Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 322: : Yin and Yang, Xuan Dafa, crazy breakthrough!

When the transformation of the Xuanmai began, the flames of the flames trembled, but nothing more.

The flames are still a little scared, still slightly shrinking the body, biting the jade teeth, always ready to meet the pain of hell.

But a few minutes passed, half an hour passed and an hour passed.

The kind of hellish pain still did not come, but the body was itchy, as if it was itch from the bone marrow. Of course, this kind of itching is not uncomfortable, but it is warm and warm.

When the two hours passed, the flames couldn’t help but say: "Frank, haven't you started yet? You start, I can afford it."

At this time, the salt-free long-legged old man on the side: "You start the Yangdingtian, anyway, it has reached this point, and the pain will hurt."

Yang Dingtian said: "After waiting a little longer, it will soon be over."

When the words came out, the two were shocked.

What do you mean? It has been going on for a long time and it is almost over now.

"But, I don't hurt a little...", Flames wondered.

The salt-free long-haired old man was shocked: "It is impossible to have no pain. Have you not reformed at all? I have seen four transformations, one death, one failure. Two successful, lightest ones. I also lived and fainted three times, and pulled out all my nails in my life, trying to use pain to counteract the pain. How can you make a little pain in the transformation of the flames?

Yang Dingtian did not answer, but continued to control the energy of Naga Xuanmai, one inch and one inch for the flames to transform the whole body of the mysterious veins.

At this point, the transformation up, has reached the forehead and wrist. In the downward direction, it has reached the ankle.

The entire transformation process has been completed 90%.

The whole result is even better than Yang Dingtian’s imagination. He thought that although it was not so painful, it would still be very painful. I didn't think that it was just a burst of ramie and then there was no pain.

ten minutes later!

The transformation of the flames of the flames has completely ended.

Yangdingtian is long and loose.

Although the design of the plan, Yang Dingtian and the master repeatedly played, I think there should be no accidents. But after the success, Yang Dingtian still breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, the flames of the flames finally recovered completely. Moreover, the transformed Xuanmai is even more powerful than the original Xuanmai of the flame.

Therefore, at this time, Yangding is really innocent and has the urge to cry. In recent years, the repair of the flame has been deteriorating. Now the flames of the flames, finally recovered the extremely powerful talent.

However, the whole process has not completely ended.

This ruler Naga is composed of two parts. One part is the Xuanmai itself, and the other part is the mysterious energy remaining in the Xuanmai.

Now, this ruler Xuanmai itself is completely used to transform the flames and flames. Therefore, the ball of light wrapped in Xuanhuo has only one tenth of this time. And the color is no longer purple, but a complete red. Because the rest, it is completely the sinister energy of the sacred veins.

If this energy is placed in the celestial body of the Yangding, it is nothing but a relatively weak one.

But at this time, the flames have a terrible talent. But Xuanqi repair is extremely weak. Last year, she was the level of the nine-star Xuanwushi. At this time, it has probably degraded to the level of only moderate basalists.

Therefore, this surviving flaming mysterious energy burst is also a fatal damage to the flame. Because this mysterious gas is in the mysterious vein, not in the sea of ​​gas, it is possessive of fire attack.

"Baby, your mysterious vein has been completely transformed, and then the last step is to resolve the residual mysterious energy in the Naga family's mysterious veins." Yangding Tiandao: "This requires us to use the yin and yang to divide the sinister method. Then I quickly sucked out this mysterious gas in your breath, without going through my qi, directly in the mysterious veins to become pure and mysterious, and then re-enter into your sea."

"Already good?" Flames surprised.

"Already good? Impossible!" The salt-free long-haired old man rushed straight over.

The flames then closed their feelings, and then exclaimed: "Really good, my original mysterious veins are like a small intestine, and it is extremely congested. At this time, the mysterious veins are broad and boundless, very smooth, just like the moment. The wind is flowing, and even I feel that the whole body has to float. This feeling is even clearer than it was five years ago. My mysterious veins have really recovered, and they have completely recovered, even stronger than before... ..."

After all, the tears of the flames have been uncontrollably poured out.

Although she kept saying that she didn't care about her cultivation, when she was completely restored, she still cried. It seems that a person in a wheelchair can suddenly stand up and walk in a healthy and agile manner.

