Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 516: : Destroy the bridge, show miracles! Shocking Qiu Ruohan (on) two more

This time, to destroy the suspension bridge, Yangdingtian only took Qin Huaiyu and Zhu Hongxue to go, Song Chunhua stayed here to stay in Yunxiao City.

At this time, Yangdingtian and the enchanting are getting closer and closer.

To be honest, this is almost the first time that Yangdingtian has seen the enchanting in the first half of the year. This woman, since helping Yang Dingtian let Qin Huaiyu yield, almost never appeared in front of Yangdingtian. Not only does Yang Dingtian not be his own man, he does not even regard himself as a member of Yunxiao City.

Of course, the combination of Yangdingtian and her is also very special. Despite the very close relationship and the fact that there are two children in common, the two interests are far more than emotional.

Although this woman is pregnant, in addition to the big belly, the rest of the body is still very beautiful. Even the face that was already fascinating has become more enchanting, and the glamorous light makes people dare not look straight. That kind of charming, that kind of gorgeous, and even has the feeling of a humanoid aphrodisiac.

Fox, no loss is a fox.

If Qin Zhi sees it, it will be very jealous, because one person is even more charming than her.

Even Yang Dingtian felt that Qin Huaiyu and Zhu Hongxue instinctively held their breath when the enchanting was close. It seems that the air that the enchanting breathe is full of feminine and musky.

Seeing Yangding Tianzhu, she glanced at him, and the enchanting giggles, and then did not greet him, flying directly from Yangdingtian.

What apologize, spoiled, you wait. How many thousands of years old foxes will be embarrassed by this? Save it!

The face of others, like her beautiful and enchanting, is not at the bottom.

People can come back before the big battle, enough to give you face.


In this way, two people passed by. Did not say hello, did not speak.

The enchanting flies directly back to Yunxiao City, and Yangdingtian leads Qin Huaiyu and Zhu Hongxue to fly to the west.

The distance of eight hundred miles, one and a half hours, has already flown.

Since Ximen feared to defect. The entire abyss castle is basically abandoned.

Since the passage of the Tiandao League resolution, it was determined that the Western Army Corps attacked Yunxiao City from the west. The defense of the Abyss Castle was once again used.

The army has been stationed for a long time.

Previously, a total of five hundred Dragon Dragons were stationed in the Abyss Castle. Yesterday, after successfully attacking Tianlei City. The cross-sea raid of the Northern World Congress is also planned. Therefore, in the last direction, the border abyss is greatly valued. Therefore, Yang Dingtian sent another 500 magic dragon warriors to the abyss castle.

So at this time. The entire third group of 1,000 dragon warriors, all stationed in the abyss castle.

“How is the situation?” Yangding Tiangang landed in the Abyss Castle. The third group led Yunlong to go forward and see: “How about Yunxiaocheng?”

This morning, the brothers of the Abyss Castle are equally worried.

Despite the interval of 800 miles, everything that happened in Yunxiao City could not be seen here and could not be heard.

but. As the most elite warriors, they still feel instinct. The raid on Tianlei City yesterday will attract revenge from the enemy. But without order, they can't return to Yunxiaocheng. At this time, I saw Yangdingtian land and asked immediately.

"The action of crossing the sea in the world has been completely destroyed." Yangding Tiandao: "The enemy sent two troops to raid, the first wave is two thousand demon wolves. The second wave is eight hundred gold carvings."

"What?" The third regiment commanded Yunlong also violently changed color. As the king of cavalry, even if the east is separated from the grassland by tens of thousands of miles, they also vaguely know that the cavalry overlord on the grassland. Demon Wolf Legion.

The enemy sent two thousand demon wolves, and there were only more than 1,800 demon dragons in Yunxiao.

"Our brother, how much is left?" Yunlong asked with worries and grief.

Of course he was the one who knew the cavalry best and asked the key at once.

"Our dragon dragon cavalry, more tough, more and more brave. The enemy two thousand demon wombs, the whole army was annihilated. The first regiment, the second regiment of the Dragon Dragon Corps, there are almost a thousand remaining." Yangding Tiandao.

The third commander, Yunlong’s body trembled, almost dizzy.

Although he is the third group, the first group, the second group of the dragon dragon knights, are his life and death brothers, and suddenly killed nearly a thousand, for him, it is completely painful. In particular, he did not fight in person, and the pain was more obvious.

"How many casualties did the enemy's eight hundred gold carvings bring to Yunxiao City?" Yunlong then worried.

"Hundreds of flying mounts were almost completely annihilated." Qin Huaiyu replied: "But the enemy's eight hundred gold-carved corps are also dead."

"That, how is that possible?" Yun Long said: "We, we don't have an air force? Is it the ground to crack the city to help?"

