Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 136: : Learn the sword! The demon is topping out!

[Second is sent, there are brothers who are willing to vote, vote a few. 】

"You are the one who has learned to kill the sword sword?"

At this time, he is not as ethereal as the first-order time. Instead, it is full of majesty and domineering, and there is a violent explosion.

"The boy is exactly." Yangding Tiandao: "Re-introduction, my name is Yangdingtian. Nothing predecessors, have you found the Naga?"

"No." Nothing is floating. "I have been going west, going west! To the West Hell Sea, under the sea, there are only the ruins left by the Naga people. They have long foreseen that the world is about to die, and all are gone. ”

"Hell Sea?" Yang Dingtian was shocked.

Two hundred years ago, after the lord of the eternal temple of martial arts unified the demon road, the demon army was east to the sea of ​​hell, and from west to east, the battle of destruction was unfolded.

This **** sea turned out to be the residence of the ancient Naga.

"Nothing predecessors, even the traces of the Naga people have not left?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"No, when I arrived, I have been abandoned for many years." The vain and chilling channel: "The Naga, the descendant of this dragon, has abandoned us."

Yang Dingtian discovered that there was no smog at this time. Because of the disappearance of the Naga people, I felt that there was no hope of salvation, and my heart was full of gray and violent breath.

"Then, what are you going to do next?" Yang Dingtian asked, although it has been more than 10,000 years since it was nowhere to fly to the Hell Sea.

"To the west, west, west... I will go to the abyss, I will continue to save the world, but I have no hope." Nothing is floating: "Well, don't talk nonsense, practice swords."

"The first order, whether it is the emptiness of the nine robbery swords, or the killing of the sword, is the supremacy of the technique. And the second order, the yin and yang world swords, do not practice the tricks, refining the gods, refining the air, refining!"

"Ready, the first sword, burn the sword, chase your limits!"

After that, the illusory figure fluttered and turned into an endless flame between heaven and earth.

In the sky, it is a red flame, burning bones and burning ribs.

On the ground, there is a blue flame, burning the mysterious god.

Yangding was suddenly thrown into the air.

The flames of the heavens and the earth are constantly approaching.

Yang Dingtian clenched his sword and induced the sword.

"Call..." Suddenly, the flames in his hands ignited.

Yangdingtian is in the flame of heaven and earth, and starts to practice swords.

Over and over again, the sword is getting faster and faster, and the momentum is getting more and more amazing.

But at the same time, the flames in the sky began to sink, and the flames in the ground began to rise.

The temperature is getting higher and higher.

The terrible flames began to burn their own clothes, their own hair, their bodies, their own swords.

Yang Dingtian desperately endured and practiced this first trick more madly.

But the body is getting hotter!

The clothes on Yangdingtian began to turn into ashes, and then the hair turned into ashes, then the blood began to boil, the sword in the hands became more and more red, and finally became completely molten.

Yang Dingtian felt that his body began to melt in an inch, the blood began to evaporate a little, and the bones were calcined to ash.

"Boom..." Finally, the body of Yangdingtian violently burned and completely turned into a group of ashes.

Yang Dingtian only has a glory left, that is his soul, still in the flames of crazy contact with the first move to burn the sword.

Finally, when the flame between heaven and earth is three hundred feet away from Yangdingtian, the soul of Yangdingtian is burned one inch and one inch, and it is completely smouldering.

The first move burned the sword and the practice ended.

I don't know how long it has been silent. The spirit and soul of Yangdingtian began to recover.

The second step of the killing pig sword method, the yin and yang heaven and earth sword, enters the second stroke: the seal of the sword!

The body of Yangdingtian seems to be in the Wanli Glacier. There is endless ice on the ground, and the sky is crazy snow.

At this time, no vaginal inflammation did not appear. In the second stage, his heart was full of darkness, and there was no desire to communicate and confide.

The temperature is getting lower and lower and getting lower and lower.

In this snow and ice, Yangdingtian practiced the second sword: the sword!

The snow is getting bigger and bigger and bigger.

The temperature is getting lower and lower, lower and lower!

The terrible energy began to freeze everything.

"Hey!" Yang Dingtian's clothes were frozen and shattered.

"Hey!" The sword of Yangdingtian was frozen and cracked.


The blood of Yangdingtian, the bones of Yangdingtian, and the flesh and blood of Yangdingtian are all solidified.

Finally, the snow in the sky was completely solidified and could not be dropped.

The temperature is still falling, as if there is no absolute zero in the universe at all, and it has been falling frantically.

"Oh..." The sigh of the sun, the soul, was completely frozen and then shattered.

Although the temperature continues to decline, for Yang Dingtian, practicing swords in this frozen world has completely ended.


I don't know how long I have been immersed, and the spirit of Yangdingtian has begun to recover again.

