Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 308: : The dead girl's life and death! Fly back to the northwest

After the Eastern Ice Ling flew out of the sky for hundreds of miles, he found a hidden valley to land.

Just landing, she opened her mouth and slammed a blue blood, yes, it was blue blood. Then, she was so stunned that she could barely stand.

Yang Dingtian finally knows why she did not go after Qin Huaiyu and others, but it is not impossible. After killing Yin Tianchong, her mysteriousness has completely gone to the sky. So she will leave immediately, and there is no time to say goodbye.

"Shenlang, time is tight, I will say below, you do." Oriental Ice Lingdao.

"Good." Yangding Tiandao.

"The first thing, you have to give a little holy water to the Du Gu Feng dance. Let her not die, but can not recover quickly." Oriental ice Ling went to panting.

Yangdingtian placed the solitary phoenix dance on the ground, and then sat down with the oriental ice. Although she did not speak, she was still surprised to see her. The Oriental Ice Ling would take the initiative to say that she would save the solitary phoenix dance. Isn’t she always trying to kill the solitary demon girl?

"I want to kill Qin Huaiyu, because he is rebellious." Oriental Bingling said: "If you are not around, I can certainly kill the solitary phoenix dance, but because you are by my side, so the phoenix dance must not die. You can not Suffering from the wrath of the solitude, even if he ran to the ends of the earth, he would come to kill you."

When Yang Dingtian thought about it, he made a little holy water and fed it into the small mouth of the solitary phoenix dance.

At this time, the whole phoenix dance was pierced, and even if it was not directly stabbed in the heart, it was bleeding, and if it was not rescued in a coma, it would soon die.

Now, Yang Dingtian finds out why the blood-and-light shield of the solitary phoenix dance will be ineffective when the Yangding Tianda Sword is stabbed. Her fault was committed again, and suddenly she became unable to bind her hands. This problem, she had committed two or three times before, made her very embarrassed.

When I went to the Central Lake to seek a mysterious fire, Yang Dingtian thought that this problem was already good. Who knows that it just happened again, and suddenly became weak and weak, so that Yang Dingtian pierced the chest directly. Otherwise, it is almost impossible to hurt her with the current repair of Yangdingtian. She is at least a five-star Wu Zun.

Once the military has reached the level of Wu Xuan, it will be different in nature. In the past, Yang Dingtian could even defeat an opponent who was one step higher than himself. Once the Wu Xuan level has passed, this situation is extremely difficult. When it comes to Wu Zong, Wu Zun, it is even more impossible.

However, now Yangdingtian has a mysterious fire, and yin and yang, and a ugly sword, if it is only a junior Wu Zun, then he is not very afraid.

However, the solitary phoenix dance is now at least five or six stars of Wu Zun, it is really too different.

After drinking a little holy water, the original pale and colorless solitary phoenix dance finally recovered a little blood, and the huge wound of the chest began to stop bleeding, and gradually healed. However, she still did not wake up.

The Oriental Ice Ling is still not at ease, and directly locked the mysterious vein of the solitary phoenix dance. So even if she suddenly wakes up, she can't hurt and hurt.

"The second thing, Yin Tianchong was much higher than me. So, I showed weakness first, so that he lost my smoldering cold poison. Then, I used a sorcerer with loneliness and no joy, let Xuanqi repaired for an instant multiplication, and used Xuanhuo to ignite the whole body, so that he killed Yin Tianchong, which is four stars higher than me. However, I also became very weak, so I will take you away immediately. "Oriental Ice Ling said: "Otherwise, Yan, love, loneliness, and Qin Huaiyu will kill, and we will be in danger."

"Is there still a day. Bella?" Yangding Tiandao.

"I will not pin my hopes on others." Oriental Bingling said: "The demon road is obviously already laid out in the grassland in the east. If you don't leave, soon their brigade will arrive."

This is for sure. Yin Tianchong’s voice is sacred, and the voice is less, the Eastern Ice Bing is to be sent to the Supreme Master, so the other party’s power in the East is certainly not small. It is also for this reason that the Oriental Ice Ling makes every day. Bella immediately goes to the Red Sea in the sky. As long as the words are spoken, I believe that no one in the grassland dares to move. Otherwise, the Fox people will immediately be destroyed.

