Nine Yang Sword Saint

Chapter 19: : Being alone, sweet moments

"I don't know why the disciple is infinite, and I will see the wife of the lord." His name is very strange. He does not claim to be the owner of the city, but his disciples.

"Sister Ximen, I haven't seen it for ten years, I miss it very much. I can still go well along the way." The mother's tone was very gentle, and even with a touch of closeness, and said that Simon was nowhere to be a brother.

"It's still good, but the road has been delayed by some trivial matters, so it is only going up the mountain today." Simon is boundless: "Sheng Yan, I have seen the Oriental aunt and your Oriental sister."

The flames of Ximen Flames were a bit unsatisfactory, and they were unwilling to salute: "See the aunt of the East and meet the sister."

Shi Niang seems to have helped Ximen Flames, and softly praised: "The flames are beautiful, I have never seen such a beautiful girl."

"There is no beautiful teacher in the East, and everyone says she is a fairy."

The Oriental Ice Ling did not care about the words of Ximen Flame. He went forward and said: "The niece meets Ximen Shishu."

"You're welcome." Ximen has no way. His attitude towards the Oriental Ice Ling has made Yang Dingtian somewhat surprised. Yangding Tianben thought that the West Gate would have no place to praise the Oriental Ice Ling, and even said that his daughter is far worse than the East. If you are icy, who knows that the West Gate Raven did not say it at all, just said that you are not polite.

Then, Simon is boundless: "Can the Oriental lord go out?"

Shi Niang said: "Not yet."

Simon is boundless: "When will the Lord go out?"

Shi Niang has not yet opened her mouth. Oriental Bing Ling said: "My father will only go out when he is full, and he doesn't know which month."

"However, my Yin and Yang dynasty can still fight, and several elders can fight." Oriental Bingling said: "You can also let the younger generation play, if necessary, I can also play."

At this time, even in the aftermath, Yangdingtian can feel the aggressiveness of the Oriental Ice.

"Hey, what is the look of God." Ximen flames coldly shouted.

"No, I don't have one of the younger generations of Yunxiaocheng. You are the opponent of your oriental ice." Simon said nothing. "Since the lord has not gone out, the battle will be fine. Like ten years ago, I will declare it." I have already fought with the Eastern Sovereign, and I still lost."

Hearing this, Yang Dingtian could not help but glimpse. Ten years ago, the so-called West Gate defeated the East Nirvana was a fake, they did not play at all.

"Thank you, Ximen Shishu, this person, we wrote down." Oriental ice Ling faint.

Simon is boundless: "It’s not a human sentiment. I was not an opponent of the Eastern Sects more than a decade ago. It’s not even now."

Then both sides were silent and no one spoke. After the Yang Dian Tian can also feel the special relationship between the two sides, close and indifferent relationship. On the way to Yin and Yangzong, when the West Gate is facing the sun, it is warm and watery, close and envious. But at this time, the West Gate is boundless, and the courtesy is full of loneliness.

Obviously, the gentle teacher is like breaking the sly silence, but she is not good at the conversation, so the petal's mouth opened several times but could not find anything. Or Ximen Flames broke this silence.

"Oriental ice, I heard that you want to marry Zhu Hongxue." Even if you don't see it, Yangdingtian can imagine that Ximen Yanyan said this sentence when the beautiful little mouth is flat and flat, the two most beautiful in the world. A girl seems to be an enemy by nature.

"What? You have become a long-term woman?" The East Ice Ling confronted each other.

The teacher hesitated for a moment and said: "Binger has a marriage contract, her father arranged."

Hearing here, Yang Dingtian’s heart jumped.

Simon didn't know how to laugh: "Is it? I am really curious as to which young man can be seen by the lord."

The teacher smiled and said: "You will see it soon."

Then, the two sides fell into silence again, and Simon went to nowhere to get up: "If the Lord's wife has nothing else, we will leave."

Shi Niang said: "Okay, we have prepared a separate small courtyard for the Ximen brothers. You should rest well."

Then, Shi Niang and Dongfang Bingling sent Ximen out of the embroidered building, but when they came back, there was only one person from the East. She went straight to the back: "My mother sent Ximen City to the residence, brother, I will take you to you. Accommodation."

Yang Dingtian followed her, left the embroidered building and walked out of the warm garden of the lady.

The garden was removed from the arch in the north, and a snow and ice was restored outside. The scenery here is completely different. There is no house, only a steep mountain road. The trees on both sides are covered with ice and snow. The more steep the mountain is, the more steep it is. The more you go, the more you can't see it. It is completely The barren hills of the original state.

