Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 514: : Long live the konjac king! Do your best! miracle!

At this time, it is absolutely confidential to know that the Konjac Army has come to Yunxiao City with no more than ten people.

Just like the Demon Dragon Corps is a landlord, the Konjac Legion is more of an overlord in the air, an absolute hegemon.

At this point, Qin Huaiyu saw the golden eagle flying in the sky, and immediately let Song Chunhua order, dispatched the konjac army.

Song Chunhua did not answer, but jumped directly to the city wall and looked into the air.

"How many golden sculptures are flying?" Song Chunhua asked.

"It's still being observed." The watchtower's soldiers spoke loudly.

How many golden eaglees have you come?

All of a sudden, no one counted clearly, only to see the sky in the distance, dense, everywhere.

About a dozen miles, dozens of miles in the air, all covered by gold carvings.

Song Chunhua flew into the air.

In a higher, larger field of view, count.

In the end, the results were completely shocking.

A total of eight hundred or so golden warriors, less than a thousand. ‘

That's right, there are fewer than the demon wolf. However, it is too scary to cover the sky, and it gives people a feeling of thousands of tens of thousands of people, as if they can completely cover the entire city.

In fact, this is not surprising.

In the movie of the earth, the biggest fighters roar in the air, how many fighters?

Basically, it will not exceed dozens.

If three or four hundred fighters are dispatched at a time, it is completely obscured.

And only one or two hundred and four fighters will be dispatched at one time. Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor is already a huge air move. However, only more than 300 fighters have been dispatched, and they are still divided into two.

However, in the movie screen, the air is dense, all of which are black shadows of fighters. Very shocking.

The size of the World War II fighter is not necessarily much larger than the Golden Eagle.

This golden eagle, each one is more than eight meters long and has a wingspan of more than ten meters.

Therefore, the 800 golden eagle whistling in the air, giving people a sense of impact on the picture, is unparalleled. Directly give people the feeling. There are at least tens of thousands.

But even if there are only eight hundred.

It is already the biggest scene that anyone has seen at the venue.

All the flying horses in Yunxiao City are added together, but only a few hundred.

Moreover, there has never been a flight.


The Golden Eagles fly faster.

Approaching Yunxiao City at almost ten miles per minute.

"Chunhua, if you want to dispatch the Konjac Legion, you must decide immediately." Qin Huaiyu said: "We, there is no power to stop these Golden Eagles, even if there are only eight hundred. If they are allowed to rush into the city, the consequences are fatal. of."

Song Chunhua shook his head and said: "You can't move the konjac army! The enemy has a total of 10,000 gold squadrons. But only 800 people have been dispatched, so there is no doubt that this is not just revenge, but temptation."

Yes, it is temptation.

Although, the city has blocked all news and intelligence. Therefore, the demon road is also uncertain, and whether Yang Dingtian has obtained the konjac army from the side of the city. Therefore, eight hundred gold squadrons were dispatched to conduct temptations.

Eight hundred. It’s a very painful number.

It is absolutely impossible to defeat the konjac army. It will bring huge casualties to Yunxiao City.

But if the konjac army is dispatched. The card was completely exposed. The demon road may be specifically to find out the way to target the konjac army.

You must know that the konjac army is the day of the battle, the last card, and one of the biggest killers.

Once exposed in advance, a decisive battle against the coming day. Very unfavorable.

Qin Huaiyu brows in pain and said: "That, then you can only watch the 800 golden eagle flying into the Yunxiao City, killing and smashing."

"There is no way. The card of the Konjac Legion must not be exposed." Song Chunhua smashed the railroad.

Then, she violently waved the flag, loudly: "All flying in the air, gathering, ready to fight!"

At this time, all the flying horses in Yunxiao City are quickly assembled behind the city wall.

In total, there are only a few hundred, all kinds of flying rides. The knight on the top of the plane, the face is full of a look of death.

They clearly know that this time there is definitely no return.

Because the gap between them and the Golden Eagles is enormous.

Song Chunhua, Qin Huaiyu, Zhu Hongxue and other masters, had to jump on the flying mount again.

Then, three or four hundred Yunxiaocheng's various flying mounts are gathered in the air.

Song Chunhua was dignified and took a deep breath, then shouted: "attack!"

