Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 498: :negotiation! Engaged little princess!

"Taro, is crazy enough outside, have fun? Finally I am willing to go home?" Inside the cottage, there was a voice that seemed to be sullen and sorrowful.

Lingbi said: "I am outside, and I don't miss my grandfather all the time."

"I believe you are strange." Wu Lingzi said: "All the female hoes, after the age of sixteen, will all become unconscion."

"Okay, come in." Nobody continued.

The coffin got up, then came over and took the inside of Yangdingtian.

Go inside the hut.

Inside, there is nothing simple in it, no bed, no chair, no table.

In the middle of the hut, there is a person sitting on the plate.

This person is innocent!

Yang Dingtian saw him at first sight, could not help but have a wrong time.

His hair is white, his beauty is white, and his beard is white.

At the same time, his face is also white. There is no wrinkle on the skin on the face, no wrinkles.

If the eyebrows are oblique swords, if the nose is hanging, if the mouth is covered with beads!

It seems that it is still younger than the West Gate, and it is definitely a beautiful man without any one.

If it doesn't have to be white, it looks like he is thirty or forty years old.

Slightly open your eyes.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian felt the infinite years and vicissitudes of life, and people suddenly felt that he was over a hundred years old.

In the entire chaotic world, it is already an ancestor.


"Let's say, little girl with no conscience, what are you looking for from Grandpa?" The ancestors did not have a spirit.

The little princess did not speak first. I took a ring from my arms and threw it to the innocent child: "Too grandfather. What do you think is this?"

Of course, it is the guardian ring.

After the ignorance was overtaken, he suddenly said a moment, "Well, you can resist any damage from the great masters, where is it?"

"It was my brother gave me." The little princess came over intimately and took the arm of Yangdingtian. "We went to a secret city called Desperate City. It is difficult to interview the task. The brother of the day passed by. Then he gave me the guardian ring of the most precious baby."

Wuzizi said: "This ring is a rare treasure, but it is not useful for you to wear, but it will hinder your cultivation."

"Wow!" Lingbi exaggerated: "The same is true of my brother, but I really like this ring too much, so he has to give it to me. He also said, let me show this ring to grandfather, you Let me want. I will. You don't want me, I don't want it."

At this point, the innocent is only a faint look at the sun, no feelings.

From the moment when Yangdingtian entered the Lingbi Palace, no one had ever seen Yangdingtian, and this is still the first sight.

"Yeah!" Wu Lingzi said: "Then you will give it back to him."

Let me talk about it. He directly threw the guardian ring back.

The little princess’s face changed slightly, and then the ring was directly robbed. Jiao Tian: “My brother, let me play for a few more days, when do I not want to play. I will return it to you, okay?”

Yang Dingtian smiled and nodded.

The little girl is really smart. She didn't say anything about the innocence at first, but just said that the ring is to make the Lingbi Palace owe a singularity to the sky. The Wuzi had to return the guard ring to Yangdingtian. She took the past and said that she would let the Lingbi Palace owe this person to the end.

At this point, the innocent man slowly closed his eyes and was not ready to speak any more.

Xiaotoutou Meiyi turned around and moved a large box behind Yangdingtian and opened it directly. "Too grandfather, what do you think is this?"

The innocent eyes opened their eyes and saw the things inside the box. They suddenly looked awkward and slightly revealed their unbelievable eyes.

Inside, there are actually three magic spirits.

"There are three magic spirits, one of them is one thousand eight hundred years old, one is two thousand three hundred years old, and one is two thousand years old." Lingbi exaggerated: "These are all brothers give My. These three add up, than the wife you killed before ten, but also powerful. My magical fog, flash speed and distance, can be doubled. My devil black armor upper body, It can also be built."

Wu Lingzi finally looked at the sun in the morning.

Three devils around two thousand years old, what team can be killed in the world?

Several masters, dozens of masters, hundreds of Wu Zun, can only kill a demon of more than a thousand years old.

"What do you kill?" Wu Ling asked: "Your cultivation is amazing among young people, but it can't kill a hair of the devil."

He is still talking to Yang Dingtian for the first time.

Yangding Tiandao: "The first 1800-year-old demon spirit was auctioned by Lingbi himself. The second 2,000-year-old demon is on the fourth floor of the desperate city. Refining monsters. One of our teams has the power of evil spirits, which can instantly attract the devil. The devil wants to swallow and does not dare to swallow, so he can only stare and keep moving. Then, I take the opportunity to cut off Its limbs. Then, the teammate with the evil spirits, swallowed the soul of the demon with the evil spirits."