As the third commander of the Dragon Dragon Legion, Yunlong still could not know the konjac army to enter Yunxiao City. He only saw the konjac king under the Yangdingtian, only to think of the konjac army aid.

"This konjac king killed two hundred golden eagle beasts. Several of us joined forces and killed two hundred. Yang Zongzhu, releasing the magical sky, triggering thunder and lightning in the sky, there will be four hundred remaining, all 劈Die." Qin Huaiyu said in the shortest way.

However, the third commander Yunlong and several Dragon Warrior Legion, still shocked to look at Yangdingtian.

A konjac king, killing two hundred golden eagle.

The main character of Yangding Tiancheng led the thunder and killed four hundred golden eagle. ,

How spectacular is this, what a fierce scene?

During the time, Yunlong and others looked at Yangdingtian and the konjac king's gaze more heated, worship!

"Well, what's the situation on your side?" Yangding Tiandao.

"Yangcheng Lord, the situation is very bad." Yun Longdao: "In fact, I have sent a messenger to return to Yunxiaocheng to report the situation here, but you will come faster."

"How is it bad?" Yangding Tiandao: "They, did you launch a raid?"

"That didn't!" Yunlong said: "This morning, their progress suddenly accelerated, and hundreds of suspension bridges were all repaired. Moreover, there are already more than 100,000 troops, and another abyssal town on the suspension bridge began to assemble and prepare. Cross the bridge at any time."

"So fast?" Yangdingtian did not dare to set the channel.

"Don't you destroy it? Let them fix the suspension bridge like this?" Zhu Hongxue said: "And more than half a month before. Only two or three hundred suspension bridges were built. Today, half a day, 100 directly repaired them. Will you fly?"

During this time, the construction of the suspension bridge in the northwest Qincheng and Baiyun City has never stopped.

From the beginning to the present, the other side has built at least two or three hundred suspension bridges. However, almost all of them were destroyed by the Demon Dragons of Yunxiao City and fell into the abyssal magma.

The Demon Dragon Corps is as lightning fast, and once it is destroyed, it cannot be stopped.

Hearing the question of Zhu Hongxue, Yunlong was not angry. He quietly explained: "Yangcheng Lord, I wish the Lord. This morning, the enemy suddenly shipped out hundreds of suspension bridges that had been built in advance, after the opposite shore was fixed. Thousands of flying mounts carried hundreds of suspension bridges. They flew to us and fixed at the fastest speed. In less than half an hour, 100 suspension bridges were all repaired."

Suddenly, everyone shouted.

Sure enough, the northwest Qincheng, which is rich in the world, can use such a large arm.

This border abyss can be a few kilometers.

To build a suspension bridge, it must be extremely light. Extremely tough material. The cost of each suspension bridge is astronomical.

This is a half-month in the northwest Qincheng. Two or three hundred suspension bridges were destroyed. This time, I even built a hundred seats at a time, and then used thousands of flying mounts to build them at once.

This arm, even if it has made a fortune, it is absolutely impossible to do it.

"Even if you have made hundreds of one-off works at a time. You can also raid, you can destroy it." Zhu Hongxue said: "I don't believe it, it is the speed of the enemy's construction, or the speed of our destruction."

Yun Longdao: "I wish the Lord, I also wanted to order the destruction. However, the situation does not allow us to dispatch. At least, I have no right to decide to send troops to destroy the suspension bridge, because once the military losses caused, I personally can not afford."

Several people suddenly became silent, and Yangding’s eyes narrowed.

Even the Demon Dragons did not dare to send troops to destroy the suspension bridge. On both sides of the suspension bridge, how many terrible forces should be guarded.

"Go, go see!" Yangding Tiandao.


Several people answered in unison.

Then, three people rode on the flying mount, and Yunlong led all the remaining dragon warriors in the Abyss Castle, all flying towards the abyssal border.


The Abyss Castle is very close to the Abyssal border and will be there in a moment.

Yangdingtian was in the air, and soon saw the situation of the border abyss, and suddenly took a breath.

It is no wonder that the third group of the Dragon Dragons did not dare to send troops to destroy the bridge. It is not that they are not brave enough. But once the troops are sent, the consequences are completely devastating.

Fortunately, Yunlong did not send troops. If he did send troops, it would cause huge losses for the third group of the Dragon. Maybe Yangding would innocently show him the decapitation.

One hundred suspension bridges straddle the abyss on the border. Each suspension bridge is several kilometers long and nearly three meters wide.

Hundreds of suspension bridges, each separated by 30 meters. One hundred suspension bridges are arranged, and there are five or six miles.

Over the suspension bridge, black and black pressure, covering the sky, full of two or three thousand large flying mounts.

That's right, two or three thousand.

Almost a dozen miles of the sky, completely obscured, like a large black cloud.