At this time, in the mountains, the sky is full of wind.

Yangdingtian began to enter the third move: invisible sword!

In the foothills, Yangdingtian practiced the third sword.

The speed is getting faster and faster, and the wind in the whole world is getting bigger and bigger. And no matter which direction of the wind, and Yang Dingtian practice the opposite direction of the sword, forcing the Yangdingtian speed is slower and slower, slower and slower, and finally even stagnation.

Yang Dingtian madly made all the power.

But the gale is getting more and more crazy and getting stronger.

Yangdingtian is still frantically practicing the third intangible sword, desperately resisting the powerful gale.

The clothes were shattered, the skin was completely blown, and the whole body was blown into the sky.

Yangdingtian is still practicing the third trick in madness, but the speed is getting slower and slower, and the speed is getting slower and slower. The final action is completely stagnant, and the reverse sword is started. All the tricks are completely blown by the strong wind.

But soon this all stopped, because the wind blows the flesh and blood of Yangdingtian, and then the skeleton, the whole body is blown away.

Finally, even the soul was completely blown away.

At this time, the boulder of the mountain was just cracked by the strong wind, and the huge mountain began to crack.

However, the next scene, Yangdingtian, could not be seen because he was once again dying.


The fourth measure: no sword!

This time, Yangdingtian has completely entered the world of metal, the world of gravity.

The body of Yangdingtian solidifies into gold one inch at a inch, and the gravity of the earth is getting bigger and bigger and heavier.

In the mad dance sword, Yang Dingtian body completely solidified, and every inch became a hard metal.

Then, the gravity is from several times, to several tens of times, to several hundred times.

Finally, at 500 times gravity, the body of Yangdingtian finally collapsed completely and became a pie-like object.

At eight hundred times of gravity, Yangdingtian was completely broken.

At a thousand times gravity, the soul of Yangdingtian was completely swallowed up.


The fifth measure: the split sword!

This time, in the middle of the air, below is the mountains and rivers, the sky is the top of the clouds.

Dark clouds are getting darker, thicker and lower.

Lightning madly beat the world and beat the Yangdingtian in the air.


The thick lightning slammed off an uncle.


Lightning smashed a tower.


The lightning was hundreds of miles long, more than a dozen feet thick, and suddenly opened a stone mountain, but also hit the Yangdingtian.

Yangdingtian was completely smouldering.

The fifth trick is to split the prison sword and practice is over!

The second stage of killing the sword method, there are only five strokes in total, burning the sword, sealing the sword, invisible sword, no sword, cracking the sword!

As the name suggests, the first gram fire, the second gram ice, the third gram wind, the fourth gram gold, the fifth gram electricity!

Not only that, the first one is focused on a powerful energy attack, the second is a long and continuous attack, and the third is focused on speed and speed. The fourth trick is to defend and break through. The fifth trick is to be surprised.

In short, there has never been a mystery like the mysterious mystery of killing the sword, so that the power is endless.

The first-order that is incomparable with mysterious tricks has completely stunned Yangdingtian. When using the method of killing pigs, Yangdingtian can defeat the masters who are stronger than themselves.

The second-order yin-yang heaven and earth sword is completely shocking to Yangdingtian, and a set of swordsmanship can actually resist the damage of the five elements.

The five elements of heaven and earth are all rivals.

For example, if the gold system is enrolled in the electric system, all the gold masters will encounter the enemies of the electric system. Even if the mysterious level is strong, the fourth and fifth grades may not be opponents. Only the first level of the opponent can be defeated.

The second stage of killing the sword method can actually restrain the master of the five elements. This will undoubtedly open a BUG to Yang Dingtian. After facing any master, he can completely restrain him.

And there is a very terrible feature of killing the sword sword, that is, it can be completely integrated in the end, and it will become a trick without any success. As long as you reach the highest level, any one can restrain any master.

Of course, this huge BUG is not very useful for Yang Dingtian, because the enemy he is facing now is still in the Yin and Yang stage.

Before the big sacred martial arts, all the warriors could not learn the mysterious skills, so their own Xuanqi attributes were only divided into yin and yang, not ice or fire. In the northwestern continent, it is more completely a world of flames.

When the big sects began to learn the mysterious skills, the martial artists' own attributes were transformed from yin and yang to five elements. At that time, there were not only ice, fire, but also the presence of wind, gold, electricity and other property masters.

And compared to the first stage, there is a huge difference between the second-order yin and yang swords.

That is, the first stage of killing the sword method has a total of nine strokes. After Yang Tiantian practiced tens of thousands of times, it will completely integrate and then collect the five-lined demon nucleus to carry out the yin and yang five-line array. 19th grade.

Then, the power of killing the sword in the mysterious spirit is also completely over. In other words, by killing the sword sword itself, Xuanqi is hard to enter.