The salt-free long scorpion grabs a hand of the flame, and then enters a mysterious gas. Suddenly, I immediately felt the width and smoothness of the flames. This feeling made her even a little jealous.

"Really good, really good...", the salt-free long-haired old man muttered to himself, his face seemed to be a dream-like situation, looking at Yangding Tiandao: "For the mysterious veins of the flames, I am virgin Broken heart, I almost tried all the methods. Even, I asked a great master of the Nether Sea to help. But there is almost no way to do it, even if there is a crystal of Naga, I dare not do it because the risk is too great. Now, Yang Dingtian, you have done it by one person. You are not only possessing the ultimate talent, but also the wisdom of the top. Your method of salvating the flames is not only impossible to do, but even unexpected."

"You are so shocking, Yang Dingtian. I have to take back that sentence now, you are worthy of the flames, you are better than all the young people in the Netherland, whether it is your love for the flame, or It is still your talent, or your wisdom." No salt and long roads: "Your thoughts are completely arrogant. This completely restores the flames of the flames without risk. Perhaps only one of you in the world can do it. ""

Yangding Tiandeng was embarrassed to smile.

"Actually, this sacred water is completely useless. It is completely wasted." The salt-free long-legged old man said: "Through your method, there is no risk at all, and there will be no pain in the flame."

"I am not afraid of 10,000, I am afraid of it." Yangding Tiandao.

The salt-free long-necked old man looked at the flames: "Taro, your husband just worried that you are too painful, so I just spent the cost of a thousand miles of land, and it hurts you. And these painkillers are not used at all."

If you are old without salt, you will not exaggerate this sacred water. If you take a deal with the Northwest Qincheng, you may actually be able to exchange a thousand miles of territory. Because, this thing can almost come back to life.

"A thousand miles of territory, just to give me pain?" When I heard the salt-free long-haired old man, the flames of the flames suddenly became intoxicated, and I couldn’t stand it anymore. I turned straight and flung up, opened my mouth and kissed me. Yangdingtian.

The whole person seems to be burned with the general passion and beauty.

Sure enough, to be romantic, first waste. The waste of astronomical numbers can really touch every woman, and the flames of the West are no exception.

"Flame flame, don't worry, we have to take the last step." Yangding Tiandao.

"The last step, isn't it the yin and yang?" Isn't it mating? I'm very familiar with it. We just did a half-morning heart a few hours ago, and Yan Yan kissed Yang Dingtian and opened it. The squatting plate was on the waist of the Yangding, and then sat down somewhere.

Suddenly, the water inside the jade barrels surged. In the house, the spring is overflowing.

The two people are insanely intimate, doing the most primitive movements, entering each other's body.

The yin and yang are the mysterious methods, and the two people are too mature to be cooked again. The white heart has already been silently backed up hundreds of times.

Of course, for a greater success rate, it is necessary to use energy spar to make a matrix. But for Yangdingtian and Yanyan, what kind of formation is not needed.

Yang Dingtian, who has Xuanhuo and Yinyang, is enough to control everything.

"Mother..." You, are you still not going out? "The flames are breathing, while they are on the sidelines."

The salt-free long-haired old man can't wait to close his eyes, and he doesn't want to see the scene in front of him. For such a conservative one, the scene in front of her eyes will almost collapse. But she is afraid of accidents, or she is running on the side, ready to remedy.

After hearing the flames, the salt-free long-haired old man said: "When do you like to watch? You don't know the shameful behavior to make me have a nightmare. You remember to me that you are now dissolving the Naga Xuanmai. Xuanqi energy, and the introduction of this mysterious gas into the sea of ​​flames. Not in the joy

"I, I know that the six flames are breathing, my eyes have been completely burned by the flames, a blur, she really knows, only God knows.

However, even if she forgets to be intoxicated, Yang Dingtian cannot be forgotten.

He endured the ecstasy of the eclipse, and operated the yin and yang sacred method according to the plan, and sucked out the powerful sinister energy of the flames and flames, but did not enter his own sea of ​​qi, and used it in the Xuan mai. After the fire refining and turning into a completely pure mysterious gas, it will re-enter the flames of the sea.

This kind of operation, over and over again.

Suddenly, the flames shouted.

Then, the beautiful 睁 looks into the sky, and all the movements are still.

Her beauty, there is no focal length in an instant.

