Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1280: Medusa is dead!

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Yangdingtian straightforwardly ordered: "I ordered, immediately kill Medusa!"

The spacecraft was silent for a moment, then said: "Yes!"

Immediately afterwards, a clear picture appeared in Yangdingtian’s brain.

In the pyramid cockpit of the spaceship Dijing, Queen Medusa desperately destroyed the energy hood.

However, this endless energy hood, layered on one layer, is endless.

Medusa, trying its best, can't get out of trouble.

Then, above the pyramid, a terrible energy ray swells, condenses, condenses...

Yangdingtian did not know what the energy source of the spacecraft Dijing was, but it was much more advanced than the Dark Empire's Tongtian Emperor.

The Heavenly Emperor of the Dark Empire needs to constantly turn and devour the energy of a few continents.

And this spaceship spaceship, Jingjing, has been fully self-sufficient in energy. How powerful is its energy? From the three Medusas in the human kingdom, the countless human beings have become fossils, and it still can be seen from the terrible killings.

Therefore, the energy condensed above the pyramid at this time is completely astronomical, and it is incredibly amazing. It is completely ruined.

"Yangdingtian, you can't kill me, you can't kill me..." Suddenly, Medusa made a sharp sigh.


The thrilling energy above the pyramid slammed down.


Medusa’s body is gone.

Almost instantaneous. It disappeared.

This power is really amazing.

Medusa can be regarded as a high-order demigod, even an instant. It was directly broken by the body.


She is still not dead.

Her soul is still in the air.

After the shocking blast of the bombardment scattered.

Her body recovered little by little.

Within half a minute, her body completely recovered.

This scene, Yang Dingtian feels very familiar. Because of myself at the time, this is the case.

Medusa is not a person, her partner is really in this world. Nor did it die.

Naga and my partner are sharing energy. Sharing life.

As long as that partner does not die, Medusa will not die.

Of course, there is no way to kill her. It is a constant stream of attacks. The energy of her radiance is consumed, and the body of the partner, the sea of ​​the sea, and the soul are completely eliminated.

Yang Dingtian went straight to the road: "Continue to kill, until she dies!"

"Yes!" Cosmic spaceship Imperial Beijing Road.

Then, it continues to condense energy and condense to the extreme.

"Boom..." turned into a terrifying light and directly killed.

Medusa, once again, vanished.





Ten times. Dozens, hundreds of times...

Medusa was smashed hundreds of times.

Hundreds of gray smoke disappeared. But it was resurrected hundreds of times.

Yangding innocence is incredible, her partner, why is the energy not exhausted?

"Lord of the commander, this will continue, and will never kill Medusa." The spaceship Dijing suddenly said: "Because, the other party's supplementary energy. It is no less than my attack energy."

Is there still this?

When Yangdingtian continued to smouldering, the Naga Frost received the supplementary energy from the dark throne of the Heavenly Emperor. It is already amazing. But still can't stop the demise of Yangdingtian. If it wasn't for a deserted pyramid cockpit, Yangdingtian would have died.

And the energy that Medusa's companion adds is so powerful.

"Yangdingtian, I said, you can't kill me." Medusa sneered.

Yang Dingtian ignored her, but asked: "Cosmos, how many times is your energy enough to kill?"

The Cosmos spaceship, Jingjing Road: "Innumerable times, I have a total of ninety-nine energy reactors, and now one is not exhausted."

Yang Dingtian is completely speechless, energy civilization, and has really developed to the extreme by the eighth era.

Humans in the earth's plane have not even made nuclear fusion. The eighth civilization of the chaotic world, human civilization, must have been equivalent to reaching the level of anti-matter. At least, their spacecraft speed can reach thousands of miles per second.

"So, please continue to kill, don't give Medusa any chance." Yangding Tiandao: "Can you speed up the energy agglutination? Now it's about five seconds to kill, it's too slow."

The spaceship spacecraft Imperial Beijing Road: "Yes, but need to start multiple energy reactors at the same time."

Yangding Tiandao: "So let's start."

Cosmos, the spaceship of the universe, said: "Depending on your authority, you can open up to ten reactors at a time."

Yangding Tiandao: "So, open ten!"


