Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 237: : Against the sky!

Then, at the place, someone clearly felt that there was a lot of energy, which was quickly rushing toward Ye Feng’s body.

As Ye Feng dances faster and faster, the body seems to form an energy vortex, and begins to engulf all the mysterious energy around.

Around ten meters, surrounded by tens of meters, a few hundred meters around, around the kilometer.

All the energy, all flocked to Ye Feng's body. And he is dancing faster and faster, but it is just fast, without any beauty, and without any mystery.

Then gradually, Ye Feng's body was gradually shrouded in a gray, his handsome face was getting whiter and whiter, and finally there was no blood at all, pale and scary. And his eyes are getting redder and more red.

At this point, the Yangding innocence has felt very, very dangerous.

Ye Feng is madly consuming the energy of the surrounding sacred gas, and even the energy released by the burning of the candle is not missed.

But Yang Dingtian can't understand that these energies have not been purified, nor refining, and there is no direct explosion of the bones in the body. You know, these are all battles, not cultivation.

The cultivation of Xuanqi and the battle of Xuanqi is completely different.

The battle of mystery is used to fight, cultivation of Xuanqi is used to enhance the cultivation and breakthrough.

A person swallows Xuan Tuo’s fighting spirit, and can fill the entire Xuanqi and Qihai in a few hours. And if you want to let the cultivation of Xuanqi fill the sea to expand, it will take half a year or even more time.

Therefore, the cultivation of Xuanqi is completely extracted from the battle of Xuanqi, and it is completely unrecognizable.

At this time, Ye Feng actually swallowed up all the battles in the surrounding kilometer but did not have broken bones. This is really strange, and Yang Dingtian is completely incomprehensible.

But Yang Dingtian can be sure that this is definitely not a big practice, it is definitely an evil practice.

Soon, Yang Dingtian also confirmed this judgment, because he saw a disdainful ironic smile from the corner of the solitary phoenix dance.

Even he can feel that even Qin Wanqiu has a slight gaze. There were many people in the field who were masters. They undoubtedly recognized the evil of Ye Feng's martial arts, but no one spoke and no one pointed out.

The world is still ridiculous. Yangdingtian does not use the evil spirits, but it is the undercover of the evil demon. In front of the eye, Feng Guangming uses the evil method, and the group of Tiandao League is blind.

It seems that the so-called righteousness and evilness are not the same. The so-called murder of the evil demon must be completely empty talk, or has become a political weapon in the hands of the superiors of the Heavenly Alliance.

At this time, the endless mystery still condenses in Ye Feng's body, and Ye Feng, who is wrapped in powerful energy, has completely exposed the energy power that does not match him.

Jiuxing Wu Xuan class strong, Wu Zong level strong, one star Wu Zong level strong, two stars Wu Zong level strong, Samsung Wu Zong level strong, four stars Wu Zong level strong.

The energy of Ye Feng continues to expand, constantly improving, and constantly becoming stronger.

Qin Meng is not outstanding for the martial arts, but at this time she has already seen that it is wrong. She is anxious to Qin Wanqiu to ask: "Brother, you are stopping the contest, I don't believe you have nothing wrong."

Qin Wanqiu stunned him with a cold eye: "That is his own search for death and resentment."

Qin Meng fell from tears and cried: "Brother, beg you, don't let him die. I immediately let him go, let him stay far away, I promise to break with him."

Qin Wanqiu said faintly: "It’s late! And, he will bear half of his responsibility for his death."

Qin Meng suddenly smiled and said: "This is your Tiandao League! Is this your big name? I am really ashamed of you."

After all, Qin Meng stood up from the stunned body and pulled out the dagger, and he had to rush toward Ye Feng.

Qin Wanqiu's face was cold, but his eyes flashed a bit of distress, and he glanced at Qin Meng's sleeves.

Suddenly, Qin Meng had not stood up straight and was so stunned that he fell down on the table. But it seems, but it seems to be drunk and drunk.