"Next, I can't use any mysteriousness for ten days, so I have to rely on you to protect it." Dongfang Bingling said: "Qin Huaiyu and others will wake up immediately and send a large number of masters to kill us. So we can't Stay, use the fastest speed to leave the east from the grassland, take the boat back to the northwestern mainland. You will fly the mysterious skills, and there are empty spirits, do not sneak into the mysterious, do your best to fly, do not let Qin Huaiyu and others catch up. You can take her as a hostage if necessary."

"Good!" Yangding Tiandao.

The Eastern Ice Ling came forward, and fell on the back of Yang Tiantian. His hands were holding the upper body of Yangdingtian, and he slowly closed his eyes and began to adjust his interest.

"My holy water, you can also give you a little." Yangding Tiandao.

"It's useless, I am not injured. I just overdrafted all the seas and mysterious veins." Oriental Bingling said: "Come on, don't worry about me along the way. In case of being chased by Qin Huaiyu, and the hostage of the solitary phoenix dance If it doesn't work, you can hand me over."

"Impossible." Yangding Tiandao: "I can't bear such a big shame."

Then, behind the Yangdingtian, carrying the oriental ice rink, holding the detached phoenix dance in front of the people, violently shaking the wing, flying in the air, transporting the flying mystery, flying quickly toward the south.

At this time, the distance from the beach is nearly four thousand miles.

Yangdingtian's ethereal wing is about 200 kilometers per hour, but his flying mystery is about 400 kilometers. Combined, an hour can be about 500 kilometers, which is a thousand miles.

However, the mystery of this flight is very amazing.

In this way, Yangdingtian flies south at a speed of thousands of miles per hour at an altitude of 1,000 meters.

At this point, everything on the ground is really exactly like an ant. Looking from the ground to the sky, Yangdingtian is just a black spot. If you want to be a bird, if you don't look carefully, you won't find it.

At this time, there was a feeling of absurdity in the heart of Yangding.

The solitary phoenix dance and the oriental ice rink are paired with each other, and now they are all on their own, and both are weak.


The mysterious cost of this flight is really amazing. In just two hours, the ambition of Yangdingtian is completely exhausted.

Yangdingtian landed in this remote valley, took a Ju Xuan Dan, and then adjusted for a quarter of an hour. Suddenly, the sea of ​​gas was once again filled with mysterious gas.

This Ju Xuan Dan looks very amazing, in fact, it is absolutely impossible to eat. Because in a short time, you can only take one Ju Xuan Dan. If you take two of them together, the damage to Qi Hai and Xuan Mai is completely amazing and irreversible.

Even if you only take one, the consequences will be more serious, which will cause the accumulation of mysterious veins. But now I can't manage that much.

After the restoration of Xuanqi, Yangdingtian once again picked up the solitary phoenix dance and flew almost at full speed.

An hour later, I left the grassland.

Because of the high flying, you can deliberately avoid the half-human flying at high altitude, so there is no danger on this road. Although they have been stared at by several flying tribes, their speed is not as fast as that of Yangdingtian, and they are not very powerful.

At this time, the following is already a desert, almost two thousand miles of desert.

An hour later, the ambition of Yangdingtian was exhausted again.

At this point, it was already dark, and Yangdingtian had to land on a dangerous desert.

Yes, the desert is more dangerous than the east. Because there is no cover in the desert, and there are semi-human patrol cavalry everywhere.

Fortunately, the Eastern Ice Ling responded quickly, and immediately after leaving Qin Huaiyu, he left at full speed. So when Qin Huaiyu and others responded, they couldn’t catch up with the masters. And even if the letter bird informs the patrol army in the desert, it is too late, because there are very few birds that can exceed the speed of Yangdingtian.

Of course, Lonely Huanhuan and Qin Huaiyu are not without flying mystery, and even they fly faster than Yangdingtian. However, this kind of extremely expensive thing, they may not do it. And even if it was done, after all, Yang Dingtian and others left early, even if they were flying at full speed, they might not be able to catch up.

After landing in the desert, Yangding Tianfei quickly dug a sand nest, and then drilled into the sand nest with the Oriental Ice Ling and Du Gu Feng Dance.

He needs four hours to absorb the battle.

These four hours are the most dangerous. These four hours are enough for Qin Huaiyu and others to catch up, but there is no way, Yangdingtian must restore the mystery before leaving.

Yangdingtian’s luck was good. Just after drilling into the sand nest, there was a storm on the top. Countless sand dunes began to move indiscriminately, and all the traces left by Yangdingtian were erased.


Just an hour later, Yangdingtian clearly heard it, and there was a rush of horseshoes.

