Nine Yang Sword Saint

Chapter 35: : Oriental Nirvana

"Master..." Yang Dingtian did not dare to believe, and he was afraid that this was his own illusion.

"It's me, child, it's really hard for you." The voice of the Eastern Nirvana slowly sounded.

"Master, are you still alive?" Yangdingtian ecstasy, his eyes suddenly hot.

"Of course I am already dead." The East Nirvana said: "Just, I will leave a glimpse of my mind in your brain, and the energy of the flame ring will support the existence of my god."

"Originally, according to my plan, when you are strong enough to summon the flame ring, you can activate my knowledge in your mind, but because Simon has no intention to summon the flame ring, I activated my knowledge in advance. "The Eastern Nirvana sighed long and said: "I didn't think things would become like this. I really didn't think my daughter would be like this."

"You, why did your knowledge not appear in my mind from the beginning, so maybe there will not be so many things." Yangding Tiandao.

"My knowledge of this kind of life can only survive for three years. I want to point you in the most critical three years." The **** of the East is ignorant: "And even if my **** knows, what happens will happen, Because I can only communicate with you, others can't see me, can't hear me."

"When my daughter was so obedient as a child, how could it become what it is now? How come, how come?" The Eastern Necropolis sighed, and the voice was full of desolateness and sadness.

"Child, sorry, wronged you. I wanted to give you everything, but I didn't think that I almost lost my life. If it wasn't because of the endless, you really have to die in the hands of my ambitious daughter." .

Yang Dingtian’s heart grieves: "But Ximen’s uncle is for me, and it is in the hands of Zhu Qing."

"I know that everything that happened after my gods were activated, I know, but at the time I was condensing my knowledge, I have been able to communicate with you until now." The Eastern Nervana slowly said: "I wish the Lord, After the millennium of the soul-seeking reappears in the millennium, I did not guess wrong. The Yin and Yang dynasty may really be destroyed in the hands of my daughter."

"Perhaps not only the Yin and Yang dynasty, but the whole world, I wish the Qing lord, the great evil heart." The East Nirvana said: "Everything depends on your child, saving the Yin and Yang dynasty depends on you, Yunxiao City also depends on You, maybe the whole world depends on you."

"A fifteen-day break through the six-star basaltic is just the first challenge you face. Although it seems completely impossible to achieve, you must do it. Otherwise, you will never be able to pass. "The East Nirvana said: "I will use everything to help you through."

Yang Dingtian asked: "Master, can we do it?"

The Eastern Nirvana shook his head and said: "I, I don't know, we can only do our best!"

The Eastern Nirvana did not finish, he was already the ultimate talent, but from the Enlightener to the six-star Xuanwu, it took more than half a year. And Yangdingtian, only fifteen days.

"Children, whether they can do it or not, do their best to do it. If you do 100% and 200% of your efforts, you will not regret it." The Eastern Nirvana said: "Let's sleep well, we It will start tomorrow. The time I can spend with you is very short, so I have to go to rest. When you need me, just call me in my heart."

"Yes, Master." Yang Dingtian slowly closed his eyes. Because of the existence of Master, the heavy weight on his body seemed to go to more than half, as if he could breathe comfortably.

Suddenly, Yang Dingtian asked: "Master, can we save Ximen Shishu? Although he has no heartbeat and no breath, his body is not spoiled at all, exactly the same as when he was alive. I remember that you used the last one. Xuanqi protects the last life and keeps himself shut for ten years."

After the silence of the Eastern Nirvana for a long time, said: "It is even harder to break through the basalt in these ten days. It is ten times more difficult and ten times more. That is the soul of the soul..."

Yang Dingtian slowly closed his eyes and quietly clenched his fists. He said: "It is very difficult, but I will not give up. Even if I go to the ends of the earth, even if I pay for everything..."


This is the most beautiful sleep in Yangdingtian, because the re-emergence of Master's Oriental Nirvana makes him finally get a good night's sleep. When he wakes up, Ximen Flame has come over because Yangding sleeps on the ground. So she stood on the top of the top of Yangdingtian.

She is wearing a tights today, so she is more exquisite and exaggerated than the vulgar body of a girl who is full of fire. Especially from the bottom up, the curve of the chest is simple until the thrilling level.

When I saw Yangding Day sleeping on the ground, Yan Yan frowned: "Why are you sleeping on the ground? Are you deliberately clearing up my relationship with me? Or are you expressing dissatisfaction?"

"You must be willing to not sleep in your bed." Yangding Tiandao, then quickly got up to wash.

When the wash came back, Green had already brought the breakfast over and sent the weight of two people, but only Yang Dingtian was eating alone. Yan Yan said that she had already eaten at her mother.

