Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 172: : Ice fire 2 heavy days!

With the crazy cutting of Yangding Tianyijian and the sword, the figure of the invisible wind woman is getting weaker and lighter, and it is getting weaker and thinner. In the end, it is almost crumbling and completely disappears.

"There are still ten swords to solve you."


Almost instantaneous, Yangdingtian even stabbed nine swords!

This invisible enchantress has no sound at this time, and the figure has faded to almost invisible.

The last sword left! It is possible to destroy this invisible wind girl, and Yangdingtian just has to exhaust all the mystery.

But at this time, the accident suddenly happened.

This invisible wind girl, who has almost disappeared, suddenly has a bright gaze, and her fascinating face has become a fierce and fierce.

"Dead, die, and return to the end..." The invisible wind woman screamed with kindness, and then slammed into a gloomy light, only a foot long, like a ghost, slamming into the forehead of the sun.

This invisible wind woman, she chose to go with Yang Dingtian.

The divine music that has already disappeared and destroyed is completely condensed into a small group, so the impact and lethality will be very strong. If you let it into the brain, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Yangdingtian instinctively wants to use an invisible sword.

But between the lightning and thunder, he ran out of the last mysterious temper, and slammed out a slashing sword, almost a sword that had never been used.

He is worried that the invisible sword cannot completely destroy this brilliance.

The jail sword exudes a dark and fierce ray of light, slamming into the light group formed by the invisible wind woman.

Suddenly, this brilliance shattered.

"Ah..." It uttered the last scream of sorrow, and then it exploded into countless ray of light, and it instantly vanished and disappeared without a trace.

At this time, the mysteriousness of Yangdingtian was just used again.

Once again, he used the yin and yang swords to destroy the second slayer of the Five Elements Temple. Moreover, he no longer stubbornly insists on which sword to kill which kind of killer.

Once again dragging the tired and incomparable body, Yang Dingtian came to the center of the Five Elements Hall, and once again meditated and sighed.

Still feelings of incomparable familiarity, endless insane madness rushed into the mysterious veins, nourishing the blood of Yang Dingtian's whole body, giving him a feeling of swelling. By the way, countless mysterious spirits continue to flow into the sea of ​​sea with the mysterious veins.

When Xuanqi enters the sea of ​​air, it will automatically coalesce. The original large group is condensed into a small group in the sea.

In this way, Xuanqi constantly condenses and condenses, condenses...

After ten hours passed, the sea reached its limit. Yangding Tianxin suddenly picked up, I don't know if there will be a breakthrough this time, even if it is a small breakthrough.

However, the result did not worry Yang Tiantian, the gas sea directly expanded, and then a white light.

Everything has fallen into a short void.

Yangdingtian broke through again.

This time, I directly crossed the eight-goods, eight products, and directly rushed into the nine-character warriors.

In this way, it is only one step away from the Xuanwu division.

This secret of the Five Elements Temple is really mysterious. When your cultivation method is not right, there may be no breakthrough in a few days, even if you are seriously injured and almost die. But as long as your cultivation method is correct, then everything is not a problem, and the final result will be far beyond your thoughts.

Next, Yang Dingtian did not directly enter the second secret room of the wind system, because he knew that it must be looking for death.

He also did not enter the second practice of the gold department. At this time, the metal man in the second secret room of the gold system may not be able to directly kill the sun, but the combat power is still extremely disparity. At this time, it is basically a waste. time.

Yang Dingtian decided to move to the secret room of other departments again. He chose the fire department.

Pushing the door of the first secret room of the fire department, I don’t know what the killer of the fire department will be. Yang Dingtian took a deep breath and took a step.

Suddenly, the terrible high temperature moment will push Yangdingtian out.

The entire secret room was full of fire red, as if every inch was burnt red.

Full of Baidu's high temperature, Yangdingtian quickly transported Xuanqi, protecting his body from high temperature damage.

"Call..." Suddenly, a monster slammed from the wall.

It was dark, but it was burning with flaming flames.

Like people, it stands straight, but the feet are indeed hooves. However, the hands are the same as humans. It looks like a human face like a bat, with two sharp corners on the top.

