Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 254: : Roadblock Tiger, Oriental Ice Ling!

"Asked." Yangding Tiandao.

"Yes? That's great." Xiang Xiang said, but did not ask what Yang Dingtian asked.

"Go, let's go back right away." Yangding Tiandao, then stretched out his hands.

The fragrant and delicate face was slightly red, and then gently shrunk in the Yangdingtianhuai, he was picked up, and two jade arms gently wrapped around the neck of Yangdingtian.

Yangdingtian shook its wings and flew in the direction of the Binge.

Yangdingtian has been holding the incense, flying to the distance of the guesthouse and landing in the kilometer, and then holding her shoulders: "Xiangxiang, I have one thing for you to help, okay?"

"Good." Xiang Xiang nodded hard: "I must do it."

"I still have a very important thing to do, so I won't go back to the guesthouse. You know that the three masters around me are very powerful. In fact, they are not only my bodyguards, but also responsible for monitoring me, so I must You can do this thing without their control." Yangding Tiandao.

“Well, I know, what do you need me to do?” Xiang Xiang asked.

"For these three people, you don't have to do anything, they are very powerful, and the means are very fierce." Yangding Tiandao: "I need your help is about the little girl of the fox family, she was caught by human beings as a slave girl. I happened to save her. I have to do a lot of things next, so it is very inconvenient to take her with her. And she is with you, here is her real home, so I want to entrust her to you. Let her live here and grow up here."

Xiang Xiang nodded and said: "You can rest assured that I will treat her as a sister."

"That's good, thank you." Yangding Tiandao: "Next, you go back to the guest house, let people hold Jier down to you, then you don't care about the things here, don't meet the three humans. Go straight back to your father, your father is very strong, these three human masters are not his opponents."

"Well, I know." Xiangxiang said.

Yangding Tian smiled and said: "Then I will leave."

Then, Yangdingtian slowly floated on the sky.

Jill's beauty is slightly red, and the tears are full: "Mr., you will see the incense after you finish the work, oh. No, is it still Jill?"

Yangdingtian nodded: "As long as I have time, I must come, not only to see Jill, but also to see Miss Xiangxiang."

"That, then I am waiting for you to come see me." Xiangxiang Jiaoxiang.

"Goodbye!" Yangding nodded. Fly straight over the sky.

"Sir, take care." Xiang Xiang cried.

"I will, thank you." Yang Dingtian whispered, then shook his wings and flew in the direction of the bones.

Three days later, half of the flames and half of the ice yīn Yangshan will be drilled from the center of the buried bones. At that time, it was the rì son of the heaven and earth level. If you miss it, you have to wait another two hundred years.

A few hours later, Yangding Tianfei left the gathering place of the Fox people and entered the land of five hundred miles.

At this point, the sky is already bright.

The land buried in the bones is basically a grassland. There are about a dozen mountains and a few lakes in the land of five hundred miles. leftover. It is the grassland.

At this time, the grassland is deserted.

Basically, apart from the outbreak of the half-human war, it is a half-human army.

Most of the time left, there is no one figure here, and there is no life of an activity.

Because, here is the battlefield, the millennium. I don't know how many people died. At least a few hundred million.

Every inch of land here is covered with blood. There are almost every inch of underground here, and there are corpses.

and so. It is completely the most vigorous place in the yīn atmosphere. When it is normal, there is no half-human to dare to enter here alone. Even animals and monsters do not want to get involved here.

In the air, Yangdingtian clearly saw that the land buried in the ground and the land outside were completely bordered, although they were bordered.

The land outside is full of green and vitality.

The trees and weeds in the buried bones are all grayish red. As for the soil, because it is irrigated by countless blood, it is completely bloody.

Also officially because of the burial of countless corpses, the land in the buried bones is completely fertile, and the weeds that grow out are three or four meters high, much higher than a person, so they are basically unable to walk.

Therefore, Yangdingtian still has to fly, with three or four meters of weeds, secretly flying to the zhōngyāng Great Lake where the bones are buried, the heaven and earth level Xuanhuo, should be there, only after three days of bloom, Let people see.

In this silent flight, two hours later, Yangdingtian has been deeply buried in the ground for a hundred miles.

Halfway through, a lake passed.

The water in this lake is also completely bloody, and very viscous, full of blood and stench.

This place of bones, everywhere seems to be yīn Sen and strange.

Fortunately, I have never seen half a person on the road.

Yangding Tianzheng was a little slack, and suddenly felt an incomparably powerful force, which was approaching quickly.

Then, he only saw the weeds on the ground, and he quickly fell to the sides, three figures, and quickly caught up.

