Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1282: At the end, the saints collapse!

Yang Dingtian said the two choices and said: "Frost, which one do you think should be chosen?"

Nowadays, Yangdingtian has paid more and more attention, even relying on the judgment of Duoluo.

Because her onlookers are clear. Her thinking is very similar to the owner of the Temple of the Soul!

Naga Frost asked: "Fr., at the last moment, did Medusa give energy to Simon Ning?"

Yang Dingtian began to recall the situation at the time? Then I shook my head and said: "I don't know, but the attack at that time was very sudden. If Medusa took her energy to Ximen Ningning, it would take some time. I don't think she has this time."

Naga Frost nodded, then said: "French, if you are the master of the Temple of the Soul. Now for you, is it more important to get rid of you, or to kill the remaining humans?"

Yangding Tiandao: "There is no doubt that it is more important to get rid of me. Not to mention, I have eliminated Medusa, and I have broken an arm from the Temple of the Soul. I have already worn it with them."

Naga Frost nodded and agreed, "If you, the false **** from the Temple of the Soul, you can't leave too. What do you think is the most wanted?"

"I sent it to the door." Yangding Tiandao.

"Yes." Naga Frost said: "But if Ximen Ningning is controlled at this time, come out and kill. Then will you send it to the door?"

Yangding Tiandao: "No, I will definitely solve the problem of Ximen Ningning."

Naga Frost said: "This is right, so Ximen Ningning will certainly not appear at this time, and will not appear as a slaughter. The false gods from the soul temple are waiting for you!"

Being analyzed by the solitary frost, Yang Dingtian suddenly realized.

That's right, it's true.

Those who are away from the Temple of the Soul are so sensible and cold, they will not do anything until they remove Yangdingtian.

In this way, everything is simple.

Yangdingtian does not have to choose. Go directly to find the real temple of the soul, and find the false god.

Even, there is no time limit.

Half a year is OK, two or three years is OK. It can be more than ten years. For Yangdingtian, these times may be very long, but for the Temple of the Soul, it is only an instant.

"French, so you can make yourself very, very powerful. Go to the Temple of the Soul." Naga Frost said: "Even if you go in three or five years, after ten years, it doesn't matter."

Yangtou said: "I know, I don't care. But most humans, but it has a lot to do. I don't solve the problem of leaving the temple one day, the surviving humans can't return home in one day. Stay in the dark empire for a long time. , will have a fatal impact on these humans."

Naga Frost frowned slightly, and in her opinion, Yang Dingtian was able to save these ants, it was already a great affection. Where are you still using their status?

However, every time she touches on this issue, she will shut up.

She and Yang Dingtian have been united together. On some differences, they can only seek common ground while reserving differences.

"French, then when do you decide to go to the real temple of the soul and go to the temple of the false god?" asked Naga Frost.

Yangding Tiandao: "After three days!"

Naga Frost trembled in his heart and said, "So fast?"


These three days.

On the first day, Yangdingtian accompanied his family. There are children.

With the flames, they play mahjong, play games with the children, and tell the story to the youngest baby.

The next day, he gave classes to the students at Tianqi College.

The third day. He spent the whole day with Yan Yan and fulfilled his duties as a husband.

After three days, Yang Dingtian left the dark empire and went to the real temple of the soul to find the so-called false god.


"French, do you know where the real temple of the soul is?" asked Naga Frost.

Yangding Tiandao: "The vagueness can be guessed. If there is no guess, it should be there."

Naga Frost said: "Do you think that the false **** will appear?"

Yangding Tiandao: "If everything is like your analysis, then it should happen. After all, now its biggest task is to kill me and let the order of the temple be restored."

"That... you are careful!" Naga frosted.

In fact, she doesn't even have to say this sentence. Because two people are connected, sharing life and sharing energy.

Yang Dingtian died, and she followed her death.

However, she couldn't help but say it.


After leaving the Dark Empire, Yangdingtian quickly flew northwest.

His destination is east from the grasslands.

Flying over the ocean of more than 10,000 miles, he entered the eastern steppe.

It’s been a few years since the destruction of the Snake Empire.

At this time, the east is far from the grassland, showing the strong resilience of nature.

After the destruction of the Snake Empire, most of the half-humans here are dead, and the rest are still living in the human kingdom.