"Oh, it turns out." Wu Lingzi said: "I am still amazed, how the number of magic spirits I have sensed, a lot less."

"The third two thousand-year-old demon is killed by a holy power." Yangding Tiandao.

"The Holy Power?" Wu Lingzi said: "The world has not been a holy power for a long time, even if it is half holy, there is no."

"She is not a human being. It is the last trial monster of the desperate city secret. It is the fire spirit of the demon spirit. It has been cultivated for thousands of years." Yangding Tiandao.

"Oh, that's it." Wu Lingzi said: "So, your body has already had a demon spirit at this time?"

"Yes predecessors, but the demon spirits are biased towards the negative Xuanmai, so it is not a big use in my body, it is a pity." Yangding Tiandao.

"Yeah!" Nobody said: "Okay, hoe. Don't turn, let's talk. Is there anything for me?"

Lingbi said: "Too grandfather, the people who destroyed the temple have come to the world again, and the war of extinction will soon come again. Now, the whole world has almost sold out to rely on the temple of annihilation. Only Yangding Tianjian struggles to the end. Therefore, the evil thief of the Temple of Demise refers to the deer as a horse and reverses the black and white in the name of the Heavenly Alliance. He said that Yangdingtian killed the Eastern Ice Ling and sent the coalition forces to crusade him. Our power is very weak. There are only less than 100,000 troops. And they have a million troops. Ask Grandpa to personally lead the Master of the Lingbi Palace to Yunxiao City to help us fight off the enemy."

Although Yang Dingtian was surprised, he did not say anything. The purpose of his coming was to let the innocent veto the resolution of Yang Dingtian at the Tiandao League, and to help resurrect the East. Now Xiao Shantou said that letting Wu Lingzi lead the masters of the Lingbi Palace to participate in the war is nothing more than asking for the price of the sky, waiting for the innocent to sit on the ground and pay back the money.

"Little girl is noisy." Wu Lingzi said: "Speak well. Don't ask for the price."

Lingbi said: "That, too grandfather can go to Yunxiao City alone, you alone, arrived at thousands of horses."

Innocently closed his eyes.

The coffin hurryed and said: "Yes, how can you work for the elderly in a million-strong army? Unless the devil asks the sky to appear, he is qualified to fight with you. Otherwise, let me take away 10,000 black cockroaches, ten Masters, one or two masters, and hundreds of Wu Zun. Okay?"

"I want to catch people." Wu Lingzi said: "Yangdingtian, I will give you the last chance to open."

Yangding Tianzhu said: "First. Ask the predecessors to use the veto at the Tiandao League Conference. Don't drive Yunxiao City out of Tiandao League, don't let me lose the big name. Second, I have a big master here. The corpse, a soul gathering, the soul fragments of my master's oriental nirvana, and a devil's heart. I want to ask the predecessors to resurrect my master.

"These requirements are not excessive." Wu Lingzi said: "But, why do you let me help you? Just because the spirits owe you?"

"The coffin does not owe me any human feelings. I regard her as her sister. She does not owe me anything." Yangding Tiandao.

"Don't try to kidnap me with emotions. You are straightforward. Why do you let me help you, what can you bring to my Lingbi Palace?"

"I am for the justice of the world, requesting the predecessors." Yangding Tianzhu said: "We are both Tiandao League, please see the seniors in the world, help me!"

"Justice?" Nothing is faint: "I have no justice in my eyes. You should see it. My Lingbi Palace feeds the black scorpion with millions of living people every year, and justice comes from there."

Yangding Tiandao: "The Lingbi Palace also belongs to the Heavenly Alliance. Even if it is for the Heavenly Alliance, the Lingbi Palace also has a responsibility. If you sit and watch the Demon Road destroy all the forces of the Heavenly Alliance, then where do you go after the Lingbi Palace, do you think that Wan Wan Will the temple of the gods win the Lingbi Palace?"

"Ha ha ha ha..." No one laughed and said: "It’s ridiculous, Yang Dingtian, you know, more than two hundred years ago, my Lingbi Palace was a demon, I have never heard of it."

Suddenly, Yangdingtian was shocked!

The Lingbi Palace used to belong to the demon road? This, this has never been heard.