Suddenly, three or four hundred flying mounts rushed to the mighty Golden Eagles.


Above the wall, everyone’s heart is almost sad.

From the picture, the Golden Eagles are more than many times larger than the three or four hundred flying in Yunxiao City.

Because, each of the pure gold carvings is much larger than the mount of Yunxiao City.

Moreover, despite the hard work of Song Chunhua and others, the formation of the flying forces in Yunxiao City still appears to be scattered.

The Golden Eagle Legion is neat and tidy.

At a glance, you can see that the other party is completely one-sided.

Even with the approach of the Golden Eagle Legion, hundreds of flying mounts in Yunxiao City began to tremble and began to fear.

People are afraid, they can rely on courage, rely on glory and blood.

However, if the flying mount is scared, there is no way.

Because these flying mounts are mostly not combat mounts, just transport mounts and flying tools.

Therefore, the Golden Eagle Army is getting more and more sharp and the momentum is getting fiercer.

Every golden eagle is exposed to fierce light and sharp claws.

The three or four hundred flying rides of Yunxiao City began to tremble completely, and then completely stopped, even to escape.

At this time, the morale of Yunxiaocheng City Wall is even lower.

Song Chunhua tried his best and could not control these flying mounts. They had already fled all over, and suddenly they were scattered.

When the Golden Eagles saw their ecstasy and accelerated their dive, they began a complete massacre.

Just at this time!


Behind Yunxiao City. There was a rush of wild beasts.


Then, a whistling sound of tearing the air.

A black shadow, instantly across the sky.

A konjac!

That's right, there is only one.

But this konjac is almost 20 meters long and has a wingspan of 20 meters.

Like black lightning. Hey, growl.

Fiercely rushing toward the Golden Eagle Army!

"Long live……"

Suddenly, on the wall, there was a burst of madness.

Although there is only one konjac, the momentum that rushes out in an instant is amazing.

There is only one, but like a thousand troops, facing the 800-strong konjac army, fiercely stabbed.

and. The konjac is not the scream of the flying ride, but the screaming and screaming like a huge beast.


This konjac, of course, is the one that gave the city to Yangdingtian.

The knight on the konjac is of course Yang Dingtian himself.

This konjac, this is the most majestic konjac king of the city.

The speed of the moment rushed out, so that Yangdingtian was shocked at once.

Every hour, more than a thousand miles!

It is exactly like a lightning bolt. Going in an instant, the speed is twice as large as the Golden Eagle Legion.

In the blink of an eye. This konjac directly passed through the three or four hundred flying horses in Yunxiao City and rushed directly to the eight hundred golden carvings.

The knight, it is not what Don Quixote hits the windmill, but like a tiger rushing into the flock.

The front of the eight hundred golden sculptures flying, seeing such a huge konjac lightning flying, but also suddenly shocked. Instantly set a moment in the air.

Just at this time.

The konjac king who was riding in Yangding Tianqiu rushed into the golden eagle group.

"Oh..." In an instant, two huge wings, violently hard, turned into two extremely powerful blades.


Crossed all the way.

Blood all the way.

Konjac's body. As you get older, you get tougher and more terrible.

The whole body of this konjac king has been hard as iron. The two wings, after a moment of condensation, are completely deadly flying blades of tens of meters.



Suddenly, many of the golden eagle's bodies were cut open.

The golden feathers flew, the blood was arrogant, and they fell.

The konjac king, through the flight inertia of more than a thousand miles per hour, directly penetrated the 800 golden eagle formations.

Instant, kill, kill, dozens of golden sculpture mounts.

"Long live, long live!"

On the wall, suddenly screamed.

Qin Huaiyu and Song Chunhua, shocked instantly.

This konjac is so powerful. A sprint, even killed dozens of golden eagle.

If there are thousands of konjac neatly charged, how terrible it will be, I can’t imagine it.

After penetrating the golden eagle formation, the konjac king screamed fiercely and fiercely. After flying for more than a dozen miles, he hurriedly hovered and began to accelerate, and continued to rush toward the golden eagle formation.

At this time, the Golden Eagle Legion finally woke up, and it was extremely angry.

The golden eagle is also a very proud and fierce monster flying.

Just a moment ago, I was killed. At this time, it is already the anger and war of the sky.