That's right, the chase is coming!

Lonely Wuhuan and Qin Huaiyu dispatched an amazing number of patrol cavalry for carpet search. According to the intensity and intensity of the sound, Yang Dingtian probably estimated it, almost a thousand rides, accompanied by the **** dog, flying blind. Both of these monsters have a terrible sense of smell, even if they are several hundred meters away and several tens of meters deep, they can smell the taste.

Now, the sand nest of Yangdingtian is only a dozen meters underground.

Obviously, it will be smelled by flying blinds.

In fact, these beasts have already smelled, because Yangdingtian can hear them rushing over.

Suddenly, Yangding’s body was violently erected, feeling a fatal danger.

Now his Xuanqi has just recovered half, and of course he is not afraid of ordinary patrol cavalry. But once caught by these enemies, Qin Huaiyu and others will soon be killed, and by then there will be only one dead end.

However, Yang Dingtian certainly has a way. He quickly took out a snowy jade from the ring of space.

Ningning sister is the best animal singer, this silent jade fragrance is what she brewed.

With this thing, you can lose the feeling of the high-smelling monsters within a few hundred meters, and you can't find the existence of Yangdingtian.

Yangding Tianyun plays a mysterious way, baking this silent jade fragrance, let this special taste exude.

Sure enough, the group of desperately caught animals quickly stopped, because their noses could not feel anything.

Then, Yangdingtian closed his eyes and continued to absorb Xuanqi.

Even so, the patrol cavalry above was still carefully searched on the ground for nearly an hour before it left like a cirrus.

Yangdingtian took a long sigh of relief and continued to absorb the battle.


After more than two hours, Yangdingtian finally filled the gas sea again.

It was confirmed that there was no one on the sand, and the Yangding rushed out of the desert and flew into the air.

The higher the flying, the higher the flying, the more it flies a few kilometers high.

Looking down from the sky, Yangding Tiandeng took a breath.

Because this is in the desert, the view is unobstructed. In this red desert, there are dense patrol cavalry everywhere, holding torches and carrying out a carpet search of the entire desert. Just Yang Dingtian encountered only one of them.

Yang Dingtian estimates that there are nearly 30,000 to 40,000 patrol cavalry in the entire desert.

The strength of such a large number of cavalry is incredibly amazing. It seems that the devil's penetration of the east from the grassland is much larger than imagined, and they control more power than Yang Dingtian imagines.

Moreover, there are hundreds of red dots in midair. It is a hundred flying Xuanqi, searching in the air.

In order to kill Yang Dingtian and the Oriental Ice Ling, they have come up with such amazing power.

However, fortunately, Yangdingtian has a silent fragrance, so it is difficult for these animals flying in the air to find him. However, in order to be on the safe side, Yangdingtian risked, flying higher and higher, flying higher and higher, flying to a height of four kilometers, and then continued to fly south.

This road south, Yang Dingtian still saw a dense cavalry, a carpet search for the entire desert.

Now Yangdingtian wants to correct the previous statement. In the desert, he searched for more than three or four thousand cavalry in Yangdingtian, but it was more than ten thousand.

The heart of Yangdingtian suddenly became extremely heavy. The hundreds of thousands of cavalry are obviously only provided by the half-humans on the edge of the desert. It’s really time for the Great War, and the power of the Demon Road to be able to move out of the grasslands in the east is not hundreds of thousands, but millions.

It seems that this time the war of extinction, the demon road coalition will add a half-human.

For nearly a thousand years, the peace of mankind and class people may have to be completely over.


An hour later, Yangdingtian finally flew the entire desert and came to the long coastline.

In front, it is the boundless sea.

Yang Dingtian took a long breath and finally escaped the chase of Qin Huaiyu and others.

Then, Yangdingtian hovered in the air to find the fox people's ships.

However, at the agreed place with Bayer, there was no trace of any vessel, but instead a bunch of bad ships burned and a pile of bodies.

Yang Dingtian suddenly had a cold heart. It seems that they had started in advance, and all the boats left by the Fox people were burned, and all the people were killed.

At this time, suddenly there was a roar in the desert, and then someone pointed in the direction of the sun.

Not good, they found that Yangding is up.

Suddenly, hundreds of flying cavalry quickly rushed to the sky and chased after the sun.

Yangdingtian quickly rushed to full speed and flew in the direction of the northwestern continent. (To be continued, this text is provided by Dawning Update Group @87453198. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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