The second stage kills the yin and yang swords, and each stroke seems to be divided into several layers.

For example, the first move to burn the sky, the skyfire and the ground fire are getting closer, but at a distance of three hundred feet, Yangdingtian has already vanished.

The second measure, the temperature is still falling, when the heavy snow began to be frozen and unable to land, Yangdingtian has been completely destroyed by freezing.

The third measure, when the mountains and rivers began to be blown by the strong wind, Yangdingtian was completely broken.

The fourth measure, just 1000 times gravity, Yang Dingtian completely broken bones.

The fifth measure: a hundred miles long, ten feet thick lightning, the stone mountain will be opened, Yangdingtian will completely disappear.

There is no doubt that these five states are in the first layer, and there must be a second layer, a third layer, a fourth layer, and a fifth layer below!

So now the suspense is to practice the first layer of the yin and yang world sword, what breakthrough will it bring to the sacred atmosphere of Yangdingtian?

There are almost any other cheats, and only the first-order beginners will have a breakthrough. But after the second order, the breakthrough is very small, not even half of the level.

So what is this mysterious mysterious yin and yang sword? Will there be an exception?


All night, the roof of Yangdingtian was closed and never opened. The inside reveals all kinds of strange light, gorgeous and mysterious.

However, no one has seen this scene, because Mu Liancheng has ordered that no one is allowed to be close to the small courtyard where Yangdingtian is located.

The next day, the sun just rose soon.

All the people in Mujiawu gathered around the contest field. There were two chairs in the center, and they were sitting in Li Guinong and Mu Liancheng. The bodybuilding and **** Muxi stood behind Mu Liancheng, and the silent Ximen Leopard stood behind Li Guinong.

The butler took to the competition field and said loudly: "The last day of the contest is to start, the final winner will become the husband of Miss Mu, and the last winner is Yannantian hero. Who will challenge?"

Under the field, silent!

This contest is aimed at the expansion of the wild, the extension of the wild does not appear, of course, no one will come to power.

"Sweet!" The butler ordered.

Suddenly, a huge incense was placed on the case and began to ignite.

This column is full of two feet long and can burn for four hours. At noon on the day of the day, the contest is officially over.

After finishing the fragrance, everyone held their breath and waited for the arrival of Tuoba.

A minute passed.

Five minutes passed.

Ten minutes passed.

Half an hour passed.

An hour has passed.

Tuobao still did not appear.

Mu Liancheng and Li Guinong immediately looked at each other, why haven’t they come yet?

Of course, they certainly don't want to expand the wild, if it doesn't come, it's best. However, Tuobaye will certainly not come. He will not give up the rare treasure of the cold and the cold in any case, and there is Muxi, a fresh and hot beauty.

Tuobaye is completely a ghost in the color. For a beautiful person like Mu Xi, he will take a bite if he is dead.

Two hours passed.

Three hours have passed.

Tuobao is still not coming!

It’s hard to keep quiet again throughout the contest, and I’m talking about it. It is said that the Flame Pavilion is afraid of Li Guinong, so he did not dare to come.

Mu Liancheng’s face is getting more and more uneasy.

Mu's expression is getting more and more tense, and he often looks at the gate. He certainly is not waiting for the emergence of Tuoba, he is waiting for the emergence of Wu Xingwen. The other party promised him, he will definitely come to marry him within five years, today is the last day.

In the past five years, Mu Xi’s daily thoughts are supported by the belief of this five-year contract. If Wu Xingwen does not appear, then she really wants to be desperate, even more desperate than marrying the wilderness of the wilderness.

There is another last hour, when the sun is already very hot.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

Suddenly There was a big laugh from the side of the sky. I don’t know where it came from, as if from all directions.

"You are so busy, are you waiting for me to appear? Is the beauty so eager, is waiting for me to be lucky? Sorry, it takes a little more time to dress up today. I will see the first time, Master Yue Zhang. After all, It is to be grand."

This is the voice of Tuobaye, with a monster.

"Hey!" A white figure slammed out of the lake not far away, and the white clothes won the snow.

Then, the figure fluttered over a few hundred meters and landed on the competition field, as if there was no weight at all.

Tuoba has appeared!

Very beautiful, but it makes people shudder.

He painted his eyebrows, powdered his cheeks, a thin lip with a blush rouge, and even an earring on his earlobe.

This picture suddenly reminds me of many of his legends.

This person is very innocent, not arrogant, and men and women take all. Everywhere in the body, there is a breath of n evil. And every time you play a woman, you must use the most cruel means to play the woman’s life, and die. The beautiful woman is in his hands, but after a month, he is completely defeated. After playing badly, he will directly throw it to his men.

Therefore, the sin of the difference between the reputation of the wheel and the wheel of a thousand miles, no one can give it to the right.

(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the network (m) to subscribe, reward, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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