Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 195: : Wild beauty, Yunxiaocheng!

It turned out that she had been sizzling and wild, and most of them were pretending. Otherwise, she really didn’t know how to continue. She was a woman after all, and she was a beautiful woman who was nothing but a daughter of the Fire Island. The women in the hearts of all men in the Fire Island will of course have their own self-esteem and restraint.

However, she really has nothing to do with Yangdingtian, so she went to the woman on the island to ask for advice. The women taught her such a hot and wild way. They said that this is a trick.

But Yang Dingtian’s sound stopped his last self-respect.

"Not like this, Ling Dance." Yang Dingtian seriously said: "You are such a different woman, so after a few years, if you heard that I have not died with the Eastern Ice Ling, and you have not yet If you marry other men, you can come to me, okay? But don't happen the most intimate relationship so easily, otherwise I will be deeply guilty."

"Really?" Ling dance ecstasy.

"Really." Yangding Tiandao.

"That's good, but you have to make a deposit first." Ling dance, then put a small mouth, kissed the mouth of Yangdingtian, and stretched out the small tongue, frantically rolling around.

She kissed for five minutes...

Suddenly, Yang Dingtian mouth had a pain, but it was bitten by Ling Wu. It really hurts bitterly, and the blood suddenly rushes out.

"Bite you, lest you forget me later." Ling Wu saw Yang Dingtian mouth full of blood, suddenly distressed tears flowed out, trembled: "The more pain you bite, the deeper you remember."

Then, Ling Wu stretched out the small tongue, gently licking the blood on the top of the mouth, gently rubbing the scar on his mouth.

Gently release the spear and descendant bag of Yangdingtian, Ling dance softly said: "I am gone, otherwise I really worry that I can't control you for a while, and you have to repent of what you said."

Then, Ling Dance put on his clothes and reluctantly left step by step.

"I am leaving. I will not send you when you leave tomorrow."

Ling dance softly, and then the beautiful release of infinite love, as if to remember the face of Yang Dingtian.

Finally turned and left, leaving a charming fragrance in the air.

Yangding Tiandun was in a state of chaos, and lost!


The next day, the day is not bright, and Yangdingtian gets up.

Of course, he didn't sleep at all, and he couldn't sleep.

Put on the mask, hide the ugly sword, take out another sword, wear a black cloak covering the whole body, draped in the residual night, and take a boat and leave the fiery island under the heavy one. .

Ling Wu really talked and counted, did not come to send him.

"Yan Xianyu, I don't care who you are. In short, you remember, no matter what time, the fire island can be your home." Lingzhong was speechless along the way, when Yangding was on the boat, suddenly said.

"I remember." Yangding Tiandao: "I will always remember the fire island, remember you, and Miss Ling Dance."

Then, Yangding jumped into the boat and gently swiped. He left the fiery island and went to the northwestern mainland.

Just a few hundred meters away from the fiery island, suddenly a delicate figure on the island ran quickly.

It was Ling Wu, she was wearing a flaming dress, a dress she never crossed.

She carried a long skirt and ran along the pier, loudly: "Yan Nantian, I know that you lie to me last night, but I am serious. Now I am wearing a red wedding dress, you give me a note Live, I married you Yannantian last night, and you promised it, but there is no room. You remember to me, from today, I am the woman of Yannantian."

Suddenly, Yangdingtian stayed completely!

He really did not think that Ling Dance would make this move, and he would wear a red wedding dress to send him off to express his final decision.

The words of his last night, really only a procrastination, but did not expect to fall completely into this elf-like woman.

During the time, Yangding’s heart was full of tides, and he couldn’t say a word, only rowing hard.

Ling Dance still runs on the shore with a skirt desperately, but it is farther and farther away from the sun, and finally she runs and screams.

She used everything she wanted to catch, but her favorite things are still getting farther and farther, farther and farther, and finally disappeared completely into the remaining night, disappearing into the fog of morning!

Her delicate body was not supported, her legs were soft, sitting on the mud, loud and painful, and her beautiful red wedding dress was contaminated by mud.


At dawn, Yangdingtian has set foot on the land of the northwestern continent.

I bought a fast horse, and then I worked day and night, wearing a star and wearing a moon, rushing to more than 6,000 miles away.

He is going to save the Lady Simon, save Simon, and save more than 2,000 brothers who are black blood riding, not letting them moth.

He is going to save his reputation that is about to be destroyed. He is going to save himself from losing his qualification to compete in the city.

He is going to save everything! Saved from the shameless enemy and saved from the enemies of the Tao.


In these few days, the air around Yunxiao City seems to be condensed in general, as if countless black clouds are piled up layer by layer, and finally it is necessary to brew the terrible thunder of destroying the heavens and the earth.

First, many people discovered that the black blood cavalry that had disappeared for a long time gradually came back and came back in succession.

Then, just standing in the square in front of the Yunxiao City, do not speak, after that, then dismount, sit on the side of the horse, sit quietly.

