Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 465: : 嚣张祝红雪, 1 stroke spike!

Yang Dingtian could not help but frown, did not expect Zhu Hong Xue actually came. Of course, perhaps he has been near Yunxiao City, waiting for Yangdingtian to appear.

Although the impression of Zhu Hongxue has been greatly improved, but in dealing with such people, Yangdingtian is still a headache.

Like the characteristics of people like Zhu Hongxue, extreme pride, extreme stubbornness.

He came, no doubt because of the Eastern Ice. At this point, Yang Dingtian completely violated his inverse scale. So I wish the red snow will react, and the Yangding innocence is not surprising.

However, even if it is a headache, you still have to see.

In the next one or two months, the Tiandaomeng headquarters will discuss whether to expel Yunxiaocheng. On this point, the attitudes of Xuan Tianzong and Yin Yangzong are the most important.

Of course, Zhu Qingzhu has long been a demon person, but Zhu Hongxue is not yet, so the attitude of Zhu Hongxue is especially important.

Yang Dingtian got up and was about to meet Zhu Hongxue personally.

"Boom!" Just at this moment, a loud noise.

The door of the main hall was directly shattered, and the red snow outside the door, on the extremely beautiful face, looked cold.

In the square, countless Yunxiaocheng disciples gathered around and looked at the back of Zhuanxue, some anger, but more of it was weak and looking up.

I wish Red Snow to come to the door to slap the face, and the disciples of Yunxiaocheng are still full of coziness and look up?

There was a sorrow and anger in the heart of Yangding. The disciples of Yunxiaocheng have always been inferior in front of these famous monarchs. Because Yunxiao City has been staring at the reputation of the rebellious yin and yang sect, although in the Tiandao League, but the three ninth and twenty-seven factions do not have its position, go to the world where the famous disciples of the famous family. Can't lift their heads.

Not to mention, in front of the world is the arrogant son of the world, and the red ice of the same name as the Oriental ice.

So, I wish Red Snow to come to the door. The first reaction of many disciples in Yunxiao City was not anger and questioning, but uneasiness and hope, as if they had done something unspeakable.

"Yangdingtian. Come over!" Zhu Hongxue said coldly: "I don't want to kill you in front of many Yunxiaocheng disciples."

Suddenly, Yangdingtian was almost mad!

Knowing that Zhu Hongxue would be annoying, but did not expect to hate this point.

That kind of high, the kind of attitude that seems to call the cat and dog. This is not Xuan Tianzong, here is Yunxiao City!

Yang Dingtian has not yet opened, Song Chunhua suddenly furious, violently pulling the sword, it is necessary to go to the first battle!

Yang Dingtian gently pulls and pulls Song Chunhua to the side. Going forward and looking forward to wishing red snow, faintly said: "I wish you a red snow, if you come to talk about things, just talk. Otherwise, just roll!"

"Do you dare to talk to me like this? Look for death!" Zhu Hongxue's face was cold. When the last two words were spoken, a burst of gusts of wind suddenly shook the ground and the dust flew out. A real hall is like a thunder.

Outside, there are thousands of disciples in Yunxiaocheng. Instinctively back.

It is not that they are afraid of death, but that they instinctively fear and inferiority to Zhu Hongxue. In their view, Zhu Hongxue is the young leader of Tiandao League, and his hands even control the fate of Yunxiaocheng.

Of course, the facts are indeed true.

For Yunxiaocheng's position in Tiandao League, it is indeed possible to make a statement by people like Zhu Hongxue and Oriental Ice Ling. and so. At the time of Yang Diantian’s grand ceremony, Oriental Ice Ling only appeared. All the movements of Qin Huaiyu, all the movements of the opposition of Yunxiaocheng, all died down and did not dare to make a second.

That does not work. The disciples of Yunxiaocheng are too inferior. If this continues, it will not be able to resist the next terrible war. Even if they have not started fighting, their hearts will collapse first.

They must be given a spiritual sustenance, a powerful spiritual idol!

Of course, this spiritual idol can only be Yangdingtian!