This is the fire night fork, Yang Dingtian knows this kind of monster, this is one of many humanoid monsters. It is also one of the most vicious and deceitful.

"Human, welcome, your heart must be very delicious, I will taste it when I wait." Yasha slammed a weapon and sneered at the sun.

His weapon, a whip, is a flexible and vicious whip like a poisonous tongue. It is tens of meters long and can reach every corner of the chamber.

When the Yaksha was still a few tens of meters away from Yangdingtian, the flame poisonous snake whip in his hand slammed into it. The long whip was like a part of his body, and it was extremely flexible.

After the flame whip reached the top of Yangdingtian, it violently burned and then hovered quickly. Suddenly, the top of Yangdingtian’s head was full of green demon fires, and the temperature of the entire chamber suddenly increased.

"burning the sword!"

The epee in the hands of Yang Dingtian slammed into a burst of red flames. Then, the sword in his hand also hovered quickly, and suddenly a red flame would wrap the sun-top sky and resist the green demon of the Yaksha.

Yaksha's whip slammed down, and the green demon whirlpool was also pressed down, full of powerful phagocytosis, and the Yangdingtian was swallowed directly.

Yangding Tianfei quickly swung the giant sword, and over and over again made the sword of the burning, and took out the red fire, the demon whirlpool of Hell Yaksha.

This red fire is completely formed by the zen of the sun. So this is undoubtedly the most costly way to play. Although this kind of flame is not as good as the mysterious power, it is dozens of times the ordinary martial arts.

The fierce confrontation between the two flame vortexes, the temperature around Yangdingtian is getting higher and higher, from tens of degrees to Baidu, to several Baidu, to several thousand degrees.

The red flame erupted by the burning sword firmly protects the whole body of Yangdingtian. At the same time, Yangdingtian also needs to separate a part of mysterious gas to protect himself from high temperature, so the mystery in his body is really like the tide. Gushing out and consuming quickly.

The Yasha is completely different, and it is a fire monster. It is its instinct to use the sinuous gas as the flame, so the sinfulness of each flame is only a fraction of the yangding days. Moreover, it is not afraid of high temperatures and flames, and even greedily enjoys.

Therefore, although this nightshade's mysterious level is slightly worse than Yangdingtian. However, the battle situation is indeed the top of the sky.

In this way, Yangdingtian and Yaksha perform the most direct competition. After only half an hour, Yang Dingtian’s whole body was almost completely clean, and the Yaksha was still faint.

Gradually, the flame of the Yangding Tianxuan gas became smaller and smaller, and gradually unable to protect the whole body of Yangdingtian.

The high temperature fierce attack, Yang Dingtian body surface temperature rapidly increased, to Baidu, two Baidu...

No, I have to think of other ways.

Just now, the mysterious atmosphere at this time has been completely exhausted. At the foot of Yangding’s footsteps, he quickly retreated and wanted to withdraw from the Chamber of Secrets immediately.

But this nightshade is willing to let Yangdingtian calmly escape, the long whip in his hand suddenly like a poisonous snake, fiercely and quickly wrapped around the neck of Yangdingtian.

Killing the sword, a sword and a throat.

Yang Dingtian backhanded a sword and stabbed directly in the middle of the circle composed of the flame poisonous tongue whip.

Kill the sword and clean up the stomach.

The epee in the hand quickly stirred, and suddenly entangled the flame poison tongue.

Taking the opportunity, Yangding quickly rushed out of the secret room.

But at this time, the flame venomous whip that was entangled in the epee struck fiercely, as if it were alive, it violently swelled for more than ten meters, and slammed into the back of Yangdingtian.

Yang Dingtian used up the last mysterious air and rushed out in general.

"砰 砰 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ”

It’s a hell, it’s so powerful that no one in the secret room is so powerful. In their own planes, they fully take advantage.

The three giants reappeared and took Yangdingtian into the green pool in his arms to heal.

This time, Yangdingtian’s injury was light, so he only recovered after less than half an hour.

After being placed on the ground, Yangdingtian came to the most concentrated place in the central part of the main hall to start swallowing.