Therefore, at this time, the Snake Empire has almost nothing except the beast.

Even if there are a few half-humans, they are in the middle of the forest.

Therefore, the entire east is separated from the grassland by trees and grass. Even many cities of the Snake Empire are covered by green at this time.

After entering the eastern steppe, Yangdingtian continues northward and northward!

His destination is the Red Sea in the sky.

Yes, he thinks that the real temple of the soul is the red sea in the sky.

And the floating lonely temple is the true temple of the soul. That downfall is simply not a so-called border guardian.

Soon, Yangdingtian flew over the sky above the Red Sea.

In an instant, all the mysterious energy is lost and falls directly on the sea.

Before, it was yang.

Because he is now, has broken through the gods. However, in this day the Red Sea, still lost all the energy!

The key is not the depths of the Red Sea in the sky, but the entire region is like this!

Therefore, it is not surprising that the real Temple of Departure is here!


The sun-top sky sits on the sea, but still does not see the lonely temple floating.

According to the analysis of Naga Frost, at this time, the Temple of Departure should not wait for Yang Dingtian to come to the door, and should not hide and seek with him.

Yangdingtian did not swim towards the center of the Red Sea, but sat here waiting.

because. It is meaningless to take the initiative to find it.

In this way, Yangdingtian waited for one day.

The lonely temple never drifted over.

Day after day.

Three days. Five days, ten days, half a month, one month...

It took two months to pass.

Yangdingtian never waited until the temple floated!

Yang Dingtian couldn't help but wonder, is he guessing wrong?

It is the temple of the soul that does not want to send it to the door. Still not from the soul hall is not here?

So, Yangdingtian never sat there waiting.

Instead, sneak into the middle of the sea.

Continue to dive underground, dive, dive!

There is nothing special about it, just the red sea, full of dark crystal water.

And the most important thing is that Yangding can't go down if it dive to 20 meters.

The density of the water in the Red Sea is very high, and Yangdingtian loses all its mystery, just an ordinary person. Twenty meters is already his limit, and he can no longer enter.

As a result, Yangdingtian began to swim towards the center of the Red Sea and continued to swim north.

Has been deep into the sky of the Red Sea.

Dozens of miles, hundreds of miles...

Now, Yangdingtian is just a strong ordinary person.

Half a month, one month, two months...

In two months, Yangding Tian spent a few thousand miles and reached the depths of the Red Sea in the sky. But still did not see the lonely temple, did not see the fall of the saints.

Suddenly, Naga Frost said: "Frank, give up! It has been half a year..."

Yangding Tiandao: "Froser. You said that you are not willing to see me from the soul temple, or are you not here from the soul hall?"

Naga frost was silent, then said: "Frank, I really don't know."

Originally, Naga Frost was very confident in his analysis.

If the Temple of the Soul is in the Red Sea in the sky, then the Temple of Departure will take the initiative. Because its first priority is to get rid of Yangdingtian.

However, I have been waiting in the Red Sea in the sky and searched for half a year.

The temple that left the soul still did not appear, is that an explanation? The Temple of the Soul is not here at all?

Naga Frost said: "French, why do you think that the Temple of Departure is in the Red Sea in the sky?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Because, its speciality can make everyone lose their mystery. Moreover, there is the lonely temple and the collapse of the saints inside, which are in line with the characteristics of the Temple of the Soul."

Naga Frost said: "French, if you assume that the Temple of Departure is not in the Red Sea in the sky. But in another place, where do you think it will be?"

After thinking about it for a while, Yang Dingtian said: "In the dark world, the dead continent!"

The dark world is the continent that is completely dead, that is, the place where there is no vitality, no energy, no light.

It is the first place where the chaotic world dies and is the birthplace of the abyss border.

Others, even the fourth dark field is extremely dangerous, but at least it will move, there are countless energy vortexes.

But in the dark world, there is only dead silence.

Moreover, all the materials there are collapsed, so the deeper the dark world, the higher the density and the greater the gravity multiplier.

Just as in the universe, the density and gravity of white dwarfs are hundreds of thousands of times more than the earth.

Of course, the dark world is not the same as the white dwarf.

The temperature on the white dwarf is extremely extreme. Moreover, there is an extremely terrible strong magnetic field.

