Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1270: Enter the Medusa Nest!

"Impossible, this is impossible." Yangding Tiandao.

Naga Frost did not say anything, and it was clear that her view and Yang Dingtian glanced.

This is really impossible.

Because, after incomparably complicated calculations, it was discovered that the Temple of Departure was in the human kingdom. Moreover, it is in the sea between Zhongzhou and Xizhou.

Because, the captured energy trajectory, first from the east from the grassland to the north, entered an inexplicable space.

Next, enter the dark realm, and not just a dark realm, or even a strange dark realm.

I don't know how many spaces have been turned, hundreds of thousands of miles or more, and they are all macroscopically existing. Finally, I circled a large circle and entered the southern waters of the human kingdom, and then went north and north to reach the final destination.

It is the center of the sea in Central and Western Europe.

This result, whether it is Yangdingtian or Naga Frost, has never been thought of.

How can this be? How can Medusa's old nest be in the human kingdom, and it is so close to Xizhou.

As for the sea area, whether it is the mermaid empire or the fleet of the human kingdom, I don’t know how many times I have gone through it.

Yangding Tiandao: "Frost, will it be our deduction?"

Naga Frost said: "Impossible, our derivation is correct."

Yangding Tiandao: "Will it be that Medusa discovered our intentions, so deliberately misleading?"

Naga Frost said: "After discovering that we broke through the demigod, she turned the primary goal of extinction to us, so we can't wait for us to enter his field. You should know that Medusa can put Ximen Ningning in the human kingdom, you can With the departure from the soul hall, I will gather it, but I will never appear. There is a reason for it. So she wants to kill us, unless I give most of my energy to the West Ningning, then control the West Ningning. Kill us. However, she is not willing to lose energy because she has no choice. So, we found her. Sending it to the door is the best result."

Yang Dingtian nodded, and Naga Frost said it was very reasonable.

That is to say, the Queen of Medusa’s Temple of Departure is indeed in the waters of Central and Western Australia.

Moreover, the results of the calculations are very, very precise and almost accurate to one point. Yangdingtian can go to this coordinate to explore at any time.

When the plane is upright, Yangding Tiandao: "Froser, you are waiting here, I will go to the field to inspect."

"Yeah." Naga frosted.

Yangdingtian directly rushed out of the dark empire and flew southward.


From the chaos to the south. It entered the central waters of Central and Western Europe.

Originally, this sea area is the busiest in the world, with countless ships driving between China and the West every day. Moreover, this sea area is rare and gentle, calm and calm.

Flying over the sea, Yangdingtian saw a lot of ships, and it was drifting aimlessly.

These ships are all fine, but the people on board have become fossils.

quickly. Yang Dingtian found the calculated point.

Purely from the sea, there is nothing special. It is the calm sea.

Yangdingtian drilled into the sea, the sea here is not deep, only less than a kilometer, Yangdingtian is easy to bottom out.

There is nothing special about the bottom of the sea here.

It is an ordinary submarine reef, and there are numerous underwater creatures.

about this point. Yangdingtian is still very happy. The humans on this continent have been devastated, but most of the creatures are fine, including the underwater creatures, which are still alive and well.

Yang Dingtian found the target point and locked it within the decimeter distance.

It is an ordinary reef. Really a little bit special.

It is not at all like the place where Medusa is away from the soul temple.

Or is it under the sea?

Yangdingtian consciousness controls the soul sword and continuously rotates and excavates.


The Emperor's soul sword spins quickly, and it quickly penetrates into a few kilometers, tens of thousands of meters, hundreds of thousands of meters...

Thousands of miles...

Then, I got to the end.

Next, there is a thick layer of dark matter.

It turned out to be dark matter.

Yang Dingtian knows that the Dark Empire did not spread here.

This dark matter is a separate area. But this is also normal, the whole world here is full of dark materials everywhere.

This substance can certainly devour anything. But as if, it is not to destroy the world, but to protect the world.

Moreover, this dark matter also seems to be the product of the eighth century human civilization.

This dark matter is an absolute energy protective layer, an insulating layer, and free to grow.

However, since it is a human product made by the eighth civilization of human civilization, it has nothing to do with Naga.

