Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 226: Dreams are infatuated! Enter Qincheng! (Happy new year)

Now, the flag of the southwestern mainland is Tianfeng Pavilion, and its former cabinet owner has disappeared inexplicably. At the meeting of Tiandaomeng, Tianfengge has completely looked at the Qincheng horse head.

At this time, Yunxiao City, not to mention, has completely fallen into the control of the Qin family. In addition, Qincheng, in the name of Tiandao League, smashed the black forces that control the flames of the northwestern continent. In fact, the claws of Qincheng have spread throughout the southwestern continent and the northwestern continent.

Yangdingtian has always regarded the northwest Qincheng as the enemy of life and death, but in the eyes of Qin Wanqiu, Yunxiaocheng may be just a glimpse of his strategy.

And let alone Qin Wanqiu has an extremely good heir, Qin Huaiyu!

In the heart of Yangding, in fact, the northwest Qincheng has always been regarded as the force of the rivers and lakes martial arts. From today, I really want to completely change this view.

Perhaps Yin and Yangzong still regards itself as a martial arts force, but the development direction of the northwest Qincheng is already a state.

The southwestern continent plus the northwestern continent, the territory controlled by the northwestern Qincheng, has been many times larger than any country in the earth era. This is already a superpower, but its rule is still relatively scattered. .

"Sang Lang, I am willing to find myself, but I really need time." Qin Meng left the Yangding Tianrou channel: "For your business, Qin Huaiyu has faintly sent a warning to me. If I continue They will not manage the life of debauchery. But if I show that I want to completely dispel the relationship with Ye, you will stop it."

"I understand..." Yang Dingtian suddenly smiled bitterly.

Yang Dingtian knows that the biggest enemy in the eyes of Qin Wanqiu at this time is not Yunxiao City, but Baiyun City.

As the No. 2 force in the northwest of Tiandao League, Xuantianzong’s in-laws, Baiyuncheng is the northwestern Qincheng unified northwest, the largest stumbling block in the southwestern continent. Before the complete settlement of Baiyun City. The false relationship between the two parties can only be maintained through marriage.

Therefore, Qin Meng can only be the wife of Ye Wuzheng on the surface. Next, Qin Wanqiu will have to marry his four daughters to Ye Feng, the idiot and less city owner.

"Sang Lang. So we can't be anxious about this matter, we can only come slowly." Qin Meng said softly: "I love you though. But I am also a Qin family, my brother is the most painful person in the world." So I have to think about the interests of the Qin family."

Yang Dingtian changed his eyes and sighed: "I understand that I will not make you difficult to do."

Qin Meng kissed a Yang Dingtian and said: "Well, then the next thing will be handed over to me. You don't have to worry about anything."

Yang Dingtian is serious: "I will not let you do it, I mean, I will not force you and Ye to fight and leave, nor will you force you to wander with me. Also included in the contest. I won't kill Ye Feng as an idiot. But if you hand over the fox-family girl, don't even think about it!"

"No!" Qin Meng said: "She is so beautiful, so let you reluctant?"

"She is only twelve years old, which has nothing to do with beauty, even if she is very ugly. I am also this attitude." Yangdingtian coldly said: "You know me, what I hate most is yours. Your own Life is life, other people's life is not life? It is a beautiful and innocent life, I will never allow her to die for no reason. I am wandering the world, I have no interest in power. I am only the ultimate secret of this world. Interested, my dream is to completely save the world, so I love any life."

"I want to let me surrender this girl, I can't do it unless I kill me." Yangding Tianzhu nailed the railroad.

Suddenly, Qin Meng looked at Yang Dingtian quietly. I don't know why, when I saw Yang Dingtian's fierce and steadfast gaze, she was faintly intoxicated and admired, and there was a feeling of self-cultivation.

"That's good, it depends on you, but the little girl of the fox family can't stay by your side, you send me here, follow me." Qin Meng left.

"Good." Yangding Tiandao: "You don't say, I am planning this way too. However, sometimes I am looking for her to learn the language of the Fox people."

Qin Meng left the road: "The language of the Fox people has something to learn, a small half-human."