Of course, most of these mounts are not combat mounts, but transport mounts.

Every three flying mounts are fixed together. Then, a very powerful spar was smashed and placed on the back of the three mounts.

Because the small spar is only powerful in the Shenbing Villa, it is the weapon at the bottom of their pressure box.

However, the cost of this large spar is even more terrible. The price of each large spar is at least tens of millions of gold coins.

The West Gate of Yunxiao City did its best and did not have enough equipment in the castle.

At this time, the northwest Qincheng, even dispatched nearly a thousand.

Each spar is powerful, 20 meters wide, and is added to three flying mounts to form an aerial fortress.

Three thousand flying mounts, one thousand large spar strong, forming a thousand air turrets, hovering to protect the 100 suspension bridges below.

More than that!

On the opposite side of the suspension bridge, the edge of the territory of the northwest Qincheng, driving two thousand spar in full force.

In total, three thousand large spar are powerful and aiming at this side.

These large-scale powerful, although moving is very inconvenient. If you let the dragon run fast, it should be difficult to shoot.

but. If you want to destroy the suspension bridge, if the orientation is narrow, it will become a live target. How much is basically gone, how much is eliminated.

Really changed a dead-hearted commander, maybe a thousand Demon Dragons were completely annihilated.


The enemy's defense is not just that!

at this time. On the other side of the suspension bridge, a dozen top masters, sitting on the flying ride, facing the Yangdingtian side, watching!

That's right, it's a dozen top players!

Yang Dingtian once again saw the old phase of good autumn Ruohan, this Samsung master.

Not only that, Yang Dingtian also saw a six-star master, Baiyun City, the main leaf without a city.

More than that. There are also four masters around them.

The three masters of Baiyun City came out.

On the side of the northwest Qincheng, there is also a master-level powerhouse who is firmly guarded by Qiu Ruohan.

Together, a total of six masters, ten Wu Zun.

Plus three thousand large spar to protect the suspension bridge!

On the side of Yangdingtian, there are a thousand Demon Dragon Legion. They are neatly arranged in a row, five meters from the suspension bridge. As soon as you make a decision, even if you die, you will burst out in an instant.


Yangding Tiandeng took a breath!

I did not expect that Qiu Ruohan actually went back and returned to the northwest Qincheng.

Qin Wanqiu's old tycoon will not fight with Yangdingtian. But Qiu Ruohan and Ye Wucheng are two people. But hate the sun to get into the bones.

I did not expect that they actually went out to protect the suspension bridge!

This is a trouble!

It is impossible to destroy the suspension bridge by the Demon Dragon Corps. Under the devastating blow of three thousand large crystal shovel. The consequences are unimaginable.

Yang Dingtian, Zhu Hongxue, Qin Huaiyu three people, forced to use Xuanhuo to destroy the bridge?

It is also impossible for the other party to have six masters and ten martial arts. Yang Dingtian three people rushed over, basically no way to live. They just destroyed one or two suspension bridges, they must be killed by the other top ten masters.

Yang Dingtian stealth in the past destroyed the bridge? If it is to destroy a suspension bridge, perhaps it can still be done, one hundred, is completely a dream. In less than ten seconds, it will be surrounded by the other side, killing! When they are completely invisible, they can't find it, but once they release the black fire, they are instantly exposed.

There are two ways to destroy the bridge.

One is to dispatch the konjac army, destroy these crystal scorpions, endure the injury and destroy the suspension bridge.

There is also one that is the most secret weapon to be dispatched. Destroy the other party's dozen masters and destroy the suspension bridge.

But these two methods are impossible. These two are the killers of Yangdingtian's surprising victory.

Qin Qiqi and Ning Wuming directly command the southern army, is the most important enemy, the most deadly enemy.

The card was released at this time, and I won a fart at that time.

With just one hundred suspension bridges, it is necessary to let Yangdingtian out of the cards, so there is no need to fight this battle.


Seeing Yangdingtian again, Qiu Ruohan can be described as old and new hate, looking at Yangdingtian full of bitter hatred, and absolute cold.

"Yangding Tiancheng Lord, really don't come innocent." Qiu Ruohan coldly said: "If you have the ambition, let your Demon Dragon Corps be ruined, I will tell you what is a devastating blow."

Yangdingtian does not speak.

"Is there no bones? Then I will go back and watch my 500,000-strong army crossing the bridge and the Southern Army Regiment, waiting for my million-strong army to kill, razing your city to the ground, and killing all the people in the city." Absolutely. Put your wife, your woman, all the **** slaves on the main, let them survive, and die."

Yangdingtian still ignored it.

But Qin Huaiyu, Zhu Hongxue, and a thousand Demon Dragons, almost blew up. Hate has to live and die, directly rushing to the past.

