Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1285: The platform is dead! Chaos is burning!

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"In this world, there is no such thing as a border guardian, right?" Yang Dingtian asked. [800]


Yangding Tiandao: "Since you are not a so-called border guardian, nor is it a saint of the saints, who are you?"

澹台道: "No comment, you are just a chess piece, you don't need to know too much."

Yangdingtian eyebrows twitched slightly.

"The lonely temple in the Red Sea in the sky, is it away from the soul temple?" Yangding Tiandao.


At this time, the lonely temple drifted from a distance, exactly the same as that seen before Yang Dingtian.

Yang Dingtian asked: "Who is the master from the soul temple?"

"No comment." Yantai said: "A chess piece, you don't need to know too much, and you don't know too much."

Yangding Tiandao: "I want to enter the temple of the soul!"

Yantai said: "Yes, beat me, kill me, you can go in."

The temple of the soul has been drifting all the time, drifting all the way to the back of the ring.

Very dilapidated temples, this is similar to the atmosphere of the Soul Hall that Yang Dingtian has seen many times in the illusion.

Of course, Yang Dingtian has never seen the outside of the Soul Hall in the illusion. However, they are all the same old and full of ancient atmosphere.

In the ring, it is so lightly standing here.

However, it is completely a one-off, Wan Fu Mo Kai feeling.

"Kill me, let you in." Yantai said: "This way, you can unlock the ultimate secret of the world."

Yangdingtian slowly pulled out the sword.

"But you can't kill me." Yantai said: "Your cultivation is very, very powerful, and it is no less than me. It makes me very surprised. But here is the red sea in the sky, you lost all the mystery, You are just an ordinary man with a big strength."

Yangding Tiandao: "Do you have a way to kill me? If you can do it, I will kill me in the Red Sea in a few days before, and I will not wait until the dark world, leading me to death!"

澹台道: "You are the body of the demigod, your partner is on the throne of the dark. The energy is constantly being delivered to you, you will almost never die. But if I want, I can still kill you. The price is a bit more."

"What is the price?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"No comment." Yantai said: "A chess piece, do not deserve to know so much."

Yang Dingtian's face muscles twitched slightly.

"Since you have nothing to ask, then we will start."

"I don't have anything to ask, but you don't answer." Yangding Tiandao.

This scene is almost exactly the same as that of Medusa at the time.

"That's good. Then let's do it!" Yang Dingtian said again.

"Up!" A tone.

Yangdingtian rides on a dragonfly, like a black lightning, slamming toward the platform.

The sword in the hand, straight to the heart of the ring.

And the downfall, also turned into a streamer, the sun rushed to the top!


Like a comet hitting the earth.

One black, one white, two rays, and the smashing together.

At the same time, the dragon's dragon battled the energy reactor. Gathering to the ultimate energy, violently released!


The red sea in the sky violently ignited a brighter than the sun.

Just like a nuclear bomb exploded.

Yang Dingtian body, instantly smouldering.

The battle is not to release the attack, but to blaze the energy reactor. [800]

The energy that bursts out in an instant, the body of the demigod of Yangdingtian, can't bear it, and it instantly disappears.

And, not only once.

It was destroyed again and again.

Because of the Naga frost on the throne of the darkness. Continuous supply of energy.

Therefore, Yangdingtian can be revived again and again.

Yang Dingtian feels that the downfall will be very, very powerful, and the battle may not be enough.

Therefore, it chooses to let the energy reactor blew itself.

The downfall is really very powerful. More powerful than imagined in the sky.

However, in this terrible reactor blew.

She can't stand it either.

First of all, the beautiful and unparalleled body, one inch and one inch of gray smoke.



Inside her body, she also slammed the earth-shattering light.

She also blew herself up, completely smouldering.

Yangdingtian, once again, the gray smoke flew out.


I don't know how long it has been.

This terrible energy. All scattered.

The energy field in the Red Sea in the sky is really against the sky. Such a terrible explosion, according to the fall, the thousands of miles away from the grassland will be destroyed instantly.