Yangding Tiandao: "I am very interested in any unknown knowledge."

"She is by my side. Whenever you see her, you can." Qin Meng said: "I will give it to me about the contest. You can rest assured that I will never let you fall into danger. I will not let me. The lover is hurt."

Yangding Tiandeng fell into silence and said: "In fact, I am ready to compete."

"What? Why?" Qin Meng left.

"I love you, I want to protect you, I don't want to hide under your skirt." Yangding Tiandao: "And, I have full confidence to defeat Ye Feng."

"Impossible, he is too high to repair you." Qin Meng left.

"In short, I have confidence." Yangding Tiandao: "And promised to compare with him, I am more safe. You must know that the person who wants to kill me is not Ye Feng, your husband Ye Wuzhen. He is certainly You can't help but you can't help him. If he really wants to kill me, you can't stop it. If you find a way to push out the contest, then he will think of other means to kill me, it will be even more difficult to prevent."

Qin Meng suddenly bite the jade teeth, and the beautiful face becomes cold.

Yang Dingtian is right. Her Qin Meng is the third person in Yunxiao City, but all her status comes from the love of Qin Wanqiu. She has mastered the amazing wealth, but barely has any power. She has no territory, and she is not completely loyal to her own army. In the actual struggle, she does not have the upper hand in the face of Ye Wuzheng.

"After my brother solved the city of Baiyun, I must smash the leaves without contending." Qin Meng was cold and cold.

Then, her gaze became gentle again, saying: "I really hope that the day will come soon. By that time, I will be able to marry you."

Yang Dingtian was holding Qin Meng, quiet and speechless, and did not respond to her words.

Qin Meng said softly: "Lang Jun, don't you expect to marry me?"

"Of course I am looking forward to dreaming of you." Yangding Tiandao: "But after all, unlike you, you still love the rich life, and I like to wander around."

"Are you romantic?" Qin Meng asked suddenly.

Yang Dingtian shook his head and said: "I am not romantic. I have almost no women in these years."

"Then after we got married, you wandered outside, I am waiting for you at home, you will go home one or two years. Stay at home for a month or two to accompany me. I am not a woman who can't stand the lonely, actually I am even when I am debauchery. There is only one lover in a year, and the time spent staying is no more than half a month. I have no men for most of the year..." Qin Meng is soft.

When she hadn’t finished talking, she found that Yangdingtian’s frowning was not happy.

Qin Meng giggled and said softly: "Baby, I heard my slutty history, you are jealous..."

"Okay. Don't say it." Yangdingtian is impatient.

"Okay, okay, I used to be wrong. I didn't keep your body as jade." I will compensate you now..." Qin Meng was away from the sigh of relief, and then changed and squatted in front of Yangdingtian, 掀Kaiyang’s long-distance running, took off his pants and pulled out the hot giant. The beauty swayed, opened his mouth and swallowed it slowly.

Suddenly, the room is full of spring!

At this point, the cold war between men and women has completely ended.


After more than an hour of fighting with Qin Meng. Yang Dingtian did not stay, but returned to his room, bringing the fox-family girl Jill to Qin Meng's side, and told her many things.

Then, Yangdingtian was ready to go back to his room to sleep, but he was entangled by Qin Meng, and the two men rolled onto the couch again, and they had a brutal war. After two hours of tossing, they only paid. Wrapped together to sleep.

In the night, I saw Qin Meng, who was sleeping sweetly in my arms. The beautiful face was still satisfied and sweet, but Yangdingtian was somewhat confused.

For this woman, Yang Ding Tian was initially disgusted and disdainful, but now it is full of pity and sympathy. Originally, she was fully utilized, and now there have been some changes.

For the map of Xuanhuo, he already has a plan in his heart, so the mentality of this woman has also changed.

The best ending now is that after getting the map of Xuanhuo, he still left as Shenlang. In name, he continued to wander. In fact, he never came back again, let Qin Meng think that his lover is sinking. Dead on the wandering road, so she will be sad, but not necessarily filled with happiness, at least in her heart, there is a man who loves her to death.

The next day, about 9 am.