Grandma, you only have one fuck, so arrogant.

We have shredded you alive.

Suddenly, hundreds of golden eagle eagerly changed, from all directions, rushing toward the konjac king.

In an instant, the konjac king is surrounded by the front, back, left and right, surrounded by three-dimensional, no space.


While fiercely screaming, while killing.

Suddenly, a konjac king, and hundreds of golden eagle, murdered together.

For a time, in this airspace of more than a dozen miles, the killing sound was loud and the blood was arrogant.

Countless feathers have fallen.

The konjac king's hard scales like iron have fallen.

Also, the blood of the sky.

The golden eagle is undoubtedly fierce.

Although the konjac king is extremely powerful, in a short period of time, it has already been **** and scarred.

The mouth of the golden eagle, the claws of the golden eagle, and the blade of the samurai on the golden eagle.

Give this 20-meter-long konjac king, causing countless scars.

However, the more violent the konjac war, the more fierce the war.

In the beginning, only the wings were arrogant, and the neck of the golden eagle was directly cut off.

later. Directly tearing with claws.

As long as the golden eagle is clawed, in less than half a second, it will be directly rotted and unloaded.

Killing the ferocious, this golden claws, mouth. Use the wings together.

In an instant, a piece of gorgeous, a piece of blood, a pile of rotten meat.

It completely ignores the bite of the golden eagle, the claw catches one, and the living tears. The mouth bites one, and the whole golden eagle head bites off and bites.

The wings swept through the air, creating a huge fan.


Huge wings like a knife. Become a deadly killer.

All the surrounding golden eagle, all lived and cut, chopped.

Yang Dingtian clearly felt that this konjac king also has a mysterious spirit and possesses the mysterious temperament of the higher martial arts. It is not the higher martial arts of human beings, but the higher martial arts of the large monsters.

It condenses the mysterious spirit on the wings and suddenly becomes unbreakable. Suddenly, there will be countless golden carvings in the living, killing the pieces of the city meat.

Time. Song Chunhua and Qin Huaiyu were completely shocked.

Is this still a flying mount?

This, this is completely a master, a killing machine.

For a time, hundreds of golden eagle owls were also horrified. They have retreated.

The whirlwind of this golden eagle is also amazing.

Living, tens of hundreds of golden eagle, smashed into meat.

Of course, only Yang Dingtian knows. Once the whirlwind is over, the enchantment of this konjac king will be completely exhausted.

Moreover, at this time, the wings of the konjac king have been scarred.

Once the mysteriousness is exhausted, this konjac king basically loses its combat power.

Therefore, it used up its mysterious spirits and cast a stunning whirlwind, killing hundreds of golden eagle directly.

The purpose is to scare off the other party, let the other party fly away, do not dare to approach, all escape.

In fact, it has to be successful.

These golden eagle, each one is extremely fearful, completely regardless of the knight's call, turned and fled.

Hundreds of golden eagle owls were killed by a konjac king. I have to say that this result, Yang Dingtian is completely unthinkable.

Too bad!

He knows the power of the konjac, but he did not expect it to be so powerful.

Absolutely absolute air overlord, there is no rival in the air.

Xuanqi exhausted, the konjac king stopped the whirlwind.

But still prestige, like a king, suspended in the air, flashing huge wings, disdain overlooking these golden eagle, the eyes reveal terrible murderous and king domineering.

Rely on, this konjac king will also play psychological warfare, obviously no ignorance, no escape, but also scary here.

Sure enough, these golden eagle immediately turned around and fled.

Then, Yang Dingtian and others will usher in one of the most unexpected endings. Just one konjac king, he has retired hundreds of golden eagle.



Suddenly, a strange whistle came from the Golden Eagle Legion, releasing strange note energy.

Suddenly, the golden eagle escaping, turned around and gathered around the whistle.

This whistle can directly control the golden eagle, let them completely forget the fear.

Hundreds of golden eagle, condensed again.


Then, fiercely fiercely, rushed to the king of the konjac.

Yangding Tianxin is a cool!

At this time, the konjac king, already exhausted, can not withstand even the killing of ten golden eagle, let alone a few hundred.

Almost instantaneously, hundreds of golden eagle sculptures surrounded the konjac king again.