However, there is no trace of energy spillover.

The east of the cliff is far from the grassland, and it is safe and sound. Even the mature dandelion hair is not scattered.

And the entire sky in the Red Sea, there is no resurgence of waves, still calm.

As if all the amazing energy, after destroying the ring, all were swallowed up by the Red Sea.

And the downfall has disappeared completely.

Only the left, a group of purple fluorescent, as if her soul is shining, floating in the air.

Yang Dingtian stretches his hand and holds it in the palm of his hand, then put it into the space ring.

Then he slowly walked toward the front of the temple.

Gently slam the door.

Of course, no one opens the door.

Yang Dingtian pushed the door hard and could not push it open.

He chopped with the Chaos Emperor Spirit.

Still can't open at all.

This lonely temple is covered with a wooden door and a dilapidated wooden door that looks like it can be opened.

However, Yangdingtian tried every means and could not open it at all.

His soul sword is completely invincible. Although, Xuanqi is all gone, but the terrible sharpness is still there.

Allowing them to slash, the two doors have been unscathed.

Yangdingtian is completely completely unproductive.

Take a deep breath and say: "I am Yangdingtian, please let me enter."

Two wooden doors, no response!

Yangding Tiandao: "Living from the Temple of the Soul, the so-called false god, please let me enter."

There is still no reaction inside!

Yangding Tiandao: "Lord God. I already know who you are, please let me in!"

In an instant, the calm sea of ​​the Red Sea suddenly burst into a gust of wind.

then. The two wooden doors slowly open.

Yangdingtian went in.

Suddenly, the two doors were completely closed.


Yang Dingtian entered the lonely temple at that time, but the scenery inside was completely different. Maybe it's similar, but it's totally different.

The picture inside is instead the Queen of Poison. Asked the description of the Departure Hall, exactly the same.

Here, there is no statue of Medusa, only a huge Buddha statue. Even within the entire Temple of the Soul, there is only this Buddha statue, nothing left.

Of course, just a very ordinary Buddha statue, Yang Dingtian does not know which Buddha, which Buddha?

after all. There is no Buddhism in the chaotic world, and there are no Buddhas or bodhisattvas.

Because this statue is bald, it looks like a Buddha statue.

Almost one or two feet high, the engraver just said okay.

All of a sudden, I don’t know if it’s carved in stone or carved in wood.

The expression of the Buddha statue can not be said to be harmonious, or solemn, still just ordinary.

In short. And the Queen of Poison, and the solitary, and the Temple of the Soul that arrived in the sky, exactly the same.

That's right. Here is the real temple of the soul!

In the entire hall, there are only a few tens of square meters.

Yang Dingtian turned and came to the temple door. At this time, the wooden door was closed, and even the existence of the door seam was not seen.

He knows that unless he is actively opened from the Temple of the Spirit, he will never be able to open.

Yangdingtian stood in front of the Buddha statue. Road: "I have come, you show up, see me!"

Nothing to react, a silence!

Yangding Tiandao: "At this time, is it necessary to hide the head and tail? I already know who you are."

Still, there is no response.

In the illusion, in the description of Tian Tian and others, in the temple of the soul, the back of the Buddha image can never be seen, and it is never possible to reach behind the Buddha image.

No matter how you go, Buddha statues will always face you.

Yangdingtian could not help but walk towards the back of the Buddha statue.

The picture in the illusion did not happen, and the Yangding sky was light and easy, and it came to the back of the Buddha statue.

Sure enough, there is a well.

Yangdingtian walked over and looked at it.

Under the bottom of the well, there is a flame that burns quietly.

A completely colorless flame can hardly feel any energy.

However, Yang Dingtian almost immediately appeared its name in the brain.

Ten world-class Xuanhuo, nine have already appeared.

Only the first one, no one has ever seen it, just listened.

And inside the bottom of the well, it is the first Xuanhuo in the world, chaos and inflammation!