The Wuzi smiled and said: "At that time there were three palaces under the Temple of Destruction, Tianmo Palace, Wanxue Palace, and Wuhuan Palace. This day the Magic Palace is the predecessor of the Lingbi Palace. My Lingbi Palace was defeated in the Demon Road. At that time, it was only turned out. I was not called a spiritless person at the time. My name is Tianzizi. It is the wizard of the world. It is the vain and zero to personally negotiate with me and let me turn my back. From then on, the Tianmo Palace was renamed Lingbi. The palace is ranked first in the world."

Yangding was really stunned, including the coffin was completely stunned.

This secret, the two really have not heard of it. Just two hundred years ago, this secret singer was even banned, as if sweeping out the traces of history.

"Do you know why nothing is going to negotiate with me?" Wu Lingzi sneered: "Because she and the devil are almost at the same time, looking at the power, it is already the end of the powerful. In the battle of destruction, the demon road, heaven Both sides of the alliance have done everything. Only the Tianmao Palace, listening to the tone does not listen to the announcement, always maintains strength. Moreover, I also have a skill against the sky, that is, you can summon the demon to ask the heavens of the undead. So as long as I am willing, almost Can reverse the battle, understand?"

"The remnant energy of the demon road at that time, squatting in front of me, let me become a new demon king, leading the demon army to continue fighting. However, I am lazy. I am not willing to bother, so I sit on the fiasco of the evil devil. So only With these two hundred years of situation, understand?" The innocent mouth is full of endless ridicule.

"The devil asks the heavens, let me play, I will never give up. I have come to my Lingbi Palace in person, and I am in front of you, asking me to join Tiandao League. At that time, she made me a spiritual ancestor, let the world three It has become four in the world. I just refused, so the Lingbi Palace is the head of the Nine Gates. However, I will never participate in any Tiandao League affairs. I will always be neutral, understand?" Wu Lingzi looks at the Yangding Tiandao: "The devil asks the heavens, and there is nothing floating in the sky. They all make me unable to move me. Do you think that you can call me if you are in the sky?"

Then, the innocent sneer said: "After you say that the Temple of Destroy has destroyed the Heavenly Alliance, you can't spare the Lingbi Palace. You know, the demon Prince is fierce, and every year he will come to the Lingbi Palace. ,do you understand?"

"Yes, the war of extinction is related to the survival of the whole chaotic world, but with my spirits palace, my spirits palace is always high. Indifferent and detached bystanders." Wu Ling gently squinted Looking forward to Yangdingtian, faintly scorned: "Yangdingtian. Now you have to let me do the two things for you? Now, do you want me to participate in the so-called Tiandaomeng resolution and use all the veto? ?"

Yangdingtian looked awkward and deeply worshipped.

The disdain of the innocent eyes, the ridicule, watching Yangdingtian seems to be completely ignorant and innocent young children.

Wan Tiantian can not call me, nothing is floating, I can't move, I will go to the Tiandao League meeting, how many pounds is there in your district?

Yangdingtian is really not aware of these secrets.

The Lingbi Palace turned out to be the Heavenly Magic Palace, once belonged to the Demon Road. The innocent does not even listen to the commands of the heavens. The innocent has almost become the king of the new demon road. The emptiness of zeroing actually went to the Lingbi Palace to negotiate in person, only to pull the Lingbi Palace into the Heavenly League, only to consolidate the victory of the last battle of the world.

Now, Yang Dingtian finally knows how detached the status of the Lingbi Palace is absolutely neutral.

Once you participate in the Tiandao League meeting, it means giving up this detached neutral status.

The demon prince Li Ming comes to respectfully every year, perhaps seeking, but only to keep the Lingbi Palace a neutral attitude.

As a result, Yang Dingtian’s request for a non-spirited Tiandaomeng meeting is really naive and naive.


"Predecessors, you can know the innocent sovereign of the Netherland?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"Knowing, I am two years younger than me." Wu Lingzi said: "After the eternal death of the universe, the emptiness of zeroing first negotiated with me, and then went to the Netherland negotiations. However, innocent is more lonely than me, so my spirit The palace has entered the Tiandao League in name, and the Nether Sea continues to be beyond the righteousness."

Yang Dingtian asked: "In addition to the border guardians, is there only three and a half holy powers in the chaotic world, one innocent sovereign, one is a senior, and one is a queen?"

