Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 269: :"kiss"! The old man kills the plane!

"Plop..." posted on the chest of the Oriental Ice Ling, Yang Dingtian heard the heartbeat.

At the same time, the ice cold energy wrapped in the oriental ice Lingjiao, as if silent, shattered.

Fortunately, the third electric shock was successful, and the Oriental Ice Ling finally recovered its heartbeat.

Yang Dingtian under ecstasy almost burst into tears.

Only the person who sneaked into the unfrozen water was getting closer and closer, and Yangdingtian was too late to be happy.

First, he covered it with his body, and then put on the top of the oriental ice blast at the fastest speed, covering the naked light.

Then directly kiss the small mouth of the oriental ice with his lips, pinch her nose and start artificial respiration.

Yes, the heartbeat of the Oriental Ice Ling is restored, but the breath has not recovered. Without breathing, she will soon die.

Although he knew the timing was wrong, his heart jerked at the moment he kissed the lips of the Oriental Ice.

But it was only less than half a second, and soon Yang Dingtian covered her lips and slammed out.

Once, twice.

Then, press the chest.

Then again, inhale and inhale.

"Oh..." There was a gust of wind behind him, and some people rushed out of the frozen pool.

At the same time, the beauty of the oriental ice blast slammed open. Lucy had a horror, incredible, angry, and rushing.

Yangdingtian did not hesitate, did not explain it at all, and flashed away with the fastest speed.

I saw the oriental ice lie lying on the ground, lifting the palm of the hand, and suddenly volleyed out.

Yangdingtian used the fastest speed and flashed to the corner.

It’s not that he is afraid of death, but that the confrontation of Wu Zun’s level is really irrelevant for him.

After flashing into the corner, Yangdingtian saw that with the ice of the East, he suddenly jumped out of the frozen pool, and his face was pale, even though he took the Millennium Fire, but crossed it. The kilometer unfrozen pool is also a terrible test for him.

The moment he jumped out of the non-freezing pool, he saw the waking Oriental ice slap in his hand, and suddenly his handsome face showed an incredible horror, instinctively took out the volley and played against the oriental ice.

At this time, Yang Dingtian's face is also full of horror.

Because it is not Qin Huaiyu who jumps out of the non-freezing pool, it is not lonely and no joy, not even a solitary phoenix dance. But he is also an acquaintance of Yangdingtian, an enemy, Yan, and how can he appear here?

However, the original Qin Huaiyu and Lonely Huanhuan are no longer the opponents of the Oriental Ice Ling, Yan Yan does not even say anything.

If there is no doubt that there is only one result of this attack on both sides, it is that Yan is not ruthless.

"Hey..." A loud bang.

The enormous energy that came out of the slap, bursting out.

The Yangdingtian chest was suddenly shocked by the aftermath, and a blood spurted out, and the whole body flew out.

However, the space here is too small, and it is not possible to fly anywhere. It is directly turned in the air and falls back to the corner.

However, the battle in front of him made Yang Dingtian completely shocked.

I saw the tender body of the Oriental Ice Ling, and I was directly shot and flew out. I vomited a blood in the air, and then the soft body was on the body of Yangdingtian.

How could this be? Oriental ice is so powerful, how can it be directly hit out.

Yangding was too late to think a lot, and suddenly embraced the delicate body of the Oriental Ice Ling, and could not help but be smashed.

After the Oriental Ice Ling was hugged by Yangdingtian, a small mouth spouted a blood, and then closed his eyes and fainted, life and death.

Look at Yan's love again. After landing, his face was full of horror, but the whole body was not damaged, and no injuries were received.

Not only Yang Tiantian, even Yan Yan is shocked by himself. To be honest, when he jumped down, he saw the ice slap in the face of the East. He had only one thought in his heart.

His palm is completely instinctively shot.

But the result is that I never thought of it. Yan’s love will directly fly the ice from the East, and the blood will be sprayed, and life and death will not come.

And Yan is not in love, intact, and even a little injury is not affected.

Looking at the oriental ice rink that is not known in life, Yang Dingtian thought that the palm of the East Ice Bing just hit, as if there was not a little energy.

Yes, his blood transfusion was to let the Eastern Ice Ling thaw, and let her wake up in a short time. However, the hegemonic blood of Jiuyang also made all the repairs of the Oriental Ice Ling disappear without a trace, so the palm that she hit did not have any power, and there was no harm to Yan.

Therefore, the Eastern Ice Ling wakes up in less than two or three seconds and faints again.

Yan did not look at the Oriental Ice Ling first, then looked at his palm. Originally, his absolutely pale face gradually recovered his blood.

Yangdingtian placed the oriental ice icing on the ground, took out the demon sword, and stood up and said: "Yan, love, how can it be you?"

