, thank you. To be continued

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