Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 139: :Take out the wilderness (below)

For a long time, the sky was violently dark, and all of them were the swords of the wilderness, just like the stars. Twist the wild every second, and expand the wild scorpion out of dozens of mysterious swordsmanship, and the wilderness is suspended in the air.

"Oh..." Tuobao constantly waved long swords, and countless swordsmanships that plunged into the wilderness hanged slightly on the top of the top of the sun, but never fell.

More and more swordsmanship, dozens, hundreds, and finally thousands!

Some people are discolored in the place!

In order to kill the sun, Tiantuo really is trying his best, and even summons such a terrible number of Xuanqi Jianmang.

You must know that this storm can be big or small, but more or less. Can be dozens, hundreds. But in general, killing hundreds of enemies is the most, and hundreds of swords can kill dozens of people. Now in order to kill the sun, the sky has overdrawn the whole body of the mysterious gas to expand out thousands of mysterious swordsman!

After the summoning, the top of Yangding’s head hangs over thousands of beautiful and horrible mysterious swordsmanships, emitting cold white light, far from being beautiful and incomparably scary! Over the top of the head, dozens of feet, all of them are covered by swords, avoiding inevitable.

The extension of the wild body fluttering back a few dozen steps, the extension of the wild side is pale, no blood.

"Kid, this time I see how you hide, go to hell, fly away!" Tuoba wild screams, the sword in his hand slammed into the air.

Thousands of Xuanqi Jianman, who suddenly floated in the sky, seemed to hear the command, and fell as fast as a storm.

"Hey..." There are countless white swords, like a dense meteor shower, and the sun is going crazy.

Suddenly, the sky is white!

Everyone can't bear to look at each other. As long as Yang Dingtian is stabbed in a sword, he will lose half of his life. If he is stabbed, he will die. At this time, thousands of swords were smashed to the top of his head.

The real hiding is unavoidable and inevitable.

Every inch has a mysterious sword, and every inch is full of deadly killings.

Everyone is waiting for Yang Dingtian to make a stunning trick again.

But beyond everyone's expectations, Yang Dingtian actually stood in the same place, bursting out, slamming his body, bowing his head, and cocking his back to meet the rain of the sky.

He, is he crazy? He actually used his own body to resist the thousands of mysterious swordsmanship. He wanted to die without a whole body, and was it broken?

Yes, Yangdingtian is crazy. He did not have any grasp of this, he was just betting that he could kneel down. He is betting his own nine-yang Xuanmai can kneel down, because after all, the sky is falling behind the virtual swordsmanship of the mysterious air, not the real sword! Xuanqi first attacked the human veins and the sea of ​​air, followed by the flesh.

But once the gambling loses, he will be broken. But at this time, he only has to gamble!


Thousands of swordsmen condensed into a group of huge white light, toward the back of Yangdingtian, toward his body, slamming down.

Many people present, suddenly closed their eyes, really can't bear it!

At this time, the sun-top sky of the bow back, although it looks shorter than usual, gives an illusion that it is not a person standing there, but a mountain!


Countless swordsmen, madly shot in the sun.

The vast majority of the swordsman sprinkled on his back, leaving a small part, stabbing his head, legs, arms, and every corner of the body, all encountering a crazy Xuanqi attack.


The clothes of Yangdingtian turned into powder.

The hair of Yangdingtian is turned into powder.

Countless blood spurts!

In an instant, the bright red blood fog will completely cover the whole body of Yangdingtian!

Everyone was speechless and looked at everything in front of him!


The remaining swordsman, lasing into the ground, picking up countless dust, cut the hard ground into a deep gap.

In an instant, the entire ground, numerous cracks mottled.

The sky is over the rain!

The place where Yangdingtian Station stood has been completely covered by blood fog, and no figure can be seen!

"Haha, you are finally dead!" Tuoba wildly laughed happily.

Someone at the place, a twilight.

Yes, Yangdingtian is sure to die.

Mu Liancheng was desperate, and the sword was on his own, muttering to himself: "Less master, the old slave will go underground with you."

After all, Mu Liancheng has to cut off his own head directly.

Suddenly, a figure rushed out of the blood.

A sword, turned into a snowy meteor, lightning-like rushing toward the top of the field.

Yang Dingtian did not die? At this time, Yang Dingtian, who is already in the red, has not been killed in Yangdingtian, who has already been covered in blood. !

At this last juncture, he even countered the ground and stabbed the wilderness!

At this time, the extension of the wild, the body of the mysterious has been cleaned up. At this time, Yang Dingtian, who was covered in blood, was shot with a broken sword and could not help but be shocked.

Want to escape, want to fight back, want to blast!

However, he can't do anything without his mystery.


