Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1264: The eye of the fallen dragon!

Where is Yangdingtian going?

Taboo mainland fantasy!

Because almost all the eras can be encountered in the taboo of the mainland. ~,

Therefore, regarding these two ancient energy bodies, I believe that we can find the answer in the taboo of the mainland.

Yangdingtian used the fastest speed and flew to the taboo of the mainland.

At this time, no one has guarded the door of the vital human kingdom here.

Yang Dingtian rushed in directly, and then in the first time, appeared in the taboo of the mainland.

As if there is a memory archive, when Yangdingtian just entered, it is still a few years ago.

The entire chaotic world is in the sixth era.

What Yang Diantian just entered is the boundless sea.

In the depths of the sea, there are amazing numbers of behemoths, not only the bottom of the sea, but also the beasts flying in the air.

At that time, Yang Dingtian, facing these giant beasts was completely killed.

But now, Yangdingtian is completely free.

Of course, he will not be stupid enough to attack these behemoths. Because these prehistoric behemoths are incomparably huge, but they are also a lot of power, what kind of fire, the electricity is not at all.

It is completely easy for Yangdingtian to kill these behemoths at this time. But what he wants now is observation, and at this time Yang Dingtian is practicing here, and there is still no use.

He was invisible directly, and then flew all the way to observe the sixth era of this prehistoric beast.

Because the time and space speed here is already very, very slow, here for many years, it is only equivalent to a day in the human kingdom.

Therefore, Yangdingtian has a lot of time to observe the world.

However, he did not find anything different in this world. Even similar to the legendary earth.

In the sixth era. The species is already very, very rich. Whether it is animals or plants, there are already species prototypes of the entire world.

Despite the prehistoric behemoth, it is the hegemon of the whole world.

But for other animal species, the impact is not huge.

The whole world is a very complete biological chain. The order of nature. Will solve everything.

Prehistoric beasts, killing each other, and fighting constantly.

But all power is the killing of teeth. Despite countless deaths and injuries, it does not cause any extinction.

Moreover, at this time, Yangdingtian has discovered monkeys, and there is more than one.

During the Jurassic era of the Earth, dinosaurs ruled the forest, the sky and the ocean.

And in the chaotic world of the sixth era. Prehistoric behemoths also rule the sky, land and sea.

In the generations of the earth, the legend is due to the impact of meteorites, leading to the extinction of dinosaurs.

In the chaotic world, I don’t know what caused it, leading to the extinction of prehistoric beasts.

Because they are probably the first hegemons of the chaotic world, they must be extinct.

Yang Dingtian flew for a full year or two in the Sixth Century. Nothing was found, and nothing was found about the two ancient energy bodies in his hand.

then. Yangdingtian left the Sixth Age.

Once again, come to the dark void, the floating tower, and shuttle in the void. It represents the passage of time.

In this endless void, Yang Dingtian faintly, once again saw the figure of the fallen dragon. Still very vague, looming.


quickly. Yangdingtian shuttles a million miles of dark voids (in fact, it is a time shuttle, perhaps tens of millions of years, perhaps longer)

Soon, Yangdingtian entered the seventh era.

Just entered. Still a boundless ocean. In the distance, it is still an endless forest.

Soon, Yangdingtian was discovered by a flying prehistoric behemoth, and it rushed over.

Yangdingtian did not care, but still quickly flashed away to avoid.

"Boom..." At this time, the prehistoric behemoth of this flight slammed out the flames of the sky.

A few hundred miles apart, this raging flame came to the front and the temperature was more than tens of thousands of degrees.

Yangding Tiandeng was shocked. In the last era, these prehistoric behemoths were only relying on teeth and claws, and they were completely brute force fighting.

Why did you learn to spurt fire at this time?

Moreover, Yangdingtian quickly calculated the energy level of this airborne behemoth.

A few hundred miles apart, the flames can still exceed tens of thousands of degrees. Moreover, it is only the edge temperature.

Through simple calculations, Yang Dingtian concluded that the energy level of this air behemoth is about twenty-seven.

With this answer, Yang Dingtian was shocked.

The twenty-seventh-order monster completely surpassed the most powerful magic fire monster.

What exactly is it, let these monsters make these changes.

Just in the horror of Yangdingtian, suddenly a horrible shadow monster came from the side.


It slammed out the thrilling lightning, a few hundred miles of massive lightning, and beaten the previous monster.

Then, a fire-breathing beast, a sprayed beast, fiercely strangled together.

And Yangdingtian also found out that this jet of monsters is very similar to the nightingale. It can be known that it is entirely the ancestor of the nightingale.

Yang Dingtian is invisible on the side, watching the killing of two monsters.

After about half an hour, the result appeared.

The fire-breathing behemoth was defeated, and the living was killed by the electric behemoth.

Then, the whole body was swallowed by the electric beast.

Yangdingtian stealth and continue to fly forward.

It was discovered that the sixth era, which was still peaceful, has been completely unrecognizable.

Countless behemoths, madly strangled. The war between the behemoths is everywhere.

Wind, electricity, water, and fire attacks destroy countless forests and kill countless species.

The whole world of the seventh era is completely full of emptiness.

Moreover, these monsters, in addition to still eating leaves, eating meat and filling their stomachs, are more fond of a variety of stones.

That's right, it's just a stone, not a spar. At most, it's some special ore.

Yangding Tianqiu picked up various stones and found that it contained all kinds of energy.

but. It is very confusing and the content is not high.

These behemoths are swallowed almost every moment. And Yang Dingtian discovered that the war between the behemoths is completely competing for this special energy stone.

Whether it is the bottom of the sea or the mountains. It is still a forest, or snow, as long as there is an energy stone mine, all will become the battlefield of the giant beasts.