The Oriental Ice Ling walked in front, and Yangdingtian walked behind him. Every time she touched her for more than a minute, she could feel her amazing beauty. Yangdingtian could not imagine that a woman’s back would be so moving, and the curve of her waist and hip could be so beautiful.

The two people were silent and the mountain road was very steep. The Oriental Ice Ling was able to know that the curve of his waist and hips was completely exposed in front of Yangdingtian, but she did not care, and did not let Yangdingtian go in front. Did not let her not watch.

After walking for more than an hour, I have already walked to the other side of the mountain, but Yangdingtian seems to feel no tiredness. Time seems to pass by, as if I can't wait for this road to go.

However, Yang Dingtian was still a little confused, why he arranged his residence in this remote and uninhabited place, not in the Yin and Yang dynasty buildings.

The destination is here, the top of the mountain on the other side of the mountain, where a piece of flat land is laid out, and a stone house is located here.

"This is the father's residence. He lives here many times. No one can live here for more than a decade."

Then, the Oriental Ice Ling pushed the door open.

The inside of the room is very simple, the floor is covered with thick carpets, no chairs, and a short square table in the middle. The walls are surrounded by bookshelves, full of books and books. The house is surrounded by candlesticks.

The Oriental Ice Ling ignited the candlestick and lit the incense. The house was warm and springy, and the fragrance was filled.

"There are natural hot springs behind the house, and the brothers want to take a shower and go there." Oriental Bingling said: "Need to arrange a maid?"

"No, no." Yangding Tiandao.

"Well, then I will send people to bring clothes and meals." Oriental Bingling said: "The books here are all fathers. The disciples in Zongmen can't see them, but every brother can see them."

"What else is there for the brothers? I am going to arrange it."

"No, it is already very thoughtful." Yangding Tiandao.

"The brothers have a good rest." Oriental Bing Ling said: "I will bring clothes and dinner for a while. I will be busy these three days, so I may not have time to talk to you. Three days later, we will talk about business."

Yang Dingtian heart jerked and nodded.

"Then I will go first." The Oriental Ice Ling Road, and then walked out of the stone house, Yang Dingtian sent out.

"Good-bye brothers." The East ice lings, then the jade feet gently, a gust of wind blowing, her figure is already tens of meters away, and then like a little water, several ups and downs, her beautiful figure has disappeared in the sun In the field of vision.

Yang Dingtian is so stunned that his sister is very strong and strong. Just to take care of myself, I actually stayed with me for more than an hour. Actually, she can get it in a few minutes.

Looking at the direction of the disappearance of the oriental ice, Yangdingtian eyes are somewhat blurred. Until now, it is like a dream. Such a beautiful woman, such a fairy girl, such a pure and innocent girl, has become her fiancee.

Yes, she is frosty, but for Yangdingtian, she has done her best to be gentle. Therefore, at this time, the heart of the Yangding is even filled with sweetness.

Back in the stone house, Yang Dingtian picked up a book and read it under the candlelight. He tried very hard to see it, but the spirit was always unable to hit, because the whole body and mind were immersed in a figure.

This is the most beautiful girl in the world. This is the most powerful girl in the world. This is the purest and noble girl in the world. This is the most dreamy fairy of the world, but she became her fiancée. Yang Dingtian has nothing in this world. Before the master was the most dear the master went, maybe now this girl becomes the most important person in the world.

I don't know how long it took, the sky is already dark, and Yangdingtian still hasn't seen it in one word.

Suddenly a fragrant wind drifted in, Yang Dingtian looked up, but found that the Oriental ice came in, carrying a food box in his hand. It turned out that she personally sent it, instead of sending a maid.

She walked to the opposite side of Yangdingtian and sat down with her waist and hips folded into a **** and beautiful curve.

Open the food box and put the delicate dishes on the table. It is still steaming, and there is a jug of wine, a small wooden barrel filled with fragrant rice.

"I let the kitchen do it, I don't know if it suits your taste."

"I definitely like it." Yangding Tiandao, indeed, the beautiful beauty in front of the eyes has already made people look good, even if the bad food is delicious, it will be delicious.

There are not many dishes, a total of five, but each one is very delicate and pleasing. After Yang Dingtian ate into his mouth, he found that these dishes are not only good-looking, but also delicious, and wine is also a good wine.

Yangdingtian is happy to eat and drink, and Oriental Ice Ling sits opposite.

"Sister, do you want to eat together?" Yangding Tianshou looked forward and asked.

"Okay." Oriental Bing Ling Road, then picked up a jade chopsticks, picked up a piece of green vegetables and put it into a small mouth like a jade.

"Do you drink alcohol?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"Okay." Oriental Ice Lingdao.

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