Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 224: : Worship, the little beauty of the fox!

"You are crazy..." Su Mei pointed channel: Ye Feng is a nine-star Wu Xuan class, and he is a match, you will die. ”

Yangding Tianjian replied: "I have been decided."

Yes, Yangdingtian decided!

Originally, he could not bear to see the zeroing of this beautiful little life! And since the plan to find the map of Xuanhuo in the heart, this contest has suddenly become part of the plan, and is a very important part, completely indispensable.

The nine-star Wu Xuan-class powerhouse is a 14-level higher than the Yang Tianding, which is definitely the most powerful and difficult enemy in the history of Yangdingtian. However, if Yangdingtian also broke through the Wushen-class powerhouse, plus the eight-piece magic flame knife, Yangdingtian still has some confidence in defeating Ye Feng.

This battle was completely different from Qin Shaobai at the time.

When Qin Qin Shaobai, Yang Dingtian is completely without a little grasp, a little bit of confidence, completely with a mortal belief to fight.

But now the Yangdingtian is not the same, as long as it breaks through the Wushen-class powerhouse, even if Ye Feng is nearly ten levels higher than him, even if he can't use the ugly sword, even if he doesn't use the electric system, Yangdingtian also has Confidence in defeating Ye Feng.

Su Mei looked at Yang Dingtian and was excited: "Don't you even listen to the lady's order?"

Yang Dingtian looked at Su Mei’s eyes and said: "Please tell her, I love her very much, but some of her rules of conduct, as well as some of her qualities, I can not agree. I love very much. She, but I will not change my life principles for her. Also, because she did not reply to my question, I was originally prepared to leave in these two days. But now, I have a reason to stay."

After that, Yang Dingtian went straight up and took the girl of the fox family from the sword of Murong Stone. He said to Ye Feng: "Now, you can go."

Ye Feng suddenly laughed and said: "You really want to be colorless, enjoy it, this little hoof is still not open. In the last few days, enjoy your bliss."

Yangdingtian cold and cold road: "Not everyone is as embarrassing as you are."

"It doesn't matter." Ye Feng smiled and said: "I will not care about a person who will die."

Then, Ye Feng took the person away, and when he walked out of the door, he turned and said: "Shen Lang, this little fox fox you enjoy, but it is best to keep it, if you let a lot of people see it, you still can't say it. Although the Taoist League’s approximation is only a fig leaf, it is completely open, and someone will sue you.

After Ye Feng and others left, the room suddenly fell into a quiet, Su Mei looked at Yang Dingtian complexly, and suddenly did not know what to say.

"Shen Lang, is it worth it?" Su Mei was a bit bitter.

Yangdingtian shook his head and said: "There is nothing worthwhile. I owe the fox family a life. When I was wandering to the depths of the grassland in the east, I was attacked by the Yi people. If it was not for the Fox people to save, I would have died. ”

Su Meidao: "I am not talking about this thing. I am saying that you are so concerned about your wife, is it worth it?"

Yang Dingtian gave a slight glimpse and said: "This is not what you should say."

Su Mei laughed and laughed: "Do you know? Every lady has to change a lover every year. Every lover will stay with him for no more than half a month. The lover who has been abandoned by her will get a lot of money, a lot of money. In order to make up for it, she will give her personal maid to her lover and make them a complete family. You know, when she is in bed, her personal maid is also to sleep..."

Yang Dingtian frowned: "There is no need to elaborate on this kind of thing, I know."

Of course, he doesn't care much about these things. But he is playing a man who is incomparably indifferent to Qin Meng, so he must be very concerned.

"So, every lady will change a personal maid every year, and every maid is a pure virgin." Su Mei said: "I was born in poverty, so after becoming a lady's personal maid this year, the life is completely changed. I will jump into the upper level of the world in one fell swoop. So for my new lady this year, I care more than my wife. Because for the lady, it’s just a half-year lover, but for me, it’s lifelong. companion."

