Nine Yang Sword Saint

Chapter 45: : Hold me, kiss me!

"Hey!" Flames squinted and whispered.

Then, she slowly walked to the side of Yangdingtian, gently grabbed his broken iron sword, grabbed his muddy right hand, and said softly: "Go, come home with me. !"

Yangdingtian stopped, and the burning red scorpion gradually woke up and looked at the flames: "Go home? Oh, good!"


During this time, countless cold words entered the flames of the flames.

"The hero of Ximen City, I did not expect to look away, and picked an idiot madman to be a son-in-law!"

"It's a pity that Ximen Flames has actually married such a waste. Such a stunning stunner has been promoted to a fire pit."

"Cut, Miss Simon, I can't get this waste. You don't know, Miss Simon is still a virgin. They are not really husbands and wives. She just can't disobey the death of Ximen City. Miss Simon just waits. After a year and a half, after the waste was slaughtered by Ximen Yan, it could be remarried in a bright and harmonious way."

These sounds all entered the ears of Ximen Flame. Some were heard in person, and some were told by the maid green.

Although many people dare not say it face to face, the eyes that look at her have become very weird. One day, Simon feared to meet her on the road, and asked faintly: "Is this the hope you are looking for?"

Ximeng Lie couldn’t stay in the Black Blood Castle. He went to Yunxiao City to find Ximen Flame Road: "Are you going to let him go on like this?"

At that time, Ximen Flame was silent and did not answer.

Yang Yan, the elder elder, once talked to her and said: "You still have time to repent. The Northwest Qin family can ignore the scandal that you marry a madman for the time being. As long as you are willing, we can announce it to you. Never married, not married to a madman."

Ximen Flame is still silent.


"These people are too hateful, I can't wait to tear their mouths off." Greener said angrily: "They are getting more and more ugly, they really have no conscience, if it is not because of the city, they have the present wealth and wealth. Now they Not only did he laugh at the madman, but even the lady dared to laugh."

"The mouth grows on them, and no one can stop what they say." Flames faint.

Greener hesitated for a while, whispered: "Miss, he, he looks very pitiful, or else, you can bring him over, now even four or five-year-old children are bullying him."

Yan Yan turned his face and said: "I have already said that I will never take care of his affairs. I was so eager to ask him, but he did not listen, this is what he asked for."

Of course, the flames are talking. I don't know why, Yang Dingtian's reluctance to obey makes her angry, but it seems that because of this reluctance, he is unconsciously printed into her heart.

So, she finally couldn't help it, and again ate her words to find Yangdingtian.

She is not an oriental ice, her heart is not so hard, she is just a mouthful, but her heart is very soft.

When she really saw the masculine temperament of the wilderness, Fang suddenly burst into pain.


In this way, the ragged, a messy Yangdingtian was brought back by her flames to her fragrant little building.

Back to the flames of the boudoir, she personally filled her fragrant bath tub with hot water, and then let Yangdingtian enter the soup.

She personally gave a shower to Yangdingtian. Yangdingtian just said that I washed myself, and immediately she was pressed into the water, and he was not allowed to speak.

With her jade hand, she cleaned Yang Dingtian.

Then she shaved her face by hand.

Then, use a white fox fur toothbrush and lick the most expensive rose scented fine salt to clean each tooth for the sun.

Then, she used her own lotus essence to wash her hair for Yang Dingtian.

Then, use the ivory comb to comb the hair of Yang Dingtian neatly.

Finally, I personally took a new robe on the Yangdingtian ship.

A slender and handsome Yang Dingtian once again appeared in front of her, but she was much thinner than before.

Next, there is a table full of meals, flames accompanying Yangdingtian to eat, carefully and gently for him to pick vegetables.

Yangdingtian is still like a wind and a cloud, and the dishes at the table are eaten clean.

After brushing their teeth, the two men sat quietly and silently.

Yan Yan suddenly reached out and touched the cheek of Yang Tiantian. He said softly: "I am not good. I should not be angry at the time. I should not say so embarrassing words at the time. I should not leave you behind." Don't ask, you shouldn't let them laugh at you."

When I heard the flames, Yang Tiantian suddenly stunned, and then smiled slightly, and Yan Yan felt that he was crazy.

Flame flame came to the side of Yangdingtian, full of soft and tender body sitting next to him, softly said: "You are not crazy, you are just too stressed. I am not good, are you willing to forgive me?"

Yangdingtian eyes become gentle, said: "You have not done anything wrong, you have always been the best wife, but my persistence and reluctance to hurt you repeatedly. So in front of me, you never have to say forgiveness, Don't say that you haven't done anything wrong, even if you have done something wrong in the future, I will never blame you."

