Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 175: : How many levels did you finally break through?

He really didn't know how many terrible pictures he encountered, and the secret rooms were getting more and more behind.

There are five rooms in the Golden Chamber.

The first triple gravity, the second nine times gravity, the third twenty-seven times gravity, the fourth eighty-eight times gravity, and the fifth two hundred and forty-three times gravity.

When Yang Dingtian practiced the sword in the virtual illusion of the mind, there were hundreds of times of gravity, thousands of times of gravity, and the body and spirit of Yangdingtian were completely collapsed and destroyed. But after all, it is within the illusion of the void.

At this time, in the secret world, it is completely true.

Eighty-one times gravity, two hundred and forty-three times the gravity, is completely amazing to the extreme.

It can be said that if it is not enough, just stepping forward, the blood vessels burst directly and die, and the entire body skeleton collapses immediately.

Not to mention, Yang Dingtian still holds a sword of three hundred kilograms and more kilograms in his hand, and reaches the last secret room of the gold system, which is nearly 100,000 kilograms.

The 100,000-pound sword, which was placed in the previous Yangding Tianlian, could not be taken, let alone waving it to fight.

The highest SS of the Golden Chamber, the fifth-level killer is a six-handed Golden Buddha, incomparably powerful and incomparably hard.

Yangding Tianzu was kicked out by the six-handed Buddha for more than a dozen times. Each trial was a nine-death life. The skeleton of the whole body was interrupted seven times. Hematemesis is countless, and almost every time he dies, he is rescued every time by the green holy pool.

Finally, Yangding Tian completely destroyed this powerful six-handed Buddha with no sword, which proved that the sword is indeed invincible.

The fire system is close to the back, the higher the temperature, the stronger the ss.

In the fifth fire department, the entire chamber is full of flowing magma, and each inch of air is full of thousands of degrees.

When you come to this Chamber, almost all the mysterious spirits are used to protect your body from fire damage. After the beginning of Yangdingtian, in less than three minutes, the light defense exhausted all the mystery.

The fire-fighting five-level blocker is a strange and horrible ghost.

He was completely an energy body, so he was stabbed in a sword and was cut into a sword. He had no feeling at all.

And if he is hit by him, it is a nightmare.

His fire is a pure white ghost cold fire. Just lick a little bit and burn directly through the body.

If it weren’t for Yang Dingtian, there would be a deep sea Xuanyi, and it would have been dead dozens of times.

In the end, Yangdingtian can only madly wave the ugly sword in his hand to resist the ghost of this devil. Because the young sword is caused by blood black gold forging, the devil's ghost cold fire damage can't hurt it.

After using A ugly sword to protect himself from being hurt, Yang Dingtian chose to use the Fengjian sword to lock the Nether Fire. Then he used the cracked sword and destroyed it for nine times before destroying this terrible Netherfire.

Let's talk about the cultivation of the wind chamber!

In the fifth wind-tight room, every inch of air around him became a deadly killer.

Converted to the level of the earth, this close-up room is blowing nearly 20 winds. On Earth, basically the strongest wind generally counts twelve.

The wind of the 30th grade, even if the metal can be blown off, even if the weight of tens of thousands of pounds, it is easy to blow up.

In this way, after nine full injuries, Yangding genius can follow the wind in the wind, not to be hurt by the wind.

The last blocker of the wind system is a sacred queen.

The wind blade she shot was faster than lightning and could cut a meter of steel.

Yang Dingtian's thighs shot three times more than his wind blade. The neck was once cut through the middle and the arm was cut off directly. Then he was rescued back by the holy pool every time.

In short, the fifth secret room in the wind system is the most tragic time of Yangdingtian.

Facing the Blade of the Succubus Queen, it is the most tragic battle of Yangdingtian. In the end, Yangdingtian had no choice but to rush into the succulent queen, who was covered with a sword. He used the sword to temporarily ban it, used the burning sword to destroy his sharp blade, and destroyed her heart with an invisible sword.

The combination of the three swords completely killed the five-level windbreaker.


Now, the last battle in front of Yangdingtian.

In front of the ice is the fifth secret room, which is the last secret room of his trial. Because the electric secret room is a BUG, ​​he will definitely not go.

Just pushing the door open is a deadly ice cold, almost reaching the absolute zero ice on the earth.