It is Qin San, Qin Liu, and Qin Qi.

I did not expect that they actually caught up.

They don't even need to use the sword to cut the weeds to open the road. They just rush forward, and the energy that comes out of the body directly hits the weeds around them into powder. The place they pass is a smooth road.

How powerful is the three Wuzun-class powerhouses, and it is a piece of cake to smash the weeds.

When Yangdingtian looked at the first sight, they were several kilometers away from Yangdingtian. But when Yang Dingtian looked at the second eye, the distance was almost half.

Yang Dingtian was shocked. He quickly transported the dragon dance for nine days to fly the mystery, speed up the flight, and desperately flew to the sky, to escape the trio's pursuit.

Next, he wants to collect Xuanhuo. How can these three people be around? More importantly, if they let them know about Xuanhuo, I am afraid that they will kill Yangdingtian in the first time.

This dragon dance has really come true for nine days. With the empty wings, the flying speed of Yangdingtian can reach several hundred kilometers in one hour.

So after a few minutes, Qin San and others will be getting farther and farther.

After a few more minutes, I can't see the figures of the three. Suddenly, Yangdingtian could not help but relax a little.

But at this time, Yangdingtian suddenly stumbled and fell almost directly from the sky.

His mysteriousness has been exhausted. I just remembered to fly desperately and use the mysterious gas to make the flight speed to the extreme, so in less than ten minutes, all the mysterious air is clean.

At this time, there are less than one hundred miles away from the zhōngyāng Great Lakes.

Soon, the sacred air of Yangdingtian could not be maintained, and it fell directly from the air.

After Yang Dingtian landed, he quickly took out a Ju Xuan Dan from the space ring and swallowed it. Then he sat on the ground and refines the mysterious gas inside the Xuan Dan into the sea of ​​air and restores the mysterious atmosphere.

Half a minute passed.

A minute passed.

Three minutes passed.

Yangdingtian is in a hurry.

After three and a half minutes, Yang Dingtian completely refining the invisible air in the Xuan Dan, and the mysteriousness of the body returned to about 80%.

Then he violently fluttered into the air.

But at this time, he found that the whole body was firmly locked by the three energy sources, and he could not move at all.

They actually arrived, separated by a few hundred meters, directly locked Yangdingtian.

After a few seconds, the three men rushed to the side of Yangdingtian and surrounded him in the middle.

Qin San looked at him coldly and said: "Mr. Shen, where are you going?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Where do I go, do you need to report to you? The Lord has said that you are obeying my orders unconditionally, not that I obey your orders."

"Yes, there is such a thing." Qin Sandao: "But that is within your normal affairs. Your normal business is to form an alliance with the Fox people, not to run into this uninhabited land, you What is the purpose? Say!"

Yangding Tian cold road: "If I don't say it?"

Qin Sandao: "For the benefit of Qincheng, we have to resort to some means to force you to ask."

Suddenly, Qin San’s palm slammed out a strange and powerful energy, and slammed it on the top of Yangdingtian.

In an instant, a very powerful and powerful energy is drilled into the brain of Yangdingtian.

"Ah..." The incomparable pain caused Yang Dingtian to scream.

Then, a strange jīng **** energy, suddenly violently want to torture Yang Tiantian's reason and jīng God.

Yangding Tianxin is in a So, he transported jīng divine power and Xuanqi desperately resisted, but the gap between him and Qin San’s repair is too big to be completely blocked.

In the pain of hell, Yang Dingtian’s will is weaker and weaker.

At this time, Yangdingtian also has the most crucial trick, that is, the electric system Xuanji, directly hit Qin San, although he can not hurt him, but take the opportunity to escape, perhaps there is still a half chance.

However, if this is done, then the fact that he faked the ancestors was completely exposed, and it is likely that there is no place for him to stand in the whole world.

But if this is not the case, your own jīng **** and brain may be irreparably damaged.

"Mr. Shen, if you don't say it, your brain is likely to be scrapped." Qin San cold and cold.

At this time, suddenly the surrounding air suddenly chilled, and the surrounding weeds instantly frozen up.

"Let him go, now he belongs to me."

A very pleasant sound sounded like a cracked ice.

Moreover, this voice is really incomparable familiarity. I don't know how many times it sounded in the heart of Yangdingtian, so that Yangdingtian is filled with the hatred of the bones.

Oriental ice! Nine-day mysterious girl, Oriental ice.

Then, almost instantly.

An incomparably beautiful figure floats in the air, still high above, still like a sè fairy standing in the foothills.

She, will it appear here? (To be continued)

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