Suddenly, the entire huge spaceship, Dijing, trembled slightly.

Then in the hall of the sky, the light flashed.

Next, Medusa was sinned.

The speed of energy condensation at the top of the pyramid was increased ten times at a time, and it was killed in half a second.

"Booming and banging..."

Amazing light, constant bombing, bombing, bombing...

At this point, Medusa simply couldn’t get back to her body.

Just beginning to recover, the next terrible bombing, once again, her body once again vanished.

However, she still can't die.

Because her partner also increased the energy supply by ten times, and continuously provided energy to Medusa.

If this continues, I will never kill her.

"Frost, you see the situation here, I still can't kill Medusa." Yangding Tiandao: "Is it necessary to throw her into the fourth dark vortex."

"No." Naga Frost said: "French. Medusa is much stronger than you. So, once you enter the fourth dark field, you will be involved in the biggest whirlpool. It will definitely enter. Calm vacuum. And the ruins of the spaceship of the universe, certainly more than one. Once she came across a ship, she fled directly to the day. By that time, the entire human kingdom, us, and your family, All died without a place to die."

That's right. This is true.

Now, it is hard to trap Medusa. Once she was allowed to escape, the consequences were unimaginable.

Naga Frost said: "Unfortunately, there is no second fossil."

Fossil fluid?

That's right, the only fossil solution has been wasted.

The soul of the Emperor of Naga at the time. Mix the fossils with the big trials and then bombard the statues of Medusa.

Then, Yang Dingtian suddenly thought that this is the eighth era of the spaceship Emperor Jing. This is a high-order state of energy civilization. The conversion of matter and energy is completely easy.

Suddenly, Yangding Tiandao: "Cosmos, you can remember, a few days ago. The Emperor Naga used fossils and big trials. Attacked Medusa's avatar?"

"Remember." The spaceship of the spaceship, Jingjing Road.

Yangding Tiandao: "These fossils, where are you now?"

The Cosmos spaceship, Jingjing Road: "It has reacted with Medusa's avatar and turned into another state. Then Medusa ordered that the fragments of the avatars be thrown out of the spacecraft."

Was it thrown?

Yangding Tiandao: "So, can you re-take back the fragments of the Medusa statue and then re-extract the fossil energy?"

The spaceship Dijing was silent for a moment. Then said: "Yes, but it takes time."

Yangding Tiandao: "How many worlds do you need?"

The spaceship spacecraft Imperial Beijing Road: "According to your world concept. It takes about three hours or so."

"Okay, more than three hours, please execute!" Yangding Tiandao.

"Yes!" Cosmic spaceship Imperial Beijing Road.

Then, from the spaceship Emperor Jing, flying out dozens of small flying bodies, in the endless void, recycling the statue of Medusa before.

These Medusa statues have been smashed to the extreme, and each one is as big as dust.

At this time, a few days have passed, and it has already been distributed in the air for thousands of miles.

However, there are more and more small flying bodies flying by the spacecraft, and more than a few thousand.

Even every dust has not been let go, desperately recycling.

Seeing this scene, Yangding’s innocence is really amazing.

Too, too much fork.

In the whole process, the bombing of Medusa did not stop at all.

Once in half a second, like a thunder, it is constantly being bombarded.

Medusa’s body has never recovered.

And believe that her partner is also completely exhausted.

Nearly an hour later, thousands of flying bodies outside were returning to the spacecraft Imperial.

The first step has been completed.

The powder fragments of the Medusa statue have been completely recovered, and it can even be said that almost nothing has been left outside.

Because, the outside is a complete vacuum. Even a little bit of material has been recycled back.

The next step is to bring together the recovered pieces of Medusa statues and put them into a special energy reaction array.

The first step is to completely separate the fossil fuel energy from the Medusa statue fragments.

Switching to a human kingdom, or a dark empire, or an earth plane, is impossible.

However, in the spaceship Royal Park, it can be done easily.

After almost half of the disappearance, the fossil energy was completely separated, and there was no shortage at all.

However, the fossil energy at this time has already had a related reaction. It is already a flash of dust, and then you need to restore them to fossil energy!

The energy array reaction center must first perform specific energy analysis.

After only a quarter of an hour, the analysis has been completed.