Yangdingtian slowly walked a few steps and looked at the red snow road: "Give you two choices, first, talk well, put away your prestige, don't look so uncultivated. Second, you and I have a good fight. You are not educated, I will help you to raise. Then, let's talk."

Yang Dingtian’s words resounded throughout the Yunxiao City.

All the disciples of Yunxiaocheng were shocked, and their city owners dared to speak like Zhu Hongxue. This is completely naked humiliation. It is a celebration of the fact that Red Snow is not educated, so Yangdingtian wants to discipline his father.

Suddenly, I wish Red Snow is angry.

"Walking the dog, you are looking for death!" A break, like a thunder.

Then, a flame slammed out of his body and burned.

In an instant, the entire square is full of murderous murder.

"I didn't want to humiliate you in front of everyone in Yunxiao City. Who knows that this dog is actually mad, completely looking for a dead end." Zhu Hongxue burst into drink, then slammed into the air, the sword pointed Yang Tiandao: "You Come out, I will be in front of many Yunxiaocheng disciples, and you will be ruined for everyone, so that everyone can see clearly. Some people are not offensive to you."

Yangding Tianjian sword, violently flew out from the hall, floating in the air from the square of Zhu Hongxue, looking at the red snow and cold road: "Your brain is really broken, do not teach you, can not wake up forever. ""

"Shut up, don't irritate me to kill and anger others." Zhu Hongxue said sharply: "You are not worthy of playing against me. I am fighting you today. If you can't kill you, you can't kill you." That is, I wish the red snow shame!"

"One stroke spike?" Yang Dingtian laughed: "I wish you a red snow, you will regret your life for the rest of your life. Then, I also vowed that if I can't beat you, I will kill you. You start!"

"Ha ha ha..." I wish the red snow burst into laughter, only to feel the ridiculousness of this world. There is such a cockroach ant saying that he must defeat himself within three strokes.

"Yangdingtian, you take the opportunity to get the position of the owner of Yunxiao City, you will be forgotten, even arrogant to such a point." Zhu Hongxue laughed: "I really want to make people ruin, let it be crazy! If it is not because of ice, you and me There is no qualification to speak, let alone fight with me! You are a despicable speculator, you know that you will fight with me, even if you are dead, it is enough for you to be famous. Now, you can’t say that you are defeated. I, the younger generation of the world, except for the ice, none of my opponents. Three strokes defeated me, even if you die from the West Gate, you can’t say it."

Yang Dingtian couldn’t help but scream, this red snow is proud to be so arrogant to such a degree? Simon has no limit to absolute strength, but more than his father wished the Lord.

It can be said. In addition to the mysterious and unknown innocent people in the world today, no one is a boundless opponent of Simon. I wish Red Snow a sigh of relief, even if it is not even the West Gate, it is not in the eyes.

Suddenly, Yangding quietly looked at Zhu Hongxue, faintly said: "Come on, kill me with a trick! It's time to wake up your pride."

I wish the red snow eyes a condensate, holding the soul sword, condensing the mysterious, condensing the black fire!


Burning flames. Instantly plucked a few feet high.

Wishing the red sword, his whole person, is burning.

He is already very good and is listed as the first beautiful man in the world. At this time, it is more like a **** of war.

The eyes of all the disciples of Yunxiao City are full of fear and admiration at this time, and there is incomparable worry.

They don't think at all that Yangdingtian will be the opponent of Zhuhongxue. although. Their city owners have created countless miracles, but at best they are only the cultivation of the first class Wu Zun. It is impossible to be the opponent of Zhu Hongxue, not even the qualification for a war.

Although they stood on the side of Yangdingtian, they fully agreed with Zhu Hongxue.

Even their hearts are deeply sting! The top leaders of Yunxiaocheng, their leaders, turned out to be just a first-class Wu Zun. before. You can also use the Yangding Tiancheng main age to hypnotize yourself, but wishing the appearance of Hongxue directly pierced the weakest part of their heart.

Their city owners are so weak, and Yuncheng City is so dangerous at this time, can Yangdingtian lead the city to grow up? or. Not to mention the growth, can Yangdingtian save Yunxiaocheng?

The answer is completely negated.