Then why the eyes of the first Nakada can melt the dark matter, which is unreasonable. Unless the so-called Yuan Shi Naga eyes are not the eyes of Naga, it is also the product of human civilization of the Eighth era, but it is only embedded in the statue of Yuan Shi Naga.

But at the moment, it is to find Medusa's lair, and the eyes of Yuanshi Naga are not important.

Yang Dingtian took out the gem of the eyes of Yuan Shi Naga and melted the dark matter.

He hopes that the Queen of Medusa's Temple of Departure is within this dark material, just like the Dark Empire.

If this is the case, everything can be said.

The Dark Empire is a huge energy group of the eighth century human civilization. Here, it is another energy array.

Queen Medusa, through the energy array of the eighth era, launched this near-death attack.

Melting dark matter, deep, deep, deep, deep...

I don't know how deep the dark matter is thousands of miles deep.

Suddenly, the front is empty, then suddenly suddenly!

Inside, there is really a huge space.

Moreover, at this time, it is completely lit.

A very incomparably huge Tongtian Emperor!

It is bigger than the Heavenly Emperor of the Dark Empire, but also taller and deeper.

But the entire space is far from the dark empire. Because there is no dark castle here, there is only one Tongtian Emperor.

The dark empire space is tens of thousands of miles long, and this space is only about two thousand miles, occupied by the entire Tongtian Emperor.

Tongtian Emperor Jingtong went to the world to explore the hell, and did not know how high it was.

The middle is wide and the two ends are sharp. The widest place in the middle. It is the temple of the sky, which is more than eight hundred miles in diameter, far exceeding the one of the dark empire.

Yangdingtian heart beats wildly.

Could it be that Medusa's old nest is away from the soul temple, but it is actually an energy array of the eighth era?

Yang Dingtian flew directly into the sky hall of this Tongtian Emperor.

The structure is very similar to the one in the Dark Empire, but it is much more concise, as if it were a sci-fi dream.

It can be seen that this Tongtian Emperor Jingjing was built later than the Dark Empire and was much more advanced.

But the strange thing is. The Heavenly Emperor of the Dark Empire turned and ruined tens of thousands of miles across three continents. And this Tongtian Emperor Jing is bigger, it is also rotating, but it has not caused any impact on the above ocean and land, it is still full of vitality.

Yang Dingtian rushed into the temple of the sky, and looked directly at the dark throne inside.

Yes, there is also a throne here.

but. It is not black, but blue.

even. It is not a throne of prestige, but a position full of dreams, it is blue. I don't want to be a throne, but some are like sci-fi movies, the captains on the spaceships.

But the above did not imagine the Medusa, but it was empty.

Medusa is not here. Where is she going to be?

And the strange thing is that this Tongtian Emperor is always turning, and it is clear that the entire energy array is working.

Yangdingtian is almost certain that this is the source of energy for several Medusa killings on the ground.

But why is Queen Medusa not here.

Instinctly. Yangdingtian will go to the blue throne above it and sit on it.

"Frather, don't sit." Suddenly, Yang Dingtian’s voice sounded the voice of Naga Frost.

"Good." Yangding Tiandao: "Do you feel anything?"

Naga Frost said: "It's just a very instinctive feeling."

Yangding Tian flew throughout the vast hall of the sky, and flew out of the heavenly emperor, looking for it all over the space, completely without the Queen of Medusa.

This space is not big, Yangdingtian easily finds every place.

It’s strange, why is Medusa not here?

Is this a Medusa's lair?

First of all, this does not seem to have any similarities with the Temple of Desolation in the illusion.

However, in principle, it makes perfect sense.

At that time, Medusa defected and was sure to be chased by the Naga Empire. Therefore, only in certain places, the Naga Empire can never be found, and it cannot enter.

The civilization of the eighth era is clearly the best place.

Medusa escaped here, which is the most consistent principle.

However, this is not true. Both gemstones and Naga eyes can melt dark matter, so the Naga Empire can enter dark matter.

And Medusa kills countless human Medusas, it is necessary to use the energy of this heavenly emperor.

Yang Dingtian’s thoughts were caught in contradiction. For a while, I felt that this must be the Temple of the Soul. I thought this should not be the Temple of the Soul.

Finally, I want to have my mind open, lying directly on the ground in the temple.

Suddenly, Yang Dingtian asked in his heart: "Frost, how do you ask? You are colder than me, calm, and everything can be found directly."