"Is your mother better?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"Not good." Flames said: "But thank you."

Yang Dingtian buried his head for breakfast, and soon he was like a wind and a cloud, and he ate the weight of two people.

"Go!" Flames said: "Take you to see the powerful man."

The Eastern Nirvana reappeared, so Yang Dingtian did not believe that there was another person in the world who was more suitable to make him stronger. He wanted to refuse, but he could not find a reason.

"Are you sure she can let me break through the basaltic for fifteen days?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"I don't confirm, but if she can't, then I firmly believe that no one can." Flame flame, then went straight out.


Yangdingtian followed the flames and came to a dark castle in the corner of Yunxiao City. The castle is very small, only about a dozen meters high.

Flame flame walked into the castle with Yangdingtian, there was nothing inside, it was dark, and he could not reach his fingers.

Ignite a torch and press a mechanism. A hole appears on the ground, and the bottom is a step down. The two walked into the hole and walked down the steps, going down and down.

I don't know how long it has been around. I don't know how many steps I have taken. I should have already walked to the mountainside. In the end, who will be in this place.

Finally the two stopped, the front is a thick stone door, the flame flame took out the key and inserted into the hole for a while.

"Booming bang..." A loud bang, two stone gates that were more than one meter thick were slowly opened, and a hot air suddenly burst out, almost burning the hair.

Behind the gate is a huge cave. A stone strip emerges from the cave wall and forms a volley platform that is ten meters long and three meters wide. Below the platform is an abyss that is bottomless. Under the abyss, it is a fiery red magma. Is it a cluster of Mars?

The whole platform is the only place where you can stand on the ground.

A few meters in front of the platform, a two-meter square iron cage is suspended in the air, not in the sky. Inside the iron cage, it seems that one person is locked in four large chains, and the whole person is wrapped in long red hair, and the face and body are completely invisible. Around the iron cage, there is a circle of aperture, as if it is a very powerful array.

Who is this person? How strong is it? Need to be trapped in this hellish place.

"Hero, I am coming to see you."

The person inside the iron cage looked up, the long red hair spread out, and then stood up from the iron cage, revealing her face and body.

Suddenly, the Yangding Tianmu was stunned, and the blood of the whole body slammed, and the whole body seemed to be burned in an instant.

This is a woman, this is a naked woman, this is a very charming woman, the world's top Yang Dingtian has seen, and seen four. But such a seductive woman, the seductive woman to the terrible woman Yang Dingtian has never seen.

Yang Dingtian finally knows what the legendary fox is like. Her facial features are not beautiful, but extremely feminine. The narrow scorpion, the green pupil, shoots the light of the soul. The whole face is long, very pointed, and the nose is very tall, and it is long and pointed. The red lips are full of temptation.

This is not the face of a typical beauty, but it is like the face of a fox, but when combined, it constitutes an incomparable temptation and impact, and it is absolutely a curse to the country and the people.

She is naked, her skin is white and white. There is no such thing as a flaming buttock like a flaming flame, but the curve of the undulating, like a snake, the waist of a sturdy, one-shouldered waist, the slender legs, the rounded and sharp jade, and the round hips.

There is no imperfection on the body, and every inch of the body can easily ignite the desire of any man. In particular, she was completely naked at this time, and every inch of her body was clearly seen.

"Sheng Yan, are you finally willing to look at the teacher?" The enchanting voice is hoarse and full of Then her beauty falls on the face of Yangdingtian, and smiles: "I also bring a A delicious little man."

The enchanting sticking out the red tongue and rubbing the red lips, said: "Little man, what is your name?"

"Don't ignore her, don't talk to her, don't look at her eyes." Ximen Yanyan said: "Otherwise, it will confuse the mind."

"She is not a human being, but a mysterious fire fox that has been turned into a humanoid for hundreds of years." Yan Yan said: "After more than a decade ago, I invited the Eastern Nirvana Sect, and several other masters. Together, she will hold her and seal it here."

Suddenly, Yangdingtian took a breath. Ten years ago, Ximen had no boundaries and the East was destroyed. It was already a master of masters. The two of them had to join other masters to hold the fox. How can she be so strong?

"Now, her demon nucleus has been taken out, hidden in a secret place, and she has been completely sealed, otherwise I would not dare to bring you to see her." Yan Yan said: "I was not sensible when I was young. I followed the mother to play here a few times and talked to her a lot. She seemed to like it very much, and I don’t know why."

"Hero, I have something to ask for your help."

"Let's say, little baby." The enchanting looked at the flames and said: "You have lost a lot of weight, it really hurts me."

"The man around me is my husband. He has just passed the enlightenment. I want him to break through the six-star basalt in the shortest possible time. Can you?"

PS: Happy weekend... ask for a ticket

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