Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1272: Medusa, face to face!

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"Finally, if I was watched by Medusa's eyes, would it become a fossil?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"No." Naga Frost and the Emperor of Naga, almost the same voice.

Yangdingtian nodded: "That's good!"

Then, he took the chaotic emperor soul sword and flew out.

Naga Frost is still in the dark empire, because two people share life, so as long as Naga frost does not die, Yangdingtian will not die completely.

Flying out of the dark empire, Yangdingtian did not fly towards the waters of Central and Western Europe, although it was the closest to the Temple of the Soul, but it could not pass.

Therefore, Yangdingtian will use the most stupid way to go to the Temple of the Soul.

That is, according to the derived energy trajectory route, the original road returns, and always returns to the point where the energy signal is emitted, that is, from the soul temple.

Yangding Tian first flew east to the grassland pyramid, and then continued north, north, north.

After thousands of miles, it reached the end of the grassland.

Then, Yangdingtian suddenly lost all the energy. Because, here is the area of ​​the Red Sea in the sky.

Anyone who comes here will lose all the energy of my mystery.

I did not expect that Yangdingtian has already broken through the demigod, but it is still the case.

Losing the mysterious Yangdingtian, it fell directly from the sky and fell into the red sea in the sky.

At this time, Yangdingtian could not see the figure of a lonely temple.

In the Red Sea in the sky, Yang Dingtian once spent a few days in memory, where she had the closest intimate contact with her oriental ice, and here he saw the fall of the saints.


For the saints who collapsed. Yangdingtian has become like a fog and can't see clearly.

Especially the border guardian in her mouth.

Yes, the human kingdom does have many borders.

The southeastern seas, the taboo of the mainland in the west, the secluded waters in the southwest, the devil's sea in the southeast, the ice and snow in the north, the heavenly red sea in the east, and the yin and yang mirror!

These ones. They are all borders of the existing human kingdom.

These words are not false, but about the border guardians. Tell the truth. Yangdingtian is already a stage of demigod. For the world's top secrets, I also know one or two.

As far as he knows, apart from the Red Sea in the sky, he did not see any border guardians on other borders.

and so. The term guardian of the border is true or false and hard to say. If it is a fake, it is a downfall.

Why do you want to lie in the ring? Who is she?

This is a huge puzzle.

Of course, this puzzle is not important to Yang Dingtian.

The most important thing for Yangdingtian at the moment is to kill Medusa.

At this time, the Red Sea in the sky is like a roadblock.

Of course, thousands of miles of the Red Sea in the sky, Yangdingtian can swim to the end.

But at the end. There must be a space barrier, and Yang Dingtian creates a space door, which also requires mysterious energy.

However, Yangdingtian lost all the mysteriousness and could control the soul sword flight. even. The Emperor Naga can use the Soul Sword to cast large space. Create space doors.

Therefore, Yangding Tian used the consciousness to control the soul sword.

result. The soul sword received the command at the first time, and then immediately fulfilled the order.

However, it just flew out of the space ring. It fell directly.

Within the space ring, it has no problems at all and will not be affected. But after the space ring, it also lost all the mystery.

Therefore, in the sky of the Red Sea, there is nothing to do with Yangdingtian.

Therefore, Yangdingtian swims in the red sea in the sky, hoping to encounter a lonely temple here and see the collapse.

However, he swam for several laps and did not see the temple at all.

Suddenly, the voice of Naga Frost rang in the heart of Yangding: "French, leave the Red Sea in the sky. I read your memory about the fall of the Holy One. I feel that she is very dangerous, and you leave immediately."

Yang Dingtian did not ask, Naga Frost's intuition has always been very keen, he immediately turned back.

However, it is difficult to leave the Temple of the Spirit without going through the Red Sea in the sky.

At this time, Naga Frost said: "French, I read the measurement of tearing space in your mind."

Yangding Tiandao: "I also calculated that the end of the Red Sea in the sky is not a tearing space."

Naga Frost said: "It used to be, but it was possible to tear the space around the road and go to the space at the end of the Red Sea in the sky. I have drawn a specific road map, and you can fly with this route."

Yangding Tiandao: "But the tearing space has been expanding and changing."

Naga Frost said: "Yes, but I use the human kingdom as a reference, so the route will not be wrong."