Then, in the silent command, hundreds of golden eagle eagle, from all sides, madly raided, and suddenly, the konjac king will be completely broken.


Almost instantaneously, hundreds of golden eagle devour the king of the konjac.

At the same time, the sky is suddenly dark.

The sun disappeared, the terrible dark clouds shrouded the air in an instant.

In the screams of horror, the konjac king was swallowed up in an instant.

Everyone has a cold heart.

Waiting for the ending of this konjac king's broken bones.


Suddenly, an incomparably huge lightning flashed out.

It is Yangdingtian, and it is full of mystery.

Suddenly, a dozens of lightning bolts slammed out.


Suddenly, all the golden eagle around him was shocked and fluttered.

Feathers have fallen.

Dozens of golden eagle. A piece of burnt black.

Four or five golden eagle, falling directly from the air, lived and died.

Yangding Tianxin was shocked!

His own magical sky-breaking lightning is fully applied to the extreme.

It can be said that this lightning is enough to kill more than a dozen ordinary Wu Zun class.

And these golden eagle. There is no doubt that Wu Zong’s cultivation is not done.

However, only four or five were killed by electricity.

It can be seen how different the monsters and human beings are. The defensive power and lethality of the Wicked Beast are much stronger than those of the same level of human beings.

Even with the cultivation of Yangdingtian, perhaps only killing dozens of golden eagle, you must completely exhaust all the mystery.

A golden eagle that was scared away by lightning. Condensed again, surrounded by the konjac king again.

Then, rushed to rush and slammed.


Yang Dingtian, and violently cast the magic sky crack.

A huge lightning bolt came out.

This time, only three golden eagle were electrocuted and dropped.

Despite being distracted again, these golden eagle. But condense faster and surround again faster.

at this time. The ambition of Yangdingtian can only release the magical lightning lightning at most twice, and it is weaker than once.

However, the golden eagle has already smashed the illusion of the konjac king, and has completely killed the konjac king and then quickly.

Hundreds of golden eagle, condensed again. The third rush.


At this time, hundreds of flying rides in the surrounding Yunxiao City seemed to have been greatly infected, and they suddenly forgot the fear and did not fear death. Fiercely rushed toward the Golden Eagles.


Song Chunhua, suddenly smashed a mysterious fire, a lightning bolt.

In an instant, seven or eight golden eagle, directly in a blackened, dying.

Qin Huaiyu’s Xuanhuo also directly burned seven golden carvings into coke.

I wish the red snow is a little worse, a black fire, and killed five.

Suddenly, the three masters, desperately exerting Xuanqi, cast Xuanhuo, and murdered the Golden Eagle Army.

Despite the prestige.

However, it made Yang Dingtian and others realize that human beings are vulnerable in front of the beast.

A master-level powerhouse, facing the golden-carved monsters that are not available at the Wuzong level, can only kill dozens of them.

In this crazy release of the mysterious fire, release the lightning.

Countless golden eagle, have fallen.

In the air, there are feather splashes everywhere.

After half an hour!

Eight hundred golden eagle owls, only half of them, were killed four hundred.

Among them, there are two hundred, which are killed by the konjac king alone.

Yang Dingtian, Qin Huaiyu, Zhu Hongxue, Song Chunhua, four people added up, only killed two hundred.

At this time, the crazy killing, not only did not scare away the golden eagle, but let them fierce hair, directly killing the eyes.

After a few people's mysteriousness is exhausted, they are completely passive!

Next, it was a one-sided slaughter.

The fiercely fascinating Golden Eagles carried out a crazy massacre on the flying mounts of Yunxiao City.

In an instant, flying mounts have fallen.

Moreover, all of them died without a whole body, and were directly torn into pieces, blood fluttering, and muddy splashes.

The killing in the air reached the most tragic scene.

In less than three minutes, all the flying mounts in Yunxiao City will be completely slaughtered.

These flying mounts, although they were provoked by the will of the battle, but the combat power and gold carvings are completely different.

After experiencing terrible killings, these flying mounts were frightened and fled.

Next, not only will the konjac be destroyed. Even a few people in Yangdingtian encountered a fatal danger.

Because their mysteriousness is almost completely exhausted. At this time, four people, all on the konjac king.

The konjac king, the mysterious exhaustion, the scars, is already weak.