Yang Dingtian saw the Qin Meng from the corner of his eye and was fainted in the heart of the table. Then I looked at Ye Feng in front of me, and the other party was completely filled with a heart-warming atmosphere.

Just now, Yangdingtian only felt a danger, but now Yangdingtian felt a fatal danger.

He must save himself, otherwise he will die here, because Ye Feng’s energy level is still rising.

"Master, what is going on here?" Yang Dingtian asked in his heart: "With the repair of this leaf maple, it is impossible to swallow and control such a big battle. He should have broken his bones. Why is he still in constant stream? The ground devours energy."

After watching it for a while, the Eastern Nirvana stunned: "This is the evil practice of the Xuan Mou Xuan, the demon road.

Others don't know, Qin Wanqiu can't know, how can Tiandao League have fallen to this level now? ”

The first force of the Demon Road is the Temple of Destruction, and the next right and left is the Palace of Joy and the Palace of the Blood. The Palace of Joy is on the left, and the Palace of the Blood is on the right! Therefore, the Camp of Joy is more mysterious and powerful than the Palace of the Blood. In the status of the demon road, the Palace of Joy is second only to the Temple of Destruction.

And this whirlwind is from the evil palace of the evil demon.

"This is a martial art, not a myth. It is an evil practice. In the evil demon, its status is under the evil spirits, but it is also very powerful and terrible. This practice can In a short period of time, people have been trained to rise to about ten. You said that this leaf maple is a strong star of the nine-star Wu Xuan. After the implementation of this set of exercises, he can temporarily become a nine-star Wu Zong strong. Destroy the road: "As for why he can swallow so many battles and ignorance without the body and bones, I don't know the exact principle. But probably he can use the method to create another temporary sea of ​​air. This temporary sea of ​​air is A fast-rotating energy array. This energy array, because of its rapid rotation, forms a huge energy vortex, which can enclose energy dozens of times larger than itself, and condense in it. So the battle he devours At this time, it is not stored in the sea of ​​gas, but in another temporary sea of ​​rapid rotation."

Yang Dingtian said with amazement: "This method is so powerful. If it is replaced by a big master, it is not without any rivals in the world?"

"It's not like this." The Eastern Nirvana said: "The consequences of using this kind of exercise will be very, very serious. The consequences of exerting it once are to retreat for years, or even longer. And, when it finally broke out~ This energy will bring a strong energy memory to Xuanmai, and there will be a huge bottleneck in the future. So any real master is very jealous of using this method, even if it is a demon. The master of the Tao."

Yang Ding Tiandeng a moment, this Ye Feng is the young master of Baiyun City, Ye Wucheng's pro-son, his future heir. I did not expect that in order to kill the sun, Ye Wucheng is willing to pay such a huge price, and the truth is wrong.

However, Yang Dingtian quickly put this question aside. Because Master said that this Ye Feng, with this method of practice, will temporarily enter the Jiuxing Wuzong class.

In the face of such a level of fatal attack, Yangding is innocent to die, Yangding naively did not think, and finally will fight to this situation. This Ye Feng would actually be happy to the palace.

"Master, what is the method of cracking this sinister evil Xuan Zang?" Yang Dingtian asked anxiously.

The Eastern Nirvana asked: "If you asked me ten years ago, I must have nothing to do with it. But in the past ten years I have been frozen, so all the time is spent thinking. This is the devil and the evil spirits. The way to crack is the focus of my thinking. I still have nothing to do with the evil spirits. But there is a way to crack the mystery of Xuan Xuan.

"What power method?" Yang Dingtian quickly asked.

"For others, it is extremely difficult or even impossible to do this." The Eastern Nirvana said: "But for you, it is completely easy to do this!" (To be continued) Provided by Dawning Update Group @丶打豆豆mm. If you like this piece, please feel free to contact the author.)

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