Yangdingtian thought for a while, and it really can't be wrong.

Just fix the route a few points and design it inside the tearing space, not the edge, so that the route is not wrong.

Therefore, Yangdingtian does not wait for the appearance of the saints, and swims directly back to the shore of the Red Sea in the sky, and then climbs down the cliff.

After returning to the east from the grassland, Yangding genius recovered the mysterious atmosphere, and then immediately flew to the holy valley in the east.

Less than an hour, Yangdingtian flew to the endless sea of ​​the Holy Valley, and then opened the space door here and entered the torn space.


The tearing space has actually expanded a lot and has grown a lot.

However, Yang Dingtian completely ignored this information at this time and calculated it according to the track of Naga Frost.

Fly to the center of the torn space first, then fly northwest.

Flying more than a thousand miles, Yangdingtian reached the end of the torn space, here is nothing.

At this point, Yangdingtian opens a space door and then jumps over.

In an instant, he entered another space.

This place is really the first dark field!

Because of the overall spatial structure of the chaotic world, Yangdingtian and Naga Frost have not been completed.

Just guessing. At the end of the Red Sea in the sky, perhaps the first dark field.

I did not expect this result to be accurate.

After entering the first dark field, Yangdingtian returned to the original planned orbital route, and did not travel indiscriminately because of his familiarity with the first dark field, and even forgot the existence of the first dark field.

Sure enough, fly to the center of the first dark field. The path goes straight down.

It turned out to be underground.

Take a closer look, this is actually a swirl.

Yangdingtian has been in the first dark field for a long time. This central vortex has never been found.

Because, it is really too small. The first dark field, tens of thousands of miles, is hard to find.

Yangdingtian controls the soul sword and digs it down towards this whirlpool.

Digging less than tens of thousands of meters. Drilled directly.

Below, is a small energy vortex.

Yangdingtian directly penetrated into this energy vortex.

In an instant, the whole person is continually swept through the vortex of energy, constantly shuttle, shuttle, and shuttle.

I don't know how long it took to shuttle, maybe thousands of miles, maybe even further. This kind of shuttle. Yang Dingtian didn’t even know if it was falling or was ejected. It’s not clear whether it’s down or up.

In short, he directly rushed out of the first dark field. Falling directly into a void.

Then he saw the endless stars behind him again. Here. Should it be space? Out of the space of the chaotic world.

Yang Dingtian did not surprise for how long, still flying in accordance with the orbital route.

In this space. Yangdingtian constantly flies.

Below is the first dark field.

After flying for about 10,000 miles, I immediately hit an energy barrier.

Yangdingtian opens a space door. Passed through this energy barrier.

After passing through the barrier, it is still space. However, the following is already the second dark field.

He flew tens of thousands of miles to the west, flew over the entire second dark field, and then ran into an energy barrier.

Yangdingtian once again opened a space door and passed through the space door.

Sure enough, it flew into space above the third dark field.

Flying less than 10,000 miles, the familiar whirlpool is in front of you. This whirlpool leads directly to the imprisoned space of the New Naga Empire.

Yang Dingtian flew here before, and did not continue to advance in space.

This time, the destination of Yangdingtian is not the new Naga empire, so move on.

It flew more than 10,000 miles and hit an energy barrier again.

If not unexpected, the back of this energy barrier should be the fourth dark field.

Yangdingtian has never been to this place, but he is full of curiosity about it.

Open the space door, Yang Dingtian skipped this energy barrier.

"Oh..." He entered a completely strange world.


Is this the fourth dark field?

What is the fourth dark field?

Yangdingtian saw countless whirlpools.

That's right, countless energy vortexes. Moreover, the colors are colorful and complex.

Yangdingtian has never seen such a weird space, and has never seen such a dangerous space.

There is no doubt that almost all of these whirlpools are deadly. The space and energy inside are completely chaotic. Who knows where they are going? After entering the whirlpool, even if you don't die, you will be completely lost.

Yangdingtian continued to fly westward in space, while flying, while observing the fourth dark field.

Flying less than 10,000 miles, the trajectory route, once again turned down, need to directly into a huge whirlpool.

Yang Dingtian’s heart trembled.

The third dark field has only one huge vortex that leads to the new Naga Empire.