The two teams left Red Rock Fort and proceeded to the northwest Qincheng. In the morning, many people actually saw Yang Dingtian coming out of the room where Qin Meng left, but everyone did not see it.

When leaving the Red Rock Fort, in addition to the two teams of Qin Meng and Baiyun City, there was one more team to set off. The owner of Hongshibao, Qin Zhongtian, led a team of 300 people and followed them to Qincheng. He also wants to attend the birthday feast of the Qin family.

In the past few days, Yangdingtian, as the leader of this thousand cavalry, has been riding on the road to make it look like it. In the following days, the appearance was not installed, and basically the time was within the carriage of Qin Meng. Anyway, there can be no risk on this road.

Most of the time, I was playing chess with Qin Meng, and there were not many times when I really had a good time.

Yang Dingtian also discovered, in fact, Qin Meng is not strong, even more than most women, she prefers Yang Dingtian to accompany her and spoil her feelings. This made Yang Dingtian really a little accidental, more and more contact, he found that Qin Meng is actually relatively simple.

In the rest of the time, Yangdingtian was learning the words and language of the Fox people with the fox family, Jill. At the beginning, only Yangdingtian was studying alone. Later, Qin Meng was also followed by the fun, but he could not learn. One hundred words, she is bored and no longer learns.

She did not learn by herself, and she was obsessed with Yangding’s days of not letting her learn, or she ran over to spoil, or kissed, or exposed her intimacy. Instead, she turned her 12-year-old Jill into a red face. This woman will even cover the lower body of Yangdingtian with the quilt when she studies the fox human scriptures in Yangdingtian, and then drills into his shackles, with the things of Yangdingtian, and makes him laugh and cry.

Whenever this time, Yang Dingtian's study can't go on, only the 12-year-old Jill left, and then a crazy flesh war with Qin Meng.

However, this situation is a minority after all.

Most of the time, it is Yangdingtian and Qinmeng are playing chess and playing chess. But the last thing I got the most was Gobang.

This is very unexpected beyond Yang Tiantian, because compared to Go, Gobang is too simple, and there is no table. He thought that Qin Meng centrifuge is deep and will definitely love Go. In fact, since the beginning of the Gobang, Qin Meng almost never touched Go.

When you are two people, you will play Gomoku and chess. Even in the back, even the chess is not going down, basically it is in the next five chess.

When Su Mei was around, three people fought the landlord.

Finally, with Jill, four people started playing mahjong. Yangding innocent heart is not willing to make mahjong, but every time I see Jill. A Shina pitifully looked at it, Yang Dingtian finally could not bear it, made a mahjong, and then it was impossible to clean up.

Mahjong is really the king of entertainment. Since the four people started mahjong, most of the entertainment activities in the big carriages are playing mahjong. The five-game chess is not so bad. Chess is not so bad. I have never touched it.

In the future, the time will be even faster.

Only in this way, when Yang Dingtian occasionally encountered the owner of Xizhou City, there was no dispute, his chill was more intense. When Ye Feng saw Yang Dingtian, the gaze was like watching a dead person.

In this way, Yangding Tianyi Road plays mahjong, plus learning the language of the Fox people. Hurry up during the day and rest at night. This huge team does not say that there is any danger, even if a small thief has not encountered it.

And every time you go through a city, you will receive a generous hospitality. When leaving the next day, the team has increased by dozens to hundreds of people.

In the five days from the 50th birthday of Qin Wanqiu, Yang Dingtian and others finally rushed to the northwest Qincheng, the true core of the northwestern continent.

Qin Hua Shaojun Qin Huaiyu, personally brought people to meet in the 50 miles outside the city.

Of course, when Qin Huaiyu came to meet the meeting, there would be no Yangdingtian. In fact, Qin Meng has always insisted that he always be around, but Yang Dingtian refused, indicating that he has no interest in power.

Then, under the leadership of Qin Huaiyu, a team of nearly 5,000 people, Hao Hao, entered the Qincheng!


The Spring Festival is coming, the cakes here are blessing everyone happy New Year, good health and good luck.

At the end of the month, if everyone is afraid that the monthly ticket is wasted, then vote for the pastry!

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