Then, more and more, more and more.

In the end, more than 2,000 black-blooded brothers filled half of the square in front of Yunxiao City.

Suddenly, on the square in front of Yunxiao City, the black pressure was on.

They don't have any words, only a complete decision on their faces, only the coldness of death, only the murderousness and flames that lie in the heart, only the moths are determined to fight.

Then, Simone is coming!

Then, Madame Simon is here too!

Everyone in Yunxiao City suddenly felt a suffocation!

However, Ximen fear did not react, Yang Yan did not react!

Then, thousands of cavalry troops in the northwestern branch of Tiandao League went to Yunxiao City and finally stopped at the square in front of Yunxiao City.

They are all golden armor and golden swords.

The golden cavalry of Tiandao League is on the left, with a full three thousand people.

Black black blood riding, on the right, full of two thousand people.

Black and gold, quiet, but coldly confrontation, always full of powerful swords, kill!


Everyone in Yunxiao City feels a very repressed atmosphere, dare not speak loudly, and dare not walk hard. As if at any time, it will completely ignite this gunpowder barrel, causing a terrible explosion.

The last day of the fifth day.

Qin Huaiyu appeared, with three thousand Qin family cavalry, Hao Hao, entered the city of Yunxiao, silently boarded the wall, silently opened the giant clam, aiming at the black blood riding army below.

Then, members of the Tiandao League will continue to arrive at Yunxiao City.

When I was passing by Mrs. Simon and Simon, I just looked at it lightly, did not speak, and went away.

Everyone, with hundreds of warriors, entered the city of Yunxiao.

When the sun rose, Ximen Fury appeared near the Yunxiao City with nearly a thousand cavalry troops. The array was behind the black blood riding army and blocked their way.

At eight or nine in the morning, another step in the northwest Qin family appeared outside the city of Yunxiao, blocking all the passages on the Yunxiao Mountain.

Suddenly, the two thousand brothers of the black blood cavalry were surrounded by tens of thousands of people and there was no retreat.

Once the battle is over, it is destined to be a moth!

At noon, in the highest castle in Yunxiao City, the Tiandao League Northwest Conference was officially held.

Thirty-nine members of the Tiandao League in the northwest are all in place.

The outcome of the meeting will determine the final destiny of Yangdingtian, the final fate of the black blood cavalry outside, the final fate of Madame Simon and Simon.

Moreover, he also got the third step of the crucial killing sword from the group wolves in Yunxiao City.


At this time, Yangdingtian, fifty miles from Yunxiao City!

He was covered in dust, squatting on the horse, sprinting toward Yunxiaocheng.

In less than five days, he rode over 6,000 miles.

I hope he will not be late!

"In view of the fact that Yang Dingtian used the evil spirits in the duel trial with Yang Shaobai, and there is a large amount of evidence that Yang Dingtian had been to the chaos before the contest, there are signs that he was heading for Wan Blood Palace. Yang Yan said loudly: "So, we have every reason to believe that Yangdingtian has become a traitor in the Tiandao League."

"Yang Yan, your blood is squirting." Madame Simon suddenly stood up and said: "Do you have any evidence to prove that Yang Dingtian used the evil spirit when he defeated Yang Shaobai?"

Yang Yan cold and cold road: "Then I would like to ask Mrs. Simon ~ At that time, Yang Dingtian's repair was a step lower than Yang Shaobai, but he still defeated Yang Shaobai. One such example? Yes, there is such an example. Li Tianxiao played against Qin Sangongzi more than two hundred years ago, but he also defeated the opponent after a dozen or so levels. But in the end, Li Tianxiao is the lurking of the evil demon. He used the evil spirits. Li Tianxiao is like this, and Yangdingtian is also like this."

Madame Simon sneered: "Don't you hear Yang Dingtian say? He is not using evil spirits, but releasing the sword soul?"

"The wilderness of the wilderness!" Yang Yan screamed coldly: "How many people have cultivated the swordsman in the world? Only three people, the Eastern lord, the Simon, the lord, and the patriarch. Now the Eastern lord is missing, The owner of Ximen City has been destroyed, and the patriarchs have been escaping for a hundred years. That is to say, no one in the world has cultivated a sword spirit. What is the age of Yangding? What is his level? He defeated Yang Shaobai with the soul of the sword? Is this ignoring the IQ of someone at the place?"

As the saying goes, there is a sneer at the place.

"If Yang Dingtian uses the sword soul to defeat Yang Shaobai, then unless the two days rise from the west, the east falls." Yang Yan smashed the railroad: "So, Yangdingtian must have defeated Yang Shaobai with evil spirits! Only the evil spirits have such great power. Therefore, Yangdingtian is a lurking stalker, and it is undoubtedly!" (To be continued, this text is provided by the Dawning Update Group @丶打豆豆mm. If you like this one Works, welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly ticket, your support, is my biggest motivation.)

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