Nine Yang Sword Saint

Chapter 49: : Scarlet Wilderness

"Don't ask me where the Naka people's deep sea Xuanyi came from, and don't ask me why I will give it to you, okay?" Ximen Ningning said.

"And, don't let others know the deep sea Xuanyi on your body." Ning Ning continued.

Yangding nodded, but still couldn't press the shock in his heart.

The Naga people are the ultimate secret of the world!

For thousands of years, countless people yearn for it, but no one really explores it.

Yang Dingtian read the relevant records.

Shenlong, the supreme guardian of the entire chaotic continent, is known as the Dragon Titan.

In all the records, even in the records of the ancient times, there is no dragon in this world, only the close relatives of the dragon. But as long as it is the dragon's close relatives, the monsters are extremely powerful, and Naga is the closest to the dragon's blood. It is the descendant of the dragon and the sea snake mating. Before the adult shape, the form resembles a snake and looks like Dragon. It looks pretentious and horrible, domineering and cold-blooded.

In short, the Naga can be called the most powerful race in the world, no one.

More than 10,000 years ago, there was no fluttering and wanted to save the world. The first one to look for was the mighty Naga. However, I don’t know if he saw the Naga in the end. This secret will only be known in the second stage of killing the sword.


"This is a peeled skin of a female Naga, so it is very small, you, you have to take off your shirt, I will help you wear it in an inch."

"Just a jacket, no pants." Yangding Tiandao, taking off his shirt is already the limit, he is not like taking off his pants in front of her.

"There are also legs, but in my lower body, I can't get off." Ximen Ningning whispered, his face was already red and almost bloody.

In desperation, Yang Dingtian stripped off the upper body, and then in the help of Ximen Ningning, one inch and one inch will wear the deep sea Xuanyi on his body.

Ximen Ningning may have never touched a man, nor has he seen a man's naked upper body. The whole face is like a red cloth. Breathing and spurting on the chest of Yangdingtian, the sound of her heart beating can almost be heard by Yangdingtian.

Of course, Yangdingtian is not much better. After all, it is a woman's slim hand that keeps touching on your naked body.


After wearing the deep sea Xuanyi, Yangdingtian can hardly feel its existence, it seems to be another layer of skin in Yangdingtian. Then put on the Yangdingtian clothes on the outside.

Then, Ximen Ningning took Yang Dingtian to the outside balcony, and then shouted softly in the air: "Yao Yao, come over, my sister is looking for you."

After a while, from the top of the cave, flying out a gorgeous shadow. It flew very fast and very beautiful, and soon it was in front of Yangdingtian, floating in the air and gently flapping its wings.

A beautiful ride, Yang Dingtian has never seen it, the slender body is bent into an S shape, the sides of the body are bright and soft wings, from the head to the tail are wings on both sides, but the wings of the body part are the widest, to the tail Gradually shrinking, the wings also draw a graceful curvature.

Yang Dingtian has never really seen such a beautiful flying beast. Obviously this is a very rare riding monster.

"This is a floating spirit, flying very fast, and very docile." Ximen Ningning Chaoyang top Tiandao, and then stretched out a small hand to caress the head of the floating spirit, its head is very small compared to its wings But a pair of eyes is very big, with a tender mouth, looks very cute.

"You go to the red wilderness with your brother, do you want to know?" Simon Ningning said softly as he stroked the top of his head.

Gone with the Wind and enjoy the touch, the big eyes slightly picked up, use his head to go to the small hand of Ning Ning in Ximen, and the mouth is screaming and spoiled.

After Ximen Ningning let go of the hand, the beautiful dragonfly slowly flew down, floating at a foot from the balcony, and yelling at the side, letting Yangdingtian sit on its body.

Yangdingtian gently jumped on the back of the floating spirit and touched its neck first. He whispered: "Thank you, Yaoyao."

Then he waved to Ximen Ningning: "Goodbye."

Ximen Ningning gently relied on the fence on the balcony. The Jiao Tuo seemed to be a little soft. The sun shook the hand in the morning sun: "Goodbye, be careful, be careful!"

Then, the floating spirits carried Yang Dingtian and flew toward the red wilderness beyond the hundred miles.


The red wilderness is about a hundred miles northwest of Yunxiao City. The floating spirits fly very fast. In less than half an hour, they reach the sky above the red wilderness.

Sitting in the red wilderness of the top of the sky, overlooking the sky below, is really endless. Numerous red cracks tear the entire piece of land and are scarred. Inside the cracks, there is always a hot red blood magma, never solidified, and even the land here is blood red.

The entire red wilderness is about 400 miles long and the center is a huge volcano. During the period of Great Nirvana, the volcano erupted, tearing all the surrounding hundreds of miles, and the magma poured into the cracks, forming the red wilderness of today. And in these magma, there is a very strong and flamboyant scent, so there are countless red wild animals.

Looking down from the sky, in addition to countless small cracks, there are five huge square cracks, centered on the big volcano, one set, dividing the red wilderness of hundreds of thousands of square miles into five. The closer to the volcano, the stronger the mysterious gas and the higher the level of the monster.