Naga Frost said: "My husband, my thoughts are the same as you. The energy of Medusa's slaughter of human beings must come from this Tongtian Emperor's energy array, and this energy array is more advanced than this in the dark empire."

"Yeah." Yangding Tiandao: "What else?"

Naga Frost said: "But, Medusa's Temple of Departure is not here. Accurately speaking, it can be regarded as a part of the Temple of the Soul, but it is only part of it. Because the Naga Empire can melt dark matter, if Medusa flees here. Therefore, it is impossible to escape the pursuit. Therefore, Medusa is in this Heavenly Emperor, but not in the Great Hall of the Sky. The Great Hall of the Sky is part of the entire Tongtian Emperor."

Yangding Tiandao: "But, this Tongtian Emperor is inside and outside, I have completely searched for it, not at all."

Naga Frost said: "Master, see this blue throne in front of you, what do you think of?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Very dreamy, very science fiction, like the seat in the spaceship on the Earth movie."

Naga Frost said: "Yes, and this Heavenly Emperor is more advanced than the Dark Empire. It can be seen that it was built later, then we boldly speculate. Why do the Eight Ages humans build a dark empire."

Yangding Tiandao: "Maybe because of the war, but the ground is destroyed, and they are all within the enemy's attack. So the city has to be built underground, protected by thick dark matter, trying to make civilization continue. ""

Naga Frost said: "Yes, but it is clear that in the end both sides have a way to break through the dark matter. Therefore, the dark empire built underground will not be protected. So, they want to go. what?"

Yang Dingtian closed his eyes and thought for a while: "Leave the chaotic world and go to other parts of the universe. So, you need a spaceship."

Naga Frost said: "Yes, so this Heavenly Emperor Jing, may be a spaceship, can leave the energy spacecraft of the chaotic world."

This explains why, this blue position is so sci-fi. Why, there is no dark castle in the whole space, only a huge Tongtian Emperor.

Yangdingtian brain enters the fantasy, in fact, the Tongtian Emperor Jingjing crosses it and looks like an incomparably huge spaceship.

Yangding Tiandao: "But even if it is an energy ship, you can't find the trace of Medusa."

Naga Frost said: "Medusa will certainly not be in the main hall of this spaceship, because it may not be the command room, and it will not escape the chase of the Naga Empire. So, now, where do you think Medusa will be? The husband uses your fantasy of arrogance!"

Yangdingtian closed his eyes.

If, in front of this, the Heavenly Emperor Jingjing is a huge spaceship of the Eighth Age civilization.

Then, this vast hall is not necessarily the cab. It can be a command center, an army within the fleet, where it can be assembled and trained.

However, it is not like the cockpit here.

Then, the Queen of Medusa's Departure Hall may be in the cockpit of this huge spaceship.

"French, I think so too." Naga Frost Road, "The Queen of Medusa, is in the cockpit of this spaceship. Then you think, where is the cockpit of this huge spaceship?"

Yangding Tiandao: "The head of the spaceship!"

"Yes." Naga Frost said: "So, where is the head of the spaceship?"

Yangding Tiandao: "The depth of the ocean is definitely the tail of the spaceship Emperor Jing. Its head, if nothing unexpected, should not be in the chaotic world, in space! Just like in the third dark field, I have been separated. The chaotic world has entered the boundless space!"

Yes, it must be.

At that time, Medusa, only to escape the chaotic world, could escape the search and arrest of the Naga Empire.

No matter where she is, she will die.

It must be like this, and Yang Dingtian suddenly became bright.

Naga Frost said: "So husband Do you know where the cockpit of this spaceship Dijing is? Do you know where the Temple of Departure is?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Know it, it's easy, and the position is clear."

Naga Frost said: "So you know, how can you get to the Temple of the Soul?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Know, it's still easy!"

Naga Frost smiled: "Frank, I am really proud of you!"

Yangding Tiandao: "It is obvious that you think earlier than I."

"No." Naga Frost said: "I didn't think earlier, I just guide you, or you want to think for yourself. Because about the spaceship, you are much clearer and deeper than me about the concept of the universe."

At the moment, Yangdingtian immediately turned into a streamer and flew out.

He is going to leave the Temple of the Soul. He now has absolutely the absolute grasp of finding the Temple of Departure and finding Medusa. (To be continued.)


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