"Everyone, listen to me!" Qiu Ruohan flew into the air, using blue ice and awning, slamming a hundred meters in front of Yangdingtian, and crossed a blue line, screaming: "贱狗阳On the other side of the sky, as long as one person crosses the blue line, all the crystals will be shot and all of them will be shot dead. All the masters, Wu Zun masters will shoot and kill all his running dogs!"

"Yes!" Everyone broke off in unison.

Suddenly, all the spar is powerful, all aimed at the Yangdingtian side!

This dazzling blue line is like a huge shame, deeply deep in the hearts of everyone in Yangdingtian.

They really don't dare to cross the line. Once the line crosses, the enemy's devastating blow. They can't afford it.

"The dog is in the top of the sky, or fight, or roll!"

At this time, behind the autumn Ruohan, countless army, the source is constantly assembled.

and. The dense army has been divided into a hundred squares. Once it has been completely assembled, it is necessary to start crossing the bridge and enter the territory of Yunxiao City.

Once the army was allowed to enter the Yunxiao City, then Yang Dingtian’s strategy of hitting the three will completely fail.

Yangdingtian looked at the hundreds of thousands of troops on the other side, vast and dusty.

Looking at the enemy thousands of flying mounts in the air. Cover the sky.

Looking at the enemy's three thousand spar, it will release the scent of destruction.

Looking at the enemy more than a dozen top masters, six masters, ten Wu Zun, standing on the edge.

There is no chance, there is no possibility of success.

Is it a waste of work? Is it right to sit and watch the failure of killing one?

It can be said. Once the Western Army successfully crossed the bridge into the Yunxiao City territory. The Eastern Legion has no reason to refuse to stand. In any case, the gods and soldiers of the mountain, but also led hundreds of thousands of troops out of the sunset mountains, into the Yunxiao City territory.

At that time, Yunxiao City will once again face the situation of more than one million troops.

Yang Dingtian’s card is far from enough to destroy more than one million troops. Once the million-strong army is besieged. Yangdingtian is no longer able to turn the sky.

His eyes condensed and he looked at the hundred suspension bridges. It is this hundred suspension bridges that may have changed the fate of Yunxiaocheng.

It must be destroyed, but it can't be destroyed. It can't be destroyed.

suddenly. Yangdingtian eyes slammed and looked at the bridge lock of the suspension bridge: "Is this hanging bridge cable, is there a silk weaving?"

“Yes!” Qin Huaiyu said: “Every Tianmo silk is three times thinner than hair, but it can support hundreds of pounds of heavy objects. Each of these bridges is made up of five hundred Tianmo silks. Each suspension bridge has Fifty bridges."

Qin Huaiyu means very clearly that each of these suspension bridges can support the weight of tens of kilograms.

Even if thousands of troops stand on a suspension bridge, there will be no problem.

Yang Dingtian took a deep breath and said: "Retreat, return to the city!"

Qin Huaiyu and Zhu Hongxue glimpsed, and then filled with infinite reluctance.


Then, three people turned and retreated.

More than a thousand dragon warriors turned and retreated!

Incomparable shame, incomparable unwillingness, incomparable anger.

"Ha ha ha ha..." In the air, Qiu Ruohan’s almost distorted laughter came.

"Everyone has a look, this is the so-called unyielding Yangdingtian, so it is so slick and retreat. What kind of cartilage head is, how weak it is. Yangdingtian, you wait, waiting for our million soldiers to be under the city, will You will kill the city, do not leave one person, one grass and one wood, let your women, all suffering from hell, can not survive, can not die!"

Retiring the red snow in the air, I really want to blow up, and then suddenly turned around, I am going to fight with Qiu Ruohan.

It is unbearable!

Yangdingtian blocked the road: "What do you do? Go back."

Zhu Hongxue said: "I can't stand Even if I die, I have to fight."

Yangding Tiandao: "Who made you fight."

"Don't you just retreat in such a blind eye, watching them arrogantly crossing the bridge, watching their hundreds of thousands of troops and embarking on our land?" Zhu Hongxue sighed.

"Of course not." Yang Dingtian smiled and said: "We will go back to Yunxiao City and come over in a while. Wait a minute, I will show you a miracle for you to see. Let me see, how can I ruin this hundred without any effort? Suspension bridge."

Qin Huaiyu wished Red Snow to be shocked and said: "How is it possible?"

The other party’s terrible power defense, Yang Dingtian alone, even if it is necessary to destroy a hundred suspension bridges without any effort, how is it possible?

Note: The second 5600 words are sent, and today's update is 130,000! Please ask for monthly, monthly, and support, support!

In addition to responding to the starting point call, I opened Sina Weibo, the name is: the author's silent pastry, welcome attention! (To be continued.)

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