Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 204: : 8 products mystery cheats!

Yangdingtian couldn't help but sneak a sneak peek. Even the **** Wujin level can be consigned?

“What is the difference?” Yang Dingtian asked.

"If you are lucky, you can sell 80,000 gold coins if you are lucky, but we have to pay a commission of 10%. If you send a consignment, you should be able to sell 70,000 yuan. We will pay half a commission. If we sell it directly to us, we will pay 60,000 gold coins." Level management.

“So expensive?” Yang Dingtian was surprised: “Is it not about 50,000 before?”

“The demand for blood Wujin has been much higher recently.” The secondary manager said: “Which transaction do you choose?”

"I don't want to bother, sell it directly to you." Yangding Tiandao.

The secondary management suddenly became overjoyed, because the Yangdingtian single was enough to bring him a commission of thousands of gold coins. Even the latter one, the beautiful maid is also beautiful, this single is enough for her to make hundreds of gold coins, which is enough for her half a year's salary.

"Zhenzhen is here to accompany the guest, I will go through the relevant procedures immediately."

Next, the enthusiasm of the delicate girl named Zhen Zhen, is completely flirtatious, and from time to time to take the opportunity to use the delicate chest to grind the arms of the sun.

Although this is the industry of Tiandaomeng, they have nothing to do with Tiandaomeng. They are only employed civilian girls.

Yang Dingtian really did not think that he was enjoying the treatment of the uncle here.

Soon, the second-level management sent a stack of thin spar cards.

There are three tens of thousands of gold coins denominations, five five thousand denominations, and the rest are one thousand gold coins denominations.

Yang Dingtian carefully observed the spar Tikka found that the stripes inside are more complicated than the banknotes on the earth..." And with special energy, there is basically no possibility of counterfeiting.

This spar card is equivalent to the world's currency, issued by Tiandao League.

Now, Yang Dingtian has a deeper understanding of Tiandao League. If there is political power in this world, then the alliance is the highest political power in the world.

Ordinary gold coins, silver coins, Yuncheng and other forces can be manufactured and distributed..."But the large amount of spar cards can only be issued by Tiandaomeng.

The sect of the sects of the world, the Tiandao League was determined by the Yin Yangzong and Xuan Tianzong. Therefore, Oriental Ice Ling can really be said to be the right to the world.

After selling the blood Wujin, "Yangdingtian came to sell big new.

"I need ten four-piece fire soul spar, a five-product fire, the blood of the beast..." Ten plants kill grass, three two magic stone milk! ”

The shopkeeper’s eyes suddenly brightened and it was a big business. He must know that he was going to carry out the fourth layer of washing the marrow. It’s really strange. Generally, the four layers of the marrow can be used for medium and large Disciples of the power... "It is entirely possible to wash the marrow at home..." There are very few direct purchases from the auction house, but this has nothing to do with him..." He only makes money by doing business.

"Yes, there are, honorable guests wait a moment." The treasurer said.

"How much?" asked Yangdingtian.

"A total of 90,000 gold coins." The treasurer said.

The master of the East is said to be 80,000, but actually it is 90,000. It seems that the world has a certain amount of inflation.

"I don't have enough money. You get things ready. I have enough money..." Get it right away. "Yangding Tiandao.

The smile of the shopkeeper did not change, nodded: "Yes!"

Then "Yangding Tiandao: "I want to sell a beast soul Dan, how should I operate.

The shopkeeper breathed a stagnation, and trembled: "Is there a few beasts?"

"Six products." Yangding Tiandao.

The treasurer trembled and then squatted: "I have no right to carry out this transaction. I will wait for you, please go and ask our big treasurer to negotiate with you. Please come with me to the VIP room."

Then, the shopkeeper took Yang Dingtian to a magnificent VIP room.

Inside, there are two special maids, all of whom are beautiful girls who are one-hundred, wearing brocade clothes, and respectful walking does not make a sound.

After about a few minutes, the door of the VIP room was opened, a purple dress, and the beautiful beauty of the living came in.

She is tall, no less than Yangdingtian. Crisp chest is very good, second only to the flame, the front convex back, the body is hot.

"I am the fifth shopkeeper of the auction house, Su Mei, I heard that Mr. has a six-product beast soul Dan to auction?" Women's Road.

"Yes." Yangding Tiandao, took out the six-story beast soul Dan, said: "Excuse me, what price is it?"

"The minimum of 500,000 gold coins, 1.5 million, or even more." Su Meidao.

"How is the difference so big?" Yangdingtian was shocked.

"Mr. laughed, the six products also have high and low. Beast soul Dan, the more you go to the back, the more difficult it is to upgrade the grade. So the price of the six-grade and six-grade nine is also quite different." Su Meidao: Please wait a moment, let me let our beasts come to assess your beast, and then I can give you a specific price."

"Good." Yangding Tiandao.