Even if the talent of Yangding is higher, it is a strong man of Wuzun. No one will wait for your strength. Wu Zun, for ordinary people, may be strong enough. But for the head of the faction, there is no more weak than this.

In an instant, the disciples of Yunxiaocheng became more inferior and weaker.

Before the arrogance of Yang Dingtian gave them morale, as if the soap bubbles were generally shattered.


The mysterious fire of the red snow soul sword has already burned to the extreme.

"Yangdingtian, this is the best soul sword, this is the heaven and earth level Xuanhuo, can die under my sword, is enough to make you glorious for life." Zhu Hongxue slammed, and the sword in his hand slammed out.


There is no mystery, no bells and whistles, just the most direct swordsman, mixed with the swordsmanship of Xuanhuo energy.

But it is enough to be earth-shattering, enough to pierce everyone's light.

This sword mans, like the lightning that tears the sky, is like the brilliance shot from above nine days.

In an instant, I crossed the square over a few kilometers of Yunxiao City. The brilliance of the sun is completely obscured, and the sky above the city of Yunxiao is shining and glaring, so that the people on the square can completely ignore the objects.

Then, this amazing sword mans, violently shot in the sun.

Almost instantaneous, the body of Yangdingtian is completely swallowed!

Suddenly, all the disciples on Yunxiaocheng Square closed their eyes and looked desperate. They did not dare to look at it.

Because there is only one ending in their hearts, their city owners are broken and broken.

After killing the swordsman, I wish the red snow to stand up and watch. The eyes smashed through the crowds on the ground, just like watching the ants, faintly disdain: "Since then, there is no such thing as the sun in the world."

After all, I wish Red Snow would turn and leave.

"Zhu Hongxue, your high face is really disgusting." Suddenly, all the people heard the sound of Yangdingtian’s understatement.

Suddenly, everyone shocked and looked up into the air with incredulity.

Their city owners did not die? Under the shock of Zhu Hongxue, their city owners did not die.

You must know that their city owners are only junior martial arts, and Zhu Hongxue is infinitely close to the master.

After hearing the words of Yang Dingtian, I wished that Hongxue suddenly trembled and turned around incredulously.

The light faded away, and Yangdingtian was still floating in the air.

He did not say that he was seriously injured, and he did not lose it at all.

"How is it possible?" Zhu Hongxue said: "Impossible, how can you be beaten by me? What kind of treasure did you get this speculator?"

prior to. Yang Dingtian also feels that under the pride of Zhu Hongxue, he has a straightforward character, so it is an ally worthy of being wooed.

Now, Yangdingtian has to doubt this. Because this person, despite his proud qualities, is too high. It is completely unacceptable for others to be stronger than themselves. In the whole world, there is only the Oriental Ice Ling in his eyes. If other people are stronger than him, then it must be what treasures are obtained through despicable means, certainly not by his own strength.

"You are really incorrigible." Yang Dingtian said lightly: "Now, it's my turn!"

"Your branch is the best soul sword?" Yang Dingtian faintly said: "I am also a soul sword, every wire is my own forging. As for the grade, I don't know. I can only tell you, If there is a soul sword in the world, that is my!"

Yangding Tianshou holds the soul sword.

Suddenly, his soul sword shot a ray of light.

Powerful, golden, noble golden light, bursting across the Yunxiaocheng Square.

This is almost exactly the same light as the sun, just like the sun, shining through the entire city.

Countless Yunxiaocheng disciples are fascinated by this light. Looking up at the sky in the sky, I suddenly felt the urge to worship.

"You said the heaven and earth level Xuanhuo?" Yangdingtian faintly said: "Your Xuanhuo is called the thunderfire. It is the world's nine Xuanhuo, ranking eighth!"

Yang Dingtian stretched out his left hand.

Suddenly, a flame floated on the palm of your hand, beautiful and mysterious. Even if it is the light of the soul sword, it cannot be suppressed.

"No one told you, my Xuanhuo is also a heavenly-level Xuanhuo? Yiling demon fire. Ranked sixth in the world. Or, your brain, your eyes can not accommodate anything else?" Yangdingtian Faintly.

Looking at the top of the palm of the hand, the spirit of the spirits, I wish the face of Hong Xue began to twitch.