"Why can't it be me?" Yan said: "I was the absolute confidant of the Lord. It is strange to come to the grassland together this time?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Even so, you can come to the grassland from the east, but there is no reason to come here. Here is Qin Huaiyu's top secret."

"Yes, it turned out to be like this." Yan did not care: "But, I happened to meet the singer and phoenix singer who was chased by the fox squad. I joined the corps and helped her get out and ran all the way. So, I followed her to the central lake where the bones were buried."

Yangding Tiandao: "You shouldn't be killing me and the Oriental Ice Ling, why isn't Qin Huaiyu, or lonely?"

Yan does not care: "Because, the fox master's top master also directly chased it. This person is very strong, and both Wuzun-class powers are martial arts, so they need Qin Shaozhu, Du Gu Xiaojie and Lonely Mr. The three people can work together to be unbeaten. Among the four, I am the weakest, and of course I am sent to kill you."

No wonder.

Yangding Tiandao: "Who is the fox leader's decision master?"

Yan does not care: "The patriarch of the fox family, because the solitary phoenix dance robbed their family's millennium fire system, so he was chased and killed."

Yangding Tianguangguang shrank: "Who are you, why is it Qin Huaiyu's confidant?"

"I am Yan." Yan said with a smile: "As for why I am his confidant? I followed him more than ten years ago. Is this reason enough?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Why didn't you know your existence before Qincheng?"

Yan said: "Because I am the most important piece of the Lord, so almost no one knows before. Of course, the role of my piece, you will soon see it."

"Then you are close to Qin Meng, what is the attempt?" Yangding Tiandao.

Yan does not care: "The Lord loves her sister, so she gave her a fortune. But the Lord does want to hold this wealth in his own hands. Is this reason enough?"

Yangdingtian nodded, and of course this is enough.

"How are you doing it?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"One star Wu Zun." Yan does not love.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian was amazed and did not expect that this person would be so powerful.

For this mysterious Yan love, Yang Dingtian had speculation before his cultivation. But at most, he only guessed that he was a Wuzong-class powerhouse, but did not expect that this person turned out to be a star Wuzun class.

Although this person is far less than the oriental ice, but killing the sun, it is really effortless. Moreover, at this time, Yangdingtian spent most of its mysteriousness and lost one-third of the blood. Even if the other party is a nine-star Wu Xuan, Yang Ding Tian is no longer an opponent.

And this person is a star Wu Zun, repaired to a full ten is ten times the number of days, it really does not have the power of a war.

To put it another way, even if Yang Dingtian fights the danger of smog and smoke, controlling the brutal sword spirit to attack him will not make any harm to him.

Of course, Yangdingtian can use evil spirits. However, there is no powerful battle of the soul in the Horcrux.

Therefore, Yang Dingtian has only one way to deal with this person. This method, Yang Dingtian once made a fuss about Wu Xingwen.

"We make a deal, how?" Yang Dingtian said slowly.

Yangdingtian is almost certain that there should be no sin in this world that can resist the temptation of evil spirits.

At that time, Wu Xingwen was slammed into a idiot by a modified soul. Now, you can also use it on Yan. Although he himself said that Qin Huaiyu's confidant, Yang Dingtian can feel his ambitious.

However, there is no strong battle spirit in the soul ring at this time, so Yang Dingtian needs to modify the soul of the soul. He needs to let Yan take care of his soul.

Of course, this is very difficult. Unlike the previous slogan, let him see the success of the sorcerer's to win the letter, let him make the modified blast.

Now, I want to let Yan Erqing make a modified evil soul and take away his soul, I am afraid that the difficulty is not small.

Yan, this person, I am afraid that there are many more than the witch.

After Yang Dingtian finished the transaction, Yan did not respond.

Yang Dingtian repeated again: "Yan does not love, how do we make a deal?"

"Transaction?" Yan sent a cold smile and said: "Use the Horcrux ring and the evil spirits to seduce me, use the means of the Witch to deal with me? Let me make myself an idiot? Do you think I am so stupid? Yangdingtian!"

Suddenly, Yangdingtian was speechless.

His plan has not been said yet, and he was alive and stunned by Yan, and then he was blocked from being alive. Yangding innocence has never encountered this situation.

It seems that this Yan is not the absolute confidant of Qin Huaiyu, and Wu Xingwen is so secret, he knows.

Moreover, it seems that the relationship between Du Gu Feng Wu and Qin Huai Yu has reached a certain level. The matter of Wu Xingwen, Yang Ding Tian will be evil spirits, only the Du Gu Feng dance knows, so the secret is all told to Qin Huaiyu.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian smiled helplessly. "It seems that the relationship between Qin Shaozhu and the solitary demon is far more intimate than I thought." (To be continued, if you like this work, you are welcome (m ) Vote for the recommended ticket, monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to m to read.) "This text is provided by the breaking update group @87453198")

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