It can destroy all the coldness of life, and it is colder than the cold water that does not understand the pool. Inside, there is a white snow, and there are snow everywhere.

Yangdingtian took a deep breath and took a step.

He will face the last one, the fifth-level ice blocker.

"Call..." The sword in the hands of Yang Dingtian violently burns.

This temperature, even the Yangyangtian Jiuyang Xuanmai can not hold back, to use the mysterious gas to ignite the fire to warm.

A gust of wind blew, and Yang Ding appeared in front of the sky. This is a completely naked woman, very enchanting, extremely beautiful. It is no less than the oriental ice icing, and the Ximen flame, the curve of the delicate body is exactly like the carving of the heavens.

Perfect face, perfect chest, perfect buttocks, perfect thighs, every inch of the body is perfect.

Although Yangdingtian knows that this is an energy body, it is the condensation of ice and cold energy. But it looks exactly the same as a real beauty.

Snowy skin, ice muscles and bones.

Gemstones like water, long hair in blue.

All the killers in the secret world, this is the most beautiful and tenderest.

She walked in, and stretched out the jade arm around the neck of Yangdingtian. The body was attached to the chest of Yangdingtian. She said softly: "Brother, I am lonely here, you are here with me, always with you. how am I?"

Her voice is incredibly soft and incomparably beautiful.

Yang Dingtian body trembled, suddenly felt a bitter ice cold, endless ice cold infiltrated from her body, drilling into the body of Yangdingtian, as if to instantly freeze his blood and Xuanmai.

This is her attack, very gentle but extremely tender and gentle.

Her naked body, holding Yangdingtian, then frozen him and completely frozen into a sculpture, so that the two will be together forever.

Yangding Tianyun is full of ambition and wants to break free.

But found that this naked woman suddenly became light and fluttering without a little weight, like a soul wrapped around him, completely unable to break free.

As if from the chilly energy from the body of hell, slammed into the body of Yangdingtian, slowly but resolutely destroying the flesh and blood of Yangdingtian, the mysterious vein of Yangdingtian.

"burning the sword..." The sacred air of Yangdingtian rushed out and suddenly turned into a burning fire.

All the mysterious veins of Yangdingtian, all of them rushed out of all the mysterious gas, all turned into fire.

In time, Yang Dingtian and the woman’s body were all covered in flames.

This woman is made up of ice and snow, so Yangdingtian will burn her with flames and let her melt.

But under the blazing flame, this enchanting snow woman is still safe and sound. Endless chills continue to invade the mysterious veins of Yangdingtian, and even go to the sea.

The mysteriousness of Yangdingtian’s body is mad, and his mysteriousness is consumed at an unprecedented rate.

However, the flames formed by the burning of the sword and the mysterious gas are getting smaller and smaller.

Seal the sword!

Yangdingtian was surrounded by him, holding a sword in his hand and making a sword. Well, I have to hold her for a short time and then get out of her arms.

However, the Feng Jian sword is completely useless to her, because she can freeze everything.

No sword!

Still useless, her body is soft, but it is composed of cold energy, no swords, and even a scar is not left.

Invisible sword...

More useless.

The Prison Sword is dedicated to dealing with energy species.

However, it is still useless.

The five strokes of the yin and yang world swords, Yang Dingtian have all tried, completely useless.

"Brother, don't waste your energy, don't you be with me forever, isn't it?" The ice-and-beauty blocker softened.

After all, she was violently blue, and a chill of ice rushed out.

In an instant, the flame on the Yangding Heavenly Sword quickly shrinks and shrinks.

The bitter ice and cold energy, quickly rushed to the sea.

The ambition of Yangdingtian is getting less and less, and getting smaller and smaller.

The flame of sinuous gas is getting smaller and smaller and getting smaller and smaller.

The spirit of Yangdingtian gradually became confusing, he could not move, and most of his mysterious veins had already been frozen.

Then, his spirit, his knowledge, his soul is gradually frozen.

As long as the mysterious flame is extinguished, as long as the ice cold energy enters the sea of ​​air, then Yangdingtian will die.

This snow and ice beauty in front of us seems to be the weakest SS, the most gentle attack method, and the most powerful and terrifying.

Is it dead like this? Jiuyang Xuanmai is in the ice system, which is originally dominant. So many sinister killers were destroyed by Yangdingtian. In front of this ice and snow beauty is so gentle, just holding him like this, he is going to kill him.