His self-confidence, the moment he got the thunder of fire. It has expanded indefinitely. He knows that there are other world-class Xuanhuo, but he thinks that these Xuanhuo will either wait for their own collection, or they will only have the level of Oriental Ice.

Yang Dingtian such a humble person has a heaven and earth level Xuanhuo? Do not joke!

Heaven and earth level Xuanhuo, but will choose the Lord. People like Yang Dingtian also match?

Then, Yang Dingtian right hand grasps the soul sword.

"Call!" Suddenly, a more beautiful, ever-changing color of flames rises from the soul sword.

"Heaven and earth Xuanhuo, I not only have, but more than one." Yangdingtian faintly said: "This one, called the demon spirits, is also the heaven and earth level Xuanhuo. The world is nine fires, ranking fourth!"

"Zhu Hongxue, put away your high face." Yang Dingtian said: "I am not only the owner of the city, I am the heir to the Yin and Yang lords, I am the only descendant of the Eastern Nirvana. On identity, on the birth, I am no better than you. Poor. And men, the most important thing is ideal and strength."

"Ideal, I will talk to you later. Now, I want to talk to you about strength." Yang Dingtian said: "Before, I said that three strokes defeated you. Now I regret to say this sentence, I take back this sentence. words."

Yang Dingtian’s words came out, and everyone’s face changed slightly.

"I changed my mouth. You are even worse than I thought." Yangding Tiandao: "Then I changed my mouth. Within one stroke, I will defeat you. If I can't do it, then I will kill you!" ”

As soon as this was said, the whole city of Yunxiao City was shocked!

A trick to kill red snow? Oh my God? How can it be?

Wishing red snow, but infinitely close to the master! If their city owners can defeat Zhu Hongxue in a single stroke, how powerful is it?

Zhu Hongxue, the fact that it has been owned by Yangdingtian with two Xuanhuo shocked, and the heart has already begun to go crazy, and it is almost collapsed.

At this point, I heard that Yang Dingtian actually said that he would kill him in one stroke. Suddenly, there was a surge of war.

"Yangdingtian, you don't know how to use the mean means to get two black fires. Just like you don't know how to use the identity of ice, you get a lot of things you shouldn't get. But now you actually say that you want to kill me, It’s really awkward.” Zhu Hongxue laughed and said: “Don’t say a trick, even if you have ten strokes, you can’t beat me if you want to do it. Then I swear, as long as you can beat me. I’m here. On the city square, let's kill!"

Yangdingtian looked at him and said faintly: "I don't kill you, I don't want you. I said that if you do, you will be defeated. If I do, I will ask you to take back your face and return to your education. I heard that I can speak, can I do it?"

"Shut up, beat me first." Zhu Hongxue angered.

"Good!" Yang Dingtian faintly said: "Your thunder is fire, the knife and the gun are not in, the mysterious skill is not as good. Then, you will transport the big thunder shield to the extreme, I don't want to win!"

I wish the red snow is almost vomiting blood.

"Boom!" Suddenly, a flame rises up and will wish the red snow body completely shrouded.

Then, a golden light shield, violently lit, shrouded the whole body of red and snow.

Zhu Hongxue knows that this big thunder shield can't stop the electric system. However, he does not think that the electric system can knock down himself in an instant.

"Yangdingtian, I know that you speculators also have the electric system Xuanfu, but you want to knock down me with the energy of the district electric system, it is a dream." Zhu Hongxue sneered rest assured, I don't Use the power system. "Yangding Tiandao.

"Well, I don't need electric power, I want to break my big thunder shield, dream!" Zhu Hongxue said.

"You talk less, the more you talk, the more you lose." Yang Dingtian said: "Are you ready?"

"Although come." Zhu Hongxue sneered: "If I am defeated by you, let me kill!"

"Remember your words!" Yangdingtian faint.

"Call!" Yang Dingtian left hand, suddenly the magical demon fire ice energy, instant shot.

At the same time, Yang Dingtian right hand soul sword, slammed.

Golden swordsmanship, shot out!

Everyone on the ground, shocked, looking up into the air.

Note: There is a second more, please support! (To be continued.)

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