This is because her smoldering air is completely filled with suffocating gas, and then swells and swells.

She broke through!

Xuan Zang, the remnant of this Naga Xuanmai, is of little use to Yang Dingtian. But for the flames, the death is extremely amazing.

Of course, the power of this powerful energy has been able to enter the flames of flames. It is because the Yangdingtian has no attribute Xuanhuo and Naga Xuanmai completely wrapped and compressed, and there is also an energy black hole in her sea to balance, otherwise this energy exceeds the flame and gas sea capacity into numerous times, after the flame The flame has already been completely broken.

In this way, the flames enter the emptiness once and for all, entering the tremors of the soul once and for all.

High again and again. , breakthroughs again and again.

After an hour, Yangding genius used the yin and yang sacred method to completely absorb the residual Xuanqi energy of this Naga Xuanmai, and once again entered the body of the flame.

I don’t know how many times after the emptiness and the tremor, the flames don’t know how many times they broke.

In the end, the complete collapse of the coma is inside the jade barrel.

After Yang Dingtian completed everything, he was finally able to devote himself to the wonderful realm.

After another ten minutes, Yangdingtian broke out completely.

Then, and the flames are completely cumbersome in the water.

At this time, the whole process of reforming and curing the flames was finally completely over.

It is also ridiculous to say that before the flames insisted on countless times of yin and yang, Xuan Dafa Yang Dingtian did not agree. This time, the young couple finally used this evil method, but it was used in the flames.

Five hours later, Yangdingtian woke up.

Even if he is strong, he can't help but feel so soft at this time.

He reluctantly got up from the jade barrel and put on his clothes. The flame is still sleeping, she has completely collapsed, not sleeping for twenty-four hours, should be awake.

After wearing the clothes, the salt-free long-haired old man who kept the edge on his side opened his eyes, then reached for the wrist of the flame and entered a mysterious atmosphere.

"Mother-in-law, what is the grade of Xuanmai talent at this time?" Yang Dingtian asked, she was close to eight products.

"Infinitely close to nine products." No salt and long roads: "Although it is not comparable to the Oriental ice, but it should be today, you can also enter the top ten in the world."

Suddenly, Yang Dingtian’s heart was a surprise.

The flames of the Xuan mai grade not only fully recovered, but also after the transformation, the higher than the original Xuanmai talent.

Only after all, did not break through the nine products. It seems that Jiu Pin Xuan Mai can only be generated in heaven and earth, not manpower.

"What is her repair at this time?" Yangding Tiandao, just now he only remembers that flames have broken through many times, but how many times he did not count.

"Nine-star big sacred martial arts master." No salt and long roads: "From Wu Xuan, there is still a half step away."

That is to say, the remnant mysterious energy of this purple Naga sacred vein has allowed her to break through more than 30 levels, which is really a treasure of heaven and earth.

However, it may not be a breakthrough, it can only be regarded as recovery. Moreover, it has not been restored to the flames of the flames six years ago. Six years ago, the flames were four stars Wu although it has not been restored six years ago, but it has this mysterious Talent, plus your extremely strong husband, then her breakthrough will be very, very fast, I believe that she will be a good helper after a long time. "There is no salt and long road."

Yangding nodded.

Now, the flames are finally over. The rest is your own problem.

It is only two and a half days away from the end of three days.

Two and a half days later, I am going to fight Song Yu. If you succeed, you will leave the Nether Sea with a flame. If it fails, it will die under Song Yujian, or it will become the lowest shackle of the sinister sea.

"When my mother-in-law is tired for a day, she goes to rest." Yangding Tiandao, and then took a cup of holy water from his arms: "I heard the flames say that my mother-in-law was seriously injured and has not healed. I think this holy water should be for you." It works, please accept it."

"This is a priceless city. Are you sure to give it to me?"

"Not sent, it is filial piety." Yangding Tiandao: "You are so fond of flames, I also regard you as a grandmother.

The salt-free long sigh sighed and took the holy water and walked outside. "I will tell you about breaking through Wu Zun in three days. I will tell you. But I have to warn you in advance that the consequences of this are unimaginable. It is the result of smashing the sky." (To be continued [This text is provided by the Dawning Update Group @毁梦n]] If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the "starting" vote recommendation ticket, monthly pass, your support, is My biggest motivation.)

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