Su Mei’s beauty suddenly fell into a confused way: “So this year, I almost widened my eyes and chose the man who made me the most favorite. This man must be smart and capable, but not too ambitious, nor too greedy. Power, you must know how to love women, and be very interesting, it is best to walk the world, have profound knowledge. So I picked you, you are better than the ideal object I imagined, so even though you are not a lady's lover, But I have secretly flirted with you. And when Yan did not enter the lady's field of vision, I was very afraid of worry, Yan is not too afraid of this man. Coincidentally! You encountered a crisis, was trapped by Ye Feng In the auction house. So, I finally made up my mind and took the risk to bring you to the lady." "I am picking my husband for a lifetime." Su Mei said with a self-deprecating face: "Your performance is completely out of I didn't expect it, I didn't think that in the competition with Yan, you would win. To be honest, I almost had no hope at the time. But I didn't think you were Win, but I did not expect more, even the lady completely enamored of you that opportunity I could not even Shi Qin did not, because she totally exclusive to you, you do not want to share any woman, including me. "

"So, this is a self-restraint." Su Mei finally smiled and smiled.

Yang Dingtian sighed: "I don't want to be like this. I can only tell you that I have met her 20 years ago, and she has been in my heart. When I went to bed, I passed her thighs. The plum blossoms on the inside recognized her, so.........".

When this was said, Su Mei suddenly yelled and said: "No wonder, it’s difficult."

Then Yangdingtian smiled and said: "You can rest assured that even if I want to leave my wife, I will let her choose the freedom of husband before I leave. I will let her give you an industry to choose a man worthy of your life. ""

Su Mei suddenly showed up and smiled: "That is really thank you."

Then, Su Mei said: "Then I will go first. I will report it to my wife."

"Yeah!" Yangding nodded.

Su Mei’s money left, and there was only Yang Dingtian and the little girl of this fox family in the room.


The little girl looked at Yang Dingtian with great beauty, and she was grateful, puzzled, and scared.

"You, have you really been to the east from the grasslands?" said the little girl.

Yangdingtian nodded: "If it is about five or six years ago."

"Where are you going to do?" The little girl said: "You humans all regard it as a taboo, and almost no one has ever gone."

"Just just curious, I want to know you, I think of you as a kind." Yangding Tiandao.

“Really?” The fox-man girl said: “Do you really treat us as similar? But everyone else treats us as beasts, they despise us and treat us as aliens. They continue to encroach on our land, Drive us to the edge of the world, let us hundreds of thousands of cabinet races, crowded in the barren east of the grasslands."

"That is because they are afraid that you will become stronger." Yangding Tiandao: "Because your half-human is not as intelligent as human beings, the talent of Xuanmai is higher than humans, and its life expectancy is almost twice as high. Once you are strong, human beings will be endangered by the genocide. But fortunately, you have been killed within the half-human, and no outstanding leader can unite all races."

"What should I do? Do you humans have to be enemies with our semi-human beings for generations to come, and we must oppress us for generations to come?" The fox-man girl said: "You humans are so many, so powerful, one day we will be You are completely extinct."

Yang Dingtian shook his head: "For the time being, human beings do not have a true absolute leader, and the internal struggle is more intense."

"Do you not have a Heavenly Alliance?"

Yangding Tiandao: "There is no absolute leader in Tiandao League, and the biggest enemy of Tiandao League is the Demon Before one of these two forces has completely fallen to the demise, human beings will not You half-man is going to fight."

The little girl of the fox family looked at Yangding for a long time and asked: "Shenlang brother, if you become the leader of humanity, how would you deal with our half-human?"

Yangdingtian thought for a while and then said: "Support, marry, suppress!"

“Intermarriage?” The fox-family girl’s face is red: “What about the specifics?”

Yangding Tiandao: "There are many very intelligent and kind races in the semi-human race. For example, the cattle people, diligent and kind, have no ambitions at all, and human beings can completely form alliances with them. You fox people are beautiful and moving, although they are awkward, but some In general, it is still kind and peaceful. Therefore, human beings can marry you, so that the offspring born by both sides must be very intelligent and long-lived, and the talent of Xuanmai will be very high. As for the bloodthirsty wolf, the Yi people, they must completely eliminate the killing. In order to avoid harming the world. Free and wild leopards and tigers, they must disintegrate them, let them gradually forget that they are part of human beings, completely become beasts, and become the free and wild life of this world. For a few hundred years, there will be no more opposition between the half-human and the human, and the two sides will fully integrate and enjoy all the gifts of the world."

After Yang Dingtian finished speaking, the fox-family girl suddenly became beautiful and muttered to himself: "Brother, you are very good. Your thoughts and opinions are almost exactly the same as my father." (To be continued) The text is provided by Dawning Update Group @丶打豆豆mm. If you like this work, please feel free to support the author.)

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