Then, Yangding Tianzheng said: "There is still a flame, this time I have no madness. But I entered a state of self-forgetting, and there is a good news flame, I have broken through the seventh method of killing the sword. Soon you can move on to the next step..."

Yang Dingtian has not finished yet, and the flames of the flames suddenly trembled, showing a worried look, and the small mouth directly caught the mouth of Yangdingtian.

"Well, what's the matter to say tomorrow." Yan Yandao, then took Yangdingtian to the bed and said: "First sleep well, you haven't slept for a long time, so you can sleep well first. What to say after waking up."

Yangding Tian smiled and said: "Sheng Yan, what I said is true..."

Without saying it, Yan Yan once again grabbed his mouth and said: "Today, I don't say good things. Today, there are only children and children."

Then, the flames are beautiful and soft, like a waterway: "Yangdingtian, marrying you for so long, I have never fulfilled my wife's obligations. Today, I will really be your wife, okay?"

When Yang Dingtian suddenly stunned his body, he would speak.

"I want to say a bunch of words that get my heart first, then get my body and the like?" Fan Yan groaned: "Then don't have to say anything."

Then, Yan Yan took off his coat and let him lie on his fragrant gum bed.

Next, the flames of the face were slightly red, and the jade teeth bite, and they began to take off their clothes.

In the horrified eyes of Yangdingtian, she took herself off with only a thin translucent petticoat. Inside the petticoat, there is only a pink apron and pink silk panties. The rest of the snow-white full body, lively and fragrant through the translucent petticoat, exposed to the eyes of Yangdingtian, exudes an incomparable temptation.

Then, the flames also went to bed.

"You?" Yang Dingtian heart jumped wildly, and the nose only felt a fascinating scent. This is the unique fragrance of the flame, which is intense and intoxicating.

"We are husband and wife, of course we have to sleep on a bed." Flames pretended to be natural, but her almost trembling tone sold her heart.

Then, her smooth and delicate fragrance was lying down next to Yangdingtian, and covered with a thin fluffy quilt, suddenly Yangdingtian and her body were in a bed.

"Flame flame, you don't have to be like this." Yangding Tiandao, breathing a bit heavy.

The flames flew over the delicate body, and Mei Mei stared at Yangding Tiandao: "We have been husband and wife for several months, but we have always kept a distance. You don't want to be close to me?"

“Why don’t you want to?” Yangding Tiandao: “You have the most beautiful face in the world, the most moving body, you are much more lovely than the Oriental Ice.”

"But the huge responsibility can't make you breathe, right?" Yan Yan said: "You like me very much, but you marry me, it's because of the father's life, because you think I don't love you because of self-esteem. Because of pity, you won’t touch me until I have fallen in love with you."

"And I, marrying you is also entirely because of the father's life, I am unwilling in my heart, but I do not violate the father's orders, so I pretend to give you selflessly, in fact, the heart is completely rejecting you thousands of miles away. "Flame Road: "So we have been married for several months, never half close, like a familiar stranger, it seems like there is a thick ice between us two ~ But we have forgotten that feelings can be cultivated. A pair of men and women sleep in a bed every day, and there will always be feelings." Yan Yan said: "I used to be generous, saying that I can fulfill my wife’s obligations at any time. But still looking for various reasons to make this closeness impossible."

"From now on, we are no longer looking for any reason. We are husband and wife, we should sleep together." The flames of the flames are gradually sticking up, and the exhalation of the fragrance is sprayed on the face of Yangdingtian. , softly: "Fei Jun, we are husband and wife, I am a woman who loves chastity, I will never remarriage. So, we are a couple, this thing is destined. So, we throw away the thick will press us Responsible for breathing, throwing away poor self-esteem, learning to love each other purely, okay?"

"We are all enemies around us, so we both have to be in love and mutual dependence. Only by embracing each other, we will not feel cold, we will have to rely on. We are reconciled, okay?"

Yang Dingtian gasps hard, his shoulders tremble with force, as if he really wants to remove the heavy objects pressed on his body, then the voice trembles and says: "Good!"

"This is right." Yan Yan also trembled: "I have said it already, now I don't want to say it once again, want to get a woman's heart, first enter her lower body... Now, hold me, kiss I!"

PS: Don't say that the flames are eating again. She is such a person. When she was angry, she couldn't control her mouth. But she can't control her own heart either. She is such a kind and savvy girl with a good mouth and a soft heart.

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