The world's most mysterious, most powerful, and unseen chaos!

Although no one told Yangdingtian, what is chaotic inflammation? But at first glance, he knew that it was chaotic, as if it directly told himself.

So who is the downfall?

She is the fire spirit of chaos?

Ten world-class Xuanhuo, history is long and short!

I want to be a million spirits, but it’s about a thousand years old.

And the demon spirits are about a million years old.

And the ghost of the Nether, more than tens of thousands of years.

The emptiness of the flame is more than a few hundred thousand years.

So, how long is this chaotic inflammation in front of you?

I don't know at all!

In fact, how the top ten black fires are arranged, who is the row, do not know!

But since it’s coming out, everyone instinctively put them together.

It seems that many people regard the nine-star and nine-level masters, and the nearly fifteenth order, as infinite masters!

It seems that it is juxtaposed.

But in fact, the energy of the nearly fifteen-order powerhouse is dozens of times larger than that of the nine-star and nine-time masters. It is completely different from the Japanese.

Therefore, this chaos is a thousand times more powerful than the billion spirits? Ten thousand times? Is it a thousand times more than a ghost?

I don't know, I don't know!

However, it was born in the Temple of the Soul!

Or, is it because the temple was born?


Next, Yangdingtian faces a problem. Do you want to devour this chaotic inflammation?

He didn't want to swallow it at all.

Because the ultimate truth of the world is very close.

Even solving this last problem may not even require force.

Yangdingtian is powerful and has no need for energy.

Therefore, he did nothing, just waiting here, waiting for the person he wanted to see.

Waiting for the appearance of the master of the soul.

He sat in front of the Buddha statue.

Day after day.

No one has appeared!

Yang Dingtian, took out the soul sword and began to slash the Buddha statue.

The silk does not move.

I began to slash the wall and still did not move.

Even the chopped paper on the window was completely scratched.

No doubt, no one will come to see him.

He will never go out forever.

Now, the only channel that is the only one is this well.

At the bottom of the well, chaotic inflammation is burning.

Other world-class Xuanhuo, the time of appearance is less than half an hour, and when it is fully mature, there is only a few minutes in the world.

However, this chaos is always burning, as if it will never go out.

Yangdingtian wants to leave this temple, the only passage is this well.

Even the only way to meet people who meet you is this well!


"You want to see me, human beings are topping the sky." A figure, in the Yangding Tiannao.

No gender, no special features.

It’s just the sound, it’s like the Buddha statue in front of you.

"Yes, Lord of the false god." Yangding Tiandao.

The voice said: "So, just jump off the well, you can see me."

Yangding Tiandao: "This is chaotic, right?"

"Yes." That voice said.

Yangding Tiandao: "But who knows, this well is not a trap."

"It was a well that was caught in a bite." The voice said: "The trap, the trap is no longer clear."

Yes, people are clear that it is a trap.

Yang Dingtian rang a TV series. Someone was cheated of a large sum of money and bought a big pit. People just put a hole in you.

"But even if you know that it is a trap, don't you jump down?" the voice said.

Yangdingtian rang the enchanting, and it sounded fierce!

In that dark crack, the enchanting thought, this may be the trap that will always harm him. But he still jumped.

Li Ming also thought that behind the dark crack channel of the essence is the trap set by Yangdingtian. But he still jumped.

Not because they are brave, but because they are too stubborn and too smart.

Knowing that it is a trap, you have to jump. Jiuyang Juggernaut: Wonderful

Even the biggest reason for them to jump is to prove that this is a trap. If it is a trap, how can you be yourself?

And Yangdingtian...

Perhaps not as smart as they are. But in stubbornness, it may be similar.

"Either, you are always trapped here, or you jumped down, swallowed chaos, and came to see me." The voice said: "This is a trap, you can't jump? Jump?"

Yang Dingtian’s cheeks were slightly pumped.

Then, in the trap of blooming chaos, suddenly jumped!

On the roots, he and the enchanting, as stubborn as Li Ming!

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