After a few minutes, the beast was here. It is a person who is old enough to barely see the age, completely skinny, at least eighty or ninety years old.

This kind of person can be called the treasure of the town shop.

"Ning seniors, please take a look at this six-product beast soul Dan. Su Mei is very respectful, even though she is the fifth treasurer.

The beast speaker does not speak after coming in, directly picks up the beast soul Dan, closes his eyes slightly, and uses the spirit to sense.

Suddenly, the charming and unparalleled Su Mei completely held his breath.

The entire VIP room was very quiet.

Suddenly, the body of the beast had a tremor on his face, revealing an incredible expression, and then quickly returned to calm.

After a few minutes, the beast has slowly opened the turbid old eyes.

"Ning seniors, this is a six-level animal soul Dan. Su Mei asked.

"Six products first level."

Yangding Tianxin was slightly disappointed, but it was not too much to sell 500,000 gold coins. Buying materials for washing the marrow and cutting the veins is completely enough, but the materials for the ice-based Xuan Fu and the electric system Xuan Fu are somewhat caught.

"But, its potential can go to eight grades and eight."

"What?" Su Mei exclaimed, and looked incredulously at Yangdingtian.

The potential means that this beast has a room for improvement, and can continue to supply and quench, up to eight grades and eight.

Eight-level eight-level beast soul Dan, it is already very scary, you can go to conquer a master-level monster beast.

That's all, it's a price. Ningning's talent is amazing, even able to refine the potential of eight products of the soul of the soul.

"Ning seniors, how much is this beast soul Dan?" Su Meidao.

"I don't know." The animal singer said: "Because no one will take this level of animal soul Dan out and sell it directly. How much is it worth? It depends on the person who wants to get her. What kind of price is willing to pay? This kind of thing can only be auctioned."

Su Meimei suddenly brightened and said: "That's right, tomorrow's auction, the finale is there, but there are still a few heavyweight treasures."

Then, Su Meidao: "Mr. Shen, are you willing to put this beast in the auction tomorrow?"

"Yes, you can ask, what is the heavyweight thing at tomorrow's auction?" Yang Dingtian asked, his heart was a little strange, since his beast soul Dan is so expensive, it is not a finale, the finale What is the goods?

"What does Mr. Shen need?" Su Mei asked.

"Weapons, as well as mysterious cheats." Yangding Tiandao.

Yangdingtian will only have one mystery, and that is the electric system. However, this mystery can not be made most of the time, because as long as the power system is a myth, it will be reminiscent of the unknown. Therefore, it is not a last resort. Yangdingtian will definitely not make the power system mysterious. Once it is made, it must be to kill the other party. It must not let the second person live to see it.

Therefore, Yangdingtian is in great need of a powerful mystery.

As for the weapon, the first is because the ugly sword is in a deep sleep, and Yangdingtian cannot be without weapons. Secondly, Yang Dingtian plays the role of Shen Lang at this time. It is a prodigal son who walks the world, so he needs a completely different weapon.

The most important thing is that Yangdingtian wants to mix into the northwestern Thai city as Shenlang, and find a way to find the other half of the map of the heaven and earth Xuanhuo, so this weapon must be strong enough.

"There is just a roll of eight-character mystery cheats, Magic Flame Knife!" Su Mei said: "However, that is the finale, there will be many people competing for it."

Eight products Xuanji?!

Yang Dingtian’s heart jerked, and instantly felt a feeling of suffocation.

In this world, the mysterious and martial arts scrolls are completely different and completely unique. All the advanced mysterious techniques are left over from the ancient world. It can be said that there is one less volume after learning a Six products are already high prices, let alone eight products. !

The auction house used this eight-item mystery cheats as the finale, but did not choose Yangdingtian's eight-product potential beast soul Dan, which shows that the price of this eight-category mystery cheats will be higher.

In the end, it will definitely be a high price!

Yangding innocently has no confidence to grab this volume of cheats, even his money is not enough. His money is entirely derived from the auction of eight potential potential beasts. Moreover, even with his strength, even if you grab this eight-item mystery cheats, it is difficult to keep it. As long as you leave the auction house, it is very likely that you will be taken away.

"Mr. Shen is worried about security?" Su Meidao.

Yangding nodded.

"Then you can rest assured that tomorrow's auction will be completely anonymous. No one knows who the last person got the lot." Su Mei said: "And, tomorrow's auction, Tiandao League will send four masters to sit down. No one dared to mess around. And our auctions have never happened.

"So I will be relieved." Yangding Tiandao: "So according to your estimation, my eight-product potential beast soul Dan auction money, enough to take that." Eight products mystery cheats?"

"It shouldn't be enough, maybe it will be a long way off. After all, this eight-piece mystery cheat is too precious."

Su Mei carefully worded (to be continued [this text is provided by the dawning update group @1_CYF_1]. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the first launch of the referral ticket, the monthly pass, your support is my greatest motivation. )

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