Next, in the face of the siege of the 400 Golden Eagles, they could not resist or even escape.

I did not expect that this war, not only the konjac king does not protect, Yang Dingtian is also dangerous.

The other party can only send out eight hundred golden eagle.

The big decisive battle has not yet come, hundreds of thousands of troops, millions of troops, Ning army, have not yet come.

At this time, four hundred gold-carved corps suddenly slammed back a few kilometers and began to deploy.

Every golden eagle has blood red eyes.

They are going to make the last kill and the last attack.

In this attack, they not only destroy the konjac king, but also tear all these humans into pieces.


After the completion of the formation, hundreds of golden eagle screams, screaming, and mad at the top of the sun, rushing to the konjac king.

At this time, under the sun, Tian Xuan has been exhausted, the fragile konjac king. Among the two eyes, suddenly the domineering sky, the incomparably proud eyes.

Then, it jerked and slammed hard.

Directly, the four people in the Yangding top will fly directly out.

Then, it was a beast alone, very proud, and incomparably refused to go to hundreds of golden eagle.

Even if it runs out of mysteriousness, even if it is scarred, even if it is dying, it will never retire, not fear, but also fight to the end, fighting to the last drop of blood.

During the time, Yang Dingtian four people saw a scene of great tragic and strong.

The devastating konjac king, alone, went to the four hundred golden eagle and rushed away.

This time, it is the real Don Quixote.

In the top of the sun, the heart was mad and the tears were raining.

He slammed into the air, pulled out the sword, and used up the last final sigh.


Cast the last magical crack!

In an instant, a long lightning bolt slammed down!

This lightning bolt is smaller than the magical sky lightning before Yang Tiantian, and must be fine.

However, it is very long and long, straight through the sky, and directly rushed to the sky.

After the magical cracks were cast.

Yangding Tianxuanqi was completely exhausted and fell directly from the sky.

At this point, the solitary konjac king, and the four hundred gold carvings will be rushed together, it is necessary to completely break the bones.


Suddenly, from the dark clouds of the sky, suddenly slammed an earth-shattering lightning.

It is as thick as a mountain.

Hundreds of miles of lightning.

Knocking down.

The world is changing, the light is shining, like the end of the world!

"Boom!" The terrible lightning, the lightning of the heavens and the earth, suddenly slammed on the Golden Eagles.


In an instant, four hundred golden eagle slammed.

Then, they are all turned into coke, and all of them are burned out.

In an instant, turned into countless ashes, falling down!

At the same time, the konjac king also slammed from the air.

Everyone on the wall, everyone in Yunxiaocheng.

I saw this scene.

Trembling, tears filled.

I dare not look at this scene at all.

In desperation, on the occasion of the destruction of the King of the Capricorn, at the time of the defeat of Yangdingtian.

The magical sky of Yangdingtian, the terrible dark clouds in the sky, triggered a terrifying lightning.

In an instant, all the Golden Eagle Legions were destroyed, all broken and broken into ashes.

This is the Yangdingtian, which ignites the power of the heavens and the earth and wipes out the 400 Golden Eagles.

Under the leadership of Yangdingtian, Yunxiao City reversed again, once again creating an impossible victory and creating a miracle that could not be completed.

After a long silence!

On the city of Yunxiao, there was a tsunami-like scream.

"Long live, long live!"

"Long live the sun, God is long lived in Yangding Tiancheng!"

Yangdingtian was caught by Song Chunhua in the air.

And Qin Huaiyu and Zhu Hongxue, desperately flying, to catch the fallen konjac king.

Yangdingtian looked at the konjac king and shouted in his heart: "King of the konjac, long live!"


at the same time!

Within the northern mountain range of Yunxiao Suddenly there are countless black shadows, like lightning, rushing to the fragile and unprotected back of the city.

In the tallest tower of Yunxiao Castle, he slammed the bell and snorted.



To the north, more than a thousand black lightnings, in the mountains, like a flat, stop!

Note: The second 6600 words were sent, and today it is once again mad, it is equivalent to four.

Brothers, vote for the moon, give support! I want to continue to fight! Give me strength! (To be continued.)

Ps: According to the starting point call, I also got a Sina Weibo, the name is: the author's silent cake, welcome everyone to pay attention!

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