The next step is the final step, which restores it to its original appearance.

This is the hardest and most difficult.

Because this is not a simple reversal. Many times, after a substance reacts, it is irreversible.

Next, the energy system of the spacecraft Dijing will be analyzed.

Soon, the analysis is complete.

Direct reversal into fossil fluid energy is impossible.

but. The **** of this batch of fossil liquid can be utilized through a series of chemistry and energy reactions. Re-create a new fossil fluid.

Of course, this requires more than a dozen new substances.

In the human kingdom, or in the earth's plane, even half of the matter can't be combined.

However, in the spaceship of the spaceship, there are already almost all substances known. All were put into the spaceship Imperial Beijing. If there is anything, there is nothing in the universe. Then there is basically no such thing in the chaotic world.

After the solution is determined, the speed of the next energy reaction array is incomparably fast.

Almost a minute, all the reactions have been completed.

then. In the consciousness of Yangdingtian, it is clear that a new fossil liquid energy floats in the energy reaction center.

Green and oily, constantly beating, seems to be full of life.

Yang Dingtian asked: "Do you have a way to inject fossil liquid into Medusa?"

Cosmos, the spaceship of the universe, said: "It’s easy, commander."

"So, please do it." Yangding Tiandao.



Use the fastest speed. The fossil fluid energy was shuttled into the pyramid cockpit.

While moving through here, a powerful energy directly decomposes fossil energy into countless powders.

Each grain is smaller than dust. The naked eye can't see it at all.

Then, countless fossil particles are all fused in the bombardment energy of the upper part of the pyramid.

This time, it is no longer a bombardment in half a second.

It took two or three seconds to pass, and there was no bombardment.

Because it is necessary to fully integrate the fossil energy into the attack light.

Two or three seconds. It was just enough to restore the body of Medusa.

However, she did not have the slightest joy and happiness. Instead, I feel the incomparable fear.

She instinctively felt that there was a terrible and dangerous atmosphere.

This dangerous atmosphere is getting stronger and stronger.

Soon reached the extreme.

Medusa is the ultimate strength of the spiritual system, and the intuition in this regard is absolutely powerful.

Therefore, she immediately felt that today, it has not been spared.

"Yangdingtian, I tell you very seriously, I can't die." Medusa is as serious as ever.

"This is not what you said." Yangding Tiandao: "Now, can you answer a few questions?"

Medusa said: "Excuse me."

Yangding Tiandao: "Is there another one from the soul temple?"

"Yes." Medusa said.

Yangding Tiandao: "The temple that is away from the soul is the real temple of the soul. Naga alone cream is also born there, right?"

"Yes." Medusa said.

"Ximen Ningning, but also sent out from the soul hall, right?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"Yes." Medusa said.

"That is away from the soul hall, the pseudo-god living in the chaotic world, right?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"Yes!" Medusa said.

"Why are you killing countless human beings, why do you have to create a war of extinction every two hundred years?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"No comment." Medusa said: "If you want to know, please go to the real temple of the soul."

Yang Dingtian asked: "What kind of exercises can you save the soul of the body in the East?"

"No comment." Medusa said: "You want to save the oriental ice, please go to the real temple."

Yangding Tiandao: "You can't kill me, so I want to let me go to the Temple of the Soul, right?"

"Yes." Medusa said: "And you will definitely go, otherwise you will not end the doom of the world, nor can you untie the final truth of the world."

Yangding Tiandao: "You don't have to provoke me, I will definitely go. Then, what is the so-called true soul temple?"

"No comment." Medusa said: "You are so powerful, go find it yourself."

Yangding Tiandao: "The false god, brought me and asked the heavens, from the earth to this chaotic world, can he send us back?"

"Maybe Who knows?" Medusa said with a smile: "I want to know, you go to the real temple of the soul."

Yangding nodded.

Then said: "So, about you, everything is over."

Medusa nodded.

"Hands." Yang Dingtian made a sound.

"Boom!" The thrilling energy of the pyramid slammed down.

In an instant, Medusa became a fossil statue from the body to the soul.

This time, it is real and thorough.

The incomparably powerful Queen Medusa is completely dead!


Note: Today is still very busy, probably overnight. So it is still this more, sorry! (To be continued)

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