The knowledge of Yangdingtian is getting weaker and lighter, more and more blurred, and it will disappear into the mind when you turn your eyes. It is necessary to completely fall into eternal sleep.

The ice cold energy has reached the lower abdomen and will soon enter the sea of ​​gas.

That mysterious flame is less than half an inch, gently swaying, and will be extinguished in the blink of an eye.

"I can't die, I don't want to die like this, Flames want me to save, I still need to recapture Yunxiao City, I have to go to save Ningning sister, I have to get back to the East Ice Ridge, I can't die... ”

From the mind, Yang Dingtian rushed to the last will.

Exhausted the last strength, Yangdingtian’s head went straight to his own sword.

The tip of the sword slammed across the top of Yangdingtian, and a blood spurted out and splashed on the forehead of the snowy beauty.

Snowy forehead, standing with a drop of blushing blood, like a red plum, incomparably beautiful, incomparably beautiful.

Then, Yang Dingtian refers to the sword, and uses the last mysterious gas to make the burning sword. I ignited the drop of the blood of the nine yang on the forehead of the snow and ice beauty.

"Ah..." This snow and ice beauty is like a ghost, a screaming horror, and a beautiful moment of fear.

Then, the blood on her forehead slammed a flame, burning her beautiful white forehead directly into a deep hole, a dark hole, and the terrible flame continued to burn inside.

"Ah..." The snow and ice beauty made a scream of screaming, trying to wipe the blood on his forehead with his hands.

Suddenly, the burning blood of Jiuyang sticks to her hand and is then rubbed on her.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dance.

In the end, she was completely swallowed up by the blazing flames and turned into ashes.

Yang Dingtian looked at it with horror, of course, he did not think that the final SS was so difficult, so gentle. Of course, he did not even think that it was so simple to destroy the last SS of the Ice Chamber, just use his own blood of Jiuyang.

But if you kill her at the beginning, then there is no crazy entanglement in the middle of the ice, crazy struggle.

At this time, the zen vein of Yangdingtian seems to have been thoroughly baptized.

Holding the scarred body, Yangdingtian carried the ugly sword and walked back to the center of the Five Elements Hall.

Start the last one to swallow.

Xuanqi constantly poured into the body, pouring into his Xuanmai, pouring into his sea of ​​air.

As if the warm sunshine is general, it gradually expelled the ice cold in Yangdingtian. Yang Dingtian limbs, his body gradually recovered consciousness.

Five hours have passed...

Ten hours have passed...

Twenty hours have passed...

Incomparably rich in mysteriousness, the pioneer first expelled the ice cold energy in Yangdingtian, and then filled his Xuanmai, his sea of ​​gas.

The gas sea reached its limit and began to expand.

A white light flashed, and the inner world of Yangdingtian fell into a short void.

After half a minute, everything gradually recovered.

The sea of ​​Yangdingtian once again broke through. But after many breakthroughs, countless times of swallowing.

Yangdingtian has countless battles. He has forgotten the time and forgot I don’t even know how many breakthroughs I have.

Therefore, he does not know at all what his current level is.

When Xuanqi filled the sea and the mysterious veins again, Yangdingtian slowly opened his eyes and asked the three giants: "The big giant, what level of my mysteriousness is now, there is a breakthrough in Samsung. Xuanwu division?"

The three giants changed their eyes and opened three giant eyes. "You are now a five-star big sect!"

"Ah..." Yang Dingtian was very surprised.

Five-star big sacred martial arts? He even broke through the five-star big bastion! Yang Dingtian has a feeling of tears in an instant. In this secret world, he has broken through the 20th level. This is his unprecedented breakthrough. Even in the beginning of the yin and yang five-line array, he met the yin and yang festival once every three hundred years. He also broke through the 19th level, and at this time he even broke through the 20th level.

Become a great sacred martial artist, you can be said to be the world's strong. Yangdingtian officially stepped into the ranks of the strong. He can learn the mystery. He can learn to kill the third stage of the sword, and his combat power can advance by leaps and bounds. Just like the solitary phoenix dance, he really flies.

The secret is really the most mysterious and powerful thing left in the ancient world, and even let yourself directly break through the 20th level.

"How long has it been before?" Yang Dingtian asked, and he remembered this extremely important thing.

......(To be continued [This text is provided by the Dawning Update Group @凡人残影]. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the "First" vote, the monthly pass, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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