Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 281: : The last bright red fire!

Then, the Oriental Ice Ling plate sits on the spar, slowly closes the beauty, and thoroughly enters the deepest level of silence and meditation.

Yang Dingtian clearly felt that the heartbeat of the Oriental Ice Ling was slower and slower, and it was getting slower and slower. His breathing is getting slower and slower, and he almost stops at the end.

Up and down the whole body, only the flow of mysterious.

At this time, unless Yangdingtian actively wakes up, Oriental Ice Ling will not wake up. Moreover, at this time, Yang Dingtian will not stop what she is doing, nor will she be able to resist or even know.

However, Yangdingtian certainly does not do anything.

Moreover, he has a complex and absurd emotion in his heart.

This oriental ice skating is her biggest enemy. Her power will only make the four-year comparison more difficult.

However, at this time, Yangdingtian actually saved her life again and again, and created conditions to make her stronger.

This is definitely an enemy!


When the East Ice Ling was awake, Yang Dingtian couldn’t help but tempted to see her perfect sexy. Now that she has completely entered Shen’s unconsciousness, Yangdingtian can’t go to see it. He is sitting on the ground with his back to the East. , began to swallow Xuan.

At this point, the dramatic changes in the central lake outside are nearing completion.

The yin and yang mountains a few kilometers deep, the flame has almost completely extinguished, and the ice has completely melted. This mountain born out of thin air has completely disappeared into the central lake.

The entire Yinyang Mountain lasted for almost an hour from birth to disappearance.

In the land of bones, this Yinyang Mountain should be the highest mountain, so in theory, the surrounding semi-human tribes can completely see the mountain, and the mountain is so strange. Generally, the flame is generally cold, and it will definitely attract the attention of anyone. But before Yang Dingtian asked a lot of people, almost no one knew the existence of Yinyang Mountain, only the ratio of Barbie.

The reason is very simple, because with the rise of the Yinyang Mountain, there is a mist of the sky.

The entire Yinyang Mountain. Completely covered by fog, not into the fog, completely invisible.

As for what happened between Barbie and Li Tianqi, why did Barbie live more than 200 years old, why the Xuanhuo map will be on Li Tianxiao, why did Li Tianyi leave Barbie and return to the crisis-stricken southwestern continent alone? Mystery.

At this point, the entire central lake has also been completely thawed. Restored the clear water of the lake.

In short, everything has returned to its original state.

Yang Dingtian once again sighed deeply.

For this mysterious fire, I paid so much, tried my best, risked my life, and got the other half of the map of Xuanhuo from the hands of Qin’s father and son. It took a lot of hard work and found the place where Xuanhuo bloomed. After several twists and turns, I got out of Qin Huaiyu and other people's claws. And saved the oriental ice.

For this mysterious fire, Yangdingtian pays the most.

but. Finally, Xuan Huo was finally taken by the Oriental Ice. And another phantom virtual fire, but also Yan Yan did not have to go.

Is it true that you are destined to not get this mysterious fire?

Then, what should be done after a few months of the city’s position? What should I do with my own soul sword?

You must know that in the big battle, your biggest opponent, Ximen, is a Wuzun-class powerhouse.

but. God may not completely abandon himself. This red spar is full of mystery, and it can be practiced twenty-four hours a day, so the speed of cultivation is many times outside. For the rest of the time, you can probably let yourself break through the top ten.

Of course, even if it breaks through the tenth level. I am still only a strong martial artist, still not enough.

However, at present it seems that we can only take a step and take a step. I can't completely give up because I can't get the mysterious fire, and completely lose all hope.

In short, it must be the road to nowhere.

There is no doubt that Yangdingtian is strong and full of will.

However, what happened next made his heart completely chilly.


He found that the mysterious energy from the red spar is gradually weakening, and it is getting weaker and weaker.

Finally it will disappear completely!

In this spar space, if there is no oxygen, it can be replaced with a special remedy. But without the mystery, it is better to cultivate outside.

And if you cultivate outside, it is really like a turtle. In a few months, the position of the city owner is a big battle, and Yangdingtian does not have to count on it.

Yangding is really cold and completely angry!

He jerked his head up and yelled: "God, why are you waiting for me like this? Let me not get the mysterious fire, why should I still take the last hope?"

Of course, God will not give Yang Dingtian any response.

Even the above is a pool, and the sound of Yangdingtian can only reverberate in this small space.

The energy of the red spar underneath is getting weaker and weaker, and it seems to be placed in the icy air when it is hot. Soon the heat disappears without a trace.

Finally, the red spar lost all the mysterious energy.

Yangding is innocent to be completely desperate.

Turn around and look at the oriental ice icicles!

In the inner sun, the heart is filled with endless unwillingness, endless sorrow!

If he is completely self-defeating, he should go directly to the East Ice Ling to the ground, and then take possession of her body with the most violent gesture, venting anger and fear, completely vented in her holy body.

But Yang Dingtian is proud, he will not touch her even a finger. Although this woman is the most beautiful woman in the world, even though this woman is his biggest enemy in this world.

"I follow the will of God, but I will not give up." Yangdingtian slowed down.

Then he stood up.

Suddenly, a faint glow in front of my eyes!

Then, a bright red flame was born out of thin air.

At first, there was only one inch, then gradually grew up and grew up...

Yangdingtian is completely shocked! Staring at this flame all the thoughts in my mind are completely sluggish.

He didn't know if he should be horrified or ecstatic, he just lost all his reactions.

What is this flame? Is it a mysterious fire?

No, the Yiling demon fire has been swallowed up by the Oriental Ice Ling, and that one is an absolute black fire.

Moreover, now Yinyang Mountain has disappeared, and the next bloom of Xuanhuo will wait until two hundred years later.

However, what is this fire?

Just as Yangdingtian was full of doubts, this flame gradually grew up.

One inch, two inches, three inches, four inches...

Finally, when it grew to nine inches, it stopped.

Moreover, it is not the same as the flame that Yang Dingtian saw before. (To be continued.)

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