The result is exactly the same as he imagined, there is no growth in Xuanqi, no breakthrough.

In this secret territory, passive beatings will not break through at all.

After completely recovering the mysterious atmosphere, Yangdingtian did not hesitate and went straight to the trial room of the ice system!

That's right, practice the Burning Sword in the Ice Trial Chamber!

Undoubtedly, in the ice-seam chamber, the power of the burning sword will be greatly weakened. In this extremely harsh environment, the power of the burning sword will continue to be strong.

"Silk..." After retreating from the door of the Ice Chamber, Yangdingtian just stepped forward and suddenly made a chill.

It’s so cold, the entire secret room, a piece of snow, or even the concept of space, snow white everywhere, and terrible low temperatures.

Yangdingtian slightly speculated that the temperature here should be around minus forty degrees.

Switching to other people, even if it is a very powerful master, you need to protect yourself with mysterious.

But for Yangdingtian, this temperature is only cold, and it does not need to be protected with mysterious gas.

That's right, this is the advantage of Yangdingtian, the advantage of Jiuyang Xuanmai.

So, what about the blockers in this secret room?

Yang Dingtian’s thoughts just rose, and the surrounding walls suddenly changed. Pieces of ice blasted off the wall and then a cold wind blew. These ice condensed together and became a figure, a beautiful The naked ice man.

"Hello, stranger, are you coming to play with me?" The voice of the female iceman is very clear, even the most crisp voice heard by Yangdingtian, just like the sound of ice cracking.

"I am too cold, this gentleman, can you warm me up with your blood?" said the female iceman, her face still with a charming smile, but her eyes slammed cold.

"Hey..." From the body of the female iceman, violently plucked countless ice-blade flying blades, like a complete butterfly, flying wildly in the entire secret room, frantically cutting the whole body of Yangdingtian.

This kind of attack effect is really gorgeous and cruel.

Because, if you switch to anyone else, you have already been cut into a pile of meat. Even a more powerful master than Yangdingtian was instantly cut into a pile of white bones, even blood and meat.

These thousands of ice-blade flying blades, like the little monsters that eat people, pass through your body and take away a flesh and blood. As if there were countless piranhas, only a bunch of white bones remained after the passage.

This small sharp and sharp ice blade is completely unavoidable and cannot be resisted.

In an instant, Yangdingtian was cut into hundreds of knives, and his whole body was immediately covered by the ice blades, and he could not see the figure.

There are countless iceberg blades that are frantically cutting on his body.

"Ha ha ha..." The female ice man giggled: "Stranger, you are going to die. Thank you for your blood, can bring me some warmth, thank you, strange brother!"

Then, the female iceman jade hand, suddenly recovered all the ice flying blade.

Countless ice blades, like butterflies flying back, directly stick to the female ice man, and become part of her body.

"There is delicious blood right away..." The female iceman's laughter is still sweet, and then looks at the watery eyes.

Suddenly her laughter came to an abrupt end.

Because, Yangdingtian stood in the same place intact. The crazy cutting of countless ice blades did not cause him a little damage.

"Impossible, how could this be the case." The female iceman exclaimed and the voice changed.

Yeah, how could this be? This result is also greatly out of the expectation of Yang Dingtian. He knows that his Jiuyang Xuanmai will have a huge advantage in the ice system, but he did not expect it to be such an overwhelming advantage.

The blocker here, such a stunning attack, could not make a little harm to him.

That being the case, it would be too much to be tempted by this opportunity.

"burning the sword!"

A mysterious input into the young sword, suddenly the ugly sword became red, but there was no fire, just the sword was red.

Jumping into the body, the body is in front of the female iceman, and the sword in his hand is smashed.

"Oh..." The woman sneered, standing still in the same place.

Yangding’s fiery red sword slammed into her chest.

"Oh la la la..." In an instant, the female ice man's body was completely broken, turning into countless pieces of ice icing, scattered all over the place.

Then, a cold wind blew, and these ice fragments again condensed into a complete female iceman. To be continued [This text is provided by the Dawning Update Group @凡人残影]. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the "starting" vote, the monthly pass, your support is my greatest motivation. )

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