Now, you have to rush into a whirlpool.

The vortex in front of me seems to be bigger, and the ghost knows where to send it.

Biting his teeth, Yang Tian slammed his teeth and rushed into the whirlpool.

Then, the whole person's knowledge is completely lost.

Once again, I experienced a sense of shuttle in time and space.

The surrounding scenery is constantly changing, full of magical and magical colors.

Shuttle, shuttle, shuttle...

I don't know how long it took, Yangdingtian once again woke up.

However, after he was awake, he was already floating in the air, motionless.

He seems to have left the fourth dark field of the earth, deep in a huge void.

Behind him. It is the fourth darkest field of countless vortexes.

It turned out that the vortex only penetrated the entire fourth dark field.

In this empty sky, Yangdingtian continues to follow the outlined track.

Advance, advance, advance...

Later, Yang Dingtian discovered that this dark void is very strange, it is a void. Nor is it derived from the expansion of dark matter, it is just a natural void.

Yangdingtian has been flying. Always flying. I don't know how many miles have been flying, or ten thousand miles.

I didn't know how long it took to fly, and I directly hit a layer of energy.

Open the space door and pass through this energy wall.

Then, I saw a thick layer of dark matter.

Use Yuan Shi Naga Gems. Melted thick dark matter.

Go ahead, move forward, and move forward.

I don’t know thousands of miles in the dark matter.

Then, the dark matter rushed out.

In front, I immediately saw a crystal clear plain.

Probably, only a few thousand miles, each inch is crystal clear, exuding beautiful light.

This is not the spar ground of the Naga Empire. It is the energy ground of the eighth era.

Then, on this ground, Yangdingtian saw it, standing with a pyramid.

Available in all colors.

Probably, there are a total of nine.

And the track route of Naga Frost and Yangdingtian calculated. Just point to one of the pyramids, the one in the middle.


Suddenly. Yang Dingtian knew that he and Naga Frost were both wrong.

This may be a spaceship. But through the cockpit, it is not in space, but inside the chaotic world.

just now. Yang Dingtian can finally be sure that the chaotic world is a planet.

The fourth dark field, the original eighth-century human civilization, is just now and now the human kingdom, at both ends of the planet.

Just now, after Yang Dingtian penetrated the fourth dark field, he flew over the endless void and dark matter and finally arrived here.

In fact, it crossed the entire planet from the middle and reached the other end.

If there is no accident, here is the human kingdom after it has been penetrated.

Yangdingtian was relieved for a long time.

After discovering the chaotic world, still a round planet, he relaxed a lot.

At least, this is the category he can understand.

Moreover, just drilling into the vortex in the first darkness did not enter the first dark field. Instead, it was vortexed out of the energy field of the first dark field and entered space. So, what you see along the way is not the first dark field, the back of the second dark field, but the front.

The energy signal from the Temple of the Soul is so transmitted to the human energy field. It is because we have to avoid the abyss borders together. The abyss border can devour all energy, including energy signals.

In fact, the principle is very simple, the energy signal has been transmitted in the air, but only through different energy fields.

However, there is no strength now to think about such complicated and profound questions.

Medusa's Temple of Departure is in front of her eyes.

I really wanted to marry. At that time, Medusa did not escape to the human kingdom, but instead fled to the dark field that had been destroyed, and even went directly to the fourth dark field and entered the spaceship of the eighth era human beings.

The pyramid in the middle is where the temple of the soul is.

Yang Dingtian took a deep breath and flew directly toward the pyramid.

Getting closer and closer.

Less than a few thousand miles later, the pyramid was in Then, the sound of Medusa's familiarity sounded on the top of the sun.

"Yangdingtian, it is not easy, you really found it here."

Then, the color of the golden pyramid suddenly changed and became absolutely transparent.

The pyramid is not big, only less than a hundred meters.

The beautiful Queen of Medusa sits on the throne at the heart of the pyramid.

Yang Dingtian and Queen Medusa finally met face to face!

It’s not easy for him to fly over half a planet and then penetrate the diameter of the entire planet to see the Queen of Medusa.

The pyramid slowly opened, and Yangdingtian flew directly into it.

Enter this so-called soulhouse! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly ticket, your support, is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to m. Read.)

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