Gone with the Wind flies in the outermost part of the red wilderness, Yang Dingtian jumped on the land of the red wilderness, and the singer screamed and flew in the direction of Yunxiao City. In the evening, it would come back to the top of the sky.

Stepping on the red land, Yang Dingtian suddenly felt very hot. The mysterious atmosphere here is much richer than in Yunxiao City. However, the mysteriousness here cannot be used for refining and refining, because there is a strong fire poison, and the Xuanmai will be burned alive after refining.

Here is the outermost layer of the red wilderness, the monsters here are relatively low-level.

From the map, the outermost layer is about 30,000 square kilometers. The places where the eyes are located are all high and low undulating earth hills and stone mountains. Most places have no plants, and only a few places have strange plants.

Yangdingtian took a long breath of hot air and pulled out the sword.

The danger has already begun. At this time, there is only one person in the entire wilderness, but there are countless monsters. They hide in the caves and in the caves.

Yangdingtian knows that the most dangerous place in the red wilderness is the deep caves everywhere, followed by the stone mountains and the mountains, the safest on the flat ground. Therefore, Yangdingtian always stays away from the stone mountains and caves, carefully walking on the flat bottom surface, a little deep into the red wilderness.

Although he has medicinal herbs and deep sea Xuanyi, he is only an enlightener. In this place, he is absolutely in danger. The deep sea Xuanyi can't protect his head and limbs, just one of the lowest monsters. kill him.

At this time, Yangding genius felt his madness, and he almost did not have any mysteriousness. He even went to the red wilderness of crisis.

Yangdingtian slowly walked forward, his nerves were tight, and every hair was tightly erected. The bushes at the foot of the walk were as close as possible to touch.

There was silence in the surroundings, and there was no sound of a worm. It was quiet and strange, quiet and infiltrating, as if a deadly crisis lurked in every place.

Yangdingtian walked for ten minutes and had already penetrated into two or three. He still couldn’t see half of the monsters. Even half of the living creatures were not seen. He couldn’t help but be anxious. It’s safe to have no beast safe, but Also hunted than the demon nucleus.

"Hey? What is that?" Yang Dingtian suddenly felt the light in front of him, and there was a flame burning in the crack in the front of the stone mountain.

Going forward, I found that it was not a flame, but a red, black and red stone. It looked like a fire from afar.

"Hey? Master, what is this?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"Ah..." The Eastern Nirvana made a surprised voice and said, "No, it’s too lucky. You just came out to take risks, and this low-level monster wilderness has encountered this precious Things, even if others travel thousands of miles, they are not necessarily able to meet."

Surprisingly speaking to the Eastern Nirvana, Yang Dingtian was even more curious: "What is this?"

"It is blood Wujin, and it has just cracked the boulder exposed, otherwise it has already been taken away."

"Ah, blood Wujin, the blood Wujin used for forging soul swords?" Yang Dingtian is incredible.

Yes, blood Wujin is not only the top material for forging the weapon of the gods, but any weapon forged with blood Wujin is a **** of the world.

However, the precious value of blood Wujin is that it can be used to forge soul swords, and it is the only material for forging soul swords.

A yang soul sword, the minimum needs ninety-nine blood Wujin. A warrior needs to travel all over the world. It takes years, even ten years, to dig up enough blood, so any **** gold is worth a million dollars.

And Yang Dingtian just came to the trial wilderness, and even encountered a **** gold cracked stone, is not enough to describe with luck. As if, God also told Yang Dingtian, let him choose to practice the sword soul.

"Children, I will ask you again, have you decided to cultivate the sword spirit? This is the hardest road in the world. The world has successfully produced swordsman only three Qingren, a peerless powerhouse, can’t have it.” asked the Eastern Nirvana.

Yangdingtian looked at this blood Wujin Road: "I have already decided, and you said that the Oriental Ice Ling practiced the sword spirit, and she even forged the sword." Yangding Tiandao: "If I practice cultivation If you are out of the sword, you will never be able to defeat her."

The soul of the sword is the king of the soul. Other martial arts are refining from the demon, and no more than half of the monster.

The sword soul, but it is said, can grow forever, can be strong enough to break through the sky. The infinite swordsman of Simon is only in the growth stage, so powerful, defeating the great masters of Yin and Yangzong, and the elders of the elders would rather die. If he is not harmed by Zhu Qingzhu, with his sword soul, after ten years, he can completely be invincible.

"Well, Master has gone through many detours when practicing the sword spirit. Now, it will never let you go any further." The East Nirvana: "The first step in practicing the most powerful swordsman is to forge it out." A peerless sword. The first step in forging a peerless sword is to dig this precious blood Wujin!"

Yangding Tiandun took out the dagger and went to the blood Wujin to dig it out.

The dagger is inserted into the gap of the stone and pressed hard.

"Oh..." Suddenly, Yang Dingtian’s eyes flashed in front of him, and a stinging heat almost instantly burned his eyes.

A fiery red giant wolf slammed out from behind the mountain, opened the blood basin, and the lightning generally bite into the neck of Yangdingtian.

This is a flame demon wolf, a fire monster, cruel and bloodthirsty.

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