"Almost!" Wu Lingzi said: "Now you should know, if it is not because of the little girl, you have not even qualified for me. So, you should also know how absurd you are to ask me. Alright."

Yang Dingtian at this time, the inner heart is filled with infinite shame, but his face with a slight smile, said: "Looking, senior!"

"Know it." Nothing is faint: "Go there, leave here, and forget about it. It should be alive, it should die. It has nothing to do with my Lingbi Palace."

"Farewell!" Yangding Tiandao.

Then he turned and walked out.

At this point, the coffin did not speak, but also turned and walked out.

"Shantou, where are you going?" asked the Lingzi.

"Go with the brother of the day." Lingbi's big eyes were red, but a lovely smile said: "Too grandfather, I will come back to see you later."

"You are not allowed to go." Wu Lingzi said faintly: "If you go, the transcendental neutrality of my Lingbi Palace will disappear."

"No, grandfather, I must go." Lingbi said: "We have already married Jinlan, and we have already vowed. We are not seeking the same day of the same year, but we are seeking the same day and the same day to die. The Lingbi Palace does not have Position, no attitude, I have a position and an attitude."

"No!" No spirits straightforward.

The coffin smiled slightly: "Too grandfather, or else. You drive me out of the Lingbi Palace, so I will not affect the super-neutral status of the Lingbi Palace."

Xiao Shantou said, laughing, but forcing the tears inside the eyes, not letting down.

She used to say that she let the old man go east, and the old man did not dare to go west. Now I know how naive this sentence is. She also said before that if her ancestors did not agree, she would cry and hang on, and now she clearly knows that it is useless.

"Little girl, are you threatening me?" Wu Lingzi said coldly: "You are not afraid, I directly killed Yangdingtian?"

"Of course, you kill Yangdingtian, just like crushing an ant." Lingbi said: "However, if we swear, we must die on the same day of the same year, then we will die together."

"You are using my love for you to kidnap me?" Wu Lingzi.

"No, I am no longer naive now." Ling Yu said: "The so-called favor, sometimes, may not be true. A person without feelings, there will be no real favor. This kind of favor, It’s the equivalent of a normal cat to a cat, a dog. Usually, the baby is shouting. In fact, if the cat bites one of his clothes, it will be rejected."

The face of the innocent child trembled a little, saying: "Shantou, do you think that you are telling me these heartfelt words, is it right?"

The coffin shook his head gently, without speaking.

The innocent eyes helplessly close their eyes.

The coffin did not say a heavy word, but it was indeed a jealous heart, not only the heart of the innocent, but also her own heart.

She is not entirely intentional, but she really thinks so.

Because today, she saw a real innocent, a soulless person with no emotions.

As she said, a person can ignore the command of the heavens, can ignore the life and death of thousands of people, a thoroughly ruthless person, how can he say that he will have real feelings for a great-grandaughter.

Isn't it true that this kind of pet is really like a cat and a dog.

After closing his eyes, the blind eyebrows trembled slightly.

After a long time, the innocent eyes opened their eyes and said: "Well, Yangdingtian, I can help you one. The one behind will help you resurrect the Eastern Nirvana."

Suddenly, Yangding said in a heartfelt heart: "Thank you for your predecessors!"

"But, I have a condition." Wu Lingzi looked at the Lingbi Road: "Shantou, I help Yangdingtian to resurrect the Eastern Nirvana. From today, you will stay in the Lingbi Palace until your wedding." get on!"

The coffin was shocked and said: "Wedding? Me?"

"Of course it is you." There is no way.

"Who is it? Who is married?" The coffin said with amazement: "How can I never know this?"

"A long and long ago marriage contract has been delayed for nearly two hundred years, and has been delayed for several generations, but it must be fulfilled." Wu Lingzi said: "This thing does not allow you to refuse Room for it."

The coffin was completely stunned and said: "Who is there? And who? I don't know at all."

"You can see him soon." Wu Lingzi said: "I believe that these days, your fiancé is coming to the Lingbi Palace to raise relatives."

Lingbi suddenly exclaimed: "No, no, grandfather. I am in love with my brother, and I have been private for life. What happened between us, I gave him the body."

Ah, Yangdingtian is like a thunder. You little girl, you must kill the dead.

Note: The first 5600 words are sent, and I am followed by the second. Boss, vote for the moon, can't stop! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly ticket, your support, is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please read.)

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