Yangding Tianshou interrupted the sword and slammed into the chest of Tuobaye, and slammed it up.

The extension field made a very screaming scream, blood smashed, the whole body flew a few tens of meters, and the entire left arm was cut off by the roots.

All of this is exactly like lightning and thunder. Everyone has no time to react. The extension field has been lying on the ground with tragedies, **** and fuzzy, and the left arm is smashed.

Not only the people in Mujiawu did not react, but even the masters of the Flame Fortress did not have time to react.

Really everyone was stunned, and everyone thought that Yangdingtian would die. But no one thought that the outcome would be like this?

Mu Liancheng stayed still, Li Guinong stayed still, Mu Hao stayed still.

Almost no one can believe that this is a fact, and some people even screwed up their own plans to see if they are dreaming.

Yang Dingtian actually won, he not only did not die, but also won, but also cut off the wild arm!


At this time, the Yangding Tianzhao body seems to be soaked in the blood, with a broken sword pointing to the topographical road that fell in the pool of blood: "You lost, so you can't get everything in the Mu family, you should go."

Of course, in fact, Yang Dingtian can kill the Tuoba wild just because the other side's mysteriousness has been exhausted. Tuobaye was so crazy when he was using the third trick of the storm, and he did not leave a bit of mystery.

However, Yangdingtian must not kill him, because more than a dozen masters of the Flame Fortress are here. Hundreds of cavalrymen of the Flame Fortress have surrounded the entire Mujiawu group. Once they kill the Tuobaye, they will definitely be in Mu The home dock opened fire.

Why can Yangdingtian win? Because he has nine Yang Xuanmai! Can hold strong mysterious damage. Therefore, he offered to let Tuobao use Xuanji instead of using martial arts. If you use martial arts and directly attack and kill with a sword, there is absolutely no possibility of victory in Yangdingtian, and there is no possibility to survive.

When Yang Dingtian proposed to let the wild use the mysterious skills, everyone thought he was crazy. Only he knows that this is his only way of life. And this way of life is definitely dead and born.


After Yang Dingtian opened, it seemed as if everyone was awake.

"Long live..."

I don't know who started the first call, then everyone in Mujiawu began to cheer and began to shout loudly with excitement.

"Long live, long live Yan Nantian!"

"Long live the Yannan days!"


Yangding Tianzhu was dripping with blood, holding a broken sword and pushing the wild road: "You lost, you should go."

At this point, the extension of the wild handsome face is completely distorted into a group, watching the Yangding innocent as if to see the devil.

The horror and shock gradually receded from the top of the wilderness, turning to shackles, distortions, anger, and grievances!

"Ha ha ha ha..." Suddenly, Tuobaye laughed happily: "Yan Nantian, I really never dreamed that you will win. The world is crazy, you have created history, you are the first and only A battle between two levels can still win."

Then, the extension of the wild tone became cold and said: "But what about it? Mu Mu, I still want to swear, I still want to avoid the cold beads, you, I still have to smash the corpse!"

"Doing it, killing, and leveling Mujiawu, except for women, killing everyone in Mujiawu, leaving no one, one grass and one wood. Will Yangding days be broken!"

Tuoba wild use all the strength, the incomparable complaints of the last order!

The three flames elders will quickly expand the wild protection嗖嗖嗖嗖嗖..." The remaining dozens of flames of the elders leaped into the air, like the devil with open wings, the sun The sky is coming.

"Booming and banging..." At the same time, hundreds of galleries surrounded by Mujiawu rushed into the iron ride!



"Speaking villain!"

Li Guinong, Mu Liancheng, and Mu Mu three exclaimed, and at the same time leaped to the martial arts to protect Yang Dingtian in the center.

"Oh..." More than a dozen elders of the Flame Fortress descended from the sky and landed on the contest field to surround Yang Dingtian and others.

"Oh..." Hundreds of flame-casting iron horses fiercely knocked down the stone walls and the gates, wielding the battle axes, and violently opened the killings in the innocent people in the courtyard.

Li Guinong looked at the dozens of elders around the flames. If he was alone, no one was his opponent. But with him alone, he can hold up to five elders of the Flame Fortress. And Mu Liancheng is not an opponent of any elders of the Flame Fortress, not to mention Mu Wei.

Therefore, the comparison of the forces of the two sides, the Flame Fort is completely possessed the crushing advantage. Once started, everyone on the Mujiawu side will die.

Li Guinong pointed to the extension of the wild, and sighed: "Take the wild, what is your vow? Violation of the oath, your ancestors can not be super-generation for generations."

"What about that?" Tuoba said with a cold smile: "I am such a person, swearing like a fart."

"Kill!" Tuoba wild orders.

(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to the mobile network (), reward, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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