In the dark world, there is only one dead, nothing.

Originally, in the idea of ​​Yang Dingtian, it should be the last secret of the world, the place where the **** of chaos is.

The dark world should be the last and deepest place in the world.

If the temple of the false **** is not in the Red Sea in the sky, then the only possibility is in the dark world.

After hesitating for a moment, Yang Dingtian felt that he had left the Red Sea in the sky and went to the dark world!

So he continued to swim back.

After a full swim for a month and a half, the Yangding genius returned to the place where the Red Sea began.

Then, along the 10,000-meter cliff, climb down and return to the ground off the grassland.

Just fell on the ground from the grassland in the east, Yang Dingtian felt that the incomparably powerful energy and mysteriousness came back.

The whole body. Suddenly fluttering.

Counting, he is in the Red Sea in the sky, it has been no more than a month.

There are no days of mystery, and it is enough for a month.

After a little feeling of mysterious. Yangdingtian immediately flew into the air and flew freely for a few laps.

Flying is really a very happy thing. The feeling of freedom is unrivaled by driving or flying.

After flying a few laps. Yangding Tian landing.

"Frost, then I will go to the dark world." Yangding Tiandao.

Then he summoned the fissure fire and opened a dark door.

Behind the door is the dark world.

He gently jumped into the dark door and went straight into the dark world.


Hundreds of times of gravity, okay!

From the vibrant East to the grasslands, into the dark world of complete silence, it is really not used.

The dark world is still a complete silence. There is no light.

At that time, Yangdingtian exiles countless Xiaoxitian ambitions into the dark world.

At this point, it is strange to not see a figure.

However, Yangdingtian has no intention to pay attention to these exiles.

He walked straight to the end of the dark world, looking for false gods and looking for the Temple of Departure.

Because there is no light, the visibility here is completely zero.

Yangdingtian is constantly deepening and deepening. In-depth.

Going deep into two thousand miles, five thousand miles, ten thousand miles, two thousand miles...

at this time. The gravity multiple has become higher and higher and higher.

After 20,000 miles, the gravity multiplier has reached an amazing 10,000 times!

That is to say, now Yangdingtian will have to pay more than one million kilograms of weight per line.

of course. This is not worth mentioning for Yangdingtian. However, he also needs to use anti-gravity to protect his body from harm.

Of course, this is actually superfluous. He is now a demigod, and the whole body has been energized.

Continue to go deeper, deeper and deeper.

The gravity multiple increases sharply.

When we went deep into 30,000 miles, the gravity multiplier has reached an astonishing 50,000 times.

When you reach 40,000 miles, the gravity multiplier has reached 120,000 times!

At this time, even if Yangdingtian is a semi-god's cultivation, it is somewhat difficult.

And the key is that, going one step further, the gravity multiple is an amazing improvement.

However, after four thousand miles, it is still endless darkness and endless silence.

Yangdingtian continues to deepen, deepen, and deepen...

Later, he has lost consciousness.

What is the gravity multiplier? I don’t know it at all.

With his cultivation, he has been unable to support survival here. Now, it’s all about Naga Frost who is giving him energy.

Even if he continues to go beyond the limits of Naga Frost.

Both people will die!

Yes, the two gods are in this dark world, doing nothing, still will die!

However, Yangdingtian did not give up and continued to go deeper and deeper.

Naga frost did not stop.

Two people share life, and Naga needs to bear the consequences of a partner, and it is unconditional.

In-depth, in-depth, deep...

Soon, it reached the limit that Naga Frost could bear.

Then, the mind of Yangdingtian has been blurred.

I can't see it, I can't feel anything.

The same is true of Naga Frost.

The two gods have reached the limit.

Going forward, perhaps a second, the body collapses directly into a dark world, part of the dead continent, and completely dies.

Yangdingtian is completely mechanical and instinctively moves forward.

Suddenly, he lost consciousness directly.

The whole body fell violently.

After the fall, the Naga frost was more completely unbearable and spread directly on the dark throne.

And Yang Dingtian's body gradually collapsed and melted in the dark world, on the dead continent.

And it is at this time.

Suddenly in front, a light shone.

A beautiful figure, the enamel models come!

She, Yang Dingtian has seen, very profound, the saints collapse! (To be continued.)

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