Moreover, Yangdingtian also found a very interesting thing.

That is, after these giant beasts eat these energy stones, they only take what they need. The energy that you don't need will become excreted.

There are countless transparent powders in these feces.

Yangding Tiantao washed these powders. It was discovered that these turned out to be the original form of spar.

These findings, although let Yang Tiantian a little excited. But what he wants is still not available.

What he wants to find is the two ancient energy crystals. (Medusa Trap Gems)

Although, in the seventh era, the existence of energy has been discovered. However, there is still nothing about the two ancient energy bodies.


Then, Yangdingtian entered the eighth era.

Yang Dingtian was thoroughly and completely stunned. It was stunned by the world of the eighth era.

He was horrified to discover that all the behemoths disappeared.

As the two generations of the chaos world. They are completely extinct. And Yangdingtian did not know how they were extinct.

There are still many species on the ground.

The overlord of the eighth era also appeared.

It turned out to be...human.

Yes, human beings have become overlords at this time.

Of course, the human appearance at this time is very weird. The limbs are long and thin. The head is huge, either the hair is not retreating, or it is all naked.

But without exception, everyone's eyes are large, like a particularly bright crystal.

In short. The humans of the eighth era are very ugly.

Of course, these are not the reasons for his horror.

What made him completely shocked was that the eighth era was extremely prosperous.

The civilization of the eighth era is not only more prosperous than the human kingdom, but even surpasses the modern earth.

There are human cities everywhere, not just on land, but also in the ocean, countless super-metropolises.

There are even huge cities floating in the sky, and huge pyramids everywhere.

It’s not just that it’s so shocking.

What surprised him the most is that the world of the eighth era is completely a world of energy and civilization.

A huge spaceship in the sky, a huge marcher on the ground.

Everything is driven by the energy array.

Every spaceship, every huge building, every huge pyramid, is a separate energy array.

Then, Yang Dingtian also witnessed the war in this world.

It is completely full of dreams, science fiction.

The existence of human soldiers is completely invisible, all of which are huge spaceships, igniting energy rays in the air.

The chariot on the ground, the energy warship of the ocean.

Here, Yangdingtian also saw one thing.

That is the dark matter, the dark matter that can swallow everything. The dark empire is completely wrapped and the dark matter engulfed by the ancient sea snake empire. It is completely impossible to destroy, ignoring the energy of any attack.

It turned out that this kind of energy material was made by humans of the eighth era.

It is both a powerful weapon and a powerful defense.

Yang Dingtian was shocked to see that in the eighth era, the superpowers of the ocean and land made an earth-shattering war.

The land of the land, is to open a huge dark material energy cover, against any attack on the ocean country.

At this point, Yangdingtian fully understood.

The ruins of the dark empire discovered at that time were protecting the dark empire of tens of millions of human beings, which were created by the eighth generation of human beings.

In the view of Yangdingtian, the dark country is extremely huge and extremely magnificent.

But in the eighth era, the size of the entire dark empire was completely worth mentioning.

In the eighth era, the human empire spanned the ocean, underground, land, and air.

Every space is hundreds of thousands of miles in length.

The entire dark empire is at best a metropolis of the eighth era. Or, it is a barracks, and there is also a cannon camp.

In short, it is not a real city.


The shock of the heart in Yangding’s heart is really incomprehensible.

Unexpectedly, human beings turned out to be the second-generation hegemon of the chaotic world, still before Naga.

The human beings here have no force, even weaker than the human kingdom at this time. However, their energy civilization has reached the limit, and the use of matter has reached its limit.

Even the power they have is enough to destroy the entire world many times.

Yang Dingtian knew that the Eighth Age was also ruined, and there was almost no one left in ancient times.

So how did it perish?

Yangdingtian has no time to think about this. It is looking for two energy bodies in the hands.

He flew in many cities in stealth, but still did not find traces of these two energy bodies!

He is not reconciled, has been flying, has been looking for.

However, he soon flew to the edge of human urban civilization.

It actually flew to a barren land.

This area is not large, about tens of thousands of miles.

However, this area is nearing death. Probably the same as the first, second dark field.

Yang Dingtian knew that this was the result of the first Great Nirvana. The first generation of hegemony, the expansion of the energy behemoth and the war led to the first great Nirvana. Formed a dark field of tens of thousands of miles.

Not only the dark field, but also the rudiment of the abyss border.

This should be the first abyss border of the chaotic world!

The abyss border is born to engulf the mainland.

But soon Yang Dingtian discovered that the abyss border here is actually motionless and does not engulf the vitality of the mainland.

He couldn't help but be amazed.

So he released the hollow flame and entered the abyss border to find out!

After entering, Yangding Tiandeng was completely shocked!

Because the abyss border and Yangdingtian experience are completely different.

After being emptied of the essence of the flame, it is still a transparent crystal.

But in absolute transparency, there is a huge dragon that swims and flies in the abyss border.

This dragon is very, very large, hundreds of miles in length. The appearance is almost completely the appearance of the fallen dragon.

This is not the horror of Yangdingtian.

What surprised him was the two eyes of the dragon.

Every eye is extremely large, with a diameter of more than a few hundred kilometers.

And if Yangdingtian is not mistaken, the eyes of this dragon that swims in the abyss border are the inner space of the Yangdingtian space. These two ancient energy bodies are the two eye gems of the Medusa trap.

The shape is exactly the same.

It radiates the light, like two suns, exactly the same as the Medusa trap.

Yangdingtian is long and breathtaking.

Naga Frost also took a long sigh of relief.

This answer was found.

These two ancient energy crystals turned out to be in the abyss border, the eyes of the fallen dragon!

This discovery is really shocking!

No wonder, it is so powerful and powerful enough to suffocate. (To be continued..)u

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